Brigham Young University BYU ScholarsArchive Theses and Dissertations 1935 History of Erastus Snow Joseph William Olson Brigham Young University - Provo Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarsarchive.byu.edu/etd Part of the History Commons, and the Mormon Studies Commons BYU ScholarsArchive Citation Olson, Joseph William, "History of Erastus Snow" (1935). Theses and Dissertations. 4999. https://scholarsarchive.byu.edu/etd/4999 This Thesis is brought to you for free and open access by BYU ScholarsArchive. It has been accepted for inclusion in Theses and Dissertations by an authorized administrator of BYU ScholarsArchive. For more information, please contact [email protected], [email protected]. QO 3oestesteteit deeds cannot die T ey witlawitia the sun and noonmoon eleoelderoeneneew their light forever blessing those 7 icok1cokbicok on them tennyson r- ilFT the purposebrooseuroose 01oof1 tthisilslisaisiis tasithsi hashaj been to me for tileche first time 1 4 1 1 7 c rar1 W7 S an duauanticenticiientlc unbiased biccbicabicsrspr 2 y 0 raJLJLSCUGs SCus fairbanksair nks no0 missionary3 iai0n y bcrmcneericneericicrssrsereerzeerneer a-anaanur colonizercolarcolcrizerleerleed 11 isioraphyliloISio raphy razvazvao calsenciosencaosen L ie2eae susuesicnasesazes icn 001 dr lo-lowryrry I1 alinnelsnnalsnn rc laslaafslcrfelorla2 cr of ruralyural acialccial jccncccncicsrlcsracs of 3riiamsriyri hadihadl tounyountoune university andancana b- caecese cfefa nanaturaltualtuai fondness forroccor0 western history and a sincere aapprecia-precia tion for thetho lenirenmen and women ho nademade tnetrhearhe testwest livelikeableliveableable fortorfocyor oheche1 e percidarlertdaccarspergertci cular subject chosen I1 anam indebted to dr allijilllilliainjilliainiainlain 1 snow professor of alisthlisthi j socryoryry at brigham younyoung aniyni versify fterlfteralfter three rearsreersyears of veryvecy careful study and investigation I11 pre- sent this thesis it has been atlyptlyptiystated that no bock has been ittenbrittenwrittenjrittenjr by one nan alone 7thehe rterials2ateriaals ucicunicchich7hich have been used the intertretinterpretinterpretationsationsactions tihichmihichlicn havahav3 been ez-expressedreessed all havekaveyaveara r influenced the contribution offered in like mannnannermannerer in writ nrn ttisis bioblobiographyranlyraphy I1 am indebted to iranypanywany other writers hosewhose statements I1 have botaohotduouotduotaotd I1 acknowledacknowacknowledgeled e the followinsollowinfollowing sources of information firs7c rarastusnastusus snow himself whose derdec7erzcpersenalpersonalpersenaisenalal1 icuznalsjcurnalsjournals have ccncanccnctitutedstituted the earliest major source but lichnich7hicll unoruntelyuau1 iteize continue only to the secsecondnd searyear after his arrival in utoutaluzauzo cfcfficialofficial4 calcad conferenceonferencederencedecence leporrepor c andana recorded sernsennsermonslonsions toco gether with authentic st cjacjanceanaja cudazudanudemade by Ihlhlllmi have also been used extensive- ly another major source of information has been the town history of st 11 rohn bury To linain ryspys tohncohnsjohnsbuly st johnsburybury vemontvermont which provided m terialaerial raraarinraabinarariniin sno 7 s birbicbirthplaceh clace and its reflection upon his colorful career secondary curce3rcurceacurcey cf ininfumationinfomationinfoincoindo mationmatlonconstitute early dewsznewsznesercneseresercese aaa a zzines4 me s and privateiv s t diariesi e s cfof individualindividualss ai1ilivingvi ng cccnerpcrrn iin 2rcsjocresco snow together with personal interviews with his life long friends who have resided or are now residing in utahs axieixiedixie and of whose vera- city there can be no question in assuming this thesis I1 have accepted only such documentary material as appeared authentic I1 have ententertainedentjrtainedrtainedstained no prejudice in my writinwhitinwriting and have attempted to verify my statements by the collection of two or laoremore sources for this thesis in its present form I1 anam deeply grateful to the church Historianhistoriansts office for the courtesies extended especially to li- brarian alvin F smith and assistants to doctors jillian J snow and lowry neisonnelsonfor their personal interests encouragements and helpful criticismcriticisms and to the thesis committee for valuable suggestions offered also to cor- nelia taylor fairbanks librarian st jojojisburynsburyansbury athenesumAthenesum st lohnjohnjohnsburyburybuny ver- mont for original source material to k-kiisskilssliss linna snow of st george for information which led to communication with lissrissrmississ fairbanks a distant rel- ative of rastusJrarastusjrastus141rastus141 astus silowsnow and also to the many writers whose works I1 have quoted freely COLTCOLTLI TS page Liltrudlotiusrmudu1 tiantionti6n xi buk 00. htk6733heaotjs sluSLCshury ijiscjuiahy D PICmicirpicirR I1 izeicealceaiceaizeaigetryAiGaioaloA ETRYTRY aridla14l4D BOYHOODBOYhuodhood birthplace st lansburyJonnsjohnsburyjonnsburytolansburyTo bury hiotatotabotaota iqriculturalagricultural nd industrial advantagesldvantadvant aesfes reflected in its CitizenscitizenshidcitizenshiphichiD schools estab- lished church provided ancestry and boyhood 2 II11 Jsnis c0caCCLYJRSICv23iu arrivalrrival of mormon missionaries cceptancaacceptance of 111doryronismjonnonism eligiousreligiousreligiouseligiouslousfervor unbounded lealzealcealjeal for the vorkyorkfork leaves homehorne permanently arrives in kirtledkirtlpkirtlykirtlndnd meets josephjosepnsnitil torksborksfforks for board and room atattendstend s orrtgritgratoramgram bacwaryar school eiselshis 1ministry vesthvestyest 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