66 13 tflS •?3 C.sr U. S. Army photograph During the brief history of the United cated men, with sincere and unspoken deter- States, men have been constantly called upon mination, have taken up the right to destroy to maintain freedom from aggression and hos- those who have one prevalent thought, "to tile forces. We have waged a constant struggle bury the free world." However, not only the to annihilate the threat of world domination men actually engaged in direct combat are and dictatorship by such particular factions as important, but also those who remain behind. Arianism, imperialism, and communism. To- They must encourage and support; all must day, as the leader of the free world, America sacrifice and display courage to make the spirit again has been summoned to the cause of of freedom prevail. freedom — to aid stricken Viet Nam. Dedi- PIONEER 1966 PATERSON STATE COLLEGE WAYNE, NEW JERSEY vv. \ PROLOGUE Man's questioning mind begins a search to satisfy its insatiable thirst for knowledge from its first interrogating utterances; as the mind grows and seeks satisfaction, it drinks from the streams of experience and life. One brook, however, cannot completely water the arid valleys of the mind. Therefore, the man embarks on a jour- ney to the river of greater sources of wisdom. As the river flows downward, man's mind is widened by communion with the tributaries of education. Upon arrival at the delta he beholds the vast ocean before him; with curiosity lead- ing the quest, man seeks still ever onward toward enlightenment. John W. Gardner, Secretary of Health, Edu- cation and Welfare, in his recent book, Self Renewal, wrote: "But man is an inquisitive, exploring kind of creature, who cannot keep his restless mind inactive even when there is no problem to be solved, He cannot help poking at things, turning ideas over in his mind, trying new combinations, groping for new insights. Surely, from the beginning, many of the most significant advances have come from just such exploring by gifted minds. Everyone who has spent any time with scientists knows that the answer to the question 'Why did you try that particular thing?' is not infrequently 'I was just curious to see what would happen'." Just curious! Children are curious. They poke about, explore, try again and again to find the answers, fail and try again; they create; they innovate. We as teachers need to retain much of this natural curiosity in ourselves and keep it alive in those we teach, for out of curiosity will develop the creativity, the innovations which move the world forward. Let us then, as teachers, do all we can to awaken and nurture curiosity and exploration. Let us release the potential to creativity that resides in the many we shall be privileged to teach. Let us make our classrooms friendly, warm, exciting, challenging — filled with oppor- tunities for the learner to find himself, to become absorbed in the thrill of discovery, to work through to the solution of problems and acquisi- tion of knowledge, to grow in confidence and respect for himself and others. As their teacher, try to remember that you will, through your example and your attitudes and through the environment you establish, help those you teach to build a new and vital future out of their own acquired knowledge, ideals, attitudes and values. May you, one and all, be worthy of the Marion E. Shea profession of teaching. Sincerely yours, MARION E. SHEA President PRESIDENT TION ^-i^r ADMINISTRATION AnT^'^TSTPATTOMAnMTNTCTRATTONADMINISTRATION ADMINISTRATIONS 11 DR. KENNETH B. WHITE Dean of the College DR. MARY V. HOLMAN INISTRA #,-. Dean of Students CAiiONAUMlNISTRA 12 DR. .PETER HENDERSON, Director of Student Teaching MR. FRANK ZANFINO, Business Manager -j § and Placement vO CO MRS. THERESA BOLLES, Assistant Director of Student DR. SAM COOPER, Registrar Teaching and Placement V DR. ROBERT RICKETTS, Graduate Studies MR. RICHARD S. DESMOND, Director of Admissions . ^IRGINIA RAND ALL, Informational Services MR. BENJAMIN MATELSON, Director of Part-time and H and Alumni Extension Division OO 3DOROTH3D Y ROBINSON, Assistant Director MR. GEORGE ANDRUSIN, Assistant Registrar 2Z2 of Admissions 00 MR.^(§IARLES FARAWELL, Supervising Accountant MRS. DOROTHY STECCHINI, Assistant Registrar MISS MARY ZANFINO, Secretary to the Presidenl STUDENT PERSONEL (Left to right) JOHN HUBER DR. MARIE YEVAK DR. GRACE SCULLY MISS ANITA ESTE ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICE Top to bottom: JOANNE DICEGLIA MATILDA BOOGERTMAN ALICE SHORE ALICE GORTON MARJORIE LAFORGE -\DM1NISTRATTONAD3 MARGARET. MIGNOGNA (iir ^DMINISTRATIONADMJNiSTRATlONADMINlS DEPARTMENT SECRETARIES DORIS LUIME MADELINE V1VONA 1 •.. ESTHER FOX JOANNE DuBROW LILLIAN HOCH MARY GLASER HELEN DOBROUICH RUTHANN GERONIMO MAIL ROOM — TELEPHONE ROOM VERONICA MADSEN MARJORIE TARTAS JEAN STOLARZ LIBRARIANS HARRIET MODEMAN JESSE COOPER ELIZABETH RINALDI HELEN CARN1NE JULIETTE TRAINOR ERMINA HAHN FLORENCE VENABLES SALLY BURK NORMA YUEH DONALD TANASOCA C. OTIS BROWN LIBRARY SECRETARIES SELENA LITTLE MAXINE DEUTSCH KATHY QUICK GLORIA CASSON NISTRATJONADMIN!SJ9SEPHiNEFERREE NISTRATIONADN ' ' "NATION ADMIN 17 REGISTRARS OFFICE JOANNE LEMMO JANICE DEBELL JERRI LAZZARA GERTRUDE DINKFELD CATHERINE OLESFSKIE BARBARA HEINRICHS BEVERLY WEILER ROBERT MANCUSO LORRAINE MACHETTE BUSINESS OFFICE ELSIE ROGERS ROBERT TRAIN LOUISE MORGNER GEORGE VISCARDI MARILYN K1EVIT DOROTHY RECTOR CONNIE LORUSSO DIANE IPPOLITO ENGINEER'S OFFICE TONY BELFIORE VIRGIL CARD FRANK McGRATH MAINTENANCE STAFF LOMINIS' • DMINIS1 ;;W*:*«S*1 IN TRIBUTE On behalf of all those who in the past have had (he good fortune to fall under the guidance of Dean Mary V. Holman, we, the gradu- ating class of 1966 dedicate this page in tribute to the many years of service .she has rendered. It is only when one, who through her consistency becomes taken for granted, and upon her change of role, that her importance becomes realized; such is the case with Dean Holman. In this, her last year at Paterson State College, she has remained faithful in her duties as Dean of Students with the same devotion that she has displayed in her long record of service and we are sure (hat her absence will be felt in the coining years by all those who have worked with her. Just as I'aterson State College enters upon a new phase of educating its students, we are certain that Dean Holman will embark upon a new dimension that will lead her to continued. success. SENIOR CLASS OFFICERS DR. MILDRED WEIL, Advisor BARBARA BUKOWSKI, Treasurer CAROL FEARNS, Secretary JUDITH MASO, Historian JOSEPH DZIEZAWIEC, President EDWARD HARRISON, Vice President IORSSENIORSSENTORSSENIORSSENIORSSENIORSSENIORSSENTORSSEMTORSSENIORSSENIORSS[ 21 "Art is a step from nature toward the r^i^^.r- Infinite." — Cjibrnn mm ART u< w z o 3 K U o u Q < h F-t a °^ N H p u .'S1:" ART ART/ ,«ARTARTARTARTAR" .JETARTART. na~ ^. RTARTARTARTAR" O > > EILEEN HILFERTY ANITA DERICCO LAWRENCE GOLDSTEIN JAY EDWARD FLUCKER ELAINE MANFREDI LESLIE OMELIANUK SUSANNE MOREY LOUIS MILONE NINAHDRSINI JUDITH NANN SHARON O'SHEA LORAINE PIAZZA 70 70 K> r-1 ^ ^^\ PATRICIA PALMIERI SCHNEBERGER MARY ANN PIAZZA 7 ? CARMELA SETHMANN LORRAINE TRIBEL CLAUDIA SPLICK 'ARTA 'ARTA 28 DR. HOWARD LEIGHTON DR. ROBERT COOKE MR. HAROLD KREVOLTN MISS BONNIE JOHNSON to SO DR. JOYCE LYNCH DR. LUCILLE BICHLER >•> DOROTHEA MALCOLM u o fti o >• -J < 30 From left to right: ART CLUB FRANCES HULMES NINA ORSINI LARRY GOLDSTEIN BILL SCHNEBERGER KAREN MACKENZIE CANDY CROWLEY WARREN PEHLIVANIAN LYNNE SMITH ALLISON McCLELLAN DEBBIE SIEGEL JAMES HULLAH ELAINE MANFREDI LOUIS MILONE KATHY MORELAND DR. R. WALKER, Advisor SANDRA DESANDO JAMES CULLENY CONNIE NICHOLSON LESLIE OMELIANUK KATHLEEN GAITO MARY ANN PIAZZA RAYE ELLEN MILLER MAUREEN MAGURA LAURA POMEREAU CAROL BENSON GLORIA NOLAN CLAUDIA SPLICK ANN STROPPA MAXINE SIMON ANITA DERICCO TARTARTARTARTARTARTARTARTARTARTARTARTARTARTARTARTARTARTARTARTAR^ iIARTARTARTARTARTARTARTARTARTARTARTARTARTARTARTARTARTARTARTARTARI 31 EDUCATION He that climbs a ladder must begin at the first < H H < m < o 00 H CO si < Q u W a CO 5 o H H PJ Z PJ o E^:RGARTENI M^MARYKlNDERGARTq U5RGARTENI •g v^RYKLNDERGART-" o o o ffl Pi < o Pi o Pi u Pi o < H P P- u < INDEFU& CTENPRIMARYKINDE* INDERG AR i tiN FRKVIAR V-K-lNObRUARTENPRIM ARYKINDE«^'- 34 S SUSAN CARR LUCILLE DAVIES J rn BERNICE CONSTANTINOPLE i 70 rn m VIVIAN CARUSO GAIL DEDIO SANDRA DARATA ~ -z UD CO >> LORE-TTA DOMINO DOROTHY DEFAY H H ROSEMARY DIETZ PATRICIA DESTEFANO •< FEARNS CAROL DOBKOWSKI m m > MARY AKN GANGI FERN HARRIS RUTH GIGLIO JILL GARDNER SHAREN GRIFFITH P-l EH u § o H o H PQ O PJ H PJ < SI I-H PJ O ,-iDERGARTENPR^ I \RYKINDERGARTENPRIMARYKINDERGAK ^RYKINDERGARTENPRIMARYKINDERGAR1 TNDERGARTENPP^ i—i Q _] < O < 00 O H Q P o PJ I-H Pi on O PH O Pi w H [TC UMARYKINDERGARTENPRIMARYKINDERGARTENPR \ ! TMARYKINDERGARTENPRIMARYKINDERGARTENPR 1 § 39 CQ MARY ANN NIGRO PATRICIA PARKER CAROT POLYAK -P4 tri GAIL OSTERHOTJDT KAREN PHILLIPS da L m rrf tnm CO "0 ELEANOR RINALDI JOAN POOLE JUDITH ROSENBERG LILLIAN RAE SANDRA POPOWICH C3_W 5 GO H O til < H en to 2 CQ § i—< CO H O o oo OH < 9 O < 00 INDERGARTENPRTMARYKINDERGARTENPRIMA;-< NDERGAR INDERGARTENPRIMARYKINDERGARTENPRTMA ^ NDERGAR 42 CO o i H CO H P H Pi H o tq H H D < INjDERGARTE §RlMARYKINi n^ERGARTE SRIMARYKIN] MARGARET WRIGHT CAROL WARNET 7& trim PJE)ITH WYRE BETSY VANDUYNE MARY JANE WHITEHEAD DO mm op 8 N < N H I-H NPRIMARYKINDERGARTENPR1MARYKTND PRESIDENT, ELAINE HOWELL A. C. E. VICE PRESIDENT, LESLIE TANER Association for Childhood Education SECRETARY, STEFANIE ROTSAERT ADVISOR, MISS ROWLETT TREASURER,
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