Existing Condition

Existing Condition

MARK TWAIN NATIONAL FOREST WATERSHEDS - EXISTING CONDITION Table 1: Mark Twain National Forest Ownership and other Public Land Ownership ..................................................................... 1 Table 2: Annual Precipitation and Minimum and Maximum Elevation........................................................................................... 26 Table 3: Source Water Protection and Drinking Water Wells........................................................................................................... 41 Table 4: Watershed Condition Ratings of Roads and Trails .............................................................................................................. 61 Table 5: Land Use and Land Cover ...................................................................................................................................................... 81 Data Sources .......................................................................................................................................................................................... 106 Table 1: Mark Twain National Forest Ownership and other Public Land Ownership HUC-6 ID Ranger Watershed Name Counties Acres Amount of Public Land Ownership Number District Unit 103001021401 Prairie Fork-Middle River Callaway 33,803 Cedar Creek MTNF - 1,990 Acres, 5.89% 103001021004 Fowler Creek-Cedar Creek Boone and 36,744 Cedar Creek MTNF - 7,249 Acres, 19.73% Callaway 103001021402 Headwaters Hillers Creek Callaway 25,748 Cedar Creek MTNF - 631 Acres, 2.45%; Earthquake Hollow CA 83 Acres, 0.32% 103001021003 Millers Creek-Cedar Creek Boone and 34,370 Cedar Creek MTNF - 1,990 Acres, 5.89% Callaway 102902020205 Anderson Creek-Big Piney Texas 14,485 Houston/ Rolla Total 5,641 Acres, 38.95%: MTNF 5,635 Acres, River 38.90% and Mason Bridge Access 7 Acres, 1 HUC-6 ID Ranger Watershed Name Counties Acres Amount of Public Land Ownership Number District Unit 0.05% 102902020402 Bald Ridge Creek-Big Piney Phelps, 28,593 Houston/ Rolla Total 16,661 Acres, 58.27%: MTNF 16,631 River Pulaski, and Acres, 58.17% and Ryden Cave Conservation Texas Area 30 Acres, 0.10% 102902020204 Big Paddy Creek Texas 19,782 Houston/ Rolla Total 13,403 Acres, 67.75%: MTNF 13.403 Acres, 67.75% 102902020404 Big Piney River Phelps and 32,930 Houston/ Rolla Total 14,913 Acres, 45.29%: MTNF 14,853 Pulaski Acres, 45.10% and Ft. Leonard Wood Towersite 60 Acres, 0.18% 102902020203 Boone Creek-Big Piney Texas 37,635 Houston/ Rolla Total 6,621 Acres, 17.59%: MTNF 6,621 Acres, River 17.59% 102902010306 Core Creek-Osage Fork Laclede 17,088 Houston/ Rolla Total 2,061 Acres, 12.06%: MTNF 2,045 Acres, Gasconade River 11.97% and Drynob Access 15.8 Acres, >1% 102902030103 Corn Creek Phelps 16,496 Houston/ Rolla Total 3,145 Acres, 19.06%: MTNF 3,145 Acres, 19.06% 102902010603 Crumley Branch-Gascondae Pulaski 30,166 Houston/ Rolla Total 237 Acres, 1%: MTNF 215 Acres, 1%, River Schlicht Springs Access 15 Acres, >1%, and Roubidoux Creek Conservation Area 8 Acres, >1% 102902020403 Democrat Ridge-Big Piney Phelps and 27,953 Houston/ Rolla Total 6,001 Acres, 21.47%: MTNF 5,998 Acres, River Pulaski 21.46% and Ross Access 3 Acres, 0.01% 102902010504 Doolittle Creek-Roubidoux Laclede, 24,023 Houston/ Rolla Total 6,010 Acres, 25.02%: MTNF 6,010 Acres, Creek Texas, and 25.02% 2 HUC-6 ID Ranger Watershed Name Counties Acres Amount of Public Land Ownership Number District Unit Wright 102902030202 Duncan Creek-Gasconade Phelps and 22,634 Houston/ Rolla Total 811 Acres, 3.58%: MTNF 802 Acres, River Pulaski 3.54% and Jerome Access 9 Acres, 0.04% 102902010506 Elliot Branch-Roubidoux Laclede and 34,952 Houston/ Rolla Total 8,775 Acres, 25.11%: MTNF 8,775 Acres, Creek Pulaski 25.11% 102902030104 Finn Branch-Little Piney Dent and 19,647 Houston/ Rolla Total 3,465 Acres, 17.64%: MTNF 3,416 Acres, Creek Phelps 17.39% and Clement (R.F.) Memorial Forest and Wildlife Area 49 Acres, 0.25% 102902030106 Gourd Creek-Little Piney Phelps 15,702 Houston/ Rolla Total 2,753 Acres, 17.53%: MTNF 2,753 Acres, Creek 17.53% 102902030102 Headwaters Little Piney Dent, Phelps, 33,300 Houston/ Rolla Total 736 Acres, 2.21%: MTNF 730 Acres, Creek and Texas 2.19% and Lenox Towersite 6 Acres, 0.02% 102902020302 Headwaters Spring Creek Phelps and 27,005 Houston/ Rolla Total 4,238 Acres, 15.69%: MTNF 3,483 Acres, Texas 12.90% and White (George O.) State Forest Nursery 754 Acres, 2.79% 102902030108 Little Beaver Creek-Little Phelps 26,735 Houston/ Rolla Total 6,024 Acres, 22.53%: MTNF 6,023 Acres, Piney Creek 22.53% and Gasconade District Headquarters 1 Acres, 0% 102902010403 Lower Beaver Creek Laclede, 35,218 Houston/ Rolla Total 5,137 Acres, 14.59%: MTNF 5,137 Acres, Texas, and 14.59% Wright 102902030107 Mill Creek Phelps 29,775 Houston/ Rolla Total 18,362 Acres, 61.67%: MTNF 17,935 Acres, 60.23% and Bohigian (George) 3 HUC-6 ID Ranger Watershed Name Counties Acres Amount of Public Land Ownership Number District Unit Conservation Area 427 Acres, 1.43% 102902010407 Mill Creek-Gasconade Laclede and 31,975 Houston/ Rolla Total 11,752 Acres, 36.75%: MTNF 11,733 River Pulaski Acres, 36.70% and Adams (Anna M.) Access 18 Acres, 0.06% 102902010503 Mill Creek-Roubidoux Texas and 25,564 Houston/ Rolla Total 3,143 Acres, 12.29%: MTNF 3,143 Acres, Creek Wright 12.29% 102902020401 Mooney Branch-Big Piney Phelps, 20,422 Houston/ Rolla Total 9,453 Acres, 46.29%: MTNF 9,074 Acres, River Pulaski, and 44.43% and Eck (Peter A.) Conservation Area Texas 379 Acres, 1.86% 102902010406 Norris Creek-Gasconade Laclede 31,363 Houston/ Rolla Total 8,316 Acres, 26.51%: MTNF 8,316 Acres, River 26.51% 102902010408 Prairie Creek-Gasconade Laclede and 31,990 Houston/ Rolla Total 9,308 Acres, 29.10%: MTNF 9,308 Acres, River Pulaski 29.10% 102902030201 Prewett Hollow-Gasconade Phelps and 15,622 Houston/ Rolla Total 481 Acres, 3.08%: MTNF 481 Acres, River Pulaksi 3.08% 102902010505 Rock Creek-Roubidoux Laclede, 34,236 Houston/ Rolla Total 11,094 Acres, 32.40%: MTNF 11,094 Creek Pulaski, and Acres, 32.40% Texas 102902020301 Sherrill Creek Phelps and 13,451 Houston/ Rolla Total 187 Acres, 1.39%: MTNF 187 Acres, Texas 1.39% 102902010507 Smith Branch-Roubidoux Pulaski 28,888 Houston/ Rolla Total 749 Acres, 2.59%: MTNF 573 Acres, Creek 1.98%, Roubidoux Creek Conservation Area 176 Acres, 0.61%, Fort Leonard Wood (Bloodland Lake) less than Acre, and Waynsville 4 HUC-6 ID Ranger Watershed Name Counties Acres Amount of Public Land Ownership Number District Unit (Laughlin/Roubidoux) Parks less than one Acre 102902010602 Snake Creek Gasconade Camden, 38,878 Houston/ Rolla Total 648 Acres, 1.67%: MTNF 647 Acres, River Pulaski, and 1.66%, Hazelgreen Access 2 Acres, 0% and Laclede Mitschele Access 0.2 Acres, 0% 102902020303 Spring Creek Phelps 29,198 Houston/ Rolla Total 13,912 Acres, 47.65%: MTNF 13,912 Acres, 47.65% 102902030203 Tick Creek-Gasconade Phelps and 38,829 Houston/ Rolla Total 478 Acres, 1.23%: MTNF 228 Acres, River Maries 0.59% and Clifty Creek Conservation Area 249 Acres, 0.64% 110100080302 Barren Fork Creek Dent and 32,775 Salem Total 14,416 Acres, 43.99%: MTNF 13,175 Shannon Acres, 40.20% and Sunklands Conservation Area 1,242 Acres, 3.79% 110100070102 Bee Fork Reynolds 23,297 Salem Total 14,907 Acres, 63.99%: MTNF 14,907 Acres, 63.99% 110100080309 Big Creek Dent, 37,536 Salem Total 19,555 Acres, 52.10%: MTNF 19,526 Reynolds, and Acres, 52.02%, Private Inholding 29 Acres, Shannon 0.08%, and Lower Current River District 0.03 Acres, 0% 110100080501 Blair Creek Reynolds and 27,736 Salem Total 2,403 Acres, 8.67%: MTNF 2,038 Acres, Shannon 7.35%, Rocky Creek Conservation Area 204 Acres, 1%, Ozark National Scenic Riverways 160 Acres, >1%, State of Missouri Inholding 2 Acres, >1%, and Lower Current River District >1 Acre, >1% 071401020701 Brazil Creek Crawford and 30,603 Potosi Total 6,423 Acres, 20.99%: MTNF 6,170.85 5 HUC-6 ID Ranger Watershed Name Counties Acres Amount of Public Land Ownership Number District Unit Washington Acres, 20.16%, Onodaga Cave State Park 111 Acres, 0.36%, Pea Ridge Conservation Area 104 Acres, 0.34%, and Onyx Cave Conservation Area 37 Acres, 0.12% 110100070304 Brushy Creek Reynolds 22,402 Potosi and Total 15,482 Acres, 69.11%: MTNF 15,482 Salem Acres, 69.11% 071401020406 Cherry Valley Creek Crawford Potosi 17,599 Total 868 Acres, 4.93%: MTNF 462 Acres, 2.63%, Sizemore Memorial Conservation Area 180 Acres, 1.02%, Anderson Memorial Conservation Area 158 Acres, 1%, and Keysville Towersite 69 Acres, >1% 071401040105 Clear Creek-Big River Washington 32,495 Potosi Total 3,103 Acres, 9.55%: MTNF 2,814 Acres, 8.66%, and Bootleg Access 289 Acres, 0.89% 071401020305 Courtois Creek Crawford and 29,610 Potosi Total 15,785 Acres, 53.31%: MTNF 12,668 Washington Acres, 42.78%, and Huzzah Conservation Area 3,117 Acres, 10.53% 071401020402 Crooked Creek-Huzzah Dent, 16,881 Potosi and Total 8,296 Acres, 49.15%: MTNF 8,165 Acres, Creek Crawford, Salem 48.37%, and Dillard Mill State Historic Site 131 and Iron Acres, 0.78% 071401020301 Cub Creek Iron and 17,799 Potosi Total 11,007 Acres, 61.84%: MTNF 1,007 Acres, Washington 61.84% 071401020407 Dry Creek Crawford 29,255 Potosi and Total 7,722 Acres, 26.4%: MTNF 7,722 Acres, Salem 26.4% 071401040203 Fourche a Renault Washington 24,873 Potosi Total 7,248 Acres, 29.14%: MTNF 7,248 Acres, 29.14% 6 HUC-6 ID Ranger Watershed Name Counties Acres Amount of Public Land Ownership Number District Unit 071401020303 Hazel Creek-Courtois Creek Crawford and 34,508 Potosi Total 23,134 Acres, 67.04%: MTNF 23,134 Washington Acres, 67.04% 071401040101

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