THIRTEENTH YEAR. NOr 208. ASBURY PARK, NEW JERSEY, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 1, 1899.—EIGHT PAGES. TWO CENTS SEA BRIGHT JURY VERDICT STOKES MEMORIAL OROAN JOTTINGS OF AN IDLER. BRIEF LOCAL SUMMARY. GREAT MUSICAL JUBILEE, f — r—-------- / *------ HOLDS THE RAILROAD COM­ WIIL BE PLACED IN OCEAN SEEN IN A 8AUNTRK ABOUT WHAT IS GOING ON IN AND NEARLY 8,000 PEOPLE AP PANY HESPONSIBLE GKOVE AUDITORIUM. THE TOWN. AROUND THE CITY. PLAUD SINGERS. Real Estate FOR SALE. Fop Death of Three Persona and In­ Cojt of fhe New Instrum ent-‘Will Be Hose Wagon on Beach is Mr. Brad- Items of Interest Too Small fbr a Best Numbers From Former Con­ jury ot* Three O thers Ang. 23 -at About $15,000—Committee to Have lej’d Fire Department—Sea Forms Headline — Happenings Personal certs Comprised an Excellent Pro­ Sea B right—Testim ony Exhaustive. Charge- of Erecting Organ Ap. a New Channel — Elderly Lady and Otherwise That Will Help to gram—Splendid Work of Soloists. Insurance Twenty W itnesses Exam ined—Jury polnted-^-Workof Building to Com­ Paddled in Surf—Toll Collectors Make the History of Asbury Park, Combined Choirs and Children’s Sits Five Boars. mence About January 1 Next. R elieved. Neptune Township and Vicinity. Chorus Produced a Fine Effect. A ‘ twenty-five room The coroner’s inquest to fix tbe responsi­ At a len&thy meeting of the executive The magnificent level beach which Insured The oyster season begins today. It seems as though the people never will Mortgages bility for tbe frightful railroad accident at committee of the OceaA Grove association 'such excellent bathing throughout the sum­ Don’t forget to write Ifc September. tire of the concerts ’ given in tho Oceau . boarding house in Sea Bright Wednesday of last week, whioh held yesterday morning, definite steps were mer le now being sadly marred by tho prevail­ Experienced setfmsfress advertises for en­ Grove auditorium, especially those iu which gagements by the day. North Asbunf Park resulted in the death of Miss Kate L.Teiry, taken toward the erection, in the OCean ing northeast currents. A channel has the cbildren’s chorus t^kes part. The suc­ Grove auditorium, of a large pipe organ to been cut between the shore and the outer Reward offered for return of gold eye Miss Juanita Terry and Charles W, Trippe, glasses lost on the beach. See adv. cessor the musical jubilee held l.<u#even­ be a memorial to the late president of the bar, but only at high tide is It troublesome near the^beapn. jr., and the injuring of Mrs. Charles N. Diamond engagement ring lost is ad­ ing in tho Ocean Grovo auditorium passed Trippe, Miss Louise Fauere and a baby, association, Rev. Elwood H. Stokes, D.D., to the bathers. Tlie beach has also been cut vertised for. Reward offered for its re­ the most hopeful expectations of Its orlgl- Easy terms. ' was held a t Packer’s hall, Sea Bright, yes­ who died two years ago. The executive away for several feet In numerous places. turn. nators*' The audience numbered Ciose to terday, The inquest was conducted by As­ committee consists of Bishop J. N; Fitzger- A change of tide may, however, fill in the Tho bridges are free. May they never 8,000 and was one of the most appreciative sistant Prosecutor Charles Ivans, acting aid, Dr. A. E. Ballard, George W. Evans, cuts and leave the beacji better than be­ again be otherwise is the desire of the ma­ of the season. , jority. for Cproaer Henry Herbert of ^tbis city, as­ John E. Andrus, William H. Skirm, Rev. J fore. In order to give a fine variety to the pro­ * * * , Fishing ii good and good fishing tackle sisted by John W. Culbert of New York, H. Alday, M. D., T. M. Dickey, Hon. Few of our summer vjsltors realize*the and halt may be obtained of John F. Seger, gram the most popular songs of the audi­ M ill AN ROSS AGENCY D. C. COVERT counsellor .for Charles W. Trippe, and Ed­ James L. Hays, T. J. Preston and Holmes object pf the four wheel hose carriage Cookman avenue. torium choir, tlie festival chorus and the mund Wilson of Red Bank, representing W. Murphy. Party desiring to dispose of building and children’s chorus wore selected, and these, which stands near tbe entrance to the fish­ loan association shares can find buyer by 208 Main Street. 208 Bond Street the borough of Sea Bright. At the meeting of this committee the ing pier, covered during" the day with a together with solo and trio parts, made up Twenty witnesses were examined during matter of the new organ was fully dis­ referring to our special adv. column. a magnificent entertainment of song. hugh black cloth. It has proven the sub­ A special soap sale will take place Friday the five hours the inquest was In progress. cussed. The present auditorium organ, a ject ot much curiosity from the passing and Saturday, Sept. 8 and 9, at the store of t As on former like occasions during the They were Dr.H.S.Houghton,who attended gift from the Washington Square M. E. throng. It might be stated that this ap­ the Atlantic and Pacific Tea company, 626 1 summer,{jtiera of seats had been erected on the injured; Mary Bach, who saw the' acci­ church of New York, and which is said to paratus constitutes the beach fire depart Cookman avenue. the platform of the auditorium. The choir dent; Charles Williams, Mayor P. Hall have originally cost $10,000, was an old one ment, maintained solely by Mr. Bradley, This Is H. A. Stiles’ day io consult with aud festival chorus members (adults) occu­ when it was presented three years ago. The persons whose eyes need attention. His pied these, and places wore 'also reserved Packer, Officer John McPeek, E. Reed Good­ From 6 p. m. to 0 a. m. ^obn Bennett is on Ashury Park office fs at 222 Main street. Monmouth Trust rich, Martin Maloney, engineer of the fatal need of a new organ to replace this one Is duty and stands ready to answer any Hours: 9.30 a. m. to 5 p. m. for the children. Seven A tents had been -A N D ----- KEITH’S EXPRESS train; Jefferson Green, his fireman; Stephen now sorely felt,, and the proper steps or all alarms. The * carriage is sup­ The regular monthly meeting, of the.As­ erected on the platform,, thus showing that Megill, Gilbert Layton, “Edward Toles, Mra. toward securing the same were made yes­ bury Park wheelmen falls on Monday, but Ocean Grove’s famous •rough rider boys ASBURY PARK and OCEAN GROVB plied with several hundred feet of that being Labor day it has been postponed Ira M. Hoffman, Jessie Lewis, Isaiah* Jose- terday when the above named executive two inch hose, and a private water were again to be in evidence. committee appointed an organ committee until the following Monday evening, Sept. At 8.15 sixteen doors of the great audi­ ( H otel Brunsw ick, phi, Charles E. Ludlow, jr., Mrs. Adallne supply owned by the senator runs the entire 11. Safe Deposit Company Omcta 4 Railroad Depot and Trippe, one of the victims; Louise #Fauere, from among its number, as follows: J. torium were opened, and to the strains of 11214 Ban kb A venue. length of the walk, witlun hydrant located 1 A flrstclass cook tfnd lumdress and flrst­ another of the victims; W. A. VanMater, E. Andrus, chairman, T. J. Preston and A. In the center of each block. The carriage is class waitress and chambermaid, both “Marching Through Georgia,” sixteen com­ Monmouth Building, Asbury Park, H. J. Principal Offloe 806 MAIN STREET white, who can give references, can secure civil engineer of the railroad; Joseph Kahle H. DeHaven. equipped with what Is knqwn as a reducer panies of the chorus, each girl carrying an Goods Stored A t reasonable rates. This committee of three was embodied good place for the winter in this city. See American flag, marched down the long Telephone connection. and Claude H. Johnston. A number of which makes it possible to use the two-inch adv. with power to proceed with the erection of aisles to their places on the platform. The C APITAL, $ 100,0 0 0 . P. O. BOX B87, - - - - PABK. these witnesses were people who saw the hose on the ordinary fire plug. In case of a The cutting down of several large trees accident or were on the spot immediately a new organ, to c5st about 115,000, as soon conflagration near the beaehHhis apparatus a t the foot of New Jersey avenue, Ocean girls looked pretty in white dresses and the SURPLUS, $25,000 after It occurred. as $10,000 of that sum is raised. A. C. would prove of valuably assistance to the Grove end of the Wesley lake bridge, is a Red Cross bow. The boys were attired in Fields andT. J . Preston, jr., were appoint­ decided improvement and gives a better rough rider uniforms. The latter, 200 The testimony was exhaustive and cov­ city’s unexcelled d e p a r t m e n t . , __ view___________ ____ Executes all trusts known to the law. ered every possible point. After a short ed to advise with the above. committee of ♦ * * strong, were In oharge of Captalno Lewis B. I-oans money on.bond apd mortgage. A horse belonging to Isaac Major, an Receives deposits subject to check and allows Is Your WATCH l i g h t ? deliberation the jury returned a verdict three In regard to the erection, Mr.
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