. ,: . A&E _ VOLUME 33 It's in the details: Fraternities and sororities May 1, will be promoting the bene­ fits they offer during Greek 2000 Week after finals. Find out more by looking inside. ISSUE 990 ..... See page 3 . http://\ftfW'W.thecurrentonline.colD UNIVERSIT V OF MISSOUR.I - ST. LOUIS What's ' Inside U t ries to solve SGA summer d-Iemma BY JOE HARRIS Wednesday] and we came up with a to work in the best interests of the stu­ dle this situation, and I have no prob­ SGA to run until the August elections senior editor proposal on how student govemment dents." lem with it." are held, that the University will not can function during the summer," Grace said the student leaders meet­ Rankins said if he is one of the peo­ likely interfere as long as SGAoperates As the semester ends, it is not clear Grace said. "We are going to gather as ing will take place within two or three ple selected by the committee, he wiJl consistently with University policies who will lead the Student Government many student leaders as we can and weeks. He said the meeting is being serve an extended term, but he said and procedures. Association after the current officers' brainstorm a list of students who could held up because of a controversy with­ those working with this situation have Blanton said his role of adviser does te!1)lS expire July L provide leadership for student govern­ . in the Student COUlt and the election to be careful about celtain candidates' not give him absolute authority over Since the SGA canceled its elec­ ment over the SUIlliller to make sure the grievances. Grace said there may be a intentions. how SGA will proceed, and he said tions last month, it has not been decid­ elections are held the first week of the conflict of interest because Rick "I think that there are some students he's not worried about anybody inten­ ed who will lead the SGA, and the five fall telm." Eccher is both a presidential candidate who may try to take advantage of the tionally sabotaging the decision-mak­ presidential candidates appear to be This proposal is different from what and chief justice of the Student Court. situation for their own gain," Rankins mg process. locked in a power sll11ggle. Five candi­ was expected last week-that the cur­ Eccher's opponents have ques­ said. "Fortunately many of our students "I think I would ask them to take On the lookout: "U-S71" dates vied for the presidency, and sev- rent officers would be asked to extend tioned the court's validity even though and administrators are veIY savy and some action, so we're not just leaving may rank in the upper ech­ . eral have filed grievances over how the their terms until the August elections Eccher has excused himself from vot­ they will watch things very closely." it in limbo, but of course adviser means elon of dramatic submarine elections were handled and the election are held. Grace said he hasn't ruled out ing on election-related matters. Blanton, who is also the SGA advis­ exactly that-advice may be taken or films. It's a fast and frantic cancellation itself. that possibility completely. Michael Rankins, SGA vice presi­ er, said this situation has never present­ rejected," Blanton said. "I just don't tale with a good story to On Wednesday, G. Gary Grace, ''We haven't been talking about [the dent, said he is not surprised by Grace ed itself before. think there's been' enough time for boot. vice-chancellor cif Student Affairs, and possibility of extending the current and Blanton's decision. "TIus is all uncharted telTitory, so to them to deal with it yet. I don't antici­ Rick Blanton, director of Student leaders' tetms] , but when the student "I've heard some unconstituted defInitely say how something's going pate there's going to be any conceIted Activities, met to try to clear up the sit­ leaders get into the room, it may go that rumors that this was going to happen to run, I don't know," Blanton said. effort to thwart student govelmnent in uation. way," Grace said, 'There's been no so rill not really surprised," Rankins Blanton said that it.is mostly up to any way by not doing something." .... See Page 6 "I talked with Rick Blanton [on absolute decision yet; we're just trying said. "It's probably the best way to han- the students to decide how they want " . U .. Wire SABC streamlines News allocation process, Chili peppers ·improves appeals hot tOPic for BY MARY LINDSLEY "We felt we allocated conserva­ BaylorproJ senior editor tively," Shaw said. 'There were so many more organizations requesting The Student Activities Budget money than in previous years." BY MICH~LE LAM . Committee has allocated over Shaw said he felt the allocation Tbe laltat $440,000 of student activities fees for process went mOle smoothly this student organizations to use in their year due to several changes that were (U-WIRE) WACO, Texas - Dr. budgets next year. made last fall. Shaw revanlped the Kenneth Busch, professor of chem­ istry and biochemistry at Baylor According to documents released forms u ed to request funds to allow . Universfty, was vatdnng television by tlle Studen"t Activities office. tb organizations to give the committee one night when he saw a program SABC allocated $445,608.18 to the more information about the organiza­ f on chili peppers that sparked his 85 orgmlizations which applied for tion, thus elimi.nating the need to interest. After viewing the pro­ funding. La~t year, the committee hold preliminary hearings. gram, Busch set out to create a allotted $417,276 to 69 organization.~ . Shaw said the committee mem­ device that could measure the Adrena Bell Duval, Tanya Tanner, and Jennie Miller are residents of Seton Hall_ Next year, they will Undergraduate resident students bers were also able to save time by spiciness of chili peppers by mere· currently pay $22.50 per credit hour, using a listserv for some of the dis­ ly shining a beam of light on probably have male company, thanks to a decision to make all UM-St. Louis dorms cooed. up to 12 hours, per semester in stu­ cussion of requests. He said that the them. dent activities fees. Roberta Holst, committee would use its weekly '" was watching some show on an television and the person was administrative associate for Student meetings to review the listserv dis­ talking about chili peppers and Activities, said that the SABC bases cussions, hold fulther discussions how hot they were," Busch said. "I University to make Seton the amount of money available to and to make the final decisions about thought, 'Gee, I wonder if we call allocate on an estimate of 214,000 each organization's allocation. measure that with this instrument credit hours taken by students. Shaw said while orne organiza­ we have,' so that's how we got Holst said the committee estimat­ tions expressed "confusion over the into it." ed that it would have $434,420 avail­ new forms," most of the organiza­ In his research, Busch discov­ Hall, future dorms co-ed able for allocations. Bryan Shaw,'co­ tions he heard from found the revised ered that the hotness of peppers chair of the SABC, said that the process to be an improvement. is caused primarily by the pres· "Most of the feedback has been ence of compounds called capsai· $11,188 above the original estimate BY BENJAMIN ISRAEL cinoids, which are derivatives of .. ........... that the committee allocated will be positive, especially li'om the five vanilla. staff editor covered by a reserve account of members that have been on SA BC in Busch based his research on a unused student organization funds. the past," Shaw said. practice that has been used in Seton HalL the only single sex dor­ Shaw said that one problem the The allocations are still pending agricultural production of wheat" mitory on campus, is going co-ed­ SABC faced was trying to divide the approval from Rick Blanton, director Different companies currently use and not just for the summer. The available funds to a growing number of Student Activities, G. Gary Grace, a system called near infrared University has decided that all donus of organizations. The total amOlmt of vice chancellor of Student Affairs, spectroscopy to measure the should be co-ed in the future, said Lisa funds requested by organizations for and Chancellor Blanche Touhil\. amount of protein in wheat. The Grubbs, director of residential life. next year was $734,694.20. process involves shining a beam of I The other domlitmies, Honors Hall, light into the ~roduct-. Some- and South Campus Dormitory are I beams are absorbed by roo~ecules already cooed, while LeGras, the in the product, while others are reflected. planned donnitory next to Seton Hall and the Marillac Seminary ·building, SGA The light that is reflected is to celebrate end then measured and readouts pro­ will be cooed, Grubbs said. vide information about the "The residents have a pretty strong amount of protein in the wheat. preference for cooed housing," Grubbs of year with Student Busch said he thinks it will be said. possible to create a system that Becky Schulte, a freshman in de­ • wi[1 use near infrared spec­ mentaly education, lives in Seton Hall. troscopy to measure the hotness "I wanted to be in a co-ed dorm," but Appreciation Day of peppers. He described how it room wasn't available, she said.
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