COACHELLA VALLEY ASSOCIATION OF GOVERNMENTS Regional Arterial Program - Contract Status Report ITEM 6F.3 Report as at June 30, 2013 WORK LEAD CVAG CVAG CVAG COMMITTED PROJECT DESCRIPTION ORDER NO. AGENCY AUTHORIZED EXPENDED FUNDS REMAINING ARTERIAL LINKS Jefferson Street and Varner Road (North of Interstate 10) 30142 INDIO 4,500,000 236,208 4,263,792 Varner Road (fr. Adams to Jefferson) 30145 INDIO 7,209,235 5,265,370 1,943,865 Fred Waring (Adams to Port Maria) 30168 LQ 525,000 525,000 0 Monroe (fr. Ave. 52 to I-10) 30193 INDIO 11,925,025 10,037,371 1,887,654 Madison Street (fr. Avenue 52 to Indio Blvd.) 30194 INDIO 18,677,500 5,181,365 13,496,135 Date Palm Drive Impr. (to and including Vista Chino Drive Intersection) 30209 CC 560,062 0 560,062 SR-111 (Indian Wells) 30410 IW 12,730,337 7,731,007 4,999,330 Portola Avenue (North of Gerald Ford Drive) PD 534,935 0 534,935 F Varner Road (Intersection Impr. at Ramon Rd.) COR 374,153 0 374,153 F Varner Road (fr. Ramon Rd. to Monterey Ave.) COR 1,496,605 0 1,496,605 F Airport Blvd. (fr. Harrison St. to Highway 111) COR 7,898,603 0 7,898,603 F Washington Street / Highway 111 Intersection Improvements LQ 582,483 0 582,483 SR-111 (between Rubidoux St. & 760' west of Madison St.) INDIO 5,550,000 0 5,550,000 Indian Avenue (between 20th Ave. and Dillon Road) DHS 8,547,562 0 8,547,562 Frank Sinatra Dr. Intersection @ Hwy. 111 RM 670,712 0 670,712 F Monterey Ave. Widening (Dinah Shore to Gerald Ford) RM 770,034 0 770,034 F Portola Avenue (Northwest of Fred Waring Drive) PD 800,000 0 800,000 F Sub-Total - Arterial Links 83,352,246 28,976,323 54,375,923 BRIDGES Cathedral Canyon Bridge 30076 CC 1,895,820 109,662 1,786,158 Date Palm Drive Bridge 30077 CC 1,608,925 38,037 1,570,889 Frank Sinatra Bridge over WWR 30088 RM 3,035,822 6,480 3,029,342 Ramon Road Bridge Widening 30218 PS 8,146,500 181,315 7,965,185 Indian Canyon (fr. Garnet to and incl. Railroad Crossing Bridge) 30235 PS 4,642,150 988,344 3,653,806 Avenue 56 Grade Separation 30247 COR 14,884,000 1,397,840 13,486,160 Avenue 66 Grade Separation 30248 COR 500,000 321,413 178,587 Gene Autry (fr. I-10 to Vista Chino incl. WWR & Railroad Bridge) 30350 PS 9,304,938 8,042,823 1,262,115 Vista Chino Drive Bridge 30355 PS 86,025 0 86,025 Indian Canyon Dr. (across White Water River Wash) 30370 PS 2,301,000 2,087,826 213,174 Adams Street Bridge 30450 LQ 2,014,035 1,162,420 851,615 Avenue 52 Grade Separation COACHELLA 6,215,625 0 6,215,625 Sub-Total - Bridges 54,634,840 14,336,158 40,298,682 INTERCHANGES Monterey / I-10 Interchange 30180 PD 5,150,000 2,474,350 2,675,650 Jefferson / I-10 Interchange 30192 COR 11,510,000 6,268,877 5,241,123 Interchange Preparation Fund 30199 VARIOUS 10,449,239 4,508,669 5,940,570 Date Palm / I-10 Interchange incl. Railroad Bridge 30210 VARIOUS 17,181,000 8,938,386 8,242,614 Bob Hope / Ramon / I-10 Interchange 30212 CALTRANS 7,550,000 216,000 7,334,000 Palm Dr. / Gene Autry / I-10 Interchange 30220 COR 25,931,000 11,150,090 14,780,910 Indian / I-10 Interchange 30230 PS 3,142,835 2,393,529 749,306 Dillon Road/I10 Interchange & Dillon Road/SR86S Interchange COACHELLA 149,239 0 149,239 Sub-Total - Interchanges 81,063,313 35,949,901 45,113,412 GRAND TOTAL $219,050,399 $79,262,382 $139,788,017 F - Future reimbursements. COACHELLA VALLEY ASSOCIATION OF GOVERNMENTS Regional Arterial Program - Contract Status Report (Completed Projects) Report as at June 30, 2013 WORK LEAD CVAG CVAG PROJECT DESCRIPTION ORDER NO. AGENCY AUTHORIZED EXPENDED EXCESS FUNDS Completed Projects - Prior years 9,038,848 8,980,333 58,515 Completed Small Projects 721,492 721,492 0 ARTERIAL LINKS Fred Waring (Jefferson to Madison) 30040 INDIO 2,179,991 1,323,981 856,010 Bob Hope (fr. Agua Caliente Casino to Dinah Shore) 30084 RM 3,100,000 2,794,343 305,657 Monterey Avenue (fr. I-10 to Ramon Road) 30092 COR 1,135,000 1,135,000 0 Palm Dr. (fr. I-10 to Two Bunch Palms) 30120 COR 3,542,360 1,200,291 2,342,069 Ave. 48 (fr. Washington to Dune Palms) 30129 LQ 1,273,778 1,273,778 0 Ave. 48 (from Dune Palms to Jefferson) 30130 LQ 594,900 594,900 0 Jackson Street (fr. I-10 to Ave. 42) 30139 INDIO 1,650,000 926,409 723,591 Jefferson (fr. Ave. 54 to Hwy 111) 30140 MULTI 11,746,245 11,257,715 488,530 Jefferson (fr. Hwy 111 to Indio Blvd.) 30140 COR 23,548,232 14,445,552 9,102,680 Fred Waring (Washington to Adams) 30167 LQ 1,345,847 1,345,426 421 Half Cook / Half Frank Sinatra 30175 PD 1,105,181 1,041,781 63,400 SR-111 (fr. Cathedral Canyon to Date Palm) 30400 RCTC 5,740,000 5,480,775 259,225 A Monterey / Country Club Intersection 30425 PD 350,000 350,000 0 Washington (fr. 500' of La Quinta Evac. Channel to Ave. 50) 30191 LQ 1,647,184 (Cancelled - reimb. applied to another project) Ramon Road (fr. Da Vall to Bob Hope) 30214 MULTI 3,125,000 2,981,765 143,235 Indio Boulevard 30307 INDIO 1,553,000 1,553,000 0 Fred Waring (through City of Palm Desert & Indian Wells) 30166 IW 28,683,938 27,578,308 1,105,630 Golf Center Parkway (GCP)(bet. UPRR and Indio Springs Parkway) 30149 INDIO 2,450,000 915,885 1,534,115 Jefferson Street (Intersection Impr. at Varner Rd.) INDIO 2,450,000 (Cancelled - amount moved to GCP project.) Monterey Avenue Corridor (fr. Country Club to Dinah Shore) 30091 RM 2,500,000 2,107,593 392,407 Avenue 50 (fr. Jefferson St. to Jackson St.) 30239 INDIO 550,000 521,010 28,990 Avenue 42 (fr. Golf Ctr. Pkwy. to Clinton St.) 30137 INDIO 5,000,000 3,763,076 1,236,924 Miles (fr. WWR to Clinton) 30305 COR 22,425,000 22,299,654 125,346 Vista Chino Drive (PSR) PS 375,000 (Project cancelled) Cook Street Widening (fr. Fred Waring to Frank Sinatra) 30176 PD 3,000,000 1,810,527 1,189,473 Sub-Total - Arterial Links 131,070,656 106,700,768 19,897,704 BRIDGES Fred Waring Dr. (fr. Madison to Monroe incl. Bridge over WWR) 30010 INDIO 8,600,896 7,681,486 919,410 Monterey Bridge @ WWR 30020 PD 4,391,274 3,919,559 471,715 Ave. 52 (fr. SR-111 to new SR-86, incl. Bridge over WWR) 30030 COA 2,091,274 1,815,240 276,034 Portola Avenue Bridge (at Whitewater Channel) 30177 PD 7,450,000 6,633,506 816,494 Miles Ave. Bridge 30300 COR 100,000 9,937 90,063 Avenue 48 (American Canal Bridge) 30135 INDIO 862,756 862,756 0 Dillon Road Grade Separation 30250 VARIOUS 2,880,854 1,153,582 1,727,272 Sub-Total - Bridges 26,377,054 22,076,066 4,300,988 INTERCHANGES Cook / I-10 Interchange 30170 PD 19,867,740 16,439,670 3,428,070 Monterey / I-10 Interchange 30180 COR 21,676,786 20,113,288 1,563,498 Washington / I-10 Interchange 30190 COR 14,147,790 13,320,582 827,208 PSR - 4 interchanges (indian, Palm Dr., Date Palm, Ramon) 30199 COR 600,000 419,075 180,925 B Palm & Date Palm I-10 Interim Projects 30208 COR 1,162,500 572,791 589,709 Ramon / I-10 Interchange (Bob Hope to Varner) 30212 Caltrans 11,710,000 0 11,710,000 C Ramon / I-10 Interim Loo p Ramp / Signal Project 30217 COR 100,000 100,000 0 Avenue 50 / I-10 (McNaughton) Interchange 30245 COACHELLA 1,250,000 (Project cancelled) Sub-Total - Interchanges 70,514,816 50,965,406 18,299,410 MID-VALLEY PARKWAY Mesquite (fr. GAT to Dinah Shore incl. Dinah Shore Bridge) 30060/70 PS/CC 15,246,583 14,520,220 726,363 Dinah Shore (fr. Date Palm to Plumley) 30079 CC 780,928 780,928 0 Dinah Shore (fr. Plumley to Bob Hope) 30080/82/83 MULTI 4,642,875 2,953,163 1,689,712 Bob Hope (fr. Frank Sinatra to Dinah Shore) 30090 RM 1,969,000 1,141,365 827,635 Airport Extension Stage II 30100 PS 2,641,600 2,635,916 5,684 Sub-Total - Mid-Valley Parkway 25,280,986 22,031,592 3,249,394 OTHER Feasibility Study (for Gene Autry/Vista Chino/Indian) 30050 PS 90,000 89,989 11 Sub-Total - Other 90,000 89,989 11 GRAND TOTAL $263,093,852 $211,565,646 $45,806,022 A - Advanced monies B - Local contributions of $200,000 by jurisdictions C- Funded by STIP.
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