Extremophiles (2007) 11:667–673 DOI 10.1007/s00792-007-0084-z ORIGINAL PAPER Organic solutes in Rubrobacter xylanophilus: the first example of di-myo-inositol-phosphate in a thermophile Nuno Empadinhas Æ Vı´tor Mendes Æ Catarina Simo˜es Æ Maria S. Santos Æ Ana Mingote Æ Pedro Lamosa Æ Helena Santos Æ Milton S. da Costa Received: 23 February 2007 / Accepted: 3 April 2007 / Published online: 18 May 2007 Ó Springer 2007 Abstract The thermophilic and halotolerant nature of Keywords Rubrobacter xylanophilus Á Organic solutes Á Rubrobacter xylanophilus led us to investigate the accu- Mannosylglycerate Á Di-myo-inositol-phosphate mulation of compatible solutes in this member of the deepest lineage of the Phylum Actinobacteria. Trehalose and mannosylglycerate (MG) were the major compounds Introduction accumulated under all conditions examined, including those for optimal growth. The addition of NaCl to a Some microorganisms have developed specific adaptations complex medium and a defined medium had a slight or to extraordinarily inhospitable environments; however, negligible effect on the accumulation of these compatible most organisms appear to react to stresses, within inherent solutes. Glycine betaine, di-myo-inositol-phosphate (DIP), limits, by mobilizing available resources crucial for their a new phosphodiester compound, identified as di-N-acetyl- survival. Hyperosmotic shock, for example, induces the glucosamine phosphate and glutamate were also detected accumulation of small organic molecules, designated but in low or trace levels. DIP was always present, except compatible solutes (Brown 1976). More rarely, potassium at the highest salinity examined (5% NaCl) and at the chloride is accumulated and in some cases potassium and lowest temperature tested (43°C). Nevertheless, the levels negatively charged compatible solutes are both involved in of DIP increased with the growth temperature. This is the osmotic adjustment (da Costa et al. 1998). Increasing evi- first report of MG and DIP in an actinobacterium and in- dence supports an additional talent of compatible solutes in cludes the identification of the new solute di-N-acetyl- the stabilization of the native folding of enzymes (Lamosa glucosamine phosphate. et al. 2000). Some compatible solutes, namely trehalose are also involved in the response to other stress conditions induced by temperature, desiccation, freezing, oxygen Communicated by G. Antranikian. deprivation, nutrient starvation, toxic compounds and oxi- dative agents, and are viewed as general stress protectants N. Empadinhas Á V. Mendes Á C. Simo˜es Á (Hoelzle and Streeter 1990; da Costa et al. 1998; Santos M. S. Santos and da Costa 2002; Elbein et al. 2003). Centro de Neurocieˆncias e Biologia Celular, Departamento de Zoologia, Universidade de Coimbra, Trehalose, glycine betaine and glutamate are widespread 3004-517 Coimbra, Portugal in nature while other organic solutes are restricted to a few groups of organisms. Cyclic-2,3-bisphosphoglycerate A. Mingote Á P. Lamosa Á H. Santos (cBPG), for example, has been found only in methanogenic Instituto de Tecnologia Quı´mica e Biolo´gica, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Rua da Quinta Grande 6, archaea (Roberts 2004); diglycerol phosphate (DGP) is Apartado 127, 2780-156 Oeiras, Portugal restricted to Archaeoglobus spp. and di-myo-inositol- phosphate (DIP) has only been identified in hyperthermo- & M. S. da Costa ( ) philic archaea and bacteria which suggests a role in Departamento de Bioquı´mica, Universidade de Coimbra, 3001-401 Coimbra, Portugal thermoprotection (Santos and da Costa 2002). Mannosyl- e-mail: [email protected] glycerate (MG), on the other hand, was initially discovered 123 668 Extremophiles (2007) 11:667–673 in a group of red algae and later in several thermophilic harvested during the mid-exponential phase of growth by bacteria and hyperthermophilic archaea where it behaves centrifugation (8,000 · g,4°C for 10 min) and washed like a typical compatible solute, leading to the hypothesis twice with a NaCl solution identical in concentration to that MG is an archetypal solute of prokaryotes living at that of the medium in which the cells were grown. high growth temperatures (Bouveng et al. 1955; Santos and da Costa 2002). However, the accumulation of MG in Extraction of organic solutes marine red algae and the discovery of genes for the syn- thesis of MG in mesophilic bacteria and in archaeal Cell pellets were extracted twice with boiling 80% ethanol metagenomes obtained from low temperature environments and the extracts were freeze-dried as described previously argue against the hypothesis of a role of MG exclusively in (Silva et al. 1999). The dry weight of cells was determined the adaptation to thermal environments (Empadinhas and by filtering cell suspensions under vacuum, through dried da Costa 2006). pre-weighted 0.22 lm pore size filters (Gelman). The The bacteria of the genus Rubrobacter represent the filters were dried for 24 h at 70°C and weighted again. most ancient lineage of the phylum Actinobacteria (High G + C Gram-positive bacteria) known and are assigned to Purification of the new phosphorylated sugar compound three known species, namely R. radiotolerans, R. taiwan- ensis and R. xylanophilus with optimum growth tempera- Ethanol extracts of R. xylanophilus cells containing the tures of 45, 55, and 60°C, respectively (Carreto et al. 1996; unidentified compound were loaded on to a QAE-Sepha- Chen et al. 2004; Suzuki et al. 1988). All strains exam- dex column (Pharmacia, Uppsala, Sweden) equilibrated at ined of Rubrobacter are gamma-radiation resistant and pH 9.8 with 5 mM sodium carbonate buffer. The sample R. xylanophilus is, not only the most thermophilic actino- was eluted applying a linear gradient between 5 mM and bacterium known, but also the only true extremely radia- 1 M of NaHCO3 buffer. Fractions were collected and tion-resistant thermophile (Suzuki et al. 1988; Ferreira analyzed by NMR. The fractions containing the new et al. 1999; Chen et al. 2004). R. xylanophilus is also compound were pooled, the buffer removed in an acti- halotolerant growing in medium containing up to 6% NaCl. vated Dowex 50 W-X8 column and freeze dried. The Because it is not common to find an organism with these purest sample was dissolved in a mixture of dichlorom- characteristics, it was deemed important to investigate the ethane: methanol: 25% ammonia (6:10:5, v/v/v), centri- effect of salinity and temperature on the diversity and on fuged and the supernatant applied to a silica gel column levels of compatible solutes. equilibrated with the same solvent. After removing the solvent by evaporation, the fractions were analyzed by NMR. Materials and methods NMR spectroscopy Strains and culture conditions Freeze-dried extracts were analyzed by nuclear magnetic The type strain of R. xylanophilus PRD-1T (=DSM 9941T) resonance (NMR) as described previously (Silva et al. was from our collection. The organism was grown aero- 1999). The quantification of solutes was determined by bically in Thermus medium (Williams and da Costa 1992) comparing the intensities of resonances of the compounds containing tryptone (1.0 g L–1) and yeast extract (1.0 g L–1), in the sample with the one from a concentration standard, and in a minimal medium (M medium) containing basal in our case formate. All spectra were acquired on a Bruker salts of Degryse medium 162 (Degryse et al. 1978), yeast DRX500 spectrometer. For quantification purposes, 1H- –1 –1 extract (0.1 g L ), glucose (5.0 g L ) and NH4Cl NMR spectra were acquired with water presaturation, 6 ls (2.0 g L–1); the pH was adjusted to 8.2. To examine the pulse width (60° flip angle) and a repetition delay of 60 s. effect of osmotic stress on the accumulation of intracellular Chemical shifts were relative to 3-(trimethylsilyl)pro- solutes, cells were grown at 60°C in medium with 2.5, 4.0 panesulfonic acid (sodium salt). Formate was added as an or 5.0% NaCl (w/v), or without NaCl. Cultures were also internal concentration standard. 1H-NMR spectra were also grown at 43, 50, 60 and 67°C in medium without NaCl to acquired with selective irradiation of the phosphorous examine the effect of the growth temperature on the signal at –2.73 ppm. accumulation of intracellular solutes. Growth of the 31P-NMR spectra were recorded at 202.45 MHz using a organisms was performed in 1-liter metal-capped Erlen- broadband inverse detection 5-mm probe head. Broadband meyer flasks containing 200 ml of medium in a reciprocal- proton decoupling was applied during the acquisition time water bath shaker (120 rpm) and monitored by measuring only, using the wideband alternating-phase low-power the turbidity of the cultures at 600 nm. Cells were technique for zero-residue splitting sequence (WALTZ); 123 Extremophiles (2007) 11:667–673 669 for selective irradiation, spectra were acquired with con- with a signal in the region characteristic of the anomeric tinuous irradiation of the desired proton signal. protons of hexoses. The analyses of the 31P-NMR spectrum Two-dimensional spectra were performed using stan- revealed the presence of a resonance assigned to DIP and dard Bruker pulse programs. Proton-homonuclear shift another signal at –2.73 ppm that could not be immediately correlation spectroscopy (COSY) and total-correlation assigned and was therefore suspected to belong to the same spectroscopy (TOCSY) were acquired collecting unidentified compound. Due to the small relative amount of 1 13 1 31 4096(t2) · 512(t1) data points; while in H- C and H- P the new solute, we resorted to chromatography to purify it. heteronuclear multiple quantum coherence spectra The first chromatographic step gave origin to two partially (HMQC) 4096(t2) · 256(t1) data points were collected purified fractions, one containing the new solute and DIP, (Bax and Summers 1986). Delays of 3.5 ms and 65 ms and another one with the new compound, as well as DIP 1 were used for evolution of JXH in the carbon and phos- and MG.
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