THE SUNDAY OKEGONIAN, PORTLAND, APRIL. 30, 1923 17 this year, led his nearest competitor by a substantial majority. Helen Pip-p- y ODITH ENDS USEFUL LIFE V. n. Go-Ca- rt E. HAUSER LEAVES of Portland was elected nt Boys' Wash Suits 82-i- Dress Ginghams Mary Jane Pumps Baby Men's Overalls of the student body at the same rt; Big styles yards choice In white canvas; good service- A good serviceable go-ca- made Good heavy blue denim; full cut; balloting. For the office of student assortment of different Yards and of it here; a over- I with black well made throughout. This body chairman, Howard Smythe, also W. " H. ODELL ARDENT sup- in food colors; good wash materi- patterns in fast colors. These are able pump for growing girls; sizes of a steel frame covered FDR EAST TUESDAY or .Portland, was the successful can- als; lots of sizes. Big value in all quality ginghams, bought in BYi children's sizes to 8 in the fabrikoid; rubber tires; folding all is as good as can be found and didate porter OP WILLAMETTE. these, formerly seling up quantities and sold the 1 women's. An unusual J style. Big values at JJC QC is typical of the value fc" A' Next year's student councilors, who $2.69 Ofi. Ward way Q. value in shoes. ft ft our low price . we give here V - work as a cabinet with the president g to J&1 .............. XC Pair.. JAvlv In the government of student affairs, Publisher, Educator and Political were chosen in Friday's election. From ten men and ten women nominees, Leader of State Was Trustee Invitation to Rose Festival to submitted by the four classes, the " electors chose eight councilors, in ad- More Than 40 Xears. Be Extended to Hardings. dition to a president and An unusually large vote was polled, the distribution of tallies was W. H. Odell, of the well-know- n UES Salem Statesman, edu VA! extremely close and final results hung in the balance until the last ballot cator and political figure, who died in GIFT TO BE FOUR VOLUMES had been recorded. this city late Wednesday night at the thrifty. Quality, style and Although only two of the present age of 92 years, was especially known Here is a story of values, priced to be of interest to the for his work In enlarging the useful- ness of Willamette university at every department in our big, main-floo- r, retail store. Salem. He was a member of the board low prices are found in PORTLAXD SHRHKR TO AP- of trustees of that institution for Conference to Be Held With Sec- PEAR IN SHOW THIS WEEK, more than 40 years and was for a I time president of the board. He was Spring: retary Denby to Obtain Naval a member emeritus at the time of his' Big Shoe Values For Spring Frocks Coats and Suits Vessels for Portland. death..-- Funeral services were held for Mr. Odell yesterday afternoon at The shoe values we give Season's Favored Fabrics Style, Quality Ldw Priced Salem. - you big;, no Mr. Odell has made his home in are matter 27-i-n. Ginghams your be. Dress 17 The popular styles are here Portland for the last 12 years and at what needs may 21-inc- h, . vari- Brie V. Hauser, president of the the time of his death lived with a Our quantity buying re- Fancy Voiles, yard. .29c in different materials, niece, Mrs. L. H. 464 East 44-i- Ail-Wo- Portland Rose Festival association, Baker. n. ol Poiret, yd. ous colors to choose from will leave Portland Tuesday moring Twenty-fourt- h street. He came to duces your shoe costs. The .$1.75 for Washing-ton- . D. C. where he will Oregon from Indiana in 1851. He at Ward way pays. Georgette Crepe, the best.. $1.45 and all low priced. present an invitation, to President and tended Willamette university and w Mrs. Harding to attend the festival for many years engaged in educa- Checkd Taffeta Silk, yd.... $1.59 Tan Polo Coat of alt wool ma- He served a deputy throughout. A to June. tional work. Men's Shoes Women's Shoes All-Sil- k terial; well made By a fortunate coincidence Guy W. surveyor and later as surveyor-ge- n Pongee, big value, yd. 9S popular atyle wrap of quality, years good - Talbot, president of the Portland! Rose eral of Oregon etween the of Tan Oxfords Kid leather; Oxfords In both black and- tan; Dotted Swiss, good quality.yd. 45 soldi Ward fc 1 C and 1S74. He became owner oi comfort last; rubber heel. This is - the oclety. and, Franklin T. arlfflth are 184 offering:, quality com- plain toe; walking: heeL- A zmeat way. All sizes.. P --r.ffvvr leaving Tuesday for the east in con the Oregon Statesman In T.Sn, which a special Beach Cloth, summer's favor- he published until 1884. He was later bined with Q QQ dressy shoe of good wearing: quali- very best nection with business of the respec low price .....-- . ties, one strap style. Grey Polo Coat f the tive companies of which they are the postmaster at Salem. aJ.70 - ite, yd ..35 all wool material. A most- - char- ne&d, both will arrange in Mr. Odell was one of the trustees Oxford In black and tan; a new 2 9 great and to be of university time dressy last of very neat appearance. Tissue Ginghams, many colors 59 acteristic garment of Washington on the day of the presen Willamette at the A high-grad- e throughout; a Lace Pumps Both black and tan; could pay more nd was remove - shoo value. You tation to take part in the ceremony at the effort made to that big- value; the C I Q kidl leather; walking heeL A shoe Scotch Ginghams, the best. ..69 tiu White House. school to Portland. He held, out for way t the Salem location. He was one of Ward t0.l7 for both comfort and service at a White Voiles, fine grade, ffoniT:.. $19.95 Four Tolanus to Be Presented. were Dress Shoes In black; throe dif- most price. Plain 50 five members of the board who ferent styles to choose from. These reasonable Poplins, plain Blue Velour Coat. A most ac- Th invitation which Mr. Hauser always present for meetings In those shoes are built for extreme wear Cotton colors..29 ceptable 6tyle; nice large roll will present to President and Mrs. days and thus insured a quorum far and are very Q 1 C Silk Crepe Poplins, big value 89 Harding on behalf of the board of the conduct of 'business. The other low priced vOai Shoes Black only; collar, new bell flJOO QC directors of the Rose Festival associa- four members were G. P. Litchfield J Dimities, quality sleeves. Big value handsomely-ooun- Dress Shoes In both black and tan; Cuban heel; plain Colored fine 39 tion is contained in four d of Salem. Dr. John Parsons and C. B. a dressy, comfertable last. This is wool mate- volumes, prepared) Moores of Dr. one box toe. A wonder- Pique, grade, yd. Tricotine Suit All under the Portland, and John of our best sellers and fljtf OQ ful wearing shoe White a fine 21? navy only; a new Spring direction of Mrs. Frank McCrlLlis Sidney Noles. Reynolds, who recently died in Salem. a big: value In shoes...... wOtai!? at rial; in of the association Although relieved from active duty Work Shoes In either black or our low price. Just Organdies, many colors, yd.. 37 etyle neatly trimmed in braid. A Clay S. Morse and William F. Wood Sidney No lea, a member of the as & member of the board Mr. Odell tan; two full double soles. This is the shoe for every- charming style, Striped Voiles, neat patterns. 25 fcOlm 7tt ward, directors. Al Kader Shrine patrol, who often attended meetings and w our six montn guaranteed saoe. day wear low priced Pi'-t- I J Officials of Oregon, Multnomah formerly was a favorite on the keenly interested in the welfare of ary a pair Lingerie Crepe, fine quality. county, Portland, the school board. "big-tim- e" - vaudeville, circuits, the university. One of his last acts of these $3.98 .35 Tan Sport Suit in a new Spring clvlo and commercial organizations of will appear in a. skit with Ray for the institution was the furnishing Hlara Top Shoes too: tan: $2.98 Silk Foulards, big value, yd. $1.98 etyle of the popular tuxedo the state and women's organizations AKenberg at the entertainment of two rooms in Lausanne hall, the army toe; double soles. This shoe front. A neat dressy suit of and show which will be staged girl's dormitory. In memory of his two is built for extreme service and is Silk Messalines, lower price $1.49 have Joined in the invitation, which a Dig ward shoe quality, at our 1 O r7tZ will be placed In the hands of the at the .Baker theater for the wives. ' Plain Taffetas, 36 ins. wide price, only 1 chief executive of the nation and, the benefit of th Shrine patrol next The funeral services were at the value $8.39 $1.98 V 0 J first lady of the land. Tuesday, Wednesday and Thurs- First Methodist Episcopal church. Dr. Two volumes of the Invitation con- day. John L. Parsons of Portland, a life- tain the names of school children at- This skit, which will b staged: long friend of the deceased, was in tending the grammar and high between acts of "Smilln' Thru," charge.
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