University of New Mexico UNM Digital Repository 1951 The aiD ly Lobo 1951 - 1960 12-7-1951 New Mexico Lobo, Volume 054, No 36, 12/7/ 1951 University of New Mexico Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/daily_lobo_1951 Recommended Citation University of New Mexico. "New Mexico Lobo, Volume 054, No 36, 12/7/1951." 54, 36 (1951). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/ daily_lobo_1951/107 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the The aiD ly Lobo 1951 - 1960 at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in 1951 by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. 0 " ,;; -,~. t (i;j• .~.1: ' . .,· .~. "' ~ ~ ·. ~ ; ... ; ---~ ' ~. \ ,. UNM Grid Mentors Ex-UNM Students Utah Refuses Powl Pids 1. .• ,., t 'r<.' ;?.. Coach Ja.ck Curtice announced '>,. Sports on Scandals Blamed 'Sy.stem' Saturday that the Utah Redskin~;~ Visit' High Schools .. Make" Time. Life ' ll· ''·.()''0'. :'',.;/: ·<·:·:' ,,·· would not accept .a bid to play in r , 1 , By JACK ERMATINGER other institution. The apologists for >; ,., , , • '. • ~ , ... 1 ., ':rwo UNM coaches made tall(s at · Former UNM photography s;tu­ the Pinapple Bowl at Hononlqlu. Americans were shocked bf the subsidil!lation have claimed that the • l • .t' ;. • I high schools thia week. l3ob Tit• partment head, made issues of both ' The team had ·turned. down an e!lr· ~ recent disc~osu;J;e of the e;xpplsion ·chance at a college education far partment read, made issue of both ' _, chenal spoke · at the . Taos high lier bid. to the Sun Bowl in Ell'l'.so, __ of 90 cribbmg cadets at the .Mili· outweighs the evils incidental to the 'l'imll and L~fe magazines recently. game. Bt~t college :football is grow­ school dinner Tuesday night while . ·.' . i'' .. ' t;~.ry Academy, but sports f11ns were Gllorge K:ew, Albuquerque Jour­ '{ esp!lcially stunned to learn that ing beyond and above college ":Ribs" Baysinger was bUii!Y tour­ ' academics, ing the state's east side. nal photographer, had. one of his Gamma totas Give .. Piood ··' aniong the 90 were · most o:(' the photos in Time for an illul'!tration player:;; counted on to bring the na~ Dit:k: La.l.'kin, athleiiQ directol.' at Baysingel.' spoke at the ·Tul)um• ';:,):.{' .; : .. ::;~; ·~ .. , of the Dr. LincoJn La Paz story on The members of the Gamma .Iota ' ' Ohio State, fired the opening blast cari high school banquet Tuesday, .• ~- f tional foot'ball championship. to the unusual shower of met.eorites Chapter of Delta Sigml', Pi ProfE!s· West Point. in the current clean-up campaign Last night .Baysinger spoke to the sional Business fraternity were when he .said: ''College football is state champion Cavemen at Carls­ over the· southwest. They included B1>bby Blaik, son a Frankenstein that threatens to bad .. He is due to speak in Santa Fe Life of last week carl.'ied two among the .hu!~dreds of Albt~quer­ of coach Earl Bl;~.ik and one of the ·quearis who donated blood Tl'lesday. 1-destroy itself." " Monday night, · · · entire pa,ges of photos of Alfred brightest star:;; on the All-America The statement came during the Gesheidt, who studied photography hori2;on; Al Pollard, sensational Head football coach Dud DeGroot under ltaas here in •1947 -48. halfback; and Harold. Loehlein, end hysteria in Columbus, when coach was in Philadelphia attending a Song Leaders to Meet Wea Fesler was forced to resign. meeting of tha Amarican Football The pictures W!lre candid shots and 1951 captain-elect. Only two With success measured jn dollara of people .in New York subwaya. reserve lettermen remain from the Coaches association. Jill is chairmM and. won for Gescheidt fourth place Song leaders for organizations 1950 juggernaut. and cents, and rivalry det!lrmined of the ethics committee, The com­ in the,junior class song ;fest are to in seating capacity, it is no wonder mittee will e:l(amine ·the "B1·ight in the · national competition plus meet at '5 p. m, today, junior class .Cement Truck Over ns, A hue and cry was immediately a award of $600. .. that sportswriter Francis Wallace incident" and other charges.. De­ President Bob . Norll~et announced. l'ilised across the country, which has penned a bromide for modern Gescheidt left the University and Groot will return the middle of ne:xt studied at the art center. in Los was theonatural American reaction football: week. to the Army's brusque dismissal of And when that one Great Referee Angeles before gofng to New .York Tuberculosis leads all diseasea as the cadets, A later reaction, which Comes to w1ite against Your where he is now a. commercial a. cause of death in the age group seems to be shared by :many sports name, ·Photograp~ers' td Meet photographer. from 15 to 35. CC1us~s·· :$3,000 ftms, is that it was wrong to break DiRlage It isn't. whether you've won or up. auch a fine ;football team. lost The Navy ROTC photography Two Wor)tmen escaped ·injury The 1950 West Point squad cap­ But how many paid to see the staff will meet in the Stadium tured the imagination of the aver­ game. building tonight at 7, , 4 yesterday·. wh~Jn ·.a cement truck age gridiron fan as it ground under 4 Good Rating Given. rolled o:ver. anq ~rashed into .the D West Texans Trample east wall of ttie chemistry building all opposition before losing to a NOB Hill LAUNDERETTE l> being constructed 'behind Mitchell fired-up Navy team. Dubbed the u NOB HILL SHOPPING CENTER . R Education ·cofl:ege · Black Knights of the Hudson, y y hall. Damage is· estimated at from Army's team drove to victory Complete Bridal S~rvice 107 SOUTH. CARLISLE-DIAL 5-2691 ~obos 69-49 at Canyon $3,000 to $4,000. ' · E E By·c·redifing Group· through use of fundament11ls! bone­ Consultation Without Charge 'l'he truck form the Albuquerque crushing blocks and tackles. Funda· R 32 Bendix Washing Machines R The visiting t:ommittee for evalu­ Gravel co., waiting to pour cement mentals give the football team drive Party Dresses-Formal and Informal s s In Non-Conference Go ating the work of the College of into the foundations, had be!ln and confidence, but they can only be parlted in the so!t d.irt beside the . • DRY CLEANING-24 HOURS Weat Texas State's Buffaloes Education gave ·a clean bill o£ basement construction, The dirt learned after long, hard hours on • DYEING-24 HOURS handed the Lol;)os their second health in the report yesterday the practice field. · afternoon, gave way. and the heavy cement The players h11ve told :reporters • SHIRT SERVICE-2 DAYS straight basketb11ll loss of the sea­ mixer caused the truck to topple th11t the heavy scholastic schedule • ,BACHELOR BUNDLES-24 HOURS son, Wednesday night, 69-49. The The visitors found that the UNM over into the newly-laid foul)da­ game, a non-conference tilt, was ed~1cation faculty was highly tions. at the Point made it impossible to ' NO EXTRA CHARGE played at Canyon, Tex. trained and the teacher load was play fMtball on a big-time level and excellently proportioned. The driver was not in the truck still make their grades,. The tutor­ HOURS: Mon.-Wed.-Thurs.-Fri. After trailing during the first ~~ctHhe time of the accident. The two· ing aid given them was 'hot suffi­ Lingerie-Costume Jewelry 6 :30 a. m. until 6:00 p. m. half, the Lobos caught fire in the They also reported a fine•working workmen who were digging around cient, they .said, because they were Tuesday Saturday third quarter for 23 points. They arrangement in the r!llationships the foundations saw the dirt give too tired to study after a day 3424 E. Central-Open Tuesday Night!;!-Dial 5-1323 6:30 a.m.- 9:00 p.m. 6:30 a. m,-5:00 p •. m. continued theh· attack in the fourth between the College of Education way underneath the wheels and crammed full of classes and foot­ period and pulleJi up within five an.d other UNM colleges. jumped out of the way in time to ball practice. West Point's contro­ points of the Buffs with five minutes On the list for improvement was avoid the crash. versial testing system, which re­ playing . time remaining, West a better correlation of the teaching Frank Davey, claim superin­ mained unchanged year after year, Texas State then came to life and of psychology with the teacher- tendent for the Employers Fire was. too much of a temptation :for swamped the Lobos with a wild training methods. · ' Insurance co., estimated the dam­ :most of the team. scoring spree. , The College of Education is only age to the truck 11nd the concrete Although a_West Point degree is · Larry Tuttle, forward, and Ross one of 253 teacher-training institu­ wall to be between $3,000 and gained only after intensive study, Black, reserve guard, staged a big tions to be visited by siste;J; colleges $4,000, He said it would take sev· the fact that all but two of the foot­ second half for UNM, scoring 22 in the next three years. era! hours to remove the overturned ball players had to crib to pass, or points between them. The pair It is a mutual agreement between truck and about a half day to re­ shared scoring honors for the Lobos the institutions to visit, evaluate, pair the east wall. helped others to crib, shows that it with 12 markers apiece. Tuttle wall and make suggestions for improv­ can become impossible for a player ing the training of teachers.
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