Lajna Ima'illah UK Ta'lim Syllabus - 15 to 18 years Contents LAJNA IMA'ILLAH PLEDGE English 2 SALUTATION & ABBREVIATIONS 3 INTRODUCTION 4 17 to 18 Years Syllabus 5 1 | Con tents Lajna Ima'illah UK Ta'lim Syllabus - 15 to 18 years 2 | Pledg e Lajna Ima'illah UK Ta'lim Syllabus - 15 to 18 years 3 | Salut aon & Abbreviaons 4 | In troducon SYLLABUS FOR 17 TO 18 YEAR OLDS Overview of the Syllabus - 17 to 18 years Components 17 to 18 Years 1. Holy Quran Surah Al-Ghashiya 2. Hadith 1) Worldly life is to sow and the Hereafter is to reap; 2) Earning a lawful living is also Jihad. 3. Quranic 1) “My Lord open up for me my heart; and make my task easy Prayers for me; and loose the knot from my tongue that they may understand my speech.” (20:26-29) 2) “Our Lord bestow on us mercy from Thyself, and furnish us with right guidance in our affair.” (18:11) 4. Book of the “The Will.” Promised Messiahas 5. History of Islam Section from “Life of Muhammadsaw” by Hazrat Mirza Bashiruddin Mahmud Ahmad, Khalifatul Masih IIra 6. History of Chapter 2 from “A brief History of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Ahmadiyyat Jama’at” by Sheikh Khurshid Ahmad 7. Contemporary On the truthfulness of the Promised Messiahas – “How will Issues you feel when the Son of Mary will descend amongst you and he will be an Imam from amongst you.” (Bukhari) خ خ 7 | Syllabus for 17 to 18 Years Lajna 1. The Holy Qur’an Chapter: 88 - Al-Ghashiyah ۡ ّٰ َّ ۡ ّٰ َّ ۡ ِبس ِم الل ِہ الرحم ِن الر ِحی ِم﴿۱﴾ َّ ۡ َّ ّٰ َّ َّ ۡ ُ ۡ َّ َّ ُ ُ ۡ ٌ َّ ۡ َّ َّ َّ ٌ َّ َّ ٌ َّ َّ ٌ َّ ۡ ّٰ ہل ات ک ح ِدیث الغا ِشی ِۃ ﴿۲ؕ﴾ وجوہ یو م ِئ ٍذ خا ِشعۃ ﴿ ۳ۙ﴾ عا ِمل ۃ نا ِصبۃ ﴿ ۴ۙ﴾ تصلی َّ ً َّ َّ ً ُ ۡ ّٰ ۡ َّ ۡ ّٰ َّ َّ ۡ َّ َّ ُ ۡ َّ َّ ٌ َّ ۡ َّ ۡ َّ ُ ۡ ُ نارا حا ِمیۃ ﴿ ۵ۙ﴾ تسقی ِمن عی ٍن ا نِی ٍۃ ﴿۶ؕ﴾ لیس لہم طعام ِالا ِمن ض ِری ٍع ﴿۷ۙ﴾ ل ا یس ِمن َّ َّ ُ ۡ ۡ ۡ ُ ۡ ُ ُ ۡ ٌ َّ ۡ َّ َّ َّ ٌ َّ ۡ َّ َّ َّ ٌ ۡ َّ َّ َّ َّ و لا یغنِی ِمن جو ٍع ﴿۸ؕ﴾ وجوہ یوم ِئ ٍذ نا ِعمۃ ﴿ ۹ۙ﴾ لِسع ِی ہا را ِضیۃ ﴿ ۱۰ۙ﴾ ف ِی جن ٍۃ عالِی ٍۃ َّ َّ ُ َّ َّ ً َّ ۡ ٌ ٌ َّ ُ َّ ُ ٌ َّ َّ ۡ ٌ ﴿۱۱ۙ﴾ لا ت ۡس َّمع فِ ۡیہا لا ِغ َّیۃ ﴿ ۱۲ؕ﴾ فِ ۡیہا َّع ین َّجارِیَّۃ ﴿ ۱۳﴾ فِ ۡیہا س ُر ٌر م ۡرف ۡو َّعۃ ﴿ ۱۴ۙ﴾ و اکوَّاب َّ ۡ ُ ۡ َّ ٌ َّ َّ َّ ُ َّ ۡ ُ ۡ َّ ٌ َّ َّ َّ ُ َّ ۡ ُ ۡ َّ ٌ َّ َّ َّ َّ ۡ ُ ُ ۡ َّ َّ ۡ موضوعۃ ﴿ ۱۵ۙ﴾ و نمارِق مصفوفۃ ﴿ ۱۶ۙ﴾ و زراب ِی مبثوثۃ ﴿ ۱۷ؕ﴾ افل ا ینظرون ِالی الاِ ِب ِل َّ ۡ َّ ُ َّ ۡ َّ َّ َّ َّ َّ ۡ َّ ُ َّ ۡ َّ َّ ۡ َّ َّ ۡ َّ ُ َّ ۡ َّ َّ کیف خ ِلقت ﴿ ۱۸ ﴾ و ِالی السمٓا ِء کیف ر فِعت ﴿۱۹ ﴾ و ِا لی ال ِجبا ِل کیف ن ِصبت ﴿ ۲۰ ﴾ و ِالی ۡ َّ ۡ َّ ۡ َّ ُ َّ ۡ َّ َّ ۡ َّ َّ َّ ۡ َّ ُ َّ ٌ َّ ۡ َّ َّ َّ ۡ ۡ ُ َّ ۡ َّ الار ِض کیف س ِطحت ﴿ ۲۱ ﴾ فذکِر ۟ؕ ِانما انت مذکِر ﴿ ۲۲ؕ﴾ لست علی ِہم ِبمصی ِط ٍر ﴿ ۲۳ۙ﴾ ِالا َّ ّٰ َّ َّ َّ ّٰ ۡ َّ َّ ۡ َّ ۡ َّ َّ َّ َّ َّ ُ ُ َّ َّ َّم ۡن توَّلی َّو کف َّر ﴿ ۲۴ۙ﴾ ف ُی َّع ِذ ُب ُہ الل ُہ ال َّعذاب الاکبر ۵﴿۲ؕ﴾ ِان ِال ۡینا ِایَّا َّبہ ۡم ﴿ ۲۶ۙ﴾ ث م ِان َّ َّ ُ َّعل ۡینا ِح َّسا َّبہ ۡم ﴿ ۲۷٪﴾ Translation : In the name of Allah, the Gracious, the Merciful. Has there come to thee the news of the overwhelming calamity? Some faces on that day will be downcast; Toiling, weary. They shall enter a burning Fire; And will be made to drink from a boiling spring; They will have no food save that of dry, bitter and thorny herbage, Which will neither fatten, nor satisfy hunger. And some faces on that day will be joyful, Well pleased with their labour, In a lofty Garden, Wherein 8 | Syllabus for 17 to 18 Years Lajna thou wilt hear no idle talk; Therein is a running spring, Therein are raised couches, And goblets properly placed, And cushions beautifully ranged, carpets tastefully spread. And Do they not then look at the camel, how it is created? And at the heaven, how it is raised high? And at the mountains, how they are set up? And at the earth, how it is spread out? Admonish, therefore, for thou art but an admonisher; Thou hast no authority to compel them. But whoever turns away and disbelieves, Allah will punish him with the greatest punishment. Unto Us surely is their return, Then, surely, it is for Us to call them to account. 2. Hadith َّ ُ ْ َّ َّ ْ َّ َّ ُ ْ ّٰ َّ الدنیا مزرعۃ الا ِخر ِۃ Addunya mazra atul akhirah Worldly life is to sow and the Hereafter is to reap. خ َّ َّ ُ ْ َّ َّ َّ ٌ طلب الحلا ِل ِجہاد Talabul halali jihad Earning a lawful living is also jihad. 3. Quranic Prayers َّ َّ َّ ۡ َّ ۡ ۡ َّ ۡ ۡ َّ َّ ۡ ۡ َّ ۡ ۡ َّ ۡ ُ ۡ ُ ۡ َّ ً ۡ َّ ۡ َّ ۡ َّ ُ ۡ َّ ۡ ۡ قال ر ِب اشرح لِی صدرِی ﴿ ۲۶ۙ﴾ و ی ِسر لِی امرِی ﴿۲۷ۙ﴾ و احلل عقدۃ ِمن لِسان ِی ﴿ ۲۸ۙ﴾ یفقہوا قولِی ﴿ ۲۹﴾ Rabbishrahli sadri, wa yassirli amri, wahlul uqdatam-mil-lisani, yafqahu qauli My Lord open up for me my heart; and make my task easy for me; and loose the knot from my tongue that they may understand my speech.” (20:26-29) خ 9 | Syllabus for 17 to 18 Years Lajna َّ َّ َّ ّٰ َّ ۡ َّ ُ ۡ َّ َّ ۡ َّ ً َّ َّ َّ َّ ۡ َّ ۡ َّ َّ َّ ً ربنا ا ِتنا ِمن لدنک رحمۃ و ہیِؕۡیٴ لنا ِمن ا مر ِنا ر شدا ﴿۱۱﴾ Rabbana atina mil-ladunka rahmatanw-wa hayyi lana min amrina rashada Our Lord bestow on us mercy from Thyself, and furnish us with right guidance in our affair.” (18:11) as 4. Book of the Promised Messiah “The Will” 5. History of Islam Taken From: Life of Muhammadsaw By: Hazrat Mirza Bashiruddin Mahmud Ahmadra Khalifatul Masih II THE PROPHETsa LEAVES FOR MECCA WITH ONE THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED COMPANIONS During this time the Prophetsa saw a vision which is mentioned thus in the Qur’an: You will certainly enter the Sacred Mosque, if God will, in security, some having their heads shaven, and others having their hair cut short; and you will not fear. But He knew what you knew not. He has in fact ordained for you, besides that, a victory near at hand (48: 8). That is to say, God had decided to let Muslims enter the precincts of the Ka‘ba in peace, with heads shaven and hair cut (these being the external signs of pilgrims to the Ka‘ba), and without fear. But Muslims did not know exactly how God was to let this happen. Moreover, before Muslims performed their pilgrimage 10 | Syllabus for 17 to 18 Years Lajna in peace, they were to have another victory, a precursor of the victory promised in the vision. In this vision God foretold the ultimate victory of Muslims, their peaceful march into Mecca and the conquest of Mecca without the use of arms. But the Prophetsa understood it to mean that Muslims had been commanded by God immediately to attempt a circuit of the Ka‘ba. The Prophet’ssa error in interpreting the vision was to become the occasion of the victory 'near at hand' promised in the vision. In error, therefore, the Prophetsa planned a march towards the Ka‘ba. He announced his vision and his interpretation of it to Muslims and asked them to prepare. "You will go," he said, "only to perform a circuit of the Ka‘ba. There were, therefore, to be no demonstrations against the enemy." Late in February 628, fifteen hundred1 pilgrims, headed by the Prophetsa, set out on their journey to Mecca. A mounted guard of twenty went some distance ahead to warn the Muslims in case the enemy showed signs of attacking. The Meccans soon had reports of this caravan. Tradition had established the circuit of the Ka’ba as a universal right. It could not very well be denied to Muslims. They had announced in unambiguous terms that the purpose of their march was to perform the circuit, nothing else. The Prophetsa had forbidden demonstrations of every kind. There were to be no disputes, no questionings or claims. In spite of this, the Meccans started preparing as for an armed conflict. They put up defences on all sides, called the surrounding tribes to their aid and seemed determined to fight.
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