~bc 3Jnbian ~cbool Journal PUBLISHED EVERY 3rI0NTH IN THE INTERESTS OF THE UNI1ED STATES INDiAN SERVICE VOLUME SIX FOR JUNE NUMBER EIGHT em,TEXTS: The ~Iound Builde!'; Poem from Fall r T"'rk X,...., 9 rie.., of Pima Farm Lanrk Arizona 10 The Color of Blood. a 'torr of the Pima Indians-IlIu.,tmted By S. ~l. ~lcCowan 11 The :-ia'ajo and Hi, Country llIustratC(1 B\' Walter Runke 21 The Alhtuluerque Exhibit llIustratC(1 B\' E. K. ~Iiller 29 R a'ding the Rapid City' .:: hool :.10 "La" and His L'nde . ·tm :32 The Chilocco School's COlllmencement A Clippin~ from Th,' Jrkm'lll.t Cily Tral'e1rr :l-i In and Ont of the Indian _ n ICC :.16 The :-ie..s at Chilneeo :.I' Edurational Department :39 The )lation's Westmini,ter Abbey-Clipping-Book tilThr Royal BllIr 57 The Indian ign Language-Clipping-X",. }'ark Po I 60 Official Keport of the Indian. hool Change for April 62 Official CirruL1r ~o. 1 6-i Ameriran Indian DI'Coration 65 A.h·uns nle rmon Poem AuthOl"hip lJ nknown 67 70 Indian Ind"1\1uuaI'Ity' dlpplllgf'" Ok/ahoma Cily• 0'/'.·"'IIHlII1" Indian, F' .. 'I . 1- I", .1 en to lITIgate A Clipping -" An Indian Hosteh -"1- 1»1 hOI . _ b I' . t' 2: department. the me- tha . ,\) IWOI. JUrRX.\I. i.. h~Ued frtlm the Chil(l('('o ...... 0(1 :0; prm In • _ p . 1 Dlral wnrk "I c.. d' I' f the ....·hool" rln er. T nn 1 'Jt"m~ dune b," .. tudenbi of the ..... ·hool Undt'f the Jrt.'., Inn (I - tb \. HI. Jilt I\" ba .• G t s,-ryi('e L • e. men- f'<U!. X _ -u..." wide dn.·ulati<ln. both in and (Iut of the IwernDlt'1l ~ . ~\~\'t::r DirttL,ry for bona-fide dn'Ulation. ... dre ...ed to Tut: hDL\~ ." J .ng rates made known on anptit'3tinn. Communll'3h Ik- ..hould be: ad %L or~ I' " :S.H.. • ~1. )1('<:0',"-\'1 Editor) or E. K. )1rU.Ul. Blliioe-.;:;. anager. 2 THE INDIAN SCHOOL JOURNAL-ADVERTISING SECTION Chilocco R.R. Time Table Tht trains below st<Jp rl<!ily. S.\.TTA ~"J<.: ROU'l'E:.-Station one and OD~­ half mile east of ~\dtllil1istratiollBuildioK­ Going north: :\0. at 1l:55 a. Ul.; Xu. 40" (KawCitj'Train at 7:0:! p. m. Going stluth: Xu. 40, at U:l:! a. m.: No. H.j at 11:03 a. m. ~"RlSCO LlNE--8tatioD known a:s Cale, South bound, 7:30 a. m. and 5:02 p. m : north bound, I2:lJ.I a. m. and 6:38 p. m. SEW ERA mLLIXG COMPAXY, Manufacturers of the Celebrated "POLAR BEAR" FLOUR. AHKANSAS CITY, KANo;AS DeANE & JARVIS 1am. mac~\MT',} \l.)aqO"l\S, REMEMBER US "?l\l~~\es, 1\e\~ ean\aqes, Whenever you want HAR ESS a"l\~ ~aT~e"l\ '5ee~, etc., etc. or a bill of HARDWARE. /fk:j 8. .sUfIIJlut. AHK..-LV::iA:::; CITY II:,""\, HAMILTON HARDWARE CO Geo. L. Beard, Arkansas City, Kans. ~. SaDdc~. Guns, Ammunition and Sporting Goods t,; s. HarUt~·. Pres. D. C....birr flshinr T"lit and Alhltlic Goods. The Citizens State Bank fillt Rcpairinr a Sptda1lr, A Bornt ID~tilDtiOU. We licit Your BI1~iDt.... MILLER'S Missouri Pacific Time Table. PH0T0S Arkansas City, Kans. No. blU Passenger, departs 12:30 p. m ARE THE BEST. No. ~ local freight, departs __ :00 a. m No. ~ local freight, arrives. -- l1fo~: ~ Nu. ~~ passenger, amves - - -D ter Nn '10 makes close connection a~bex tmpire ;iteam =!aundrq, with . fast, tram. for Coff'l1eyv. e, _Pitts urg,the ARKANSAS CITY Nevada and St. Louis, and t~or ro:ffe~~iIIe. Iron Mountarn route sou 0 d and TELEPHONE NO. .26. Also with fast express for Colora 0 Pacific Coast points. between c. N. l-Il..1l:""":1.t. P • rOpC"i~tor. Local freights carry passengers Arkansas City and Dexter. ONE ODOR NORTH OF GLADSTONE HOTEl, W, A. RUPERT, Agent. Mention the JOUUNAL wbenever you wnte our ad\'erlisers. THE INDIAN SCHOOL JOURNAL-ADVERTISING SECTION 3 Some Good Indian BOOKS Glance over the List Lolami in Tusayan._ regular price. 5Oc; our price. 35c Lolami. the Cliff Dweller, regular price. 5Oc; our price, 35c The White Canoe•...............regular price, $1.00; our price, 60c Indian Boyhood•................regular price, $1.60; our price, $1.00 How to Make Baskets•.._regular price, $1.00; our price. 60c More Baskets and How to Make Them. $1.00; our price. 60c How to Do Bead Work, ..... regular price. $1. 00; our price. 60c These books are in the regular bindings; they are cheap only in price. Any of the above books will be sent to any address postpaid, upon receipt of the price. This offer is a special one. Compare our prices with the regular book­ sellers' on these goods. You should order at once from The Indian Print Shop U. S. Indian School, Chilocco. Oklahoma Genuine Navajo Blankets Books of the Indian TypogTaphers Mention tbe JOURNAL wbene-rer )"OU write our ad\'erttsen.. 4 THE I 'DIAN SCHOOL JOURNAL-ADVERTISING SECTION OBSERVATION CAR-COLORADO 1'RAIXS. EXCURSION TO DENVER, Colorado For a chaOJ(t' why not make that ,-i,it to Colorado; To the City in the Hills; You'll enjny it. Stop over and vi.. it ::\Ianitou and Pike .... Peak enroute. Ride through a coun­ try full of beautiful :-i(-enery and bral"ing' air. Attradi\'e and inexpellih-e ,-ariable route lour-; within the meaTL" of almo4 e\"ery one. Le-.... than half fare. Tickeb on Mle July 10 to 15. Retum limit August ~O. I- Of further ParlitllL1r-< addre--... or See W. W. BURNETT, Santa Fe tAgent, tArkansas City, Kansas. Write for Illustrated Descriptive Books-Free. MentioD the JOVBXAlt wbenever you write our advertlsen. THE INDIAN SCHOOL JOURNAL-ADVERTlSlXG SECTIO,' 5 ~ (pele of , lfnb tan ~ongg lecture = ~ecital Br ,\nss FRANCES DE TSMORE "GISHIGOIQ A" PART Prililitirt I"dUt'1 &'''9' !riJh arroJllpallimtll1of hand dapping. midin" rnlflt'.llJm tom al/d tll'U ,!Irk" ,trurk lugtlhtr_' Kwakintl Song of the Potlatch, The Gift of Peace. ng of the Peb- ble Game. Geronimo's Song. Tigua Dance of the Wheel. Funeral ng to the Spirit. PART II ,'{.mg, &rith pial#) ar(;vrnpallimml, sholf'ing that 1'ld;'11/ ,.mg' JuliuV' harmoJlir lillts, ?'Id thal .th, harllifJlI;:atUJn inluiJirtlg SUllY'" by tilt Imliall. illlfr}Jrtls 1M IIltalflli9' of kif IUllg': • Introduction. Bala Bala Indian Song. 'ng of the ~'L Hi,'er Indi- ans, ~Ian eating song of a cannibal tribe. C,rtnu:mial &JIlgl,- ~~oral from the \\'a-wan Ceremony. Otoe song of the Peace pIpes. ~lSlllg the pipe:;. Child's Prayer. Song of the Gh",,-t Dance. • "g. of Iht Warpath aad &111,; ·'Warrior. rise and sing:' "Sister trotting follows me:' Waeton wa- an., Rallying Cry. Capti"e Song. alp Dance. Sorial SOllgl: ,. 'ng of the Hol"e Societv. ";\1anitou is looking at me," Ishebuzzi. FrIend, let us walk." . T PART III he II/dian tlnlU:lI/ ill IIwdlrll CQmposiJimr l "Dawn, .. by Jrthur Far..ell. Th . Densmore's first recital of Indian music was given more tban ten y~ars ago. t e present program opens with primitive songs accompanied by hand-clappmg. t~m­ d:-' ratt1e~ and sticks, and includes social, ceremonial and war songs from elg~ erenttnbes ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ .T FOR TERMS and DATIS: Address: mi~~ j'rance~ j1)en~more Red Wing. Minnesota Mention tbe JOUI:tSAL wbene\'er yon write onr ad,erti-.en;. 6 THE INDIAN SCHOOL JOURNAL- ADVERTISING SECTION The Farmers State Bank c:A,kansas City, Kansas. CAPITAL. $50,000. UNDIVIDED PROFITS, $25.000. -DIRECTORS- WM. E. OTIS. ~O. L. PAR.-~X.. J. MACK LQ\"E. E. NEFF. A. H. O~~X1'OX WM. E. OTIS. PIIUOlJlT. A. H. DENTON, CUHE!l. Forthebiggestassortmentof FOR DRUGS, BOOKS, Hne Stationery and Lowney's Good Gas Goods Chocolates. at lowest prices CAf,l, ,1'1' tJollitt & tJwarts, Gilbert-Sturtz Hdw. Co. .-1RA·AXSAS CITY, KANSJ.S. Everything in Hardware Arkl/nsas City, Kansa$. DR. L. D. MITCHELL, '1'. E. OLDROYD an.d .•• DENTIST••. COMPANY, Opposite filfmrn' Suit Bm:. in K. r. Block. FURNITURE AND UNDERTAKING Arkansas City. Kansas. CD d c£ b ctJ L. D. HODGE "'Ja ger .J.,um er \1O. DENTIST, B. W. BOARDMAN. AgmL Lumber and Building Material Over Home National BanI<, Eslinal'" (hemaD, Gino. Arbnsas Qly. Kau. ARKAII'SAS CI'I'Y, KAN A'. WE SAVE YOU MONEY On DrJ Goods, Clothing and Shoes. Immense Assortment and the VerJ Lowest Prices. No Trouble to Show Goods. THE NEWMAN DRY GOODS COMPANY, ARKANSAS CITY, KANSA . - THE INDIAN SCHOOL JOURNAL-ADVERTISING SECTION 7 Midland Valley R. R. Co. 1'1 Ark a n s a sRi v erR 0 ute TIME CARD SOlJTH BOL'ND NORTH BOU~D D.\ILY D.\ILY Leave- Arkaos.'b City - ; :30 3. m· lr.l,''''' ~Iu,kogee '"1:(111 a. m. Arrh'es lIardy ,,~ " Arrh'e-;, TlIL..;a W,3,; .. Foraker - - It) :341 .. ~el"gooy ­ H,~ p. m. Pawh""ka H,3d p. m. Pawhu:.ka I ,31' " ~elogony ~::.) " .. Foraker ­ 3:,),) .. " Tulsa ~ :441 " Hardy .>:-IJ .. ~(lbkogee i ,0.; " Arkan"as City . 7:00 .. ]. F. HOLDEN, T. E. McMEA S, Vice President. Agent. Ft. Smith. Arkansas Arkansas City. Kans. AVAlO ATIVE I SADDLE BLANKETS - (]lT~E Indian Print Shop announces to its po'\trons .and friends that It has through the efforts of one of its representabres, been fonu- ~ate enough to secure a few Nati"e Narajo addle Blanket_-something we ave been out of for some time. These blankets are of the sir.e to fold.
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