2017 Trail of Tears Conference & Symposium - Page 1 8:00am-12:30pm Registration at Choctaw Casino Hotel across from Registration in the Lobby LOB 9:00am-12:15pm TOTA Board of Directors Meeting SPC 12:30pm-1:45pm Opening Luncheon CS 12:35pm Opening Welcome - Jack D. Baker, National TOTA President CS Introduction of Dignitaries - Bethany Henry Rosenbaum, AR Chapter President CS Welcome to the Choctaw Nation Address - Principal Chief Gary Batton CS Door prizes with Paul Austin CS 2:00pm - 3:00pm Keynote: Dr. Daniel F. Littlefield, Jr. - Where Do We Go From Here? CS (See Bio, Page 4) 3:15pm-4:15pm Concurrent Sessions 1 (See Concurrent Session Details) 4:30pm-5:30pm Concurrent Sessions 2 (See Concurrent Session Details) 6:30pm Reception at Gilley’s, Hosted by Choctaw Nation GIL 9:00am-10:00am Youth Presentations - Remember the Removal Riders, Choctaw Bike Riders CS Door Prize Drawing - Paul Austin and the Bike Riders CS 10:15am Board Buses for Borderlands Field Trip to Cane Hill LOB 11:30am-12:00pm Welcome and Introduction to Cane Hill - Bobby R. Braly OL 12:00pm-1:00pm Box lunches at Cane Hill College (Lunches created by Briar Rose) OL 12:45pm-1:30pm Choctaw Storyteller - Nicholas Charleston / Choctaw Removal Song - Ryan Spring OL (performance during lunch) 1:30pm-2:00pm Cherokees and Cane Hill - Troy Wayne Poteete, TOTA Executive Director OL 2:15pm-3:00pm Tour Cane Hill (See Details, Page #6) OL 3:15pm Bus leaves for Prarie Grove Battlefield OL 3:30pm-5:00pm Prairie Grove Activities (See Details, Page#6) OL 5:15pm Board buses for the hotel OL 7:00pm TOTA Phoenix Society Fundraiser OL *Dinner on your own 8:00pm Guitar passing, poetry recital, group directed talent showcase GIL Master of Ceremonies: Paul Austin 8:30am-9:15am National Park Service Report - Aaron Mahr, Superintendent National Trails Inter- CS mountain Region, and Staff 9:15am-9:45am Chapter Report Highlights - Chapter Presidents CS Moderated by AR Chapter President Bethany Rosenbaum 9:45am-10:00am Door Prize Drawing - Paul Austin CS 2017 Trail of Tears Conference & Symposium - Page 2 WEDNESDAY SESSIONS (continued) 10:00am-10:20am Screening of “Introduction to Ft. Smith Historic Site” film - Loren McLane CS 10:30am-11:30am Featured: Stacy Leeds - Supreme Court Decisions and Congressional Policies CS Which Gave Rise To The Circumstances Necessitating Judge Parker’s Court (See Bio, Page 4) 11:35am-12:00pm *Private vehicle transportation encouraged CS Shuttles available to Judge Parker’s Court / Frisco Building , 100 Garrison Ave. 12:00pm Final Lunch - Cherokee Traditional Hog Fry - Sponsored by Cherokee Nation Busi- OL nesses on the Grounds of Frisco Station, 100 Garrison Ave., adjoining Ft. Smith National Historic Site Grounds 12:15pm Remarks - Cherokee Nation Secretary of State Chuck Hoskin, Jr. OL 12:30pm Background of the Marshall Museum - Jim Dunn, Executive Director of the US Mar- OL shall Museum Collection of conference evaluations OL 12:45pm Grand Door Prize Drawing OL 1:00pm-4:45pm Concurrent Sessions 3 (See Concurrent Session Details) CONCURRENT #1 (MON) 3:15pm-4:15pm Ft. Smith Borderland History - Loren McLane SPC Cherokee Old Settlers in AR - Dr. George Sabo GIL The Last Choctaw Removal of 1903 - Ryan Spring & Deanna Byrd CS CONCURRENT #2 (MON) 4:30pm-5:30pm Frontier Capitalism: Early Arkansas Banking and Indian Removal, 1819-1860 - CS Cody Berry Tiana’s Journey: In Wake of Removal “A documented story of harassment and loss be- GIL fore during and after the infamous removal to Oklahoma” - Marjorie Johnson Lowe Seminole Removal - Ted Underwood SPC CONCURRENT #3 (WED) Afternoon Activities 1:00pm Cherokee marble game demonstration - Cherokee Marble Society OL 2:00pm Stickball Exhibition - Choctaw Nation Cultural Department OL Indoor Lectures - Frisco Building 1:00pm-2:00pm AR Politics and the 3 Creek factions in removal - Carolyn Kent OL 2:15pm-3:15pm Bradley County Reservations - Debbie Moore OL On The Grounds 1:00pm-3:15pm Booths and Demonstrations by Cherokee Nat’l Treasures & Choctaw Cultural Dept. OL Pottery Demonstrations - Jane Osti OL Bow Maker Demonstrations - Richard Fields OL Tours 3:30pm Guided Tours of Museum and Grounds (Groups of 50) OL Tours begin at front of Museum and at the Commissary 4:45pm Tours converge at Trail of Tears Overlook for viewing the Five Tribes OL Waysides and remarks by John McClarty 2017 Trail of Tears Conference & Symposium - Page 3 Dr. Daniel F. Littlefield Jr. / Director, Sequoyah National Research Center KEYNOTE SPEAKER - Dr. Littlefield grew up in rural eastern Oklahoma attending school with Cher- okees. He earned a Masters from the Where Do We Go From Here? University of Arkansas. and a Doctorate from Oklahoma State. He has published Monday, October 16th extensively including several books about 2:00pm - 3:00pm Africans among the Five Civilized Tribes. Center Stage With his friend James Parins he compiled the two volume Encyclopedia of Amer- For more information on lecture ican Indian Removal. Dr. Littlefield is please visit page 5. renowned among tribal people not only for his extensive research and writing but also for his engaging lecture style. He is cur- Scan QR code for videos with Dr. Littlefield rently the Director of Univeristiy of Arkansas at Little Rock’s Sequoyah National Research Center. Scan QR code to visit the Sequoyah National Research Center Stacy Leeds / Deen - University of Arkansas, School of Law StacyFeatured Leeds became SPEAKERdean and professor - of law at the University of Arkansas School of Law in 2011 and has received many honors for her teaching, scholarship and administrative vision throughout her academic career. She has a strong record of public service and is currently a member of the board of directors for Arvest Bank in Fayetteville and the American Indian Grad- uate Center. Previous appointments have included boards for corporations and academic in- stitutions, as a member and officer on national commissions and as a justice on the Cherokee Nation Supreme Court. She received a Master of Laws from the University of Wisconsin, Juris Doctor from the University of Tulsa, Master of Business Administration from the University of Tennessee and Bachelor of Arts from Washington University in St. Louis. Leeds, a citizen of the Cherokee Nation, is the only American Indian woman to have served as law school dean in the United States. Supreme Court Decisions And Congressional Policies Which Gave Rise To The Circumstances Necessitating Judge Parker’s Court Wednesday, Oct. 18th 10:30pm - 11:30pm Center Stage Entertainment Bios Master of Ceremonies Nicholas Tecumseh Charleston Gaby Nagel Paul Austin Choctaw Storyteller Cherokee Flutist Paul Austin became Exec- Nicholas Tecumseh Fourteen (14) year old utive Director of the AR Humanities Council in Charleston works for Gaby Nagel, a citizen 2008. He came to the Hu- the Chata School of Lan- of the Eastern Band of manities Council from guage at the Choctaw Cherokee Indians and his previous position as Nation of Oklahoma; for resident of Farming- Executive Director of the the Jena Band of Choc- ton, AR made history as American Indian Center of Arkansas. taw Indians of Jena Lou- the first female and the During his tenure at the Indian Center, isian; and for Yale University Native youngest person to ever win the Mu- Austin also served as Executive Direc- American Cultural Center in New Ha- sical Echo’s flute festival competition tor of the Trail of Tears Association. ven, Connecticut. He is a fluent, self- in Ft. Walton Beach, FL. Gaby began Austin is known for adding spice and taught speaker of Choctaw as a second playing at age 10 and won several humor to conferences and meetings with tales of his hometown, Emboden, language with six years teaching expe- Washington County Fair competitions in Eastern AR. Lately he has teamed rience. Nicholas teaches a face-to-face as well as winning awards in the Ar- up with Southern Fried food blogger, community class in Hugo, OK. He also kansas State 4-H competitions. She Rex Nelson, Head of Corporate Com- teaches students via the internet in has recorded a CD of self composed munications for Simmons Bank, for a utilizing a distance-learning medium. songs called “Native Dreams” which weekly radio show called Chewing the His passion is teaching the Chahta will be on sale during her several per- Fat with Rex & Paul which features langue in order to save the voice of his formances at the 22 Annual Trail of talk about Arkansas food, festivals, and people from extinction. Tears Conference and Symposium. folks. Scan QR code to listen and Nicholas and Gaby will be performing during the “Tour Cane Hill” field trip. subscribe to the “Chewing To read more about the field trips please turn to pages 6 and 10. the Fat” Podcast. 2017 Trail of Tears Conference & Symposium - Page 4 Option 2 ily history of Choctaw people today.” Cherokee Old Settlers in Arkansas MONDAY Dr. George Sabo (Bio, page 8) Gilley’s Concurrent sessions October 16th Turbulent events in Cherokee home- 4:30pm - 5:30pm 8:00am-12:30pm lands during the late 18th and early Option 1 Registration at 19th centuries prompted several Frontier Capitalism: Early Arkan- Choctaw Casino Hotel Cherokee groups to migrate from sas Banking and Indian Removal, across from the southern Appalachian region to 1819-1860 Registration in the Lobby lands west of the Mississippi River. Cody Berry (Bio, page 8) The first of those groups established Center Stage 9:00am-12:15pm new communities along the St. Many white Americans profited TOTA Board of Directors Meeting Francis River in Arkansas Territory. from Indians forcibly removed pur- Seven Ponies Conference Room When an 1817 treaty with the Unit- suant to the Indian Removal Act of ed States government established a 1830.
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