The United States Holocaust Memorial Museum ENCYCLOPEDIA OF CAMPS AND GHETTOS, 1933–1945 General Editor Geoffrey P. Megargee 334249_u00_partB.indd4249_u00_partB.indd I 11/30/09/30/09 99:11:29:11:29 PPMM A PROJECT OF THE UNITED STATES HOLOCAUST MEMORIAL MUSEUM Sara J. Bloomfield, Director THE CENTER FOR ADVANCED HOLOCAUST STUDIES Paul A. Shapiro, Director Jürgen Matthäus, Director of Research Peter Black, Senior Historian Robert M. Ehrenreich, Director of University Programs UNDER THE AUSPICES OF THE ACADEMIC COMMITTEE OF THE UNITED STATES HOLOCAUST MEMORIAL COUNCIL Alvin H. Rosenfeld, Chair Doris L. Bergen Peter Hayes John T. Pawlikowski Richard Breitman Susannah Heschel Harry Reicher Christopher R. Browning Sara R. Horowitz Aron Rodrigue David Engel Steven T. Katz George D. Schwab Willard A. Fletcher William S. Levine Nechama Tec Zvi Y. Gitelman Deborah E. Lipstadt James E. Young Alfred Gottschalk Michael R. Marrus All art above from the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, Photos courtesy of Lydia Chagoll. 334249_u00_partB.indd4249_u00_partB.indd IIII 11/30/09/30/09 99:11:29:11:29 PPMM III THE UNITED STATES HOLOCAUST MEMORIAL MUSEUM Encyclopedia of CAMPS AND GHETTOS, 1933–1945 VOLUME I Early Camps, Youth Camps, and Concentration Camps and Subcamps under the SS-Business Administration Main Office (WVHA) Part B Volume Editor Geoffrey P. Megargee Advisory Committee Doris L. Bergen Peter Hayes Christopher R. Browning Michael R. Marrus David Engel Nechama Tec Willard A. Fletcher Published in association with the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum INDIANA UNIVERSITY PRESS • Bloomington and Indianapolis 334249_u00_partB.indd4249_u00_partB.indd IIIIII 11/30/09/30/09 99:11:31:11:31 PPMM This book is a publication of Indiana University Press 601 North Morton Street Bloomington, IN 47404-3797 USA http://iupress.indiana.edu Telephone orders 800-842-6796 Fax orders 812-855-7931 Orders by e-mail [email protected] © 2009 by the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum Published in association with the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum The assertions, arguments, and conclusions contained herein are those of the authors or contributors. They do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum. All rights reserved No part of this book may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher. The Association of American University Presses' Resolution on Permissions constitutes the only exception to this prohibition. The paper used in this publication meets the minimum requirements of American National Standard for Information Sciences--Permanence of Paper for Printed Library Materials, ANSI Z39.48-1984. Manufactured in China Library of Congress Cata loging- in- Publication Data Early camps, youth camps, and concentration camps and sub camps under the SS- Business Administration Main Office (WVHA) / editor, Geoffrey P. Megargee ; foreword by Elie Wiesel. p. cm. — (The United States Holocaust Memorial Museum encyclopedia of camps and ghettos, 1933–1945 ; v. 1) Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN 978- 0- 253- 35328- 3 (cloth : alk. paper) 1. Concen- tration camps—Europe. 2. World War, 1939–1945— Concentration camps—Europe. I. Megargee, Geoffrey P., [date] D805.A2E195 2009 940.53'185—dc22 2008037382 1 2 3 4 5 14 13 12 11 10 09 334249_u00_partB.indd4249_u00_partB.indd IIVV 11/30/09/30/09 99:11:31:11:31 PPMM SUMMARY OF CONTENTS PART A List of Maps xxv FLOSSENBÜRG MAIN CAMP 559 Foreword by Elie Wiesel xxvii FLOSSENBÜRG SUBCAMP SYSTEM 567 Preface xxix Camps: Altenhammer–Zwodau 570 Ac know ledg ments xxxi Editor’s Introduction to the Series and Volume I xxxiii GROSS- ROSEN MAIN CAMP 693 Reader’s Guide to Using the Encyclopedia xxxvii GROSS- ROSEN SUBCAMP SYSTEM 699 Camps: Aslau–Zittau 702 SECTION I: THE EARLY NATIONAL SOCIALIST HERZOGENBUSCH MAIN CAMP CONCENTRATION CAMPS (AKA VUGHT) 813 Camps: Amersfoort–Venlo 820 INTRODUCTION TO THE EARLY CAMPS 3 Camps: Ahrensbök- Holstendorf–Zwickau 17 HINZERT MAIN CAMP 823 Camps: Bad Nauheim–Zeltingen 830 SECTION II: CAMPS AND SUBCAMPS UNDER THE KAUEN MAIN CAMP (AKA KAUNAS, SS-INSPECTORATE OF CONCENTRA- KOVNO, KOWNO, ALSO SLOBODKA) 847 TION CAMPS/BUSINESS Camps: Kauen- Alexoten–Schaulen 853 ADMINISTRATION MAIN OFFICE PART B THE GENESIS AND STRUCTURE OF THE NATIONAL SOCIALIST CONCENTRATION KRAKAU- PLASZOW MAIN CAMP 861 CAMPS 183 Camps: Kabelwerk Krakau–Zabl⁄ocie 868 ARBEITSDORF MAIN CAMP 197 LUBLIN MAIN CAMP (AKA MAJDANEK) 875 AUSCHWITZ I MAIN CAMP 203 Camps: Bliz˙yn–Trawniki 880 AUSCHWITZ II-BIRKENAU MAIN CAMP 209 AUSCHWITZ III-MONOWITZ MAIN CAMP MAUTHAUSEN MAIN CAMP 899 [AKA BUNA] 215 AUSCHWITZ SUBCAMP SYSTEM 221 MAUTHAUSEN SUBCAMP SYSTEM 905 Camps: Amstetten–Wien-Schwechat 908 Camps: Altdorf–Tschechowitz 224 BERGEN- BELSEN MAIN CAMP 277 MITTELBAU MAIN CAMP [AKA DORA] 965 MITTELBAU SUBCAMP SYSTEM 973 Camps: Bomlitz–Unterlüss 282 Camps: Artern–Wickerode 975 BUCHENWALD MAIN CAMP 289 BUCHENWALD SUBCAMP SYSTEM 297 NATZWEILER- STRUTHOF MAIN CAMP [AKA NATZWEILER, Camps: Abteroda–Wolfen 300 STRUTHOF] 1003 NATZWEILER SUBCAMP SYSTEM 1009 DACHAU MAIN CAMP 441 GRUPPE “WÜSTE” COMPLEX 1012 DACHAU SUBCAMP SYSTEM 448 Camps: Audun- le- Tiche–Wesserling 1015 Camps: Augsburg–Zangberg 451 334249_u00_partB.indd4249_u00_partB.indd V 11/30/09/30/09 99:11:31:11:31 PPMM VI SUMMARY OF CONTENTS NEUENGAMME MAIN CAMP 1073 VAIVARA MAIN CAMP 1491 NEUENGAMME SUBCAMP SYSTEM 1079 Camps: Aseri–Vivikonna OT 1496 Camps: Alt-Garge–Wöbbelin 1082 WARSCHAU MAIN CAMP 1511 RAVENSBRÜCK MAIN CAMP 1187 RAVENSBRÜCK SUBCAMP SYSTEM 1192 WEWELSBURG MAIN CAMP (AKA NIEDERHAGEN) 1517 Camps: Ansbach–Zichow 1195 RIGA- KAISERWALD MAIN CAMP SECTION III: YOUTH CAMPS (AKA MEZ˘APARKS) 1229 Camps: Dondangen–Riga 1236 INTRODUCTION TO YOUTH CAMPS 1525 Camps: Litzmannstadt–Uckermark 1527 SACHSENHAUSEN MAIN CAMP 1255 SACHSENHAUSEN SUBCAMP SYSTEM 1263 Camps: Bad Saarow–Wulkow 1265 A Note on the Recently Opened International Tracing Service Documentation 1535 SS- BAUBRIGADEN AND List of Abbreviations 1539 SS- EISENBAHNBAUBRIGADEN 1353 List of Contributors 1573 About the Editor 1579 Camps: Alderney–Wuppertal 1361 Names Index 1581 Places Index 1605 STUTTHOF MAIN CAMP 1419 Organizations and Enterprises Index 1639 STUTTHOF SUBCAMP SYSTEM 1425 Camps: Adlershorst–Zeyersvorderkampen 1427 334249_u00_partB.indd4249_u00_partB.indd VVII 11/30/09/30/09 99:11:32:11:32 PPMM CONTENTS PART A List of Maps xxv Dresden (Mathildenstrasse) 61 Foreword by Elie Wiesel xxvii Düsseldorf (Ulmenstrasse) [aka Ulmer Höh] 62 Preface xxix Erfurt (Petersberg and Feldstrasse) 64 Ac know ledg ments xxxi Esterwegen, IKL 64 Editor’s Introduction to the Series and Volume I xxxiii Esterwegen II [aka Papenburg II] 68 Reader’s Guide to Using the Encyclopedia xxxvii Esterwegen III [aka Papenburg III] 72 Eutin 75 SECTION I: Fuhlsbüttel [aka Hamburg- Fuhlsbüttel] 77 THE EARLY NATIONAL SOCIALIST Glückstadt 79 CONCENTRATION CAMPS Gollnow 81 Gotteszell 83 INTRODUCTION TO THE EARLY CAMPS 3 Gräfenhainichen 84 Ahrensbök- Holstendorf 17 Greater Nürnberg Camps 85 Alt Daber 18 Gumpertshof 87 Altenberg 18 Hainewalde 87 Ankenbuck 19 Hainichen 89 Anrath bei Krefeld 20 Halle (Merseburger und Paracelciusstrasse) 89 Bad Sulza 21 Hamburg (Stadthaus und Bamberg 23 Untersuchungsgefängnis) 89 Bautzen (Kupferhammer) 25 Hammerstein 91 Bayreuth (St. Georgen) 25 Hassenberg 93 Benninghausen 26 Havelberg 94 Bergisch Gladbach [aka Stellawerk] 26 Heinersdorf 94 Bergkamen- Schönhausen 28 Heuberg [aka Stetten am kalten Markt] 95 Berlin (General- Pape- Strasse) 29 Hohnstein 97 Berlin- Charlottenburg (Maikowski- Haus) 31 Kislau 100 Berlin- Köpenick 32 Kleve 102 Berlin- Kreuzberg (Friedrichstrasse Nr. 234) 34 Köln (Bonner Wall) 102 Berlin- Kreuzberg (Hedemannstrasse) 35 Köln (Klingelpütz) 104 Berlin- Plötzensee 37 Köln (Mozartstrasse) [aka Braunes Haus] 107 Berlin- Prenzlauer Berg [aka Wasserturm] 39 Königsbrück bei Dresden 110 Berlin- Spandau 41 Königstein 110 Berlin- Tiergarten (Universum- Kuhlen [aka Rickling, Falkenried, Innere Mission] 112 Landesausstellungspark) 42 Landau [aka Schutzhaftlager in der Bochum 44 Landauer Fortkaserne] 114 Börgermoor [aka Papenburg I] 44 Langlütjen II 116 Börnicke [also Meissnershof] 47 Leipzig 117 Brandenburg an der Havel 50 Leschwitz bei Görlitz [aka Weinhübel] 118 Brauweiler 52 Lichtenburg 120 Breitenau 53 Magdeburg 123 Breslau- Dürrgoy 55 Missler (Walsroder Strasse) Colditz 57 [aka Bremen- Findorf] 124 Columbia- Haus 59 Moringen- Solling (men) 125 334249_u00_partB.indd4249_u00_partB.indd VVIIII 11/30/09/30/09 99:11:32:11:32 PPMM VIII CONTENTS Moringen- Solling (women) 128 SECTION II: München (Ettstrasse) 131 CAMPS AND SUBCAMPS UNDER THE München- Stadelheim 133 SS- INSPECTORATE OF CONCENTRA- Neustadt an der Haardt TION CAMPS/BUSINESS ADMINISTRA- [aka Rheinpfalz] 135 TION MAIN OFFICE Neusustrum [aka Papenburg V] 137 Nohra 140 THE GENESIS AND STRUCTURE OF THE Oberfranken and Unterfranken Camps 142 NATIONAL SOCIALIST CONCENTRATION Ochtumsand 144 CAMPS 183 Oelsnitz im Erzgebirge 146 ARBEITSDORF MAIN CAMP 197 Oldenburg 147 AUSCHWITZ I MAIN CAMP 203 Oranienburg 147 AUSCHWITZ II- BIRKENAU MAIN CAMP 209 Osthofen 150 AUSCHWITZ III- MONOWITZ MAIN CAMP Papenburg [aka Emsland] 152 [AKA BUNA] 215 Pappenheim bei Oschatz 154 AUSCHWITZ SUBCAMP SYSTEM 221 Perleberg 155 Altdorf 224 Plaue bei Flöha 155 Althammer 224 Porz [aka Hochkreuz] 155 Babitz 225 Quednau 156 Bismarckhütte [aka Königshütte]
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