University of Central Florida STARS The Rollins Sandspur Newspapers and Weeklies of Central Florida 1-25-1939 Sandspur, Vol. 44 No. 14, January 25, 1939 Rollins College Find similar works at: https://stars.library.ucf.edu/cfm-sandspur University of Central Florida Libraries http://library.ucf.edu This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Newspapers and Weeklies of Central Florida at STARS. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Rollins Sandspur by an authorized administrator of STARS. For more information, please contact [email protected]. STARS Citation Rollins College, "Sandspur, Vol. 44 No. 14, January 25, 1939" (1939). The Rollins Sandspur. 541. https://stars.library.ucf.edu/cfm-sandspur/541 Support Oldest College Rollins Sandspur Newspaper jaoiuns andspur VOLUME 44 (Z-107) (Weekly Student Newspaper) WINTER PARK, FLORIDA, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 2.5. 1939 (Omplete Campus Coverage) NUMBER 14 Fourth Annuall'Barchester Towers' Scores Trofessor Quiz' to Be Presented On Radio Church Releases $31,000 Economic Meetrit; Lockhart Is Director George Fuller Will Ask Students Questions Barchester Towers: A Victorian comedy in three acts, by Thomas Mortgage Held on Campus; Job. Directed by Dorothy Lockhart. Annie Russell Theater. Professor Quiz, the man of a Is Held Here CAST thousand queries appears on the Ethelbert Stanhope Henry Stryker Rollins Variety Hour next week in Madeline Neroni Julie Trowbridge College Now Free of Ties the person of George Fuller, com­ ^ Important Conference To Be Dr. Stanhope Newton Merrill ' Held on Rollins Campus Mr. Arabin Lloyd George petent master of ceremonies and Starting Thursday Morning Mrs. Bold „ „ Elfreda Winant originator of many of the year's Congregational Church Gave Bishop Proudie B. M. Wherrette outstanding programs. Texas U. Student Does Mrs. Proudie ^... Dana Harris Memorial Service Money When Rollins Was Mr. Slope Charles Mendell Plans call for the program, Away With Carburetor In Need of Assistance I Leading Economists A Gentleman Buel Trowbridge which will pit the masterminds of Join in Discussions Butler Rhea Smith the Rollins Key Society against Is Held For Dean Austin, Texas—(ACP) — At­ Guests Aldine Baker, Barbara Brown, Dudley Darling, William Webb the worldly experience of the In­ tention, automobile dealers! A No Interest Asked President Holt, Dr. Melcher By J. D. H., Jr. ternational Relations Club mem­ Campbell in Chapel University of Texas student is about to show you how to run a On 43 Year Old Loan The Annie Russell Company, under the direction of Miss Dorothy bers, to be held in the Annie Rus­ And Deans Will Preside sell Theatre, with a student audi­ car without a carburetor. Over Group Meetings Lockhart again produced a stage hit when they presented "Barchester President Holt, Faculty and Towers" in the college theater last Friday and Saturday. ence and judges to give the pro­ Dollars and mileage leaking Vice - President Grover Con­ fessional touch. Never before have we seen a Students Speak WordJs of out of faulty carburetors may cludes Negotiations With The Fourth Annual Economic play staged so beautifully and pro­ While the judges are checking Praise for Beloved Dean soon be wiped off the slate by Officials in New York Conference, sponsored by Rollins fessionally on the Annie Russell up on the scores the Beanery Ralph E. Powers of Austin, 25- Waiters under the capable leader­ year-old graduate student at College, -with the Winter Park Stage. It is probably one of the Religious Meeting Last Sunday afternoon a Memo­ ship of Dick Rodda will render rial Vesper service was held in the the University, who for eight The Congregational Education Property Owner's Association co­ most difficult plays to act and produce that has been presented several new musical numbers. Knowles Chapel for Charles At­ months has been working on a Society has released the 1 o n g- operating, opens at the Annie Rus­ Comes to Close as rival device to the carburetor. here. Last year, the company While no list of participants was wood Campbell, former dean of the standing mortgage of $31,000 which sell Theatre on January 26th at available at press time, and the In the engineering building's scored a big hit with "Romantic Chapel. it has held on Rollins College questions had not yet been formu­ noisy machine shop here, his ten-thirty in the morning. The Age" a light and fast moving Leaders Go North Grace Terry of the class of 1937 for the past forty-three years, it lated there's no doubt that this device, a "mechanical injector," conference will consist of seven comedy with plenty of youth and started the services by the reading program will offer the students a is housed. A small apparatus was announced today by Dr. Ham­ sessions, the last two held at the pep. "Barchester Towers", how­ of a prayer which the Dean had Noted Churchmen Leave Aft­ chance once more to enjoy the made of stainless steel, the me­ ilton Holt, President of the college. ever, is a completely different play written several years ago; this Winter Park Women's Club on er Four-Day Discussion of thrill of participating as a respon­ chanical injector will surpass the The college is especially indebted and depends entirely on ultra-so­ was followed by the responsive Saturday, January 28th. sive audience. carburetor in both economy and to Dr. William F. Frazier, execu­ phistication which calls for over Christian, Jewish Problems reading of a Litany, also written Dr. William C. Melcher will pre­ Any questions submitted by stu­ efficiency and will be almost acting. It takes" an accomplished by Dr. Campbell, lead by Rebecca tive vice-president of the Board side over the first session Thurs­ dents suitable for use on this pro­ foolproof as far as wearing out and well directed actor to over-act The first religious conference Coleman Holt of the class of 1934. of Home Missions of Congrega­ day morning at ten-thirty when gram will be used and the con­ is concerned. Powers believes. a part when necessary without _ held on the Rollins cam-pus in four Alan Taulbee of last year's grad­ tional and Christian Churches; Dr. the topic for discussion will be tributor's name mentioned in the making the fact too pparent to years came to a close Sunday uating class then read excerpts Transportation Problems. Dr. Tru­ broadcast. William T. Boult, its treasurer; man C Bigham, Professor of Eco­ morning after a four-day session from the various sermons which and the Reverend H. W. Gates, its On a par with the very clever in which noted religious leaders, n Campbell had delivered in nomics at the University of Florida general secretary, for their gener­ acting were the settings designed students, and faculty members the Chapel. The excerpts were Dr. Coffin to Give will lead the discussion "The Rail­ Symphony Orchestra ous cooperation. road Problem and Its Place in the by Newton Merrill. Two scenes participated. Gives Second Concert chosen to show the fine philoso­ All Embracing Question of Na­ were used, an interior set for the Rev. A. Morgan Noyes of New phical and religious ideals of this Sermon in Chapel; Some time ago President Holt first and third acts, and a garden York City, Father Edward L. Dean of men. and his former assistant, the Rev­ tional Transportation." "A Rail­ Alexander Bloch Conducts road Executive" is the topic set for the second act. The audi­ Stephens of Richmond, Va., and President Holt delivered a short erend William S. Beard, opened Colonel William J. Wilgus, Con­ ence at the Friday night perform­ Rabbi Morris Lazaron of Balti­ Program for Tonight personal tribute, and also read Dr. Lazaron Speaks ne^tiations to have the mortgage sultant Engineer will discuss. ance which we witnessed applaud­ more, Md., led discussions stress­ messages from the three churches agreement cancelled. During Vice- ed both sets. In the interior scene ing "The Relations of Protestants, This evening at eight o'clock, Thursday afternoon at two in which Dr. Campbell had served President Grover's recent stay in we noticed that the walls had been Catholics and Jews." A series of music lovers of Central Florid; President of Union Seminary o'clock Dean Winslow S. Anderson before he came to this campus. Dr. New York City, the final negotia­ painted evenly and not in large classroom lectures were held in will hear the second concert given To Deliver Sunday Talk; will preside during the discussion Richard Burton gave his tribute as tions were concluded with the re­ blots as is usually the case with the classes of Professors France, by the Symphony Orchestra of of The Transportation System. Mr. a friend and fellow-professor of Students Participate sult that the Congregational Board the student productions. The fur­ Feuerstein and Trowbridge Friday Central Florida under the direc­ D. B. Robertson, president of Lo- the Dean. He was followed by generously agreed to cancel the niture was appropriate to the and Saturday mornings. tion of Alexander Bloch in the Next Sunday moraing the Rev­ mortgage without payment, and comotive firemen and engineers Charlotte Stienhans and then by times and the lighting was up to The initial conference session, Winter Park High School auditori- erend Henry Sloan Coffin, presi­ without restrictions of any kind. and Mr. John A. Hastings, state Miss Virginia Robie who worked its usual high standard. A mod­ held in Knowles Memorial Chapel dent of the Union Theological Sem­ The Rollins campus and all of its senator in New York will lead this with the Dean towards the main­ ernistic painting of Senora Ner- Thursday night, was broadcast The program will open with the inary, will give the sermon In the buildings are now free from any Ipart of the conference talking tenance of the ideals of the Sul­ oni's croupier husband, "the last over WDBO as last week's Rollins overture to "The Marriage of Fig- Knowles Memorial Chapel.
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