SSm • • \ SATURDAY, DECEMBER I, IMS ATdrsfd D d lly Clrodstlon Tht W6stk6r fOUKTEEN iBatirbrjalrr E w n ittg E m to For the MonUi ed Nevember, 1642 Fim aet ef V. S. Weathw Bnrena 7,814 doattaned awdemtely eeU to- The Harvard Road Bridge Club Youths Fined met last night at the home of Mr. Firemen Here 1,000 TREES ALL SI^ Mtontar ef the AodH , turning Ibralh ■l«ht. About Town and Mra. Robert Meintoah for an­ tleard Along Main Street Bnrana ef dretonttona other session of contract Four ta­ In Town Court \ Manchester-—A City o f V U it t g e Charm I » . JobuKm, who h w 45 bles were in play. High scores for Given fcvite And on Some of Manchester** Side Street*, Too L . - CHRISTMAS TREES e(hr oonatructlon In the the evening were made by Mrs. • (FOURTEEN PAGES) PRICE THREE < itTMt ••ctloo. hM » Malcolm Deacon and Perry Pratt Were Involved in Brawl ^ WHOLESALE— RETAIL AivwrtMag am Vaga U ) MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, DECEMBER 7, 1942 _ nbout muSy to occupy. Expert Fire Fighter That lawyer from New Brltaintcomroutera this bus, which is VOL. LXIL, NO. 57 ^ a n to bo offend tor aole. All n ie Asbury group of the South who objected to havLig his client usually loaded to capacity every In North End; Two Grown Locally— Cut as Sold ai th» eoatuaOy type. They Methodist W. S. C. S. will not Frotn London to Tell seated In the so-called prisoners’ morning, was assigned a tripper. I bo flneiieod tbrougb FHA meet for iU Christmas party on box in Town court the other day It is supposed to leave Rockville at Others Discharged. Thursday of next week, but will Of Bombing Raids. got hot under the collar over a 9:17, just ahead of the regular Telepfaione Manchester 2-0625 Sailors Welcome Nation’s “Typical Navy Mother* bus. For the past several days it hold a business meeting Tuesday trivial matUr, It seems to us. John Covensky, 19, of Abby Members of the local Defense Hundreds of respected gentry has arrived and departed from De­ Nazis Show More Savage Battle nos Itoby, who boa been the at 3 p. m. Instead. Fresh Trees— Save Cartage have occupied that same spot pot SQuare around 9:28. It is sup­ road, Wapping, was fined $50 and d 4 a t the Veteran at Forelg^n Council, especially firemen and costa and William A. Karvellia, 21, ehibbouae at Manchester auxiliary firemen have been in­ and he was the first attorney to : posed to pick up passengers in Won The Chamber-Commerce ever object to having a client Manchester but often times it of South Windsor, was fined $25 haa naigned. Women’s Auxiliary will give an­ vited by the Hartford Defense and costs In a special session of Council to attend a meeting on seated there. barely stops at the SQuare. The Resistance West other of Ihelr welcoming teas to Certainly persons who are wait­ regular comes along about 15 to town court last’night, for their ■rwta H. F. Stechholc will newconfiers in Manchester, on Dec. 7 at 8 p. m. in the auditori­ part in a fracas at Depot SQuare um of the Hartford Public . High ing to be tried by the court must 20 minutes later with even stand­ REYMANDER’S FOOD------ BETTER. THAN EVER! tf,*! In the Zion Lutheran church Monday afternoon from 3 to 5 Involving two other men and four Cooper atreet at 10 o’clock to- School, Broad, street, Hartford at sit somewhere and they ought to ing room at a premium. ’Those who o’clock at the Y. M. C. A. An in­ alt in some certain place deslgnat- 1 have taken the time to look into policemen. The accused pleaded HAVE A ftOOD 'iTME — DINE AND DANCE! iRow morains. He la a capdl- vitation has also been extended to which mating Edward A. Baker nolo. Of Moscow Now of the National Fire Service, Lon­ ed for those to be tried. It cer- , the situation are going to take the CHICKEN CACCIATORE ffato for the place made vacant by wives of ofTlcers stationed at the tainly wouldn’t be good practice matter up with the proper authori­ Covensky and Karvellia were tlM death of hla father, Rev. Hugo Armory. The Auxiliary has also don, England, Fire Department, both charged with Intoxication.'' Delicious Broilers Roast Prime Ribs of Beef will be the guest speaker. to have them seated among any ties within the near future. What F. R. Stechhola. set the date of Friday, December spectators who might liable to be they would like to know is what breach of the peace and resisting Oysters and Clams Veal Cutlets • Steaks and Chops Forces Stiffened by Air* Southwest Angle Three reels of motion pictures 18 for a Christmas party and there. trip, if any, the extra bus is sup­ arrest after a tavern brawl at 11 Ask Farms Hie ittee in charge of the dance for the soldiers billeted here. of the London fires resulting from o’clock 'Thursday night The two ^ Veal ScaDopine Borne Reinforcements air raid will be shown and there The incident the other day re­ posed to help? If the extra came aamual _itmaa party of Gib-, It will take place at the American called to mind a similar case, but other men in the melee, Jidius ibly. Catholic Ladies of will be a- Question period. along at the same time as the -Reds Battet’ Down 20 Legion hall. In this one tl^e client himself ob­ Sulsknes, 24, of ^ u sh avenue, Grow M ore bus, held a meeting last Mr. Baker Joined the London regular there would be no objec­ Tanks, Planes and Gi jected to sitting in the prisoners’ tion, they say. Wapping, and Victor Kovas of 67 Reymander's Rastauraiit Counter - Attacks in Allies Holding Clamp Put toght with the chairman, Mrs. The regular monthly meeting Fire brigade on 29th July, 1920 box. He asked, with a pleading Union street were discharged. Used in What May fohn Shea of Benton street They after being demohlUxed from the Fine Wines, LiQuors and Beer Home Needs and dinner of the Retail Credit look in his eye, ”Do I have to sit It sounds corny and sort of con­ Fight Continued In Street Area West of German ffedded upon the date of Wed- Bureau will take place 'Tuesday BrltLsh Army. Having reached iiwthere, judge?” The fracas started in a Depot 35-37 Oak Street Telephone 3922 Supreme Allied Bid ‘Seoday, -Decembei 16, and the cocted to us, but one o f the Her­ Wedge Driven Upon News evening. December 8, at 6:30 at the Qualifying standard at the Fire Chief Gordon, the court officer, SQuare Grill and continued In the Held Rzhev in Push. Thrust Axis Out •lace, the F. M. C. A. Mrs. Her- College was attached to the im­ escorteu the man to the railed In ald staff insists it’s so. He says fcire MacArdle is co-chairman. the Y. M. C. A. street after Kovas had been seri­ Wickard Also Plead* portant Cannon Street Fire Sta­ section of the court and remarked that an out of town girt who has ously battered by the group in­ North Africa; Fi tion in the City of London area. recently come here to work in a Moscow, Dec. — Through Japs From Italy That seat’s just as soft as any side the tavern. Officer Harold German resistance, stiffened For Support of Cot He attended many big London other in this room.” local plant insists that the "sol- Heffron, hearing the scuffle, went ing in Vicinity ■ fires and relates colorful experi­ And, as far as comfort in sit­ diera pick-up station” at the Cen­ over to the Grill and found Kovas by air-bome reinforcements, ton Marketing Quota* Tebourba; No Clue ences during ten years of service ting is concerned, the prisoner’s ter isn’t a success. She maintains lying in the stree^ and the three was growing on the central Strong Patrol Penetrat­ STORE SCHEDULE CHANGES I she has strolled past the station OAKGRIU' in Vote on Dec. 12. General Tightening of ! in the many positions assigned to chair is just as soft as the judge’s. Wapping youths Inside. He arrest­ front west of Moscow today, Given as to Coi i him. Passed exams for Sub- He may not rest as easily in it as several times and not once jret has ed all three and then the trouble -WHERE GOOD FELLOWS GET TOGETHER” ing Americain Lines Is Censorship Give* Con­ j Officer in 1930 and was promoted the judge does in his, but neither a soldier been, there to pick her but the Russiana announced began. While getting into the po­ Memphis, Dec. 7—</P) —S ecn - Thrown Back; Aussie trol Over All Com­ the next year. Promoted to Sta- would he rest easily in any other up. lice cruiser, one of the men struck they had battered down 20 tary o f Agricultun 'Wickard London, Dec. 7.- I tion Officer in July, 1939, and sec- chair under the circunutances. DINE AND DANCE w iHi imUoiilDEa shortiweWs O. P* A. snd O. D* T.» we I Officer Edmund F. Dwyer, who counter-attacks west of Ger­ brought to the south’s farmen two Artillery in Support. munication* Sent. savage battle of tanks, pi ymr troobleE...bot who U not? W« are not oomplatnlnR, I i onded to the Auxiliary Fire Force We overheard a couple o f won^- had come in on a radio call to as­ and guns raged today aloi In “ B" district; made responsible To the.
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