Contents of Joint Core Strategy Pre-Submission Draft Foreword 1. Introduction 2. A Profile of East Hampshire 3. Spatial vision and objectives 4. Spatial strategy CP1 - Spatial Strategy 5. Sustainable Economic Development Employment land CP2 - New employment provision CP3 - Existing employment land Workplace skills Rural enterprise CP4 - Rural economy and enterprise Town centres and retail CP5 - New retail provision CP6 - Town and village facilities and services Tourism CP7 - Tourism 6. Sustainable Communities Housing CP8 - Spatial strategy for housing CP9 - Affordable housing sites to meet local housing need CP10 - Housing tenure, type and mix CP11 - Affordable housing on residential development sites CP12 - Affordable housing for rural communities CP13 - Gypsies, travellers and travelling showpeople Community Facilities CP14 - Protection and provision of social infrastructure Open Space, Sport and Recreation CP15 - Protection of open space, sport and recreation and built facilities CP16 - Provision of open space, sport and recreation and built facilities 7. Natural and Built Environment Protecting important countryside resources CP17 - Development in the countryside CP18 - Landscape CP19 - Biodiversity CP20 - Internationally designated sites CP21 - Gaps between settlements Protecting the wider environment – climate change CP22 - Sustainable construction CP23 - Flood Risk CP24 - Water resources/water quality CP25 - Pollution Green Infrastructure CP26 - Green Infrastructure The Built Environment CP27 - Design CP28 - Historic Environment 8. Transport and Access CP29 - Transport 9. Whitehill Bordon Strategic Allocation CSWB1 - Strategic allocation CSWB2 - Sustainable economic development CSWB3 - The new town centre CSWB4 - Housing CSWB5 - Design CSWB6 - Sustainable construction CSWB7 - Waste CSWB8 - Sustainable water management CSWB9 - Biodiversity CSWB10 - Green infrastructure CSWB11 - New roads and traffic management on the A325 CSWB12 - Pedestrian and cycle routes CSWB13 - Public transport CSWB14 - Travel plans CSWB15 - Local transport network improvements CSWB16 - Travel monitoring CSWB17 - Car parking CSWB18 - Low carbon vehicles 10. Infrastructure, implementation and monitoring CP30 - Infrastructure Glossary Appendices 1. List of Saved Local Plan Policies Replaced by the Core Strategy 2. Infrastructure and Delivery Plan 3. Housing Land Supply Tables 4. Employment Land Supply Tables 5. Monitoring Table 6. Place-Shaping for: Petersfield Liss Alton Liphook Four Marks/Medstead Grayshott Horndean Clanfield Rowlands Castle Maps Map 1 – Key Diagram Map 2 – Nature Conservation Designations Map 3 – Havant Thicket Reservoir Map 4 – Detailed Strategic Allocation Proposal Map Map 5 – Overview of Strategic Allocation Proposal 1. Introduction 1.1 East Hampshire is a desirable place to live and work with its historic market towns, attractive villages and countryside. The District Council and South Downs National Park share the desire to sustain this into the future, whilst realising the area is evolving and that it is essential to balance economic and social needs with the need to protect the environment 1.2 The Council and the South Downs National Park have important roles to play in making sure there are sufficient houses, jobs, shops and businesses, health facilities and recreational opportunities. The Council and National Park can also influence some of the other issues which impact on people’s lives such as crime and disorder, transport, green issues and the availability of key worker housing near hospitals, schools and old people’s homes. In particular the regeneration of MoD and local authority land at Whitehill Bordon will provide the opportunity to create an eco-town. 1.3 The Council and National Park are doing this by jointly preparing the Core Strategy which will be the first part of the new Local Plan which together with a site allocations and development management plan will make up the Local Development Framework (LDF) or overall new Local Plan. The new Local Plan will look at how East Hampshire may change in the future to continue to meet the needs of the local population and over time it will replace the Local Plan (2006). 1.4 The purpose of the Core Strategy is to provide a policy framework that plans for new development to deliver the vision that has been developed alongside the Sustainable Community Strategy1 By 2026, East Hampshire will be a better place where people live, work and build businesses in safe, attractive and prosperous towns and villages. They will have good access to a range of housing, jobs, leisure and community facilities, and enjoy a high quality built, historic and natural environment. They will live and work in a way that respects resources and protects and enhances the District’s natural environment. Your views have been important 1.5 When preparing the new documents, the Council and National Park have taken into account the views of the local community, not only those who live in the area but also those who work and spend time in East Hampshire. The Joint Core Strategy 1.6 The Core Strategy is a long-term document that will shape the overall framework for all the other documents making up the LDF and will guide development in East Hampshire to 2026. Being spatial2, the LDF reflects other strategies and policies of the area and addresses where necessary other issues such as healthcare priorities, education and economic development. 1.7 The Core Strategy takes a broad look at the future of places in East Hampshire and considers where changes should be made. It does not identify where specific development 1 Sustainable Community Strategy 2008-2026 2 Definition of Spatial Planning: Planning which goes beyond traditional land uses to integrate policies for the development and use of land and other policies and programmes which influence the nature of places and how they function. They will include policies which impact on land use (e.g. by influencing the demands on or needs for development) but which are not capable of being delivered solely or mainly through the grant or refusal of planning permission and which may be implemented by other means (Planning Advisory Service). sites should be located, as these will be identified in the next part of the new Local Plan once the Core Strategy has been approved by the Government. 1.8 When starting to identify planning issues for East Hampshire all the requirements at government, regional, county and District level were taken into account. These needed to be followed as they set the scene for the decisions that had to be made. At that time the South Downs National Park had not been established although much of the area was already contained in the Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty. 1.9 Government. National planning guidance is produced by the government and covers a wide range of topics. This guidance can be found on the Communities and Local Government website: www.communities.gov.uk 1.10 South East Plan3. The Government Office for the South East produced the South East Plan, a framework for the region as a whole, including the number of houses and employment areas that need to be built from 2006 to 2026. Its policies are currently applied in East Hampshire, along with those in the LDF. The Government’s intention is to revoke the South East Plan through the Decentralisation and Localism Bill. 1.11 Partnership for Urban South Hampshire (PUSH)4. Part of East Hampshire lies within the South Hampshire sub-region which extends from the New Forest in the west to Havant in the east. PUSH is a partnership of 11 local authorities which have joined to work together to develop a strategy for growth. Parts of the southern parishes of Horndean, Clanfield and Rowlands Castle are included in the sub-region. It is intended that Southampton and Portsmouth will be the main focus for investment and development as these areas provide major employment, retail, leisure, entertainment, higher education and cultural centres for the sub-region. 1.12 South Downs National Park Authority (SDNPA). The South Downs National Park Authority took on its full responsibilities on 1 April 2011. The SDNPA is the organisation responsible for promoting the purposes of the National Park and the interests of the people who live and work within it. Throughout the work on the Core Strategy East Hampshire has worked closely together with officers and members of the new National Park to ensure that these purposes and interests are addressed. 1.13 The East Hampshire Community Partnership5. This is an umbrella body of organisations from the public, private, voluntary and community sectors who work together to plan for the long-term needs of East Hampshire and deliver projects to improve the quality of life in our area. The partnership prepared a new Sustainable Community Strategy 2008 – 2026 which sets out the shared aims and commitments that all local organisations should work towards in the future. The Core Strategy and the Sustainable Community Strategy were prepared through joint and co-ordinated processes and share a joint vision. The Core Strategy will help to deliver the spatial elements of the Sustainable Community Strategy. Earlier consultations 1.14 Leading up to this pre-submission consultation a lot of fact-finding and informal consultation has already taken place. A very important stage was the Issues and Options consultation from February to May 2008. The issues and options for consultation were set out in the following separate papers: Environment Housing Economy 3 The South East Plan - Regional Spatial Strategy for the South East, Government Office for the South East, May 2009 4 PUSH website: http://www.push.gov.uk/ 5 East Hampshire Community Partnership website: http://www.easthampshirecommunitypartnership.org/ Transport Healthy Living Where New Development Should Go The Whitehill/Bordon Opportunity. The Issues and Options stage was followed by the Core Strategy: Preferred Policies document that set out the main issues to be included in the various policy areas. 1.15 Both consultations generated a large response. The comments received were taken into account in preparing this pre-submission document.
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