2060 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE. FEBRUARY 12, PRIVATE BILLS, ETC. examination of Post-office Inspector Anthony Comstock-to the Committee on Reform in the Civil Service. Under clause 1 of Rule XXII, private bills of the following titles By Mr. PIGOTT: Remonstrance of the Wine, Liquor, and were uresented and referred as follows: Beer Dealers' Association of Derby, Conn., against any increase By Mr. BELTZHOOVER:. A bill (H. R. 881'!) for the relief of of the beer tax-to the Committee on Ways and Means. Cyrus Martin-to the Committee on War Claims. By Mr. REYBURN: Resolution of 300 citizens of Falls of By Mr. FLYNN: A bill (H. R. 8845) granting a pen.Sion to George Schuylkill, Philadelphia, Pa., against granting suffrage to aliens­ Machamer-to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. to the Committee on the Judiciary. By Mr. HEARD: A bill (H. R. 8846) to authorize the Postm~­ Also, resolutions of 300 citizens of Falls of Schuy)kill, Philadel­ ter-General to refund to Volley P. Hart, postmaster at Sedaha, phia, Pa., against sectarian appropriations of public money-to Mo., moneys sent b1m by the Post-Office Department for disbu!se­ the Committee on Appropriations. ment and lost by the failure of the First N ationaJ Bank of Sedaha­ By Mr. SMITH of illinois: Petition urging the passage of Senate to the Committee on Claims. bill1620, entitled ''Anact for the suppression of lottery traffic"-to By Mr. STORER (by request): A bill (H. R. 8847) to appropri­ the Committee on the Judiciary. ate $15,000 for the benefit of Eli Norris to ena"J?le him to constrt~ct By Mr. STONE of Kentucky: Petition of Lucinda B. Brown, ad· certain steel-projectile guns-to the Committee on Appropna­ ministratrix of James. Brown, deceased, late of Adams County, tions. Miss., surviving partner of Reynolds & Brown, to the Congress By Mr. WOLVERTON: 4- bill (H. R. 8848) to in.crease the pen­ of the United States, asking reference of said claim to the Court sion of Harriet C. Gregg, Widow of Col. John Irvm Gregg, from of Claims-to the Committee on War Claims. $30 to $50 per month-to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. By Mr. CHARLES W. STONE: Petition of Fred Beck, of Spring Creek, Warren County, Pa., agains~ printing ~h~ report of the PETITIONS, ETC. Columbian dairy tests-to the Comrmttee on Prmtmg. Under clause 1 of Rule XXII, thefollowingpetitionsandpapers Also, memorial of Folwell Lodge, No. 326, Brotherhood of Loco­ motive Engineers, of Bradfo;rd, Pa., in favor of t~e passag~ of were laid on the Clerk's desk and referred as follows: House bill 5603-to the Committee on Merchant Manne and FISh· By Mr. ADAMS of Pennsylvania: Peti~on of citizens of Phila­ eries. delphia against lotteries-to the Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce. Also resolution of 45 citizens of Dempseytown, Pa., in favor of By Mr. BELL of Colorado: Petition of citizens. of Averton, an am~ndment to the Constitution prohibiting any State from granting the right of su:ffra~e to any perso~ p.ot a citizen of the Pueblo County, Colo., protesting againstanyfurt~er ISsue ofboJ?-dS by the United States Government-to the Committee on Banking United States-to the Committee on the Judiciary. and Currency. By Mr. STRONG: Petition of 75 citizens of Forest, Ohio, in By Mr. BRICKNER: Protest of the Wisco?-sin Saloonkeepers' favor of an amendment to the Constitution providing that no State shall grant the right of franchise to a~y person who is.n,ot a citi­ Benevolent Association, against the proposed mcrease of the beer zen of the United States-to the Committee on the Jud1c1ary. tax-to the Committee on Ways and Means. Also, petition of 75 citizens of Forest, Ohio, praying for a con· By Mr. D URBOROW: Resolutions of the Chic~go Branch of .the stitutional amendment providing that neither Congress nor any Shipmasters' Association of the Great Lakes, urgmg the establiSh­ State shaH pass any law respecting an establishment of religion­ ment of branch hydrographic offices at each of the principall~e to the Committee on the Judiciary. ports, and for sufi?.cient appropriations therefor-to the Commit- By Mr. TAYLOR of Indiana (by request): Petition of Hugh N. tee on Naval Affarrs. Clarkandothers, of Evansville, Ind., asking legislative a:mendment Also memorial of Chicago Jewelers' AssoCiatiOn, m favor of to the Constitution of the United States-to the Committee on the the rec'ommendations of the President in his late message-to the Judiciary. Committee on Banking and Currency. Also, petition of Hugh N. Clark and others, of Ev~ns~le, Ind., Also, protest of. the Horticultural Society o.f Chicago, against the askinO' legislation looking to change of the Constitution of the present distributiOn of seeds and ?Ommending the recom!llenda­ United States-to the Committee on the Judiciary. tions of Secretary Morton to abolish same-to the Committee on Also, petition of members of Arch~r Post~ No. 28! Department of Agriculture. Indiana, Grand Army of the Republic, asking an ~crease of pe~­ By Mr. GRAHAM: Petition of the Central Labor. Um~m of sion for Samuel W. Scott, late of Company G, Thirteenth Regi­ Brooklyn, N.Y., in favor of House bill 56, for the classification of ment Tennessee Cavalry, from $10 to $20 per month-to the Com­ postal clerks-to the Commit~ee on ~h:e Post-O!Ji:ce and Post-Roads. mittee on Pensions. By Mr. HALL of Missouri: Petition of citizens of Randolph By Mr. WARNER: Memorial of New York Chamber of C?m­ County, Mo., in favor of a banking and currency system-to the merce in favor of an additional tug for the use of the superVIsor Committee on Banking and Currency. of the harbor at New York and for more liberal appropriations for By Mr. HAR~~R: Pream"J?le and reso~ution a;dopted at a use of said supervisor-to the Committee on Appropriapions. meeting of 398 citizens of Bnd~sht:~r~, Php.~delphia, .P.a., h~ld Also memorialof NewYork Chamber of Commerce m favor of February 8, 1895, in favor of mamtarmng civil and re?gious lib­ the M~rgan and Lodge bills for the reorganization ?f the co?sular erty by absolute separation of church and state, and m favo-r of and diplomatic service-to the Committee on Foreign Affarrs. an amendment to the Constitution of the Un~ted s.tates agamst the use of the property or credit o! the U mt~d S~a~s, or a?y State, or any money raised by taxation, !or mamtalJ?-ln~ any In­ stitution wholly or in part under sectanan or ecclesiastical con­ SENATE. trol-to the Committee on the Judiciary. TUESD.AY, Feb1·ua'ry 12, 1895. Also, preamble and r~solutio? adopted at a meeting of 398 citi­ zens of Bridesburg, Philadelphia, Pa., held F~bruary 8, 1895 se~­ Prayer by the Chaplain, Rev. W. H. MILBURN, D. D. tinO' forth that in a number of States the nght of franchise1 IS The Journal of yesterday's proceedings was read and approved. gra~ted to aliens after a residence of from fo~ :to five months to MESSAGE FROM THE HOUSE. one year, and, that the rights of the legal CitiZe_n~ may not. be abridged, petitioning that Congress s~all .adopt a JOmt .resolution A message from the House of Representatives, by M:r. T. 0. proposing an amendment to the Constitution ?f the Umted Stat~s TowLES its Chief Clerk, announced that the House had disagreed that no State shall grant the right of franchiSe to any person m to the a~endments of the Senate to the bill (H. R ..8234) maki:J?-g violation of the laws of the United States-to the Committee on appropriations for the diplomatic and consular serVIc~ for the fis­ the Judiciary. cal year ending June 30, 1896, asked a conference With the Sen­ By Mr. HITT: Memorial and resol~tions of the C~cag~ Jew­ ate on the disag1·eeing votes of the two Houses t~ere~n, ~nd had ap­ elers' Association favoring the financial !ecommendatioD!lm the pointed Mr. MCCREARY, Mr. HOOKER of MISsissippi, and Mr. President's message of January 28, 189o-to the Committee on H:rTT managers at the conference on the part of the House. Banking and Currency. The message also announced that the House. had a~reed to the By Mr. IKIRT: Resolution of 350 citizens of Cant<?n and 43 of report of the committee of conference on the disagreemg votes of Lowellville, Ohio, against granting suffrage to aliens-to the the two Houses on the amendments of the Senate to the bill (H. R. Committee on the Judiciary. 8563) to adopt special rules for the navigation of harbors, rivers, Also resolution of 350 citizens of Canton and 43 of Lowellville, and inland waters of the Umted States, supplementary to the act Ohio, ~gainst sectaria~ appropriations of public money-to the of August 19, 1890, entitled "An act to adopt regulations for pre­ Committee on Appropnat10ns. venting collisions at sea." The message further announced that the House ~ad passed the By Mr: LOUDENSLAGER: Petition. o~ George 0. Ada:z:ns and others in favor of House bill 5246 proVIding for consular mspec­ bill (S.1667) to provide for coinage at the branch mmt at Denver, tion of immigrants before embarkation-to the Committee on the Colo. Judiciary. ENROLLED BILLS SIGNED. By Mr. MEREDITH: Petition of Lum Smith, praying for an The message also announced that the Speaker of the House had 1895.
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