RESTRICTED B.R.C.N. 501 (7) 51 THE CANADIAN' .NAVY LIST FOR JULY, ·1951 CORRECTED TO 30th JUNE, 195!1 OTTAWA EDMOND CLOUTIER, C.M.C., O.A., D.S.P. PRINTER TO THE KINC'S MOST EXCELLENT MAJ'ESTY CONTROLLD or STATIONERY 1951 600-7·51 (DP 1131/SJ) N.S. 1834·41 NOTE Offtcers who may notice errors or omissions in the Lists are Invited to communicate direct with THE EDITOR OF THE NAVY LIST, Department of National Defence Ottawa. TM degrees shown after Officers' name. in the Navy List are not necessarily CJ complete list of the degrees held, but generaUy speaking are confined to degrees oj an honorary nature conferred specially upon an Officer and degrees which are '0 related to the projessional duties oj an Officer as to give some indication oj his proJeslional qualifications. Th. CANADIAN NAVY Lll::JT iI compiled and publiaAed e'DeT7/ Biz month by order 01 the Mini.er 1M' tA. convenience 01 the N afHll Serftc., but, /U error. may o(:CIJ.ion­ aUII occur, th. naht i. r..er»ed to determine the ,tat",. 0/ any Officer Guordino to the actllGl ~rcum'taftc .. oj the COle, independently of /In" entrr/ in tM N /1"11 Ei,t CONTENTS The names of Officers on the Active Llat of the R.oyal Navy who are lent for service under the Canadian Government are included in the Alphabetical and Seniority Liltl of Corresponding Officer. of the Royal Canadian Naval Service on pagel 11 to 62. PAGE Alphabetical Index of Officera 11 Alphabetical Liat of Civilian Officera 249 Alphabetical Llat of U. N. T. D. Cadeta 63 CANAVHED Ottawa. OUlcen Serving at OUicera of the Naval Board. Ottawa Dockyarda-- H. M. C. Dockyard. Elquimalt. B. C., Officera of 209 H. M. C. Dockyard. Halifax, N. S., Officera of 23Z Officen Conaidered Qualified .. Interpreter 250 Prizes. List of, for which R. C. N. Officen eligible 251 Relative Rank of Offlcera of Navy, Army and Air Force 254 Removala 247 Royal Canadian Navy-- List of Officen with Seniority 83 List of Officers Holding Short Service Appointments (with aeniority) 119 List of Cadets 118 Royal Canadian Navy (Reserve)-- List of Officers with Seniority (Active Liat) 135 Liat of Officers Serving on Continuoua Naval Duty (with seniority) 129 Sea Cadet Corpa Affiliated with the R. C. N. (R.) 245 Shipa. Veasela and EstabUahmenta of the Royal Canadian Navy with their Officera 161 Shore Eatabliahmenta. Addreaaea and Telephone Numbera 241 ABBREVIATIONS. ETC (Act.) Acting Rank: Cd. Radio O. Commissioned Radio OHicer (A/E) Denote s an Officer who has qualified for Aeronautical Cd.Shpt. Commissioned Shipwright Engineering Duties in Naval Aviation Cd.S.O. Commissioned Starn Officer (A/Elt IntheSenio'rity List denotes Cdt. Cadet an Officer who has passed the Advanced Course in Cdt.(S) Naval Cade\ (S) Aeronautical Engir:eering Cd. W.O. Commluloned Writer Officer (A/E)@ Denotes an OUicer holdine the qualification 01 (E)(A/E) ·Chap. Chaplain who does not hold a Marine Certificate of Competency Chap. (F) Chaplain of the Fleet and is thus not qualilied to undertake the full duties of C.(L) Captain (L) generalUst Ensinee r Offic­ ers. Cr. Commander (A/a) After a rank. denotes an Cr. (L) Commander (L) Officer who was promoted to Temporary Warrant Rank Cr. (N. S.) Commander (NursinK Si5ter) under temporary wartime regulations and who has not Cr. (5. S. A.) Commander (Shott Service yet fully Ciualified for the Appointment) rank under normal regula­ tions Comm. Commodore C. Captain CanstI'. C. Conatruclor Captain (c) Denotes an Officer fully C. (S) Captain (S) qualified (or communication duties Cr. (5) C ommande r (5) (CC) Denotes an RCN(R) OUicer (0) Denotes an Officer qua.lified qualified in Reserve com­ in Ai.rcraft Direction munications (o)t Denotes an Officer qualified Cd. Act. O. Commissioned Aircraft i.n Aircraft Direction and for Officer all A.!. O. duties Cd. Armn. Commissioned Airman E. Cr. Ensineer Commander Cd. ek. O. Com m i ssioned Cookery (e) [n the Alphabetical and Sen­ Officer iority List denotes an Officer who has qualified for Gun­ Cd. Camm. Cammiuioned Comm'.mica- nery Officer (U.K.); in a O. tions OHicer ship. an Officer borne for Gunne ry dutle s Cd.Ct.O. Commiuioned Catering Officer (g) As above but qualified in Canada Cd. El. Commissioned Electrician Gnr. Gunner Cd. Ens. Commissioned Engineer (I) Pas5ed as Interpreter Cd. Glnr Commissioned Gunner I.D.5.Csf'. Course at ImperialDe£ence Cd.(L)O. Commissioned Electrical College OHicer ABBREVIATIONS, ETC. - Continued i. d. c. Completed Course at Im­ (n) A s above but qualified in perial Defence College Canada Instr. Cr. Instructor Commander (N)t Denotes anOfficer qualified for naVigating duties in first j. s. s.c. In the Seniority Listdenotes class ships an Officer who has qualified at the Joint Services Staff (ND) Denotes an Officer who has College passed the qualifying course and is qualified for navigat­ L. Lieutenant ing duties in a small ship. and as an intercept officer L. Denotes a Lieutenant on the Branch Officer List (ND)t DenotesanOfficerwho has passed the advanced course L. -Cr. Lieutenant-Commander and is qualified to carry out all duties in the N. D. branch L. -Cr. (L) Lieutenant-Commander (L) with the possible exception in some cases a f night L. -Cr. (N. S.). Lieutenant-Commander direction (Nursing Sister) n. d. c. Denotes an Officer who has L. -Cr. (5) Lieutenant-Commander (5) successfully completed a course at the National De­ L. -Cr. fence College or who has (5. S. A.) Lieutenant-Commander acted as a full-time Instruc­ (Short Service Appointment) tor at the college for a minimum pe dod of one year L. (E) Lieutenant (E) n.w.c j. Passed Junior Course at the L. (L) Lieutenant (L) Naval War College (U. S. A.) L. (N. P.) Lieutenant (Nursing Physio­ (0) Before the name of an therapist) Officer denotes that he has qualified and has been con­ L. (N. S.) Lieutenant (Nursing Sister) firmed as Naval Air Observer L. (N. T.) Lieutenant (Nursing Tech­ nician) (p) Before the n a m e of an Officer denotes that he is L. (5) Lieutenant (5) qualified for Pilot duties in Naval Aviation L. (S. S. A.) Lieutenant (Short 5<'rvice Appointment) (P. :;'R. T. ) In the Alphabetical and Sen­ i 0 r i I Y List denotes an Medal for War or General Officer who has qualified Service for Physical and Recreat­ ional T r a in i n g Officer (Met. ) Denotes an Officer who has (U. K.); in a ship. an Officer qualified in Meteorology on borne for Physical and comple tion of 12 weeks I Rec realional Training course Duties Mid. Midshipman (p.&r.t.) As above, but qualified in Canada Mid. (E) Midshipman (E) p. s. a. Passed Staff Course Mid. (5) Midshipman (5) (R.C.A.F.) (N) Denotes an Officer qualified p. s. c. Passed Staff Course for navigating duties who has not been granted a first p. s.m. Passed Staff Course (Cana­ class ship certificate dian Army Staff College) ABBREVIATIONS. ETC. - Concluded R. A. Rear-Admiral (tas)(d) In the Alphabetical and Sen­ iority List denotes a Reserve R. C. N. (R) Royal Canadian Navy Officer who has qualified (Reserve) for Anti-Submarine .ide of Torpedo Anti-Submarine S. B. Special Branch dutie. Sg. L. Surgeon Lieutenant (TAS)(T) In the Alphabetical and Sen­ S.L. Sub-Lieutenant i 0 r i t Y List denotes an Officer who has qualified S. L.(E) Sub-Lieutenant (E) in Torpedo side of Torpedo Anti-Submarine duties S.L. (L) Sub-Lieutenant (L) S. L. (N. D.) Sub-Lieutenant (Nursing (tas)(t) In the Alphabetical and Sen­ Dietitian) iority Listdenotes aReserve Officer who has qualified S. L. (N. P.) Sub-Lieutenant (Nursing for Torpedo side of Torpedo Physiotherapist) Anti -Submarine duties S. L. (N. S.) Sub-Lieutenant (Nursing (Temp.) Temporary appointment (Sister) V.A. Vice-Admiral S. L. (N. T.) Sub-Lieutenant (Nursing Tei=hnician) In the Seniority list denotes a Gunner who has passed the S. L. (5) Sub-Lieutenant (S) Advanced Course S. L. Sub-Lieutenant In the Seniority list denotes (S. S. A.) (Short Service Appointment) an Engineer Officer who has passed the Advanced Course Sg. L. -Cr. Surgeon Lieutenant-Comm­ ander In the Seniority list denotes S.S.A. ShortService Appointment a Supply Officer who has passed the qualifying Exam­ TAS In the Alphabetical and Sen­ ination for Advancement to iority List denotes an Lieutenant-Commander (S) Officer who has qualified for Torpedo Anti -Submarine Qualified Officer duties eCF) Qualified Officer of modified (tas) In the Alphabetical and Sen­ status (Coastal Forces) iority Listdenotes a Reserve Officer who has qualified eco) Ql.lalified Office r of modified for Torpedo Anti-Submarine status (Combined Operat­ duties ions (TAS)(D) In the Alphabetical and Sen­ esv) Qualified Officer of modified i 0 r i t y List denotes an status (small vessels) Officer who has qualified for Anti-Submarine side of Fully qualified to command Torpedo Ant i-Submarine Frigate or Destroyer duties TYPE DESIGNATIONS H. M. C. SHIPS AG Miscellaneous Auxiliary CL Light Cruiser AGB Arctic Patrol Ship CVL Light Fleet Carrier AKS Supply Vessel DDE Destroyer AM Fleet Minesweeper DE A/S Escort AMc Motor Minesweeper PF Frigate AO Tanker PTC Motor Launch ATA Ocean Tug YNG Gate Vessel HONORAR Y DISTINC T IONS AdC Aide-de-Camp to H. E. the G.C.V.O. Knight Grand Cross of the Governor General Royal Victorian Order AdC(P) Honorary Aide-de-Camp to G.M.
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