s. i .. 4 if icas 523 & , at " 2 a $ " . ' All tlte News of ,~-r... ' ,t ~/ , ~, ..... , ~ ",j the Pointes Every An ~,\ - I'.~nt:i.- ..-.... Thursdey Morning Gross~ Pointe ews Complete News Coverage of All the Pointes Home of the NefD' 20. P.. Copy VOL. 39-NO. PlIIIlIllM4 .t S.Me' CI....... "" .t the GROSSE POINTE, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 5, 1978 $1.00 Per Yea, 36 Pages-Three Sections-Section One 40 hit OHI.. .t Datfolt, MkIo ..... Kiwanis Club Elects New Officers Park Views HEADLINES Solicitations Kercheval of the ---------.. WEEK Law Finally District As Complied by The Block G ran t Program Grosse Pointe News Passes in GPW Proves Helpful: Coun- cil Also Explores Thursday, September 28 Over Three Months of Discussion Reaches Climax Other Avenues A COMPROMISE BILL, de- with Council Approval of Measure, Which to Improve signed to phase out price Becomes Effective Next January I; City controls on natura~ gas by 1985, was finally approved Ordinance Goes Through Several By James J. Njaim bv the Senate by a 57-42 Stages of Development Before The Park Council at v~te. The bill, which took 18 months to work out, now Being Okayed its reg u I a I' meeting goes to the House, which By Roger A, Waha Monday, September 25, will combine it with three After over three months of discussion between decided to take under other pieces of the Presi. citizens and officials, the Woods Council at its consideration new pro- dent's energy package, help- regular meeting Monday, Octo~er ~n.ani~ous~y grams to provide plan- ing to assure its passage 2, there. In other news, the Is. approved an ordinance regulatmg sohcltatlOns m ning 'work and construc- raeli parliament voted over. the community, with the measure becoming effec- tion funds for major Un- tive next January 1. - I provements to the Ker- whelmingly to endorse the / Camp David accords and to The new law, which brought cheval Avenue Shopping " P&J F Area under the Commu- remove Jewish settlements many letters, calls and com. , arms from the Sinai peninsula, ments from citizens during nity Development Block its stormy development, fin. Agree on Grant, (CDBG), pro- • • • ally was okayed after several gram. Friday, September 29 sections, which were con. Le Sh The CDBG is operated POPE JOHN PAUL I died sidered too restrictive by lVe OWS with funds received from the of a heart attack while he organization representatives, federal and state govern. was asleep last night, the were revamped. C ments and administered Vat i can announced. The One of the most contro' Tentative Pact Is om. throug h the Wayne Coun ty 263rd Pontiff was 65 and had versial portions of the ordin- promise, Says City Office of Program and De- Members of the Grosse Pointe Kiwanis Club MIKE SHAHEEN, past president, who will now just been elected to the of. ance originally permitted Attorney velopment. fice last month after the elected new officers for 1979 and they include, assume the role of chairman of the fund raising committee, The installation dinner was held on one permit per year for a Hopes to Continue shortest papal conclave in (from left to right), ROGER SCOTT, second consecut'tve 10.day period. By David Kramer City Manager John Craw. modern history. The Pope Tuesday. October 3, at the Lochmo::>r Club. vice-president, WILLIAM ELLIOTT, first vice- This was altered to a permit Months of wrangling ford said that the CDBG, an died at about 12:30 a.m, De. president, GEORGE CATLIN, president, and for up to 90 days with a between The Farms and ongoing program in the city troit time and was found maximum of two permits per ow Il"rs and tenants of sin~e 1975, will g!rect ~99,OOO when his staff came to wake ~ ~~~~~~~ him in the morning, He had the Punch and Judy revitaii?.e the "-'commercial made the usually sedate Treat Lady Development of Hill GP Woods Changes Made Th tl In the approved draft, this eater apparen y came area in Kercheval avenue, If papal audiences into infor. to an end this week as this venture is successful, he mal gatherings during his Business District Is Explores was again changed with the brief reign. For Rare two permit only stipulation the Farms Council ap- continued, similar funds may eliminated, wh'11 e th e 90 days proved a tentative agree- be made available in 1978 • • • Ailment Eyed by Farms Council Code Again duration was kept. ment allowing certain and 1980 to continue the re- Saturday, September 30 Another troublesome as- forms of live entertain- vitalization. pect for organization repre. menL 'fhe city manager said that THE SENATE VOTED yes. Bon Secours' Doctors Questions on Specific Improvements. Modes of Revision of Property terday to make the buying, sentatives in one draft was The agreement, reached John Stevens Associates, The Maintenance Proposal the. charging of a $20 fee at the council's Monday, Oc- Park's architectural and plan- selling and transportation of Believe Womlln Con- Finan.cing, Explo~~d . by~olo.ns; Resolutio_n of. tracted Legionnaire's Parking Situation Mentioned Most Often to Be' Subject of for the first 15 days or less tober 2, meeting, was, in the ning firm, has been named contraband cigarets a federal th to oversee the planning and crime punishable by a $100,' Disease During Visit in, NEW.s~~Survey Joint Meeting of of the permit, plus $5 for end, between the city an d e construction of the commer. 000 fine or five years in jail. each additional 15 days or a tenants alone, leaving out to Indiana Planners, Council The legislation is aimed at part thereof. All fee charges the co-owners, Robert G. Ed. cial strip. stamping out racketeering in By David Kramer Sub-Committees were eliminated in the ap. gar and Dick Crawford, who It will conduct a prelirni- By Susan McDonald proved law. had, reportedly been unwiIl. nary planning study to de. bootlegged cigarets, That Doctors at Bon Secours Farms council members, while generally in activity is estimated to cost By Roger A. Waha Yet another key adjust- ing to sign the original pro- termine recommendations for Hospital are treating a favor of improvements in the On-the-Hill business ';le states nearly $400 mil- A revision of an in- ment, based upon the con. posed agreement that was specific improvements such lion a year in lost tax reve- woman they believe is district, are struggling over questions of what ex. itially proposed property cern of Councilman Robert drawn up in February. as sidewalk lighting, new nue and to have mushroomed suffering from the mys- actly to do there and how to finance it. Mentioned maintenance code, (first E, Novitke, viewed the $500 Mr. Edgar, who is asked landscaping, off-street park- into an illicit business gross. terious, terribly lethal most often in a recent survey by the NEWS was d r aft e d in 1975), by fine and/or 90 days in jail in the agreement to co- ing, new sidewalks, et al. Legionnaire's Disease, a the resolution of the parking situation, with im- upon conviction for violation operate in the enforcement The city manager said he ;rg $1.5 billion for organ. Woods City Administra- h t 'th I lb' lzed crime each year. The spokesman for the hos- proving the attractiveness of the area a close second. Of local laws. He felt, in this of the pact, was unaware of as me WI oca usmess tor Chester E. Petersen d th bill would reach all persons pital said this week. While some members men. instance. that such a fine the council's action a day owners an ey are very who sell, distribute carry, U confirmed by blood tests, tioned quite specific solutions fore he had made it available was reviewed by the was ridiculous when charit. after the meeting. anxious to cooperate via a transport, purchase or reo it will mark the third case to these problems, others to the public through the commission at its Tues- able and civic groups would "I'm delighted if we have community effort to improve media. day, September 26, meet- be directly involved. some sort of agreement we the appearance and use of ceive contraband cigarets. of the pneumonia-like disease spoke only in general terms in the Grosse Pointe area in when addressing them. "It's easy to talk about ing. As a result, the measure and The Farms can agree to," the Kercheval commercial . .. high-rise apartments in glow. Mr. Petersen, who pre. says any person who violates he said, adding he hasn't yet section. the last two years. Sunday, October 1 Between May and August Mayor James Dingeman ing terms, but you have to pared the 1975 draft, sub. any provisions, upon convic-, read the new pact. A Big 'Demonstntion' mitted his revision in accord. tl.on, may be subJ'ect to a The tentative agreement Mr. Crawford said that CARDINALS OF THE R0- 1977, a Pointe physician and said he would like to see the service them, too," he said. I t t ti I h be Standard service s tat ion ance with guidelines shared (Continued on Page 6) I came as a result of a request en a ve approva as en man Catholic Church, so soon a physician's wife were reo moved to the site of the old brought back for the somber ported to have had the dis. Mr. Dingeman said that an by a commission sub-commit- I by Larry Lyman and Chris obtained from the county for ritual and challenging task case.
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