Published by THE TENNESSEE GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. .. ,Memphis, Tennessee VOLuME 28 WINTER 1981 NUMBER 4 - CONTENTS - OVER THE ED,ITOR' S DESK •• • '. •• • •• 151 NEWS & NOTES FROM OTHER PUBLICATIONS • . '. • 151 BOOK REVIEWS •• •• •••••• ·. .. • 153 ). 1805 ENUMERATION, GREENE COUNTY, TENNESSEE • · . .. .. .. •• 159 ORGANIZ~NGGENEAI..OGICAL RECORDS .. .. ... · .. · . •• 164 THE FAMILIES OF WHITE COUNTY ,TENNESSEE IN 1860 · .. • 165 FAMILY GATHERINGS. .. •• ••••• •• ••• .. ·. • 171 FRANKLIN COUNTY, TENNESSEE WILL BOOK 1808-1847 • · . ... ... · . • 176 INDEX,T() 1840 CENSUS,WILLIAMSONCO'(JNTY, TEmlESSEE • .. ". • 184 WILLIAMSON COUNTY, TENNESSEE REVOLUTIONARY ,&MILITARY PENSIONERS • •• · . 189 ROANE COUNTY , TENNESSEE MARRIAGE BONDS • · . ... 190 ~UERIES ••• •• .. •• . • 194 SURNAME INDEX FOR 1981 •• .. 201 President Wilma Sutton Cogde;n Vice President Jane Cook Hollis Recording Secretary Marilyn Johnson Baugus Correspondence Secretary R. F. Simpson, Jr. Librarian Louise Tittsworth Tyus Assistant Librarian Evelyn Duncan Sigler Surname ,Index Secretary Betty Key Treasurer Jean Williams Turner Editor Betsy Foster West Managing Editor Herbert Ray Ashworth Director Eleanor Riggins Barham Director Laurence B.Gardiner liBRARY STAFF BUSINESS STAFF Pauline Casey,. Briscoe Herman L. Bogan Henrietta ,D.' Gilley !.'ucileHendren.Cox Eleanor W. Griffin -Betty Cline Miller Lynn HodgesCrayen Thomas Proctor Hughes, Jr. AtD.elia.Pike Eddlemon Elizabeth Riggins Nichols Mary Frances"Gert:z Myrtle Louise Shelton Helen Culbre~th Hamer Margaret N. Sinclair E1J!lDaFisher O'.Ne~l Gerry Byers Spence' Jessie 'Waylor •• Webb Jean Alexander West' "ANS EARCHIN'" .NEWS is the officialpublicatiOll.of THETENNESSE~.GENEALPG~CJU, SOCIETY: published quarterly inMat"cll,Jutle,.Sept~mber,an.dD~cemoe.r,.;•..ann.u~;t ~ubscription •$8.00. All sU"bscriptioIlsb~ginwith.thefirsti$~\1~of,theyc!al:" Non-deliyery of any issue shoulclberegorted to THE TENNESSEE GENEALOgICAL SOCIETY ,within .two.mo.nths' .of .date· of. ,\tsual. del-iyery,•. if .a' secondcRg.y•..·ist() .•••~.~ supplied free of charge. Subscribers may submit one query eachyearforfre~ publication ;addition.alqueriesw~J.Lbe>acceptedoIl a "spac.ea\Tailablenbas~el~ Contributions of all types of genealogical inf01"11Uition will be •accepted.· We publish •• previousJ.y.unpublishedWentlessee-conn~ctedi.d~ta,. prefet'a.blX •. that.~fth pre-Civil'War date~•. Allm~terialforpublicationissubject to editing to conserve space. Ev~ry .effor~ ~illb~ma4e '. to .•• Ptlblish .accu1:"atetnaterial; ho~ev~r, ne,ither'THE TENNESSEE GENEALOGICAL' SOCIETY,", "ANSEARCHIN'''. NEWS, nO 1:" the/Editor can. assume re~ponsibilitiesfor •~rrors on the<pa1:"t of~0J:l.trib\1tc>rs~90rJ:E!~tioI1SO~ pJ:0ven errors will be gUblisll~d. Publishable.andunpubli.shablecC>l1tl:'ib1.1ti(.')n.s are put,on.f~le..• in ... o\1rlibrary.,.for .• the •• ·use •. of(.')tll:'.meJ1l~f!rs. 'Boo~s,dRna~~d.tc> •••• our 1ibt"ary will" bereyiewed '. in the,,'earliest. possible iss\1e ,of the .qHarterly. postage paid at Memphis, Tennessee. Winter 1981 151 OVER THE EDITOR'S DESK It seems that any mail that comes to this office and finds no obvious cate~ory to call home ends up on the Editor's desk. But what better place than this '~u11etin board" to keep our subscribers in touch with each other. We have a variety of com­ munications whieh will interest many of you. First, a new family organization began publication last spring, CHAMBERS HELPING CHAMBERS. If you have this family in your line, write to Claudette Maerz, P.O. Box 37010, Bloomington, MN 55431 for further information. Then,the BELL clan. is gathering~ Plans are arranged for the Bells from around the world to gather at Knoxville, TN on April 16, 17 & 18, 1982 to reminisce on their Scottish heritage. Contact International Bell Society, G. G. Bell, 2980 Holiday Circ1e,Buford, GA 30518. An offer of help comes from subscriber Mrs. Lewis Bowman, 4400 East West Hwy. 1121, Bethesda, MD 20814. She has HARTFORD (CT) TIMES Genealogical pages for years 1953-63 and scattered issues from 1949-52. If you are interested in that area, write her. Vernon Roddy, 204 Andrews Ave., Hartsville, TN 37074 has sent us a copy of his twelve page booklet, Historical Highlights of Tennesse~, which is a collection of reprints of columns in the MACON COUNTY TIMES, Lafayette, TN. They were written by Stanley J. Fo1msbee in 1946 and are concerned with the general history of Tennessee. Mr. Roddy has more copies for sale at $2.50 per copy. ( THE HISTORY OF SCOTT'SHILL,TENN. is in its third edition. This popular story of Henderson/Decatur Countians is available from the author, Gordon H. ~urner, Sr., Scott's Hill, TN 38374. Write him for prices. We have received a copy of BLACK Marriages in Jessie's Genealogy, a collection of marriages which took place .in states from Maine to South Carolina and .I11inois to Tennessee•••in all of which one party was named Black. This 25 page booklet is loose-leaf bound in Mead soft back cover and is available from Jessie B. Morgan, P.O. Box 549, Lo,leta, CA 95551-0549 for $3.80. And lastly, we have a letter from Mrs. Ledbetter concerning the Carter family of Carter County, TN in 1820, but there is no return address. We suggest you write CARTER CHATTER, 2237 Grace St., Fort Worth, TX 76111. This was still in pubiica­ tion in October 1969. Perhaps the Fort Worth Library could help. , NEWS AND NOTES FROM OTHER PUBLI CATIONS PATTON-PATTEN-PATON EXCHANGE NEWSLETTER, Marjorie Abbot Bras~e11, Route 3, Box 193, Hepzibah, GA 30815. $12. Vol. 5, No. II, 30 pages, three-hole punched. This is a non-profit publication dedicated to genealogical research of the sur~ame Patton, and related 1ineages~ This issue contains census records, Kansas Territory settlers (some born in Tennessee), legal petitions, early records of Georgia, wills, lineage charts, queries and other information concerning this surname. Rainey Times, Box 7, Walnut Ridge, AR 71476. $10. Vol. 1, No.1, 40 pages, contains census, cemetery, obituary, family histories, queries, ancestor charts, etc. Good data on this surname. 152 "Ansearchin'" News BULLETIN, Maryland Gen. Soc., Inc•• 201 W. Monument St., Baltimore. MD 21201. $7. Vol. 22, No. lissue contains Baltimore passenger list, John Keplinger family information, and articles on Maryland slaves, Hardey wills and indentures, baptismal records, queries, etc. in its 98 pages. SMIrn PAPERS, Sims Pub. Co., M. Sims, P.O. Box 9576. Sacramento,CA 95823. $10/3 issues. Back issues $4.50 ea. This publication (38045 pages per issue) is a must for anyone researching a Smith line. Contains marriages, census, voting, family, cemetery, war, court records~ etc. re­ lating to Smith and related surnames. Smith queries are free to subscribers; $1.50 for non-sub­ scribers. Each issue is indexed (Smiths by, given names, ,related families by surnames). OLD'TIMER PRESS, P.O. Box 572, Ripley. MS 38663. $10/mo. publication. Serves researchers in the No. Mississippi counties of Benton, Tippah, Prentiss., Aug. issue (10 pages) includes articles on the founding of Holly Springs, 1838-47 newspaper abst+acts of marriages/deaths/estates, cem­ etery information, Benton Co. marriage records, etc. FAMILY TREE TALK, Muskegon Co. Gen. Society. c/o Hackley Public Library. 316 W. Webster Ave •• ,Muskegon, MI 49440. May issue (11 pages) contains cemetery records. abstracts from early news­ papers. church notices. Spanish ,American War veterans. queries, etc. Write for cost, etc. NEWTON QUARTERLY, Shirley Newton Gorevin. Editor, 1943 DeWayne Ave •• Camarillo, CA 93010. $6 yr. or $2 issue. Vol. II, No.1. The 22 pages in this issue include photos and a lot of good in­ formation. Contains information on Tennessee Newtons. Published to further research on Newtons. ' KANSAS CITY GENEALOGIST, Heart of ~rica Genealogy Society. c/o Missouri Valley Room. Kansas City Public Library, 311 East 1'2th St., Kansas City. Mo 64106. $9'. Subscriptions are separate from memberships. VoL 22, No. 1--50 pages. Contains primary source material, background his­ torical information, and biographical sketches. Queries: free (4) to subscribers: others $1.50. LOUISIANA GENEALOGICAL REGISTER, LA Gen. &Historical Soc., P.O. Box 3454, B~ton Rouge. LA 70821. $13. VoL 28, No.2. 100 pages • features land claims. cemetery listings, census of 1785 Avoyelles Post. family information, German troops in America. St. Tauunany census 1850. etc. ARKANSAS FAMILY HISTORIAN, Arkansas Gen. Society. Inc•• 4206 A Street, Little Rock, AR 72205. $10. VoL 19, No.2, 67 pages, contains will and genealogical information on Henry Propst. an­ cestor charts. Bible records, farmily group records. obituaries. and many queries. THE PIONEER WAGON, Jackson Co. Ge~. Soc., P.O. Box 471, Independence, MO 64050. Vol. 1. No.2, features articles concerning genealogy, Bible and family records. 1880 newspaper abstracts of marriages/deaths, California emigrants from Missouri, wills, biographical sketches. queries, etc. Write for information concerning cost, membership. etc. SEARCHERS AND RESEARCHERS OF ELLIS CO., TX, Ellis Co. Gen. Soc •• Box 385. Waxahachie, TX 75165. $12. Vol. 4, No.2, contains cemetery, family, 1860 county census, marriages Vol. E, death records, surname index. and other information in the 58 pages. NEW ADDRESS: Illinois State Gen. Society. P.o. Box A631, Decatur. IL 62525. MiSSOURI STATE GEN. ASSN. JOURNAL. 1708 McAlester, Columbia. Mo 65201. $10. VoL I, 1I0s .1-2-3. New publication. Very good ...60 pages/issue. with tax lists. cemetery. mortality schedules, cen­ sus records, family information, Bible and church records, newspaper abstracts, oaths of loyalty, delinquent tax lists. special laws of Missouri, poll books, all sorts of genealogical records for the whole state of Missouri. ' ECHOES. East Tennessee Historical Society,500 W. Church Ave., Lawson McGhee Library, Knoxville, TN 37902. $7. Queries for Tennessee families, members only. Vol. 27, No.2, 16 pages, contains register of first 100 people who signified they wished to participate in the lands of the Chero­ kee Treaty of 1817, etc. FAMILY LINKS PAST &PRESENT. Irish Gen. Assn., 162a Kings Way, Dunmurry, Belfast, BT179AD, N. Ireland. $50 registration and first year, $25 thereafter. Pub. 3 times yr.
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