Your want ad The 2ip Code is easy to place --Phone 686-7700 VbL. 38 - No. 22 Moiling Addr<»: - SPRINGFIELD, N.J. THURSDAY, MARCH 9, 1967 nRato Second Clou Poil<.r> 15 Centt-P»r Copy P.O. Box 69, 5p.lngll.ld, NJ. 07081 $5.00 _V.~I, Paid of S»fl*g<Urj; N.J. Town budg^xa lied ftoo tight 'in so m e Student pnoll unit gives views ends sfi on Vietnam on finances Teenagers back LBJ, '• Pre-Iiearing Saturday WQuld-preler-Ke lewn open house' The Township Committee not only wait at By MYRON MEISEL far as It could In holding down expense* in. The students of Jonathan Dayton Regional the 1967 .budgeLwhtch will receive its official lf^i School strongly oppose .President Lyn- hearing next Tuesday evening, but perhapt ~36h Johnson personally, yet concur with most of the report presented this week by tho recently dy. over anyone else for President, formed cltlrens' budget review committee. and support with .equal strength Sen. Jacob The commute* urged ievertl step» lap Javits of New York 'and CQV.'Ronald-Reagan, of California for the Republican-nomination future Among UieJe ira a predicted w«g* • for President in 1968;" S8""show the figures guide andLgloser employee supervision, stop- of a recent Student Council-conducted poU ped-up use of-a«HAmarion, closer coonlinatloa of the entire student body on Issues of current between Uie Township Committee and Board" interest. of Education on' financial matters, rentudy of The poll shows a -nearly complete lack of .contracted services and'a continuing review —radical "sentiments~in"the sbjdenl body, and of Income and ujipeiiaiM.to-tiva-advance.notlca-- that, the little which is evidenced tends to be of needed adjustments. • conservative in nature. Of. the two sexes, the The committee, named earlier this winter by. females tend to_be more li: Mayer Arthur M. l-'alkin,. Included Daniel M. male counterparts. Lucy, chairman: Frank Haydu, vlce-clialrmsn; The opening question concerned itself with— Walter Callen and Harold Llebesklnd. national policy in Vietnam. Of those'queried. In addition to tho formal budget hearing ' 18 percent favored massive escalation and In- Tuesday evening, the Township Committee will vasion- of North Vietnam, while on the oppos- also hold an informal hearing Saturday at 10 ing side i$ percent favored Immediate with- a.m. in the Municipal Building. TUB will be drawal. Supporting the middle-of-the-road al- coupled with an ''open house" program, during ternatives were the largest numbers of die stu- which, all municipal departments will remain dent body. •____: '_'_ .'_'. •..' open to provide answers to citizens' questions, ^ffig^r^^S^ the,, ccssa-; -"IBSunfielr operVtlohiT^n-addiUonr**"***"'" on of bomfeing-ln-tne North -and an iimmedd - • ship will provide refreshments. - iate reduction of American troops in order to . The full text of til*. report bydie budget snow "willingness" to negotiate. Nearly as BLOOD BANK VOLUNTEERS — Mr. and Mrs. John N. Boudreau of 190 Henshaw ave.. revlewicommlnae follows. _^ many, 25 percent are in favor of the current • •• *••'.• ' veteran Red Cross workers, prepare for their participation as workers at the'blood-. Johnson policy. A large portion (14 percent) mobile session next Wednesday at Holy Cross Lutheran Church. Mrs. Boudreau Is RESPONSIBILITY FOR the preparation of an either had no opinion or favored some proposal ALL.i' ; IN FOCUS—«—GettlngTa-prevlew of the forthcoming Springfield film festival are. checking by phone with prospective blood donors. Her husband, shown helping to check annual municipal budget rests, by law, upon other than the more orthodox ones listed. u-om left, Mrs. Sidney Frank, chairman~for the series; Ed Ruby, township recreation donor's registration cards, will be busy Wednesday driving the Red Cross station wagon. the-Township Committee.' Consequently, the director, and George M. Somers, manager for the six programs. The first'screening' Colnddentally, the division of opinion atDayton activity of a budget review-committee- can ls_ scheduled for March 21 at the Edward Walton School, with Joint production credits paralleled, to Xlie pcrtellia^ pl)Ui£t iheoplnTSn . only be of an advisory nature. To arrive at Its for the Springfield Association of Creative Arts and the Recreation Department. of the American people as a whnl" rnn«vl nn conclusions, the review committee considered ' a Gallup poll taken samo week, . •— •act) budget item In dewttrVor tht purpoM ON VIETNAM, the boys were far more , golf tourney ot the report; however; comments ara limited "hawkish" than-the~glrrs. The male-fein J< (- .to tha. mora Important phases of the budget breakdown was 25-t2 for massive escalation and to indicated future trends. (Dettllad ma- FestivaJ^kfceMsgJe while the girls favored withdrawal, -f!?—12. terial will b» available In tha published budget). The 37 percent of the females In favor of on Red Cross schedule JThe proposad 58-polnt Incrassa in the tax ending the bombing was decisive In giving that rate for the year 1967 war 1966 is substantial. • category the largest response. The men were At the February meeting of the board of from Union. Morris and Essex counties which Convettad to dollars and cents, thU means a progressing 'very only 23 perceor behind the proposal. But ap- directors of the Springfield Chapter, Amer- will particlpiTeT Medical personnel and sup- tax rau of $65.vO-per each J 1,000 of assaaaad proximately the same percentage of each sex— ' lean Red Cross, chairmen of the various piles will be furnished by Dr. W. Austin value, an increase of $5.80 per each $1,000. about one^quarter—supported tho current — departments reported an active season ahead. Tansey,~but the Red Cross will be responsible assessed valua over the 1966 rata. Spring- "The "advanced ticket sale for the 'Film. "The Hunters", a color documentary by Har- field taxpayer! will find little consolation from policy. ' _ '_•"••'' First"on the calendar Is the bloodnwibile.visit fox—supplying three first aid tents, fully Festival' has been going very well," accord-' vnrd's^RoDerrTjardner dealing with the life the (act that Qia tax story Is about tha same In When asked to rate LBJ as a President, - equipped and staffed""with" ing to Mrs. Sidney Frank, chairman. This of-the South African Bushmanjis he goes qn on Wednesday at Holy Cross Lutheran Church, our neighboring communities. - - event, which Is being sponsored by the Spring- an eland hunt; and "Clay",~an American Dayton proved far more harsh than most Amer- to be conducted-by Mrs. Daniel D. Kalem. fied'by Red Cross-for-Advaneed-Pirst Aid, field Association of Creative Arts in co- Film Festival prize-winning short film. • icans. Only ono=hoU of one percent considered blood program chairman. and with clerical volunteers.. In thU era of ruling prices, increased costs operation with the Springfield Recreation De- The French comedy, "My Uncle,-!', with Johnson an excellent President, as contrasted The disaster chairman, John A. Crlfo, All Springfield volunteers including the of labor and services, and ayeryona secklngto partment, will begin on Tuesday, Morch_21, Jacques Tatl in one of his cla8sIc~Monsleur with eight percent of the American-public, announced that the Red Cross will participate Motor Corps, will be asked to serve in some enjoy the highest living sundards, It is im- and thereafter will be held on various Thurs- Hulot roles, will-be-featured on Thursday. Twenty-nine percent rates LPT"as "good or In the civilian defense exercise In Springfield capacity. The Springfield First Aid SquaJnas practical to look for a leveling off of tba days at 8:15 p.m. In the Edward Walton .April 20." ~ - very good", whllo Gallup lists 46 percent na- on April 15 and 16. ' v. been contacted by Red Croas and It has <. upward spiral of _ tha cost of government, School Auditorium. - For the May 4 show,' "Genevteve" will be tionally; Dayton's largest mass of opinion—44_ Mr. Michael H. Her.zllngcr.Jirat aidjrflalr- agreed to cooperate and to coordinate' Its Ti.»r«fnr.[ if <• Impfirfstirthit every effort be There-will-be-a-total-of-»lit-perform«neea slewed—Tliis-lB-a-British-comedy-aboutTa—percenr calls him; averagercompBred"wMi 40 mon has been named chairman Of first aid services, the announcement addedj" : made to assure that tho "community U beinf ! tL < featuring specially selected story-type, art, t ace-tlui'lng-the- Veteran-Gar- — tour-from— percent.-A larger seRment, some 23 percent operations at tlwt967 U, S, Golf Association Mrs. David -Weinstein, motor corps chair- run efficiently and that full value is being re- documentary, and experimental filmsk- Many London to Brighton. • — considers Johnson a poor-Presldentrwhercar Open ChampionsbilftatBaltusrol Golf GlubvJune—-man,-r«portod-at-th* meeting that hor team ceived for every dollar expended.- of them have won acclaim at the Cannes On May 18 the performance will Include only six percent of the U.S. as a whole does so. 12 tollS. The Red Cross has been requested of drivers will be continuing their trips to ' • '....-••« . - ' Film Festival, as well afTTn .cqmpatitlvo a fantasy from France,.J'Tht Red Balloon." The Dayton girls, were, KSIlRher on LBJ.. to cover, the first aid needs by the USGA Orange Orthopedic Hospital, -Essex County . A LONG-RANCiE VIEW into Sprtagfleld1* programs in the United States, Great Britain a documentary from Canada entitled "Unrr~~ •>> male-female figures; excellent, men. bcCause^of on antlclpalciTalfcndiince of ap-" Sheltered Workroom, East Orange Veterans future" ux ststus Is not too encouraging. One and Canada. MosT of the films will be In color; verse," and a color Canadian film, "Beaver nine-tenths perconl, women, two-tenths per- proxlmately 20;000 people eacTT day^Although Hospital.
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