File no. Candidate ID Dr./Prof. With address Allocation 1st Commentes of Experts Additional instalment grant 5-1/2014 MRP-MAJOR-ASSA-2013- NIRAJANA MAHANTA BEZBORAH 1253575 /- 804075/- The progress of work is 23952 Dibrugarh University Dibrugarh- satisfactory Assam - 786004 5-2/2014 MRP-MAJOR-ASSA-2013- DR. ARABINDA RAJKHOWA 1142400 /- 800400/- The progress of work is 32075 North Lakhimpur College satisfactory (Autonomous) 5-3/2014 MRP-MAJOR-ASSA-2013- DR. SNIGDHA MAHANTA 1122100 /- 741600/- The progress of work is 37106 DHING COLLEGE P.O.DHING satisfactory PIN.782123 DT. NAGAON ASSAM 5-4/2014 MRP-MAJOR-ASSA-2013- Prof. Arpana Konwar 947600/- 564600/- The progress of work is 43827 Dibrugarh University Dibrugarh- satisfactory Assam - 786004 5-5/2014 MRP-MAJOR-ASSA-2013- Dr. Satyakam Borthakur 1107600 /- 699600/- The progress of work is 44077 Dibrugarh University Dibrugarh- satisfactory Assam - 786004 5-6/2014 MRP-MAJ-BENG-2013- DR. KHOKAN KUMAR BAG 760000/- 460000/- The progress of work is 1072 Sambhu Nath College-, Vill.- satisfactory Labpur- Post. Labpur- Dist. Birbhuim- West Bengal- PIN 733103.Ph.No. 03563266225 5-7/2014 MRP-MAJOR-BENG-2013- Dr. Sk. Makbul Islam 1313600 /- 775600/- The progress of work is 18157 St. Paul`s Cathedral Mission satisfactory College- Kolkata, 33/1- Raja Rammohan Roy SaraniKolkata- 700009West Bengal 5-8/2014 MRP-MAJOR-BENG-2013- Dr. Saikat Mondal 1144400 /- 742400/- The progress of work is 22848 Derozio Memorial College, Rajarhat satisfactory Road- P.O- R. Gopalpur- Kolkata- 700136 5-9/2014 MRP-MAJOR-BENG-2013- Bela Das 1300400 /- 768400/- The progress of work is Good 26270 ASSAM UNIVERSITY- ASSAM- SILCHAR - 788011 5-10/2014 MRP-MAJOR-BENG-2013- DR. TANMAY BIR 1213600 /- 725600/- The progress of work is 26443 SARSUNA COLLEGE, 4/HB/A- HO- satisfactory CHI-MINH SARANI- SARSUNA UPANAGARI- KOLKATA 700061 5-11/2014 MRP-MAJOR-BENG-2013- Srutinath Chakraborty 1220800 /- 756800/- The progress of work is 1 | Mid-Term Evaluation Expert Committee Comments File no. Candidate ID Dr./Prof. With address Allocation 1st Commentes of Experts Additional instalment grant 36840 Vidyasagar University- Midnapore- satisfactory 721102 5-12/2014 MRP-MAJOR-BUDD-2013- Sushma Trivedi 1297400 /- 880400/- Absent 24058 Navyug Kanya Mahavidalaya Rajendra Nagar Lucknow 226004 5-13/2014 MRP-MAJOR-BUDD-2013- Prof. Ram Nandan Singh 1289600 /- 821600/- The progress of work is Excellent 43304 University of Jammu, Dr. Bhimrao Ambedkar Road- Jammu-180006 (Jammu & Kashmir) 5-14/2014 MRP-MAJOR-COMM-2013- ANILKUMAR LALSING RATHOD 759600/- 466600/- The progress of work is 12138 SMT.L..R.T. COLLEGE OF Satisfactory COMMERCE, RATANLAL PLOT- AKOLA. 444001 (M.S) 5-16/2014 MRP-MAJOR-COMM-2013- Dr.A.Pandu 779600/- 486600/- The progress work is good 16340 Pondicherry University- Kalapet- Puduchery- 605014 5-17/2014 MRP-MAJOR-COMM-2013- SANTANU KUMAR GHOSH 1253600 /- 865600/- The progress of work is 17729 THE UNIVERSITY OF BURDWAN, Satisfactory RAJBATI- PO- RAJBATI- DIST. BURDWAN- WEST BENGAL- 713104 5-18/2014 MRP-MAJOR-COMM-2013- P.SRITHAR 638000/- 398000/- The progress of work is 19078 N.M.S. S.Vellaichamy Nadar Satisfactory College-Nagamalai- Madurai – 625 019. 5-19/2014 MRP-MAJOR-COMM-2013- Dr. Sanjay Keshaorao Katait 709600/- 441600/- The progress of work is 20686 Shri Shivaji College - Morshi Road Satisfactory Amravati.(M.S)PIN Code -4446063 5-20/2014 MRP-MAJOR-COMM-2013- DEBDAS RAKSHIT 726600/- 473600/- The progress of work is 23988 The University of Burdwan, Satisfactory Burdwan- Pin-713104 5-21/2014 MRP-MAJOR-COMM-2013- Dr Sanjay Baijal 1160000 /- 690000/- Dis continue- (1) Not yet started 24838 DDU Gorakhpur University- work Gorakhpur (2) Not utilised any fund (3) No questionnaire developed 5-22/2014 MRP-MAJOR-COMM-2013- Dr. T. SUBASH 777600/- 469600/- The progress of work is 26274 GOVERNMENT ARTS COLLEGE Satisfactory 2 | Mid-Term Evaluation Expert Committee Comments File no. Candidate ID Dr./Prof. With address Allocation 1st Commentes of Experts Additional instalment grant THIRUVANANTHAPURAM- KERALA 5-23/2014 MRP-MAJOR-COMM-2013- Dr. HEENA SUNIL OZA 560800/- 384300/- The progress of work is 26455 SPB ENGLISH MEDIUM COLLEGE OF Satisfactory COMMERCE, V T CHOKSI LAW COLLEGE CAMPUS OPP. POOJA ABHISHEK COMPLEX- LAL BUNGLOW- ATHWALINES SURAT PIN CODE 395007 GUJARAT 5-24/2014 MRP-MAJOR-COMM-2013- Dr. Laldinliana 786300/- 454800/- The progress of work is 26495 Mizoram University- Tanhril- Satisfactory AizawlPin: 796004 5-25/2014 MRP-MAJOR-COMM-2013- N.K. Sharma 1376800 /- 877800/- The progress of work is 27042 University of Rajasthan- Jaipur – Satisfactory 302004 5-26/2014 MRP-MAJOR-COMM-2013- Dr. Bhawna Rajput 1008400 /- 586400/- The progress of work is 27137 University of Delhi- Delhi 110007 Satisfactory 5-27/2014 MRP-MAJOR-COMM-2013- Dr.Kulwant Singh Pathania 482200/- 281200/- He is absent and final report to be 27184 Himachal Pradesh University, submitted as the project period is Shimla-171005 over 5-28/2014 MRP-MAJOR-COMM-2013- Prof. G. Soral 1099600 /- 656600/- The progress of work is Good 27451 Mohanlal Sukhadia University- Udaipur- Rajasthan-313001 5-29/2014 MRP-MAJOR-COMM-2013- Dr. I. Sarumathi 842400/- 500400/- Absent 29625 PGP College of Arts & Science- NH-7- Karur- Namakkal Main Road- Namakkal - 637 207. Tamil Nadu. 5-30/2014 MRP-MAJOR-COMM-2013- Meenu Maheshwari 689600/- 421600/- The progress of work is Good 30196 Rajeswari Vedachalam Government Arts College, Chengalpattu, Dist. Kancheepuram- 603 001 5-31/2014 MRP-MAJOR-COMM-2013- DR. J. SRINIVASAN 764900/- 472900/- The progress of work is 30406 Rajesmani Vedachalam Satisfactory Government Arts College, Chengalpattu- 603 001, 3 | Mid-Term Evaluation Expert Committee Comments File no. Candidate ID Dr./Prof. With address Allocation 1st Commentes of Experts Additional instalment grant Kanchipuram 5-32/2014 MRP-MAJOR-COMM-2013- Dr. Aparna Bhatia 703400/- 431400/- The progress of work is 31991 Guru Nanak Dev University- Satisfactory, Re-appropriation, Amritsar-143005 (Punjab) from field work upto 20/- to contingency 5-33/2014 MRP-MAJOR-COMM-2013- Priti 895600/- 572600/- The progress of work is 34642 Maharshi Dayanand University- Satisfactory Rohtak 5-34/2014 MRP-MAJOR-COMM-2013- DR. ANTONY JOSEPH K 991000/- 586000/- The progress of work is Good 35092 ST. BERCHMANS COLLEGE- CHANGANACHERRY- KERALA- 686101 5-35/2014 MRP-MAJOR-COMM-2013- Thomas K V 644600/- 401600/- The progress of work is good 36168 Marian CollegeKuttikkanam P O - 685531PeermeduIdukki District 5-37/2014 MRP-MAJOR-COMM-2013- Dr.B.Kirubshini 624600/- 381600/- The progress of work is Excellent 37110 PSG College of Arts and Science- (Affiliated to Bharathiar University) 5-38/2014 MRP-MAJOR-COMM-2013- Dr.M.JEGADEESHWARAN 695600/- 437600/- The progress of work is Excellent 37855 Bharathiar University, Coimbatore 641 046 Tamil Nadu 5-40/2014 MRP-MAJOR-COMM-2013- dr devinder sharma 564100/- 348600/- Absent 38464 H.P. UNIVERSITY ENTRE FOR EVENING STUDIES- SHIMLA 5-41/2014 MRP-MAJOR-COMM-2013- KARUPPUSAMY. R 875400/- 518400/- The progress of work is 38905 TAGORE ARTS COLLEGE-LAWSPET- Satisfactory PUDUCHERRY - 605008 5-42/2014 MRP-MAJOR-COMM-2013- DR. MINI JOSEPH 1004600 /- 561600/- The progress of work is Good 39511 KG COLLEGE- PAMPADY- KERALA 5-43/2014 MRP-MAJOR-COMM-2013- Dr. K Nirmala 1215400 /- 808400/- The progress of work is Good 39959 Bangalore University- Bangalore- 560056 5-44/2014 MRP-MAJOR-COMM-2013- INDIRA. S 742600/- 459600/- The progress of work is 7208 Thiruvallur University, Vellore satisfactory 5-45/2014 MRP-MAJOR-COMM-2013- Dr. Philip Mody 887100/- 531600/- The progress of work is Good 4 | Mid-Term Evaluation Expert Committee Comments File no. Candidate ID Dr./Prof. With address Allocation 1st Commentes of Experts Additional instalment grant 7734 Rajiv Gandhi University- Rono-Hills- Doimukh-791112- Papum Pare district- Arunachal Pradesh 5-46/2014 MRP-MAJOR-COMM-2013- Dr. G. Naresh Reddy 674600/- 431600/- The progress of work is 8437 Osmania University- Tarnaka- satisfactory Hyderabad -500 007 5-47/2014 MRP-MAJOR-COMM-2013- PRANJAL BEZBORAH 1225000 /- 675000/- The progress of work is Good 9173 Dibrugarh University Dibrugarh- Assam - 786004 5-48/2014 MRP-MAJOR-DEFE-2013- Dr. Udai Pratap Singh 729400/- 427400/- The progress of work is 10325 Seth P.C. Bagla (P.G) College- satisfactory Hathras- U.P.- 204101 5-49/2014 MRP-MAJOR-DEFE-2013- Dr. Arun Kumar Dixit 676600/- 398600/- (1) The progress of work is 12183 Shri Varshney College- Aligarh- U.P. not satisfactory 202001 (2) As spent money not justified (3) The focus built up is wrong and faulty questionaire (4) The candidate is unable to satisfy the committee on his approach to study and work progress (5) Be asked to complete the project within the amount already alloted 5-50/2014 MRP-MAJOR-DEFE-2013- DR. R.S.PANDEY 626600/- 373600/- (1) The progress of work is 18545 L.B.S. P.G. COLLEGE- GONDA- U.P. not satisfactory (2) The Candidate was unable to give any fresh arguments in the study taken (1) Lacked basic knowledge and information (2) Did not structure any questionnaire to ascertain 5 | Mid-Term Evaluation Expert Committee Comments File no. Candidate ID Dr./Prof. With address Allocation 1st Commentes of Experts Additional instalment grant any primary data (3) Be asked to complete the project within the money already allotted 5-51/2014 MRP-MAJOR-DEFE-2013- DR. PRADEEP KUMAR YADAV 729400/- 427400/- Absent 29641 D.D.U. GORAKHPUR UNIVERSITY- GORAKHPUR 5-52/2014 MRP-MAJOR-DEFE-2013- Dr. ABHAYA KUMAR SINGH 719400/- 417400/- (1) The progress of work is 42668 K. S. SAKET POST GRADUATE not satisfactory COLLEGE- AYODHYAJI- FAIZABAD- (2) The candidate lacked the 224001 (U. P.) basic comprehension to undertake the project (3) Work progress was not satisfactory and no fresh inputs (4) The candidate was unable to co-relate the basic components of the research study (5) Be asked to complete the study with the money already alloted (6) However, as sepcial case be granted Rs.
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