■'O NET PRESS RUN THE'WEATHER AVERAGE DAILY CIRCULATION Foveeaat br U. «. Weatlte, Oareaa, «e«« Mated for the month of December, 1028 5,209 Clearing and slightly colder ^ to­ Member of the Andit BnreaB of vCoRtt. night; Friday fair and colder. Clrcnlatlona . , t *r VOL. XLII., NO. 74. (Classified AdViMising on Page 10) SOUTH MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, JANUARY 10, 1929. (TWELVE PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTS -<s> BRAVES’ BOOKS WirCH SLAYER Meeting the “News Boys” BAHLEOVER Husband Kills Bandit HOOVER MUM EXAMINED IN GETS LIFE; PAL ■w':- KELLOGG P A a Hired To Murder Him ON MEMBERS B O S m PROBE N O r a TRIAL NEAWEND Detroit, Mich., Jan. 10.— Mrs. ^ The officers, after notifying OFJABINET Grace Wood, estranged wife of Wood to be on the lookout, secret­ Ralph A. Wood, president of a con­ ed themselves about Wood’s office struction company bearing his in Wyandotte, Detroit suburb. Reports Around State House John Curry Next to Get Hear­ By Agreement Between Fac­ naipe, was under arrest today in When the thugs drove up in an President-Elect Listens to a connection with a plot to kill her automobile, the officers and Wood ing— Hess Another One wealthy husband. fired from ambush. Score of Job Seekers But Say Special Grand Jury tions Final Vote on Anti- One of the four would-be assas­ Deputy Sheriff Thomas Dunnigaa sins, said to have been hired to dis­ was seriously wounded in the ex­ Will Be Called to Investi­ of Trio to Get a Separate War Treaty Will Be Tak­ pose of Wood, was killed last nignt change of shots with the gunmen. Makes No Decision— Mel­ when police, state troopers and The dead man was identified as deputy sheriffs, who had been William Thompson of Wyandotte. gate Bribery Charge, Trial. en Tomorrow. “ tipped off.” frustrated the plot. ! An hour later, Mrs. Wood, head lon Only One Picked. Wood’s own gun dropped the man ’ of the Grace Land Co., was placed who would have killed him. The .under arrest for questioning. She Boston, Jan. 10— Account books | Court House, York, Pa., Jan. 10. Washington, Jan. 10.— The end other three gi nmen escaped. i was found bedridden at her home. "Washington, Jan. 10 — Herbert and records of the Boston National j — With his mother sitting beside of the battle over unconditional Hoover is putting in union hours him in the prisoner’s dock, crying League Baseball Club today were ' ratification of the Kellogg-Briand CUT OFF TOES listening to the volunteer cabinet­ examined by the finance commis­ softly, John Curry, 14, was placed peace treaty was in sight in the RUBINOW EECTED makers. His visitors fairly tread, sion, probing Sunday baseball on trial today charged with the Senate today with the Irreconcil­ SO SHOE FITS on each other’s heels as they pass, bribery charges. murder of Nelson D, Rehmeyer, able band fighting vainly for a endless chain fashion, in and out The books and records were aged farmer-recluse. Young Curry, resolution setting forth the Ameri­ MERCHANT^'HEAD English Doctor Reveals Secret of his big suite at the Mayflower brought down from th j State House Wilbert G. Hess and John Blymyer, can terms of adherence. of Society Women Who Wish hotel. where they had been under scrutiny He listens, occasionally asks a by the attorney general’s office. a “ powwow doctor,” bludgeoned Senator Moses (R) of N. H., to Have Smaller Feet. Meanwhile Assistant District At­ Rehmeyer, whom they believed to author of the resolution, publicly question, but for the most part per­ C. of C. Division in Session London, Jan. 10.— Startling mits his visitors to do the talking. torney F. T. Doyle was in confer­ be a witch, to death on the night of President-elect Herbert Hoover, talking things over with White proposed to Senator Borah (R) of ence with Assistant Attorney Gener­ Idaho, leader of the treaty forces, disclosures that many Eng­ If he has made any committments Nov. 27 last. House correspondents, with whom he will have considerable to do in the lish society women are going at all— save that concerning the al Gerald J. Callahan, who was in­ ne.xt four years, is pictured here, left. The “ boys” wanted to know all that they negotiate an agreement at Hotel Sheridan— Dis­ vestigating to see whether the state Blymyer, the first of the trio to for a final vote on the treaty. Borah about minus their toes in or­ retention of Andrqw W. Mellon as about his views on Latin America. secretary of the treasury— ^political Corrupt Practices Act was violated be tried, was sentenced last night consented at once and it was under­ der to wear fashionable shoes Washington does not know of it, in' the campaign for Sunday pro­ by a jury which found him guilty stood both sides were willing to ] have been made here by Dr. cuss Parking. despite Its ear-to-the-keyhole atti­ fessional sports. to life imprisonment. take the vote tomorrow. A final A, E. Kennard, and roused Some Rumors Curry and Hess were brought in­ agreement probably will be reached much comment today. Dr. tude. V. Suffolk county courthouse ob­ to court this morning. Immediate­ HOHENZOLLERNS QUIT Kennard is one of the fore­ The stock question asked all visi­ later in the day. At the meeting of the Merchants tors as they emerge from the presi­ servers thought that the visit of ly. Curry’s attorney demanded a Meet Early most hone specialists in Lon­ Doyle to the Slate House indicated separate trial for the boy. This was Division of the Chamber of Com­ dent-elect’s office, which is buried The Senate met an hour earlier merce last evening at the Hotel don. deep in the center of his 12-room that special Grahd Jury would be granted automatically. than usual in order to provide more In an interview, the special­ called in on the Sunday baseball 'Selection of the jury was begun ALL HOPE OF MONARCHY Sheridan William Rublnow was lay-out. Is: “ And what did he.say?” time for debate but the discussion elected president to succeed F. T. ist revealed that scores of invariably the reply is: “ Well, he briberv investigation. at once. smart women are having their Prisoner Calm. w-.s slow in getting under way. Blish, Earl Seaman was reelected appeared interested, and he listen­ Upon leaving Callahan’s office, Only five Senators were on the little or third too amputated so Doyle said that the subject of their The boyish, apple-cheeked, black­ treasurer and George Rlx secretary. ed.” conversation was “ confidential.” haired Curry smiled jauntily as he floor when the Senate convened, that their feet will fit into Good Listener Letter to Newspaper Written and it required 15 minutes to get a “ Did it have to do with the base­ gazed around the crowded court­ STOCK VALUES UP small, smart-toed shoes. As a listener and as one who can ball case,” Doyle was asked. room. He paid little attention to quorum. But this is only the lesser keep his own counsel. Mr. Hoover “ Yes,” said Doyle. his mother, Mrs. Anna Curry Mc- by Ex-Crown Princess Senators Bingham (R) of Conn., evil of the craze for “ chic” is proving daily that he hasn’t been and Barkley (D) of Key, opened Doyle was closeted with Calla­ Lane, who sat just back of him, a F IF H PER CENT footwear, according to Dr. sitting at the front of Mr, Coo- the debate, both urging actioa by lidge’s Cabinet table for five years han for one hour and 25 minutes. handerkerchnef to her eyes. Kennard. H assures that high Cecile Reveals That Rela­ the Senate to protect American in- | heels will result in a genera­ for nothing. Hess, who is 18, a skinny, gawky terests under the treaty. They The reticence of the president­ blonde youth, seemed frightened as tion of crippled women. warned that the British and French elect concerning his Cabinet ap­ he sat in court, shackled to a The foot is rapidly becoming tives Are Facing Facts. Speculations Force Up Val­ interpretations gave the treaty a pointments has given rise to many deputy sheriff. He had none of the the ugliest part of the modern meaning and importance far be­ rumors, and it is giving a good deal FREAK MURDERS assurance of Curry, or of Blymyer. woman,” said the doctor. yond its original limits. of left-handed courage to those who After Curry’a trial got under way. Berlin, Jan. 10.— Princ'h Wilhelm, ues Far Beyond Their Real are hacking various candidates for Hess was taken to the York county aged 22, eldest son of the ex-crown jobs. They apparently feel that so PUZZLE SLEUTHS jail, where Blymer is confined in a Worth, Survey Shows. long as there is reticence there is cell awaiting the day when he will prince of Germany, and logical pre­ HE TOLD PRESIDENT hope. begin his life term in the Eastern tender to the throne in the Reich HOUDINI MESSAGE There are rumors that' Mr. Hoo­ penitentiary at Philadelphia. and Prussia, seems definitely to ver already has made up his mind By W. S. COUSINS. NEWS THAT MADE WAR Boy and Aged Woman Kill­ Judge Ray P. Sherwood speeded have abandoned all hopes ot ever concerning his official family, and up selection of the jury by elim- I. N. S. Financial Editor. that he is merely going through the restoring the Hohenzollern mon­ IS NOT BELIEVED Washington Policeman Who ceremony of listening to this end­ ed for No Apparent Rea­ (Continned on Page 2.) archy.
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