November 10, 2011 TO: Members of the Board of Regents Ex officio Representatives to the Board of Regents FROM: Joan Goldblatt, Secretary of the Board of Regents RE: Schedule of Meetings WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 16, 2011 5:30 p.m. Hill-Crest DINNER FOR REGENTS, AND OTHER GUESTS THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 2011 8:30 to 10:00 a.m. 142 Gerberding Hall FINANCE, AUDIT AND FACILITIES COMMITTEE: Regents Smith (Chair), Brotman, Jewell, Simon 10:15 to 10:55 a.m. 142 Gerberding Hall ACADEMIC AND STUDENT AFFAIRS COMMITTEE: Regents Harrell (Chair), Barer, Cole, Gates, Knowles 11:10 a.m. to 12:25 p.m. 142 Gerberding Hall ACADEMIC AND STUDENT AFFAIRS COMMITTEE: Regents Harrell (Chair), Barer, Cole, Gates, Knowles in Joint Session with FINANCE, AUDIT AND FACILITIES COMMITTEE: Regents Smith (Chair), Brotman, Jewell, Simon 1:00 p.m. Petersen Room REGULAR MEETING OF BOARD OF Allen Library REGENTS To request disability accommodation, contact the Disability Services Office at: 206.543.6450 (voice), 206.543.6452 (TTY), 206.685.7264 (fax), or email at [email protected]. The University of Washington makes every effort to honor disability accommodation requests. Requests can be responded to most effectively if received as far in advance of the event as possible, preferably at least 10 days. 1.1/211-11 11/17/11 UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTON BOARD OF REGENTS Finance, Audit and Facilities Committee Regents Smith (Chair), Brotman, Jewell, Simon November 17, 2011 8:30 to 10:00 a.m. 142 Gerberding Hall 1. Report of Contributions – September, 2011 INFORMATION F–1 Walter G. Dryfoos, Associate Vice President, Advancement Services Connie Kravas, Vice President, University Advancement 2. Grant and Contract Awards Summary – September, 2011 ACTION F–2 Douglas J. Wadden, Interim Provost and Executive Vice President 3. Actions Taken Under Delegated Authority INFORMATION F–3 Richard Chapman, Associate Vice President, Capital Projects Office 4. Appointment of Insurance Broker of Record ACTION F–4 Elizabeth Cherry, Executive Director, Risk Management 5. Investment Performance Report, First Quarter Fiscal Year 2011 INFORMATION F–5 Keith Ferguson, Chief Investment Officer 6. Internal Lending Program Quarterly Report for the Quarter INFORMATION F–6 Ended September 30, 2011 Chris Malins, Senior Associate Treasurer, Treasury Office Doug Breckel, Associate Vice President, Treasury Office 7. Internal Audit – Planned Activities for 2012 INFORMATION F–7 Richard Cordova, Executive Director of Audits, Internal Audit 8. Energy Services Master Agreement – Select Energy Services ACTION F–8 Contractor Richard Chapman Bradford Spencer, Director, Special Projects Group, Capital Projects Office 1.2.1/211-11 11/17/11 AGENDA – Finance, Audit and Facilities Committee Meeting on November 17, 2011 Page 2 9. UW Bothell Student Activity Center – Select Architect and ACTION F–9 Delegate Authority to Award a Design Contract Marilyn Cox, Vice Chancellor for Administration and Planning, UW Bothell Rebecca Barnes, University Architect, Office of Planning and Budgeting Eric C. Smith, Director, Major Capital Projects, Capital Projects Office 10. Burke-Gilman Trail Corridor Vision Study and Grant INFORMATION F–10 Application – Informational Update Josh Kavanagh, Director of Transportation, Facilities Services Bradford Spencer 11. Advancement Return on Investment INFORMATION F–11 Walter G. Dryfoos Connie Kravas 12. UW Medicine/Northwest Hospital – Approve Strategic ACTION F–12 Investment in Electrophysiology/Cardiac Catheterization Lab to Support Northwest Hospital as a Site of Service for UW Medicine Regional Heart Center Johnese Spisso, Chief Health System Officer, UW Medicine and Vice President of Medicine, UW Medicine Health System 13. UW Medicine Board Annual Financial Report INFORMATION F–13 Liz Shirley, Controller/Associate Vice President, UW Medicine Dennis Okamoto, Chair, UW Medicine Board Finance and Audit Committee 14. Other Business 1.2.1/211-11 11/17/11 UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTON BOARD OF REGENTS Academic and Student Affairs Committee Regents Harrell (Chair), Barer, Cole, Gates, Knowles November 17, 2011 10:15 to 10:55 a.m. 142 Gerberding Hall 1. Academic and Administrative Appointments ACTION A–1 Douglas J. Wadden, Interim Provost and Executive Vice President 2. UW Medicine Board Reappointments ACTION A–2 Paul G. Ramsey, CEO, UW Medicine and Dean of the School of Medicine 3. Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation Board ACTION A–3 Reappointments Paul G. Ramsey 4. Teaching and Learning: What we know and what we need INFORMATION A–4 Edward Taylor, Vice Provost and Dean, Undergraduate Academic Affairs; Associate Professor, Leadership and Policy Studies Catharine H. Beyer, Research Scientist, Office of Educational Assessment Beth Kalikoff, Director, Center for Teaching and Learning, UW Seattle; Associate Professor, Interdisciplinary Arts & Sciences, UW Tacoma 5. Other Business 1.4.1/211-11 11/17/11 UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTON BOARD OF REGENTS Academic and Student Affairs Committee Regents Harrell (Chair), Barer, Cole, Gates, Knowles In Joint Session with Finance, Audit and Facilities Committee Regents Smith (Chair), Brotman, Jewell, Simon November 17, 2011 11:10 a.m. to 12:25 p.m. 142 Gerberding Hall 1. Husky Stadium Renovation – Revise the Project Budget and ACTION F–14 Approve Funding Scott Woodward, Director of Athletics, Intercollegiate Athletics Johnese Spisso, Chief Health System Officer, UW Medicine and Vice President of Medicine, UW Medicine Health System Chris Malins, Senior Associate Treasurer, Asset Liability Management, Treasury Office 2. Approve Revised Endowment and Program Naming Policy ACTION F–15 Walter G. Dryfoos, Associate Vice President, Advancement Services 3. Update on Financial Aid and Husky Promise INFORMATION F–16 Paul Jenny, Vice Provost, Planning and Budgeting Kay Lewis, Assistant Vice President for Student Life and Director of Financial Aid and Scholarships, Student Financial Aid 4. State Budget Update INFORMATION F–17 Paul Jenny Margaret Shepherd, Director of State Relations, Office of External Affairs 5. Executive Session (To discuss with legal counsel representing the University litigation, potential litigation or legal risks of a proposed action, when public knowledge of the discussion is likely to result in an adverse legal or financial consequence to the University.) 6. Other Business 1.3.1/211-11 11/17/11 AGENDA BOARD OF REGENTS University of Washington November 17, 2011 1:00 p.m. Petersen Room, Allen Library (Item No.) I. CALL TO ORDER II. ROLL CALL: Assistant Secretary Shelley Tennant III. CONFIRM AGENDA IV. REPORT OF THE CHAIR OF THE BOARD OF REGENTS: Regent Blake Resolution Regarding Schedule of Regular Board Meetings in 2012 (Action) BP–1 V. REPORT OF THE UNIVERSITY PRESIDENT: President Young VI. CONSENT AGENDA Approval of Minutes of Meeting of October 20, 2011 UW Medicine Board Reappointments A–2 Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation Board Reappointments A–3 Grant and Contract Awards Summary – September, 2011 F–2 Appointment of Insurance Broker of Record F–4 Energy Services Master Agreement – Select Energy Services Contractor F–8 UW Bothell Student Activity Center – Select Architect and Delegate Authority F–9 to Award a Design Contract UW Medicine/Northwest Hospital – Approve Strategic Investment in F–12 Electrophysiology/Cardiac Catheterization Lab to Support Northwest Hospital as a Site of Service for UW Medicine Regional Heart Center Husky Stadium Renovation – Revise the Project Budget and Approve Funding F–14 Approve Revised Endowment and Program Naming Policy F–15 ` 1.1.1/211-11 11/17/11 AGENDA – Board of Regents Meeting on November 17, 2011 Page 2 VII. STANDING COMMITTEES A. Academic and Student Affairs Committee: Regent Harrell – Chair Academic and Administrative Appointments (Action) A–1 Teaching and Learning: What we know and what we need (Information only) A–4 Joint Session A. Academic and Student Affairs Committee: Regent Harrell – Chair B. Finance, Audit and Facilities Committee: Regent Smith – Chair Update on Financial Aid and Husky Promise (Information only) F–16 State Budget Update (Information only) F–17 B. Finance, Audit and Facilities Committee: Regent Smith – Chair Report of Contributions – September, 2011 (Information only) F–1 Actions Taken Under Delegated Authority (Information only) F–3 Investment Performance Report, First Quarter Fiscal Year 2011 (Information F–5 only) Internal Lending Program Quarterly Report for the Quarter Ended September F–6 30, 2011 (Information only) Internal Audit – Planned Activities for 2012 (Information only) F–7 Burke-Gilman Trail Corridor Vision Study and Grant Application – F–10 Informational Update (Information only) Advancement Return on Investment (Information only) F–11 UW Medicine Board Annual Financial Report (Information only) F–13 VIII. OTHER BUSINESS Reports to the Board: Student Leaders: ASUW President – Mr. Conor McLean GPSS President – Mr. Aaron Naumann ASUW Tacoma President – Mr. Jonathan Bowers ASUW Bothell President – Mr. Frederic Sawyer Hensen Faculty Senate Chair – Professor Susan Astley Alumni Association President – Ms. Susan Wilson Williams IX. DATE FOR NEXT REGULAR MEETING: Thursday, December 8, 2011 X. ADJOURNMENT 1.1.1/211-11 11/17/11 OFFICIAL MINUTES M I N U T E S BOARD OF REGENTS University of Washington November 17, 2011 The Board of Regents held its regular meeting on Thursday, November 17, 2011, scheduled to begin at 1:00 p.m. in the Petersen Room of the Allen Library. The notice of the meeting was appropriately provided to the public and the media. CALL TO ORDER Regent Blake called
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