m . THRWRATBip^* Fweeesi, •( U. n WmltMi Barttoril eren ln f mt 7:46. I f n . Albtat Pater* 5 . 8 0 ^ 9 MB of BlUnrtan will ba tha boateM. » of tba And!* ’Oondy toBlfkt, 3«>enMly o f CXreniattM^ Saturday; eelter. MANCHESTER — A CITY OP VILLAGE CHARM Kata ia a aaaplata Snanaliia AGENT FOR saialaa lot <he inAialdmil. .VGL.LVL,M0.2« i AdvartMuG wm Ckfa id.), A aonala -mp la S 3 0 0 . ne MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, OCTOBER 80, 1030 (EIGHTEEN PAGEU) PRICE THREE CBNTE aaonilfr at andetaan ta%nlnd r : ■■ ■■ ' r'c’ir'V’ ■ fat aalariad aaiplayaa. ' ' OPPERS Tha mla a i iaiaiaal ahaaaad la Ouaa 131 pai aaat paa aaiMlh. As Austria Re-EstabUshed Conscript Army o( Siltljwite (381 M r eant,paa aamuai an napaio aaroant af MOLUSON BREAKS lean. You Want In The General WEST COAST SHIPPIN IDEAL FINANC3NO (SOLD FOB CASH) AS8CK3ATION, Ino. RECORD IN FU (»IT 871 Main Street L.T.WOODCO. OVEB W. T. ORANT BTOBI n Blaaell St. .. Phone 4496 Phone 7781 Assembly Frpm Manchester ACROSS A TliN TIC PARALYZED BY STRIKE; English Aviator ReachM the LANDON ON MAY s p r e a d t o e a s t timJ W I U U < x>u M a n c h e s te r Croydon Airport from mamcnwm Com^ Newfonndland in 1 3 TO ST. LOUIS First CaD Brings Out 37,00Q FRIDAY 3 TO 6 GIRL SCOUTS FINAL_ADDi Worker^ Labor Leaders SPECIALS IN THE Honrs and 17 Minutes. Son Francisco, Oct. 80.— (AP)—.^raacliinG new aGreemente to replace SELFSERVE HlGhUGhte on the Paciflo coast’s those which expired Sept 30. Issues Predict WalkoDt w m Bei maritime strike; Involve control 'of hirinG and joint . Croydon, EnGland, Oct SO__ (AP) Gets Great Oration in New siGninG of aGreements with oil ^-Fonnd Bara Baher’a FINANCIAL —Btaattering all apeed records for Workers involved. 37,000. seven unions. come National m Scope; on eastward croaainG of the At­ Unions JoininG Walkout—Inter­ . Important FiGures In the Strike York As He fiads Eastern national LonGshoremen's Associa­ lantic, C apt . James A. MoUlaon Picture— Harry BridGes, district New York Unions to Vote C h o c o l a t e tion; Marine EnGineers Beneficial president of the I\ l . A., and land­ landed here today at 9:57 a. m. Campaign With Chaflenge Association; Masters, Mates and er of the bitter 1984 strike, started ■^4:67 A m., B. S. T.) only 13 houra Pilots; American Radio TeleGraph­ by the lonGshoremen; T. O. Plant On the Sobject Tonight and 17 minutes after hoppinG off ists Asaociation; Marine Cooks and head of the offshore shippers and * K o p p c r s ROUND-UP Stewards; Sailors Union of tha 2 f’"" 2 j^ « from wintry Newfoundland. to Roosevelt their leader In the 19S4 walkout; Pacific; Harlhe Firemen, Oilers, RoarinG acrou the stormy At- Assistant Labor Secretary Edward By ASSOCIATED PBB8S Wipera and Water Tenders Aasocla- F. McGrady, sent here from Wash­ C o k e |S-Ponnd Can lanUc in his Bellanca monoplane, tton. Pacific coaat shippinG was pora^ the lone pilot averaGed approxi­ Aboard <3ov. London’s Train En- inGton In attempt* to avert the Friday, Oct. 30,1936 Reason for Strike—Failure of em- Ij-zed today by the strike o f 87,003 mately 160 milea an hour to reach rbute to St. Louis, Oct. 80.— (AP)— walkout He played an Important ployera and unions to aGree on lat- part In brinGinG peace two years waterfront and seafarinG workers^ hlb Goal at 9:58 a. m. <4:58 a. m., <3ov. Alf M. London aped homeward I ^ F u e l O U CRISCO ter’a "fundamental" demands In' aGo. 'members o f aevan federat*d unleash' eastern standard time). today, rearinG hla bid for New York LePs Have ALL of Manchester It was the Orst time a fliGht with state's 47 electoral votes on "the PoaslblUty arose tha strike woutq William Je Thornton William J. Shea Ixmdon as the eastern G ^ had basic princlpIcM of my political spread to eastern and Gulf ports, tj* : * B l u e C o a l been succesafully completed without creed" and a "challenGe" to Presi­ taG up vlrtuaUy aU Ameriean shM^ Back of Our Girls! a forced landinG enroute. 55* dent Roosevelt to "tell us where you Ptag. MoUlaon, who by today's fliGht stand" on NRA, AAA, execuriye SEES EMPLOYES’ CLAUSE iMianW'How^ ."bueoBte the fim^nteni^ te n y a'p IdM CSitine'__ ___ across the Atlantic four timea, was "There can be no confidence while Beneficial Aasociation, predicted; not even aatlafled with that. "Poa- this administration remmns In pow-, ‘Tt will be a national strike. .. Blbly within a day," he said, he wlU er,” the Kansas executive declared," DISCARDED BY ASSEMBLY The (4 ______________ have received hundreds of teleGraril COFFEE take off on a record attempt to the reassertinG hla belief In "the Amer­ from porta an over Amerloa phMtt W. Q. Glenney Co. $50 Door Prize Tonight tip of South Africa. ican system of free enterprise." Iw support.” - ^ [ Coal - Lmnlier • Maaona’ SnppUea CouhtlnG the Bix houra and 41 The Republican ' nominee, speak­ President Joseph Ryan a t the a t Paint % ^ e lb. DrawinG Between 10 and 11 P. M. minutes he took to reach Harbor inG last niGht in New York’s Madi­ Dlctator-ramie^or Kurt SchuaclmlGG oE Austria, In aeml-mlUtary uniform, la pictured (inset) os he took GoYemor’s Secretary Ei- taniational LonGshoremen's Ai [386 No. Main St Tel. 4149 Grace, Nfld., from New York, he son Square Garden, noted that Pres­ re oll^iance to the flrat recruits drafted Into the^^army under the recent tew REDS TOLD NOT dation, who had said the aaaoclal Candidates For Representatives had made the entire fliGht In 19 ident Roosevelt closes hts campaiGn re-estabUshlnG consciiptlon and GroatJy auGjnentlnG hla country’s military forces. A General view of the pre^^A Donbt That That must support the west coast hours and 58 minutes. there tomorrow uiGbt. The Garden’s racrults at the Vienna Garrison is shown. By a recent, fai^reachinG Cabinet mends, hurried to his New York R A VIOLI Few Spectatora 18,500 seats were filled and officials decree, SchuschniGG seized supreme power for himsel f In Austria and became Europe’s newest dictator. TO INTERFERE floe to study the situation. (Inly a dozen spectators were on there estimated 1,500 were stand­ Pert of Jobless Insurance Joseph Curtan, chairman o( SpaGhetti \ Steamed Gams inG, • Left winG Seamen’s defense o< hand to cheer the veteran flier's The crowd, shoutinG and wavinG HamburGers Italian Grinders brmiant success jHlsjle in the face itattee, announced at New Tork . floGs, heard the Kansan close hk WITH ENGLAND .tantic sailors would vote ' o f forbiddinG weather condiUona, wm Be Approyed; NEREIS REAL NEWS! Sandwiches o f All Kinds The STRAIGHT eastern campaiGn—climatic objec­ whether to walk out for Cap^n Moliison appeared ex­ tive of a 20,000-mlle speakinG tour FIERCE COUNTER-AHACK FDR PREPARES equivalent tp thoec paid on the ' Personal Appearance of l^our _ hausted when lifted from his plane. —with a frequently reiterated dec­ coaat. Hartford, Oct 80.—(AP) —Phil­ BALLANTINE and RUPPERT HI: flrat remark was: laration that "no one can be sure” Sir Samnd Issues •Tho newly created martttma i _ "I am'so damned tired. I am Go­ Iff the administration’s future poli­ ip Hewes, executive aecretary to LJsaton, wifich has Jurisdiction oV lt ! On DrauGht REPUBLICAN inG to have a larGe Scotch and BY LOYAUSTS OF SPAIN SPEECHES FOR cies on aGriculture, industry'and re­ Governor Wilbur-L. Crou, Apreaa- shippinG companies and RADIO FAVORITES soda.” Stem Warning to Com- lief and of what the Frealdent pro- ed doubt today that the General unions, pored over reports but THE Re d m e n p r e s e n t . ; He said he had covered tha 2,100 posea to do "to restore confidence.” . no com m ent (ThiefBf hope Assembly wUI approve an unemplo' milea one hour and 12. minutes fast­ He addressed tbta InterroGation munist ItUemmt lay In Um eomn TICKET er than bis own advance estimate. to the President: Supported I ; New Tasb^FAMOUS SCULPTOR ment taourance bill requjrinG''e^ VBRNON Charter Oak St. Tavern ^MVE WINDUP 120 Charter Oak Street D. Gnarco, Prop. ' Not conteyit with this feat, he "Poes he favor revivinG tha prin­ ployes to contribute ciples of tha National Recovery Speech in London,, ^ d he planned to rest only a few . Hanesp Govemmmit I c i ! “This - prqvlaion," said Hewes, STONE days befoM flyinG on in an. attempt Act? Or doss he favor the Ameri­ who w lU 'alt ln the speolel aesoion up In Fa'cUla^ports. The nu: and ^ to break the record to (Mpe Town, can system iff fraa Initiative 7 DIES IN CHICAGO as Representative from Avon, (vlU be increased Greatly with return o f atfips at sea. BLEOTRA South Africa. “Ikies he favor revivinG the prin­ "seems unUkely to pass because of London, D ot 80.— (A P )—A stem ciples of the AGricultural Adjust­ F or^ Attempt to Drive in Brookqm and Tomor­ The attika was oslled whan uniaSt' , Hla Fonrtli FUGht the set-up of the General Assembly. British warninG, voiced by Sir 8am< The EnGlish flier took off from ment Act? Or does he favor allow­ and steamship companies were uq? Republicans know it, but they have uet Hoare„ First Lord o f the Admi' able to aGree on half a dosen m i^ - PLATT Harbor Grace at 8:40 p.
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