Ichthyology & Herpetology 109, No. 1, 2021, 8–19 Ma´rio C. C. de Pinna Robert H. Gibbs, Jr. Memorial Award for Excellence in Systematic Ichthyology— 2020 across the order to numerous analyses of the composition and inter- and intrarelationships of individual catfish families and genera. Beyond the enduring imprint that this work has had on siluriform systematics, the awardee’s meticulous anatomical studies have also addressed a wide range of groups from Teleostei, to Percomorpha, to Clupei- formes, to Characiformes. All the while, this year’s winner has maintained a vigorous field program, launching expedi- tions and collecting fishes in 16 countries across four continents—efforts that have resulted in an important augmentation of the collection of study specimens at the awardee’s home institution. The awardee’s studies have resulted in the discovery and description of over 50 species, several new genera, and, in collaboration with three Brazilian colleagues, the elegant description of an enigmatic new family of fossorial characiform collected deep in isolated leaf- litter microhabitats in the Rio Negro drainage. Now desig- nated Tarumania walkerae, this strange and mysterious fish had, until this resolution of its identity and relationships, confounded ichthyologists around the globe. The 2020 awardee is a prominent proponent for system- atics and collections-based ichthyological research, having HE American Society of Ichthyologists and Herpetol- served as a past member of the ASIH Board of Governors and ogists presents the Robert H. Gibbs, Jr. Memorial twice as Vice President of the Willi Hennig Society. The T Award to a citizen of a Western Hemisphere nation for awardee also undertook a multi-year term as a Council an ‘‘outstanding body of published work in systematic Member for the International Organization for Systematics ichthyology.’’ The award was established in Bob’s honor by and Evolutionary Biology, as a Program Committee Member his wife Frigga and has been presented annually since 1989. for the International Congress on Systematics and Evolu- For 2020, the committee (myself, Karsten E. Hartel, and tionary Biology, and for the past eight years has played a Henry L. Bart) considered five outstanding nominees, pivotal role as a Member of the Scientific Advisory Board of included four new and one renewed nomination. Any one the Pan African Fish and Fisheries Association (PAFFA). of these nominees would make a worthy recipient for this Regarding the latter, it was the awardee’s interest in the prestigious award, and, while making this year’s selection no relationships of ostariophysans and their potential relatives easy task, such an ‘embarrassment of riches’ serves as that initially brought them to Africa. As it happened, the testament to the enduring vigor of our field and its third meeting of PAFFA was to be held in Benin, and Benin is practitioners. within the range of the enigmatic clupeiform, Denticeps The research interests of this year’s awardee run the gamut clupeoides, a potential contender—and our awardee wanted of systematic ichthyology, from phylogenetic relationships, some. Once in Africa and engaged with African academics taxonomy, and biogeography, to theoretical considerations and their students, the awardee rapidly became a prominent of phylogeny reconstruction, species concepts, the history of advocate for intercontinental collaboration—joking that it comparative biology and its place within the sciences. And was the necessary reunification of Gondwana. Following that the awardee’s contributions across each of these arenas have first foray onto the African continent in 2003, this year’s been profound and impactful. Indeed, while still a graduate winner has returned every four years to help organize and student in the joint City University of New York and attend all subsequent PAFFA meetings. On each visit, they American Museum of Natural History program, they pub- have encouraged an ever-growing cadre of Brazilian col- lished a paper on ‘‘Concepts and tests of homology in the leagues to cross the Atlantic with them, initiating a new era cladistic paradigm,’’ a contribution that has been cited over in which many of Latin America’s best young ichthyologists 1,093 times since its publication and almost two decades are tackling systematic questions outside the bounds of later has been cited 90 times in the past five years alone. The Neotropical fishes and in collaboration with African coun- awardee’s professional career began while an undergraduate terparts. And yes, on that first trip our awardee scoured the with a publication on a cave population of Trichomycterus, landscape, eventually collecting a very nice series of Denticeps and in the ensuing years has published over 90 peer-reviewed and together with former graduate student, Fabio Di Dario, papers. Most of these have focused on the broad sweep of published a series of beautifully executed anatomical studies catfish systematics from the resolution of basal relationships of this once poorly known African ‘‘denticle herring.’’ Ó 2021 by the American Society of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists DOI: 10.1643/t2021010 Published online: 24 March 2021 9 In 2018, recognition of the awardee’s intellectual leader- A talented linguist, urbane bon vivant, and world traveler, ship, international profile, and personal charm propelled our awardee was born and raised in Rio de Janeiro. This proud them into the directorship of their home institution—a Carioca completed undergraduate studies at that city’s vaunted establishment housing one of the largest natural Federal University before heading north to the City Univer- history museums in the world, and that for many decades sity of New York and the American Museum of Natural has been the continent’s most fertile training ground for History, studying under the supervision of Gareth Nelson future systematists. As a long-time professor, our awardee has and receiving a Ph.D. in 1992. The awardee then went on to played a key role in building this reputation, not the least two postdoctoral appointments, first with Rich Vari at the through leadership in the development and coordination of National Museum of Natural History in Washington, and the institution’s widely respected graduate programs. The then with Lance Grande at the Field Museum in Chicago. In awardee has graduated 17 Ph.D. students and hosted 1996, they headed back to Brazil, not to their natal Rio but to numerous postdoctoral fellows, themselves forming a vibrant the Institute of Biosciences at the University of Sa˜o Paulo new generation of systematic ichthyologists, many of whom where the awardee stayed until 2000 when a move across occupy curatorial and professorial positions throughout campus brought them to the faculty of the Department of Brazil and elsewhere in Latin America. To all our awardee Vertebrates in the Museum of Zoology where our awardee has been a role model, teacher, and an approachable now serves as Director. colleague whose influence and intellectual contributions Writing this during the 2020 COVID-19 pandemic, a time have shaped and supported the development of Brazilian when steady, thoughtful leadership is of paramount impor- ichthyology. tance, I cannot think of anyone better qualified, nor of better But this year’s awardee is known for being far more than an temperament than our 2020 awardee to steer an institution accomplished administrator, researcher, and teacher, and is through these challenging times. Our awardee’s voice is internationally renowned as an amiable raconteur. As noted unique in the ichthyological world, and their leadership will by one nomination letter writer, the awardee is the kind of continue as will the production of thoughtful and thought- colleague that you hope to join at the bar, and whose hotel provoking research for many years to come. room is the late-night salon you hope to join after the last It is with the greatest pleasure that I announce the 2020 call. The awardee’s love of good food, good company, and recipient of the Robert H. Gibbs, Jr. Memorial Award for passion for music are almost legendary—what other ichthy- Excellence in Systematic Ichthyology: Ma´rio C. C. de Pinna. ologist do you know that would travel halfway around the globe to catch an entire (17 hour) performance of Wagner’s Award ‘‘presented’’ by Melanie L. J. Stiassny, Chair, 2020 Ring Cycle. Gibbs Award Committee. 10 Ichthyology & Herpetology 109, No. 1, 2021 Henry L. Bart, Jr. Robert K. Johnson Award for Excellence in Service—2020 policies and procedures. This year’s Johnson Award commit- tee members include Eric J. Hilton (Chair), Michael Douglas, and Kyle Piller. The Johnson Award is awarded annually to either an ichthyologist or a herpetologist in alternate years; in 2020 Johnson Award was presented to an ichthyologist. It is our pleasure to announce the award of the 2020 Robert K. Johnson Award to Dr. Henry (Hank) L. Bart, Jr. Hank has served the Society in numerous offices and positions for more than 20 years, with consistent, steady service that has often gone unrecognized. Through his long-standing service, Hank has clearly demonstrated his passionate support for students, collections, and the ASIH generally. He has served on many integral committees that keep ASIH moving forward, including the Nominating Committee, several award committees (including both the Johnson and Gibbs awards), the Special Publications Committee, Web Content and Management Committee, and the Meeting Management Committee. Hank has been an active member on the joint AFS–ASIH Animal Care and Use Committee. This committee is charged with keeping current the Guidelines for Use of Fishes in Research, which is depended upon by Institutional Animal Use Committees nationwide. He has served twice on the ASIH Board of Governors. Notably, Hank has served on two local organizing committees for annual meetings, including the 2016 centennial meeting, for which he co- chaired the local committee and worked to ensure that the HE American Society of Ichthyologists and Herpetol- meeting rose to the occasion of marking this important ogists, like virtually all professional scientific societies, milestone.
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