The Newsletter of America’s Oldest Ballpark Volume 1, Issue 1 December 6, 2019 R ICKWOOD T ALES Rickwood Calendar R EMEMBERING ART CLARKSON 1/12/6/19 to 3/11/20: • Dec. 14: Crimson Tide The Friends of Rickwood ons” nickname, which the Memorabilia Auction, mourn the loss of Art Clark- club had used from 1901 to Rickwood Field, 9:00-11:00 son, who died in Birmingham 1965. He also refurbished the a.m. https:// on October 7, 2019 at the ballpark, and added a new rickwood.com/events/ age of 78. Clarkson spent his scoreboard to replace the old professional life as a tireless the-alabama-football- one, which had been removed promoter, owner, and general years earlier. memorabilia-auction/ manager of sports franchises throughout the United States. • Jan. 25: National SABR Clarkson’s Barons captured Day lunch, Jim ‘N Nicks in Southern league crowns in Homewood, 12:00 p.m. When the A’s left Birmingham 1983 and 1987 at Rickwood following the 1975 campaign, Field, which were the final • Jan. 31: ABF Lead-off baseball fans and Rickwood titles won at America’s oldest Dinner with Andruw Field suffered five long sum- ballpark. At a Rickwood Field Jones, The Club, 6:30 p.m. mers without a professional SABR chapter meeting in Art Clarkson enjoying the franchise. Clarkson was work- 2016, Clarkson entertained 2018 Rickwood Classic • Feb. 1-2, 8-9 & 15-16; ing as a general manager for attendees with stories about March 7 & 11: Miles Col- another minor league club those years, including the when he traveled to Birming- time when Rickwood’s sprin- lege baseball games at ham to evaluate the possibil- klers mysteriously caused a Clarkson was instrumental in Rickwood (Day games – ity of bringing professional “rainout” giving the Barons’ getting the Hoover Metropoli- see website for times) baseball back to the Magic worn-out pitching staff a re- tan Stadium constructed. He City. He found Rickwood’s prieve during the ‘83 playoffs. moved the team to the sub- • March 7: The 17th Annual gate locked, but scaled a urbs in 1988. Over 30 years Southern Association Con- fence to get in. Standing at later, on October 22, 2019, ference, Rickwood, 9:00 home plate, the rich history of Although he loved Rickwood, his celebration of life was a.m. the ballpark left him in awe; he realized the many chal- held at the Met, appropriately lenges in the day-to-day oper- and he made his decision. during the first game of the ations made a move inevita- World Series. ble. On August 30, 1987, the SAVE THE DATE! Clarkson’s ownership group Barons played their final regu- At the Met, the Barons won a acquired the Montgomery lar season game as tenants of Southern League title in Rebels and moved the team Rickwood Field. Thanks to Art The 2020 Rickwood 1989. to Birmingham for the 1981 Clarkson, every fan at the Classic has been season. One of his first deci- park received a certificate of scheduled for: sions was to restore “the Bar- attendance. [Continued on page 2] Monday, June 8, 2020. First pitch is at J ERRY M ALLOY N EGRO L EAGUE C ONFERENCE 12:30 pm. We’ll see R ETURNING TO B IRMINGHAM , J UNE 11- 1 4 , 2 0 2 0 you at the ballpark! The Society for American loy Conference has been the cides with the 100th anniver- Baseball Research and the only symposium dedicated sary of the founding of the Rickwood Field SABR Chapter exclusively to the examination Negro National and Negro are pleased to announce that and promotion of black base- Southern Leagues. Research- the prestigious Jerry Malloy ball history. The conference is ers and authors from across Negro League Conference will open to baseball and history the country will be visiting be held June 11-14, 2020 in fans of all ages.” Birmingham Birmingham to attend the Birmingham. According to last hosted the conference in event. Our March newsletter SABR, “since 1998, the Mal- 2010. This year’s edition coin- will have more details. Page 2 Volume 1, Issue 1 ART CLARKSON TRIBUTE Clarkson stayed active in Bir- 100th birthday. Although a [Continued from page 1] mingham sports, as he relo- rainstorm soaked the field, cated an East Coast Hockey which scuttled a scheduled Clarkson’s three championships League team from Cincinnati exhibition game, this did not are the second most for an owner to Birmingham in 1992 and dampen the spirits of those in in Barons’ history behind only A.H. successfully ran the team as attendance. One of the speak- “Rick” Woodward’s five titles from the Bulls until 1997. He then ers that day was Art Clarkson, 1910-37. left Birmingham and owned who told stories and shared several arena/indoor football his memories of the park that franchise in Huntsville, Green was his baseball home for 7 In 1991, Clarkson sold the Barons Bay, Wisconsin and Colorado memorable seasons. to Suntory International. Birming- before finally retiring. ham sportswriter Wayne Martin recalled that months before the His connection to Rickwood sale, a minority owner’s widow However, he never really re- never ended as he regularly offered her share of the Barons to tired. In 1981, Clarkson had attended the Classic and ap- Clarkson for the modest price of returned the Barons to Bir- peared at the annual South- the original investment. Putting mingham. In 2017, he did it ern Association Conference, aside his own self-interest, he sug- again as he moved another which is held every March at “Art Clarkson was a gested she hold onto her shares a hockey franchise to the area the ballpark. while longer because “something and rebranded them “the true Friend of is about to happen.” When he later Bulls” [the original Bulls had Art Clarkson was a true Friend sold the Barons, she made sub- moved after the 2000-01 of Rickwood, and his legacy Rickwood and his legacy stantially more money — 25 times season]. He was the Bulls’ will remain an indelible part of her asking price — thanks to Clark- managing partner until the the history of the ballpark, will remain an indelible son’s generosity. late spring of 2019, when he which he helped save. stepped down for good. part of the history of At the 2006 Rickwood Classic, the the ballpark, which he Birmingham Barons announced On August 18, 2010, Rick- - Jeb Stewart the induction of Art Clarkson into wood Field celebrated its helped to save.” the club’s hall of fame. Clarkson smiling down on “The House that Art Built” during the celebration of his life Rickwood Tales Page 3 R EMEMBERING A LLEN F ARR The Friends of Rickwood lost From his professional training Allen was a unique individu- a true friend as Allen Farr and experience, Allen was al, and a one-of-a-kind unexpectedly died on Satur- invaluable at solving any elec- friend. His extraordinary day, March 16, 2019 at the trical problems at the ball- intelligence, keen analytical age of 72. Allen had a great park. He was always patient, skills, and remarkable tal- desire to help his community kind and willing to help any- ents combined to bring a and the Birmingham area. He one. Allen Farr epitomized unique perspective to any did so through several organi- why our organization is conversation or problem at- zations, but his biggest pas- named “the Friends”. hand, whether it be electri- sion was preserving Rickwood cal engineering, political Field. He was a founding analysis, social discourse, Former executive director member of the Friends of civic affairs, or even music … Rickwood. David Brewer’s poignant eulo- gy of Allen brought tears to I absorbed only a small frac- many in attendance at Allen’s tion of his intelligence and Allen was a 1964 graduate of memorial service. David re- talent; I am today vastly Ensley High School and at- called: wiser and more-skilled than tended Auburn and Vander- before [for having known bilt, earning a degree in Elec- Allen]. Our dear friend was so trical Engineering. He worked for many years at Alabama dependably there, and so Power and was a line crew infinitely helpful, that a [This story will be concluded in supervisor with the utility. world without Allen Farr the next issue] had never occurred to me. - Joe DeLeonard M Y L OVE A FFAIR WITH R ICKWOOD F IELD By Dan Weinrib ing back, I wish I had. Later that summer I attended my first Rickwood Classic, and I haven’t missed one My parents Mike and Louisa By 2000. I was a rookie high first met on a blind date in school baseball umpire. One since. “Allen Farr epitomized 1957. Their mutual love for Sunday, my local chapter why our organization is baseball led to their own love supervisor was divvying up In 2002, I became the newly for each other. This past June, umpiring assignments. elected Jefferson County Tax named ‘the Friends’.” they celebrated 60 years of Assessor. During my transi- marriage. You can truthfully tion to public office, I met “Who wants Woodlawn ver- say that my own love of base- county attorney Charlie Wag- sus Mountain Brook tomor- ball is genetic. ner and quickly bonded with row?” Owen Butts asked. him over baseball. Either in Another umpire and I eagerly 2003 or 2004, he asked me As long as I can remember, raised our hands. for a favor. baseball has been a part of “It’s at Rickwood.” my life. My favorite memories as a kid are the innumerable “Dan, I’m on the Friends of times I attended Cincinnati Oh, I thought.
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