a,, itgfr bOILIS VILLE, KENTUCTC? a Ohr lathing tar igranAt Serving the Most Prosperous Sections of Eastland, Brown and Comanchu Counties 10; soLtialE 70, NUMBER 47 ESTABLISHED IN Esau RISING STAR. EASTLAND COUNTY TEXAS sE2TI.SIBLIt S, 19g0 Highway to I Cats Seek Redemption 1 Through the Editor's Specs By 134.34 Be Finished At Bangs Friday Night A group from Eastland, Olden graduated as well as to those The Rising Star Wildcats made first downs to seven 'for the and Ranger has made a study still in the grades. Otherwise the yardage --they did not once Tigers. of the school systems of East- I we are merely talking shibbo- punt--and the touchdowns, but Johnny Jones, Rising Star land county and has come up leths. Our schools are econom- By Sept. 15 * they also had a fatal inability quarter, slip-hipped his way for ic realities as well as education-' ** *.sititaaatissaasiesaagor with the conclusion that there • to hang the points on the score- 55 yards and no purpose when are too many districts and two! al institutions. We can't get I Contractor Ernest Loyd of Fort board. his run was called back on a few students for an efficient away from that fact. They Worth expects to complete work clipping penalty. give the student his training, So a team, the Melvin Tigers, educational operation. Consoli- I on the reconstruction of High- which the Cats were supposed! Larry Nichols scored the Ris- ilation into a county unit or a I but they also exercise a deter- way 36 between Rising Star _,‘,,..„..",-f..... ""77, • ing Star points with a 43/1i4 tkov to beat by 20 to 30 points, took plunge minative influence upon the and Cross Plains by Septem- . , ,two-part county system is the •18„ a a 12 to 8 victory in the open- through the line and a plunge community which offers him— ber 15, or approximately, How- answer, says the group's report.' .0'7".• ' ing game of the season for for the two extra points. or fails to do so--the prospect ard Petrey, superintendent on Due to "mistaken local pride 17: both teams last Friday night This week-end---Friday night i jealousy" it finds that state of living in satisfaction and suc- the job, said this week. LoSc?“8. at Melvin. a sobered bunch of Cats prowl cess as a graduate. The use of lc •.• Ogislation is the only answer Construction of curbing from " Overconfidence was blamed by the Bangs stadium looking for the problem of procedure. this influence to develop strong the west city limits to the in- fresh meat and hopeful communities wherein t h e stu- the coaches, mixed with some of do- tf The committee does not say tersection of Miller street is now butter-fingers and just p 1 a i n ing a lot better than they did tint a serious aspect of the dent can realize his ambitions under way. When this is com- snake-bite luck. at Melvin. The Bangs crew Is matter is the influence of school and the promise of his educe- pleted the asphalt paving will The Tigers, a team only faint- ! potent enough--much more so Organization upon community ion is a legitimate use. be run and the reconstruction ly improved over the crew that : to all appearances and good rea- -stability a n d economic health, I do not mean that there completed. took a shellacking from last soning than the Melvin outfit. butn suspect that in the minds should be a static preservation The rebuilt highway is one year's Wildcats on t h e local Though the Brown County R at at least some members this of present communities a n d of the finest in the section and field, scored first, and in the club has lost a number of top- Wluence was quite as impres- bounties. We must be pre- will give Rising Star a lovely first quarter. The Cats ran flight boys to the diploma sive as the need of better edu- pared to accept change, else street. into all sorts of trouble trying league, they have returned cative' facilities for our youth. I there is no growth. But to lay to overcome a six-point deficit.' enough beef and ability to make And 'they were not any less rea- down the arbitrary principle that . Not until the fourth quarter it interesting for their Eastland listic or patriotic for that fact. school district lines should fol- were they able to run over a! county rivals, and Coaches Wel- The truth is tnat the school low established political boun- counter that stuck to the score- don Hill and Homer Putman problem, as important as it may daries is merely serving expedi- Radio Service board and add a two-point bonus are a lot more hopeful than be, is but one facet of an over- ency without any regard for that also stuck. But by that confident. all problem. Oil boom mud of the rights of students who may For Fire, Police, time the Tigers had racked up Not that the Cats don't have 40 -years ago left us a heritage best attend schools from which another count and had run their ability and experience, too, in of political over-organization. If they may be excluded or for the score to 12, four points more large quantities. The question ,we have toG many school dis- best community development of Ambulance Here than the Rising Star boys were is will they use it? One thing tricts for the number of pupils the affected area. As a matter able to score. appears certain—they won't be 9rtti tax income available, we of fact, if it is economy we are Contingent upon securing the Included in t h e might-have- overconfident. And from their k k so have too many municipali- seeking, we have a wonderful proper equipment at prices with- beens which would have insur- spirit in practice this week, they • ties. We cannot treat with one opportunity to gain that by con- in the anproved cost---which the CE AND AGNEW PRODUCER ed a win for the Wildcats were aren't too down hearted, either. aspect of the problem to the solidation t h e present archaic city has been assured can be two touchdowns called back, Offensively, Coach Hill will exclusion of the others. If we system of counties, designed for doi,e---Rising Star will shortly four or five drives within the probably start: Center, Butch deal with school re-organization horse-and-buggy travel, into have radio intercommunication Joyce Brot s Develop Marble Falls Melvin ten-yard line that fiz- Butler; guards, Dwayne Ruck- we must be prepared to accept fewer units. Many millions of for its fire, police and ambu- r, zled in fumbles and penalties, er and Skipper Ezzell; tackles. a parallel influence upon our dollars annually could be saved lance services, Mayor Walter roducers Near Here and half a dozen other assorted Chas. Carroll and Franklin Cox; community character. by that reform. Smith said this week. Pool of t iv breaks that killed every chance ends, Jerry Alexander and Lar- I grant you that the interest What I do mean is that any The service will be operated s of this resources of this area. They the local lads had for getting ry Harding; quarter, Johnny Of the child is paramount in Four brothers. na reorganization of our school dis- under the Callahan County sher-at area, area, have have addedadded a siderahle are Cecil, Floyd, John and Carl gone. The Cats racked up ' 14 Jones; halves, Jodie Edmiston any school re-organization. But tricts ought to follow what I iff department franchise oil and gas develop t to the Joyce--the former two of Ris- and Rodney Smith; full, C o y ere does that interest stop? call natural community bounda- Baird, he said. This is neces- _ ing Star, the latter both of Fort Edmiston. Larry Nichols will es it cease to have any mean- ries, areas of common interests sary, unless Ian entirely new Worth—who have formed the Rising Star Woman alternate with Coy at full and g once the child has complet- and the best community evolu- franchise is sought and grant- L Joyce Oil Interests and have Worley Maynard at one of the his education and is seeking tion. Only the people involved ed the city of Rising Star. ions Club t ' drilled five producing wells on I ends. Reg:'lar tackle om liar- portunities to put it to use? are able to determine that. When the fire and police cars H the Agnew and Patterson tracts Candidate for ` dng is out with ',.juries for I think that the "interest of One of the basic needs of our a n d Higginbotham ambulance one and a 1-.1f miles southeast the week child" demands other con- society is good communities, well are equipped with the new ser- ave Bulb S 1 of Rising Star. So far they i.eeser. who will see can- k/ Tenons, quite importart to established upon local resources, vice, _operators will be able to i have drilled no dry holes on State THDA Head siderable service on defense are future. I think it demands well integrated with the social talk quickly and directly with Monday Eve the acreage. Production is from Kenneth Nunnally a n d Dickie .strong community organizations. political and economic conditions radios in other communities and the Marble Falls. Shown in the Historic Brownsville, roman- Morrow, among others.
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