Taylor University Pillars at Taylor University TUFW Alumni Publications Publications for TUFW and Predecessors Winter 1983 Pulse/Lifelines Fort Wayne Bible College Follow this and additional works at: https://pillars.taylor.edu/tufw-alumni-publications Part of the Higher Education Commons Recommended Citation Fort Wayne Bible College, "Pulse/Lifelines" (1983). TUFW Alumni Publications. 81. https://pillars.taylor.edu/tufw-alumni-publications/81 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Publications for TUFW and Predecessors at Pillars at Taylor University. It has been accepted for inclusion in TUFW Alumni Publications by an authorized administrator of Pillars at Taylor University. For more information, please contact [email protected]. FALL/WINTER FORT WAYNE BIBLE COLLEGE 1983-84 About the Cover On his feet and on his way back to health, Dr. Harvey Bostrom and Naomi know firsthand the Lord's healing power. Dr. Bostrom writes of the experience in "President's Perspective" on page 4. [ The Year Verse: 1983-1984 ". let us throw off everything that hinders, and the sin that so easily entangles, and let us run with perserverance the race marked out for us. Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith. .."(Hebrews 12:1-2, NIV) Fort Wayne Bible College Missions Statement Fort Wayne Bibie College exists tor the purpose of helping its students acquire a functional knowledge of the Bible as a Contents Fall/Winter 1983-84 basis for personal growth in understanding of and relationship to God, self, other persons and the external world, and also the message to be communicated through witness and ministry. It endeavors to help its students acquire a foundational knowledge of the humanities and the natural and social Reflections. .In Memory of Christian Adolf Gerber sciences as the basis for a continuing His son and fore colleagues remember "Pop" Gerber during encounter with the world and also the his more than 40 years with the FWBC family 2 development of a Chnstian world view. It endeavors to heip its students acquire basic skills and tools for vocational and lay The B-I-B-L-E, Another Look ministries in the fulfilling of the world Dave Biberstein, Chairman of the Department of Pastoral mission of the church. Ministries offers a pastoral reflection on The Word 3 Eli Steiner - A Home Missionary - A Family Tradition Our featured alumnus calls himself a "home missionary" 5 Donor Clubs, Business and Industry, Churches, Giving Listed FALL/WINTER FORT WAYNE BIBLE COLLEGE 1983-84 Ambassador Corps, Harvester Club donors listed, along with Dr. Harvey R. Bostrom, President businesses, foundations, and churches 15 Dr. Richard P. Dugan, Academic Dean Keith Vincent, VP, Development and Public Relations Don Postel, Dir., Business Affairs T. Curtis Richards, Director of Enrollment Robert Jones, Director, Public Relations Howard Dunlap, Director, Church/Alumni Sherri Davis, News Bureau President's Perspective 4 Published three times a year by Fort Wayne Bible College From the Director 7 1025 West Rudisill Blvd. Fort Wayne, Indiana 46807-2197 Class Notes 14 Postmaster: Send address change to: Fort Wayne Bible College 1025 West Rudisill Blvd. Fort Wayne, Indiana 46807-2197 . REFLECTIONS. In Memory of Christian Adolf Gerber "1 remember Mr. Gerber for his Christian Adolf Gerber: tender- soft-spoken, patient way of handling hearted. caring. generous. his students. I never had the privilege patient. a listener. accessible. of singing under his direction, but melodious. a good sport. counse- know of students who did and they lor. "Pop". loved. missed. appreciated his kindly ways. He in the presence of his Savior. seemed to have a real knack tor tak- C.A. ministered, served and ing people who could not sing or read instructed tor over 4U years at Fort musical notes and be able to develop Wayne Bible College. The Fort within them the ability to appreciate Wayne Bible College Family would music and even to sing melody and like to remember "Pop" Gerber and parts. The fruit of the Spirit was cer- what better way than with reflections tainly evident in his life. He was from his fellow workers and loved exactly the kind of music teacher ones. needed at B.C. to help future pastors "I began teaching with "Pop" and leaders of small churches to be Gerber in 1939. In my first, learning, -C. Adolf Gerber- able to head up musical programs. He stumbling years of teaching he was a 1882-1983 certainly lived Christ berore his stu- real friend and inspiration. His hours dents and colleagues." knew no end as far as the students "Many nights we children would --Dr. Wes Gerig were concerned. Most evenings he wake up and find a light on downstairs FWBC Bible Professor taught until 9 o'clock and then would where he would be "on his knees." He take the street car downtown to the would be pouring out his heart to God YMCA where he would swim and on our behalf and that of others. krelax. Many days he would quote me He never walked. You always saw his "verse for the day," he had him running. He looked forward to the claimed before he left home. day's activities and was always great- I visited him at Lutheran Hospital a ful for everything. few weeks before he died. almost Many an evening he would bring a 100 years old. His first question was group home for "cocoa" and maybe "are you still at the Bible College?" some of mother's "cherry pie," for "We will go with hearts united, You can understand the satisfaction which she was known! Our home was Telling of a Savior's love, that is mine in knowing that it has always open to everyone. Tell it, giving God the glory, been my privilege to carry on in some The grandchildren and great- Till we meet in heav'n above. small degree the work begun many grandchildren all loved "Grandpa "We will tell it, we will tell it, years ago by this giant of the faith. Gerber" and had many years of Tell of Christ's redeeming love. They set the standards!" enjoyment with him. His room was Till our walk of life is ended, —Dr. Ira Gerig often the first place they would dart Till we see Him face to face." FWBC Music Professor upon arriving. Never once did he (Fourth verse & chorus of "We Will complain that their arrival made him Tell It") nervous. --Christian Adolf Gerber Behind al! of Daddy's activities was Memorial Gifts — Memorial To: our mother faithfully supporting him. Adolf Gerber She shared his "gift of hospitality" and Mr. & Mrs Charles B. Hurst Mr & Mrs Harlan Eicher Mr. & Mrs. Aiastair Martin Mr. & Mrs. Paul G. Jones always made others feel welcome." Mr. & Mrs. Roy Eby Mr. & Mrs. John D. Walker --Dr. Vergil Gerber Mr. & Mrs. Ercil G Skaglin Mr & Mrs Gerald Robbins Son Mr & Mrs. Richard A. Carlson Mr. & Mrs Earl F. Schumacher Mr. & Mrs. Fred Wolf Helen Zabawa "Introduction to Music was a joy Mr. & Mrs. Richard Walter Mr. & Mrs. Henry Walter Mr & Mrs. Loren Sprunger Or. & Mrs. Jared Gerig rather than a burden with Professor Mr. & Mrs. Wesley Gerig Mr & Mrs Arthur Riewold Gerber. His unique technique with Mr. & Mrs. William Gerig Mr. & Mrs. Gordon Baumgartner Mr. & Mrs. Everett C. MorelockMr. & Mrs Henry L. Frank students made us want to come to Gladys & Norma Gardner Mr & Mrs. Marion B. Anderson class and participate. His energetic Mr. & Mrs. Enlo Gaff Mr & Mrs Royle L. Sprunger Elda & Prudence Gerber Mr. & Mrs. Ross Fountain personality was contagious!" Mr & Mrs. Eugene Gerber Gladys Schumaker -Evelyne Schmidt Rev. & Mrs. Cyril Eicher Mr & Mrs. Larry Eicher FWBC Head Mr & Mrs. Ira Gene Steiner Mr & Mrs. Harry Von Gunten Miss Adelle Isaac Mr. & Mrs. Gary R. Schlabach Bookkeeper Mrs. Joyce Burling 2 The B-I-B-L-E: Another Look teach those studying for the pasto- rate, I have tried to impress upon the Tradition Vs. The Word students the need for proclaiming only In Mathew 15:6 Jesus challenged the Bible. the Pharisees for engaging in such a Evangelicals & Traditions practice. "Thus you nullify the Word As Evangelicals we have frequently of God for the sake of your tradition." expressed our abhorrence with To the enemies of our Lord tradition Catholic traditions such as purgatory, had become more important than the celibacy, and Mariology. Still, the "The BIBLE, yes that's the Book God-breathed Word itself. The scep- truth is that any preoccupation with for me! ture of authority was passed into tradition inevitably leads to a devalua- I stand alone on the Word of God, human hands which "watered down" tion of God's Word. Even the most the B-I-B-L-E!" the Word of God with their own Evangelical traditions are damaging in Such a familiar chorus suggests the additions. the Church when they are equated supremacy of the Bible, but a practical In every local church I have been with the Scripture. examination of Christian practice privileged to pastor, there have been In this "Year of the Bible" I would reveals the opposite. Thus, the Bible prevailing traditions that I necessarily hope that we would all affirm the frequently comes in "second place" to considered. Also, there were often "Sola Scriptura" teaching of Martin various human substitutes like educa- well-meaning Christians who desired Luther. God's authoritative Word is tion experience, and especially that I preach them from the pulpit. all we need to stand upon. It alone is tradition. Naturally they were disappointed and sharper than any two-edged sword. It From a pastoral perspective I am sometimes irritated when I refused.
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