OD rule en After a 71-62 loss to the Monarch , UD hosts UNC-Wilmington in hopes to snap a three-game losing streak. Sports I 86 The news source of Fridays the Blue Hens FREE 250 Perkins Student Center • University of Delaware • Newark, DE 19716 Volume 131, Issue 28 11 'Hw.revJeu:udel.edu Friday, Januaty 28, 2005 UD triumphs Timothys liquor at competition license BY ADAM SILVERSTEIN out music and also incorporated Staff Reporter blindfolds ioto its set. suspended The uni vers ity's . dance, Juni or Lauren Steffens, a cheerl eading and mascot teams dance teQm member, a l o jumped, flipped and danced helped choreograph the routine. their way to winning perform­ She said the energy th at flowed BY CAIT SIMPSON ances in Orlando, Fla., at a between the crowd and the . Sta{l Reporter national competition fro m Ja n. dancers was incredible . Timothy' at White lay 14 to 16. "Jt was the most awe ome, Creek had its liquor license sus­ Dance team members won ridiculous thing," she said. " It's pended earli er this month after first place for their routine in Disney World, so you can't three doc·umented accounts of the hip-hop competition. understand until you experience serving alcohol to minors. Junior A lyssa DiSabatino, it. " Alcohol Beverage ontrol a dance team me mbe'r w ho After practi cing for 30 Co)Timissioner John Cordrey said helped choreograph th e hip-hop hours each week unti l S\.ICh action s were taken after the routine, said th e tea m competed Christmas Eve, the team beat Delaware Division of Alcohol for the first time in this specifi c nine other schools to win the Beverage Control and Tobacco event. hi p-hop championshi p, she Enforcement found three cases of "Hip-hop is totall y di ffer­ sa id . serving alcohol to minors within ent from a ja'zz dance," she "We j ust wanted to dance a n 11 -month period. sa id . "There's· less technique, t the songs that we like when The last circumstance includ­ more free-form danc ing and we go out to party," Steffens ed the Newark Police Alcohol people are just more excited said. "Our own style came out Division and a compliant minor, about hip-hop." of those songs and developed J1e said. ln a two-minute ro utine, from there ." Owner Tim Deber desctibed the team incorporated modern Nicole Zehnder, the dance Cmu1esy of Heidi OWsley the incident as the result of a set- hip-hop songs into their dance. team coach, said the team The university dance team won first place in the national Spirit Team competition Jan. up. "The Alcohol Beverage Ten judges evaluated each received a trophy and will 16 in Orlando, Fla. team 's performance in tech­ receive money toward its pro­ Committee, as well as the Newark Police, sent in an underage girl nique and creative choreogra­ gram. · Zehnder said . chronization, crowd involve­ cheerleading team member, w ho was two weeks shy of21," he phy. "T he crowd'S reaction not The team also placed sev­ ment and ability lo perform sa id he was nervous about the said. "The bartender should have The team danced to Janel onl y from the UD fo ll owing but enth in the jazz competi tion, ski lls like py ramids, tumbling, crowd. carded, he was trained to card, but Jackson ~s " Dance A ll N ight," from everybody was over­ dancing to Annie Lennox's arm motions and general cheer­ "The crowd is very c lose to for some reason he didn't." Beenie Man 's "King of the w helming," she a id. " Peop le "Take Me to the River." leading kills. the front of the mat and it's tel­ Cordrey said Deber pleaded Dance Hall" and Missy El liott's were. clapping and screaming The c heerleacling team also The crowd played a large evised, so you really have to guilty to making the sale. "4 My People." a ll throughout the routine, a was v ictorious after winning part in pumping up the team, he work on not letting the crowd The license was pcnded . During one portion of the loud roar fr m the crowd.'" third place in the competition. said. take you out of your focus," he su Jan. 17 a"ftcr the hearing and fur­ routine, the music sto pped as E PN broadcast the event Joe Mackley, head coach of "We have the be t crowd said. ther transgressions could result in th e team ilenced th e crowd, from Orlando. With its first th e cheerl eading team, said down there, and they were just Riblett said he was happy a total revocation of the li cense, he DiSabatino sa id . At one point place win, th e dance team wi ll teams receive points based on awesome thi s year." said. the team danced in unison with- be on tel'evision in two months, the ro utine's difficulty syn- Sophomore Seth Riblett, a see SPIRIT page A4 Timothy's license wi ll be re. instated Feb. II, he said. Cordrey said the investigation was part of the attempt to cut down on the statewide problem of underage drinking. Thousands rally for Roe v. Wade anniversary I-Ie said Timothy's was not targeted, nor was the Newark area. Deber said despite th.e obsta­ BY RE EE GORMAN march. He said at one point a group of However, not all in the anti-abortion not counter protest because the organiza­ cle, the restaurant has stayed open Sr.aff Repo1ter , women stood on stage holding signs movement agree on this matter. tion thought it would have been unpro­ for business and has seen a very Thousands of people gathered in reading, "T regret having an abortion." Bush has tried to earn support from ductive. positive response from regular Wa hington, D . Monday on th e 32 nd Williams said he has been attending the anti-abortion community, and in Instead, Planned Parenthood organ­ patrons and families . anni versary of Roe v. Wade for th e annu­ the march for nin e years, and this year he 2003 he signed a bill banning partial i7cd its own events, like a screening of However, the restaurant had al March for Life. sa id he saw more young people than birth abortion. Williams said if a seat Vera Drake, a film which depicts to make several changes after the Protesters braved th e c ld at the ever. opened Otl the U.S. Supreme Court, he London while abortion was illegal. to I iccnse suspension, he said. nation 's capital to object the case, whi ch No one has anything to gain finan­ beli eves Bush would nominate an allti ­ honor the anniversary. "We had to lay off a majority made abortion legal in all 50 stat es in (:ia ll y from th e event, he said. abortion candidate. Cohen said the right to an abortion 1973. of the staff for th e three week. sus­ " lt is just the ri ght and moral thing ohen said Roe v. Wade is in danger must continue to be made available. pension period," he said. David Williams, a Newark res ident to do," Williams said. because Bush has shown a definite inter­ Abortions should be a decision Sophomore Kathleen Costello attended the march. He said he took pa1t Suzanne ohen, vice president of est in appointing justices who wi ll vote made by the woman herself, along with heard of the suspension as a result in the e.vent as an effort to show hi s public affairs for Planned Parenthood of against abortion . her physician, her family and her con­ of the temporary layoffs. opposition toward aborti on. Delaware, said the use of contraceptives Bush used Anthony Scalia and cienec, she said, and lawmaker , politi­ President George W. Bush call ed Costello visited Timothy's for should be an is ue both sides of the Clarence Thomas as model justices, she cians and cou1ts should not choose for the first time a couple weeks ago. from Camp David to give his support to debate can agree on. Preventing unwant­ said because they are both against abor.: her. She had just learned of the sus pen­ the marchers, Williams aid. ed pregnancy i the way to prevent abor­ tion. Abortion would till occur even 1f it ion but was not deterred from "I've been working with members ti on, she said. New Castle resident Sue Bullock is formally outlawed, she said, and the meeting a few friends for dessert. of the Congress to pas good, solid leg­ "The common ground should be procedure wmild be performed in a n1ore said a few of her ch ildren attended the ''1 knew they were under islation that protects the vulnerable and promoting the widespread use of birth dangerous manner. event, but she stayed home and looked investigation at the time but the promotes the cu lture of life," President control," Cohen said . for the march on television. "It does not get rid of abortion," she Bush said. Board had not suspended the W illiam said hi s per onal belief is that "I watched the news all day, and there said, "it gets rid of good health care." license yet," she said. Williams sa id he al o saw Senators contraception is okay, except the type was no media coverage," she said. Costello said she was prohib­ and ongre smen participating in the that kills the fertilized egg.
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