..... -· Vol. XII, No. 52 Friday, November 18, 1977 Sadat plans visit to Israel despite Arab opposition [AP]-President AnwiP"Sadat of East peace after four wars. Egypt will make a precedent shat­ First word of Sadat's time table The tering trip to Israel this weekend came from Israeli Prime Minister despite mounting opposition to it Menahem Begin. He said the both at home and in much of the Egyptian would arrive Saturday Arab world. evening after sundown of the Syria, Egypt's military ally in Jewish Sabbath. On Sunday, Sadat three decades of Arab-Israeli wars, is to worship at the AI Aqsa called on all Arab nations to mosque in Arab East Jerusalem, "shoulder their responsibilities in meet privately with Begin and then an independentObserver student newspaper serving notre dame and st.. mary's facing the dangers inherent in an address the Knesset at 4 p.m., 9 Arab leader's trip to Israel.'' a.m. EST. Domestic opposition to Sadat's The announcement in Jerusalem 36-hour visit starting tomorrow was surrounded by these develop­ Students to boycott Nestle's night was dramatized by the resig­ ments: -Sadat concluded a two-day trip to by Mike Kenahan that, unlike the Hunger Coalition, nation in quick succession yester­ significantly to increased infant day of two Egyptian foreign minis­ Damascus where he tried unsuc­ she will be dealing directly with the mortality reates in the Third In an effort to "keep the Notre adminstration, although definite ters. cessfully to win support for the trip World. Opponents in the Arab world from President Hafez Assad. After Dame community aware of the plans have not been made yet. Pascuzzo stated that, "the include Syria, Kuwait, the radical seven hours oftalks, Assad said his issues of justice throughout the The reason for the boycott is babies are really malnourished and regimes in Libya and Iraq, Pales­ failure to dissuade Sadat was world," the World HungerCoalition summed up in a. Hunger Coalition they're not getting the kind of "really painful." is encouraging students to boycott fact sheet entitled "Boycott In tinians living under Israeli occupa­ nourishment they need that they -Soon after the talks ended, Syria Nestle Company products. Brief" that is circulating the cam­ tion in the West Bank of the Jordan would get from breast feeding. River. issued its statement opposing the According to Jill Pascuzzo, sec­ pus. Thecoalition,in the fact sheet, Nestles knows this and they even They fear the visit will shatter trip and calling for Arab solidarity. retary of the World Hunger Coali­ accuses Nestle of using "unethical have statistics on it.'' ''They seem tion, "we're asking students to marketing techniques" in selling Arab solidarity and open the way -Two bombs exploded outside the to be so unfeeling," she added. for a separate treaty between Israel Egyptian Embassy in Damascus. individually boycott buying Nestle an infant baby formula called Pascuzzo mentioned a survey products, including not using the "Lactogen" in Third World coun­ and Egypt. There was no immediate report of that was done in the small African Sadat has pledged not to negoti­ casualties, and the Syrian govern­ Nestea machine in the dining hall tries. country of Sierra Leone as a prime or things like that." The information flyer states that ate a separate peace, and in·. his ment quickly condemned the example of the effects of Lactogen. address Sunday to the Knesset, the bombings. The Notre Dame student govern­ "Lactogen is an acceptable alterna­ She pointed out that statistics ment, according to Valerie Hardy, tive to mothers' milk under 'ideal Israeli parliament, he is expected -President Carter endorsed the showed that out of 717 babies to list the standard Arab demands visit, saying it "has good poten­ Social Justice and Interracial conditions but these conditions hospitalized for malnutrition, in Affairs Commissioner, is also olan­ simply do not exist in the Third for a Palestinian homeland and tial." Carter told reporters in that country, 713 of those babies Washington that Assad's opposi­ ning to 'get involved in the boycott World. It has been proven that Israeli withdrawal from lands occu­ were bottle fed with Nestle form­ tion was predictable. Carter also but at a higher level. Hardy said Nestle's Lactogen has. contributed pied in 1967- demands Israel re­ ula. "Those kinds of figures are jects. noted there was "always a danger" kind of scarv," Pascuzzo noted. If the visit comes about, Sadat Sadat's mission might backfire. According to the magazine Food will be the first Arab leader ever to -A White House spokesman said Police tighten party policy Monitor, "The Nestle company is visit the Jewish State, a break­ Begin telephoned Carter to discuss the largest seller of commercial through that could open a new by Lou Severino there has been little trouble with milk in the Third World." The chapter in the seach for a Middle [continued on page 7]. these problems this year, with the magazine goes on to state that a exception of a few isolated inci­ nationwide boycott of Nestle pro­ South Bend Police Chief Michael dents. ducts originally began in July, with Borkowski warned student of Borkowski also mentioned seve­ targeted products being: Taster's stricter policy regarding off­ ral rape prevention programs spon­ Choice; Nescafe; Nestle's Quik; campus keg parties which charge sored by the South Bend Police Nestle's Crunch; Nestea; and admission for paper cups. Department and urged women to Libby, McNeill and Libby Products. "To charge admission in any take advantage of them. · Pascuzzo stated that the whole form is illegal," said Borowski in a "I would advise women to walk goal of the student's boycott will be recent interview on the WSND with someone if possible, use to pressure Nestle into "a total radio show "Close-up." He called well-lighted streets, and lock their overall halt to the promotion of such parties "deceiving practices" doors when driving," said Borkow­ Lactogen in Third World contries.' and said they need licensed bar­ ski. "If you are driving and think The secretary of the coaltion tenders and permits to become someone is following you, go to a explained that this "halt" would legal. service station or the police depart­ include the discontinuation of all "I would like to caution stude.nts ment and ask for help,'' the chief sales of lactogen and its promotion that they should cease these par­ added. through mass media nad through ties. because if they continue there The final topic which the chief the medical profession in Third will be police activity," warned discussed was crime prevention for World countries. Pascuzzo added Borkowski. "Police activity," off-campus students. He asked that the distribution of free according to Borkowski means that students living off-campus to try samples of Lactogen and the use of police will make arrests if they and and vary their daily routine and sales girls as "nurses" should also the prosecutors office determine avoid leaving their house empty for be discontinued. that there were serious violations of long periods of time. Pascuzzo encouraged students to the law. He added that enforce­ "In the past we have been write letters to the Nestle Company ment of this policy· would be accused of not protecting off­ stating that they refuse to buy difficult. campus students against theft," Nestle products until Nestle stops Borkowski did say that "chip-in" noted Borkowski. He said that the promotion of Lactogen in the Third parties which collect money to help police would continue to do all they World. She also suggested that defray expenses and not for per­ could to solve robbery cases and students write to President Carter sonal profit are legal. also asked the students to be on the and their local congressmen.' The problems of noise and litter lookout for suspicious characters in Pascuzzo said that a list of Nestle in the Corby-Eddy bar district were their neighborhoods. products, the company's address also discussed in the interview. Borkowski concluded, "If the and any other pertinent informa­ a statue blessed by the pope and Borkowski asked for student students and police work together tion is available to all interested designated to carry the message of Fatima throughout the cooperation and noted that most of we can not only solve this problem, students in the Hunger Coalition world, was on display last night in the Sacred Heart Church. the residents of that area are but also the others we are faced office in LaFortune Center. [Photo by Doug Christian]. elderly. He acknowledged that with." ' Friday, November 18, 1977 2 the observer - - On Campus Today __ Daydeaming healthy, says D~bin friday, november 18, 1977 PHILADELPIDA [AP] view. relaxes, the physical well being of Daydreaming is good for 'the health We now recognize that it is the person is almost divorced from 4 pm happy hour, knights of columbus happy hour, k of c sometimes a mistake, that relaxa­ his body and he will relate to what hall, open to the public. and people can slip into any situation that is pleasant for them tion is unique to the individual, that pleases him the best." without using hypnotism or tran­ it means different things to dif­ Dr. Donald Morse, an associate 4:30pm colloquium, "splittings of integral quadratic scendental meditation, says a re­ ferent people. Some people are professor of endontology at Tem­ forms," prof. carl riem, mcmaster univ., spons. by geared to move rapidly. They have ple's Dental School, headed the math dept., rm. 226 ccmb. searcher who studied how to relax. "All work, not one b•eter than to be doing something.
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