LABOUR SOCIALIST SOCIETIES AND FRIENDS GROUPS Directory Labour Socialist Society andFriends Group directory PB 1 Introduction Welcome to this new directory, which brings together information about Labour’s Socialist Societies, Friends Groups, and Unions. Socialist Societies are organisations that are affiliated to the Labour Party because they share Labour’s values and aims. They are independently run and cover a wide range of interests, from housing to equalities. Being part of a Socialist Society is a great Labour Socialist Society andFriends Group directory way to meet like-minded Labour members, campaign locally and nationally on issues you care about, and access exciting training and events. We’ve also included information about Labour Friends Groups, who play an important role in bringing together the voices of different communities in the UK, communicating Labour’s messages and building links with the communities they represent, as well as Unions Together, the campaigning voice of Labour’s affiliated Trade Unions. With best wishes James Asser Chair of the Socialist Societies Executive 2 Socialist Societies with a radical commitment among think tanks in being to social justice, to a democratically-constituted protecting the environment membership organisation, and to fostering peace and with almost 7,000 members. reconciliation. Member-led activity includes 70 local Fabian CL offers space for societies, the Scottish Christians to come and Welsh Fabians, the together to help shape the Cooperative Party Fabian Women’s Network political agenda. Affiliated Website: party.coop and the Young Fabians, to the Labour Party and Email: [email protected] which is itself the leading with members in the Twitter: @CoopParty organisation on the left for Commons, the Lords, on Facebook: facebook.com/ young people to debate and local councils and in trade CoopParty influence political ideas. unions and constituency The Co-operative Party is Labour parties, CL makes a separate political party sure the Christian voice is but which has an electoral heard in politics. Through agreement with Labour. lobbying, publications, It is the political voice of public meetings, local the British co-operative branch activities, media movement. Over one billion work and other ways we are Jewish Labour people are members of co- an effective voice for social Movement operatives worldwide which justice. Website: jlm.org.uk globally employ 250 million Email: neilnerva@gmail. people, and generate £1.4 com trillion in turnover while The Jewish community providing the services and inside the Labour infrastructure communities Movement, JLM is an official need to thrive. affiliate of the Labour Party, and campaigns in the UK Labour Socialist Society andFriends Group directory Fabian Society and Israel for the left. Website: fabians.org.uk Email address: info@ fabians.org.uk Christians On The Left Twitter: @thefabians Website: Facebook: facebook.com/ christiansontheleft.org.uk fabiansociety Email: info@ The Fabian Society is christiansontheleft.org.uk Britain’s oldest political think Facebook: facebook.com/ tank. Founded in 1884, the pages/Christians-on-the- Society is at the forefront Left/190326847689465 of developing political ideas Christians on the Left is a and public policy on the movement of Christians left. The society is alone 3 Facebook: facebook. com/pages/Disability- Labour/501448456624514 Disability Labour is an Labour Housing Group affiliate of the Labour LGBT Labour Website: labourhousing. Party. It exists to represent Website: lgbtlabour.org.uk co.uk and support the interests Email: lgbtlabour@ymail. Email: paulre55@hotmail. of disabled Labour Party com org.uk members and supporters. Twitter: @LGBTLab Facebook: facebook. The Labour Housing Group We participate and com/pages/LGBT- was formed in 1981 by contribute to the Labour Labour/110856622350555 housing activists within Party through affiliation, the Party and has had a identify and break down The Labour Campaign for strong influence on the the disabling barriers Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and development of the Labour within society, build links Labour Socialist Society andFriends Group directory Trans* Rights is a Socialist Party’s housing policies. between the Labour Party Society affiliated to the Membership includes and the disabled people’s Labour Party. Members many Labour members movement, and work with include trade unionists and of Parliament, councillors, the Labour Party to ensure members of the Labour housing professionals and that all its services and Party. Membership is open academics, tenants, Trade meetings are as accessible to any lesbian, gay man, Unions and constituency as possible. bisexual or trans* person organisations across the in the Labour movement. country. We have helped Supporting membership to develop and promote is open to others. LGBT relationships between Labour campaigns for full Socialist Societies, to link legal and social equality for the development of housing Labour Party Irish lesbians, gay men, bisexual policy with planning, Society and trans* people. We are transport, education, Website: active in the Labour Party, economic, regeneration, labourpartyirishsociety. the Trade Unions and environmental, health and wordpress.com other labour movement energy policy development. Email: [email protected] organisations. Twitter: @LabourIrish Facebook: facebook.com/ labourirish The LPIS is a Socialist Society affiliated to the Disability Labour Labour Party and aims to Website: disability labour. promote Labour within org.uk the Irish community, Email: disabilitylabour@ encouraging Irish people in gmail.com Britain to support and join Twitter: @DisabilityLab the Labour Party. 4 participates in the National Policy Forum and Labour’s Annual Conference. It also has a Parliamentary branch which includes Labour National Union of Scientists for Labour members of the Education Labour and Socialist Website: Select Committee. SEA’s Clubs scientistsforlabour.org.uk aim has always been to Website: nulsc.info Email: info@ promote a comprehensive, Email: Bates.R4@outlook. scientistsforlabour.org.uk non-selective education com Twitter: @Scientists4Lab service, based on equality Facebook: facebook.com/ Labour Clubs have played of opportunity and life- Scientists4Lab a significant part in the long access to excellent development and sustaining provision, within which We believe that science of the Labour Party. In compulsory education is and technology offer 2015 we are working free, well-resourced and the potential to unlock a with the Party and the organised within a local better future for everyone Trade Union movement democratic framework. and seek to engage with at every level, providing politicians, party members activists, promoting council and scientists to promote candidates and councillors, evidence-based policies MPs and MEPs, in Scotland, that foster innovation Wales and all parts of and discovery in science, England. We are also technology, engineering and extremely proud of our links mathematics. Socialist Health with a myriad of Socialist Association Societies. Across the Website: sochealth.co.uk country we provide facilities Twitter: @SocialistHealth for community groups, Facebook: facebook.com/ trade unions, local councils, Socialist.Health Labour Socialist Society andFriends Group directory the NHS and of course the Labour Party. We help fund The Socialist Health election campaigns at all Association is a levels, and have volunteers Socialist Educational campaigning membership out in all weathers Association (SEA) organisation. We promote supporting our members Website: health and well-being seeking elected office. scientistsforlabour.org.uk and the eradication of Email: info@ inequalities through the scientistsforlabour.org.uk application of socialist Twitter: @Scientists4Lab principles to society and Facebook: facebook.com/ government. We believe Scientists4Lab that these objectives can The SEA is the Labour best be achieved through Party’s specialist education collective rather than affiliate. As such it individual action. 5 We stand for universal seminars, we provide a forum range from students to healthcare meeting patients’ for open-minded discussion magistrates to academics to needs, free at the point of on environmental issues and judges, and above all we are use, funded by taxation socially-just solutions. concerned to uphold the and democracy based on rule of law and to restore freedom of information, to everyone the access to election not selection justice which is their right. local decision making, equality based on equality of opportunity, affirmative The Society of Labour action, and progressive Lawyers taxation. Website: societyoflabourlawyers. org.uk Email: warren.drew@ Chinese for Labour Labour Socialist Society andFriends Group directory societyoflabourlawyers. Website: chineseforlabour. org.uk org Twitter: @SocLabLaw Email: info@ The Socialist Facebook: facebook.com/ chineseforlabour.org Environment and groups/281249298695187 Twitter: @Chinese4Labour Resources Association Facebook: facebook.com/ The Society is the pre- (SERA) chinese4labour eminent professional Website: sera.org.uk association for lawyers Chinese for Labour was Email: melanie.smallman@ on the left of politics and formed in 1999 to promote sera.org.uk supports the Labour Party the interests of Chinese Twitter: @serauk in developing legal policy people in the Labour Party Facebook: facebook.com/ and advising on legal and improve the quality SERAUK proposals. We provide a of
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