Volume 55 No 9 September 2018 Celebrating our 60th year of classic motoring in Western Australia ! Club President Tony Hume (left) presented Alex Kirkwood with his Life Membership certificate at the August meeting Robyn & Peter Briggs with their 1903 Renault Type A at the York Branch Motor Show September 23 Spring Rally Albany Branch event 26 Busselton Branch Ladies Lunch Parts Shed open 27 Humber Rootes Group section meeting VCC General Club meeting —Wattle Grove 28 Military Section restoration shed Wattle Grove 30 Peel Branch Field of Quilts run to Boddington Mustang Shelby Section run October 1 Studebaker Section Meeting Wattle Grove Veteran Section Meeting Wireless Hill 2 York Branch Meeting South Eastern Coffee Group run 3 Eastern Goldfields Branch meeting Kalgoorlie Parts Shed open 5 Military Section restoration shed Wattle Grove Peel Branch HMAS Stirling cavalcade event 6 Warren Blackwood Branch History of Transport display 7 Autojumble helpers lunch Katanning & Districts Branch @ Kojonup 8 Post Vintage Section meeting at Wattle Grove 9 Vintage Section meeting at Wattle Grove 10 Busselton Branch cruise ship display Mid Week run Parts Shed open 11 VCC Executive Cttee meeting Wattle Grove 12 Military Section restoration shed Wattle Grove 13 Military Section Karragullen Field Day display 14 Albany Branch meeting Busselton Branch meeting Esperance Branch meeting Mustang Shelby Section run Rootes Roundup & Studebaker displays 16 South Eastern Coffee Group run Military Section meeting Wattle Grove Parts Shed open 19 Military Section restoration shed Wattle Grove 21 Autojumble—Dogs West, Canning Vale Chittering Branch run Warren Blackwood Branch meeting Manjimup Post Vintage third Sunday event Next Club Meeting Collie Branch meeting 24 Parts Shed open 8pm— 27 September 2018 25 Humber Rootes Section meeting Wattle Club rooms, 265 Hale Road, Wattle Grove Grove VCC General Club meeting Wattle Grove Speaker: Simon Bowes re dustless sandblasting 26 Military Section restoration shed Wattle Grove 27/28 Chittering Branch run to Wongan Hills 27 Katanning & Districts Katanning Show display 28 Club Open Day and Restoration Shed opening at Wattle Grove incl Rocker Cover Racing—All members invited to take part !! EARLY AUTO. Albany Branch event All correspondence for the next issue to : - All Ford Day Geoff Moor Email: [email protected] German Car Day—Perry Lakes Include “EA” or “Early Auto” in subject line of emails Hills Billy Car Festival Mt Helena ALL adverts for Bits & Pieces in writing or email please! “Wanted” 30 Mustang Shelby Section planning meeting ads must show the advertisers membership Number of VCCWA 31 Busselton Branch Ladies’ Lunch DEADLINE FOR COPY - 1st of EACH MONTH Parts Shed open Change of Mailing Address and non -delivery of See the club website for information on or altera- Early Auto —contact: Aileen Stockdale 6 Oxley Place, tions on events: www.veterancarclubofwa.asn.au Darlington WA 6070 ph: (08) 9252 1292 Email: [email protected] The Parts Shed at the Club, 265 Hale Road, Wattle Grove is open on Wednesday until midday. Parts are Disclaimer: only available to members of the VCCWA The opinions expressed in Early Auto are those of our correspondents and the Editor, Committee and members of the Veteran Car Club of WA See Early Auto in Colour on the club website (Inc) do not necessarily agree with or endorse them. Page 2 Early Auto August 2018 marks an historic day for our club which adds to the uniqueness President’s Diary of our member offering, and really increases our key role in the Hello Members, preservation of automotive history in this state. There are adver- Well we are now well and truly into spring- tisements for the day in this edition, please come and get in- time – perfect motoring weather! Our Au- volved. I am incredibly proud of what we as a state wide move- gust meeting had two brilliant highlights – ment collectively achieve and we need to celebrate our role. Dave Hume showcasing his recently re- Ok members, its time to get your vehicles polished, bat- stored 1901 Locomobile (steam powered) teries charged, and check the roadworthiness of your vehicles. and the pleasurable task of awarding Alex After such a wet winter its time to get those wheels turning! Kirkwood his life membership award. Alex Have a great spring and I’ll see you on the roads. was away during the AGM but it was de- lightful to present him his well deserved award with his family and Pres Tony fellow members present. Alex continues to add to his outstanding service to the club as our current Secretary, as well as a key fig- ure in the operation of the new restorations shed, and many other activities – well done Alex! All Members, Branches and Sections are invited As many of you would be aware, the last AGM saw the new structure of our Executive Committee implemented as per to the Wattle Grove Clubrooms on our revised Constitution. One of the major changes is that mem- 28 th October 2018 bership to the committee involves all members having a portfolio of responsibilities, as well as our ongoing officer roles. Whilst Branches and Sections no longer have a member each on the Combined Rocker Cover Racing and committee, there will be a committee member who will have di- Restoration Shed Opening rect responsibility to raise any queries or discussion points that any branch or section has, and to follow it through. The im- portant point though is that any member who would like to con- Bring Your Club Car/Vehicle For Display tribute to the running of the club, or has any suggestions, the committee always welcomes input. If you aren’t sure who to con- Program: tact, get in touch with our Secretary (Alex) who will make sure Rocker Cover Racing registration: 9.30am that your communication gets through to the right people, and is Racing commences: Once registration complete. tabled. Remember, we are all volunteers and some of us work full time (including me). We all believe in this club and give our Morning tea (Provided): 10.30am time to make it continually better. Restoration Shed to be officially opened 11.30am October sees a very important moment for our club as Lunch Sausage Sizzle (Provided) 12.00 noon the new Restoration facility opens and is our open day. This (Note: Racing will continue until finalised) Rocker Cover Racing Rules” 1. Have Fun SPRING UNDERCOVER 2. Car should be based on an actual rocker cover (valve cover) from a car engine. There shall be no limitation on engine, make or model. AUTO JUMBLE. 3. Cars must retain at least 75% of original rocker cover. 4. Cars must not have any form of mechanical propulsion or steering. 21st October 2018. Gravity is your friend. 5. Cars must weigh no more than 4kg (9lbs). Canine Association Southern River. 6. Cars overall length shall be no more than 750mm (29.5 in). Note: The staging lane is only 750mm long. Cnr Ranford and Warton RD. 7. Cars overall width shall be no more than 250mm (10in). Southern River. 8. Cars must have 4 or 3 wheels, each no greater than 150mm (6 in) Enter from Warton Road in a in diameter. South Westerly direction only. 9. Cars will be run in heats of 2 cars per heat. The first car to cross Gates open 6.30 am the finish line will be declared the winner. If neither car makes it to the finishing line the car going the furthest will be declared the win- Sellers $10.00 each ner. Buyers $5.00 each . 10. Winning cars will advance to the next round, until all are eliminated Eats and drinks available from 6.30. – except one - the Champion. Inquiries to Graham McDonald : 11. The track is 7.2m long. 12. Down-force winds, spoilers, air rams, etc are all permitted. They ph0418 910 841. probably won’t help, but we will all get a good laugh out of it. 13. There are no more rules, so get cracking and build your racer, and (Although the advert doesn’t say so, all members are above all have fun. welcome to come and sell/buy motoring items. It’s also a great way to catch up with fellow members from Come along and have some fun and win some prizes around the State. Remember—NO asbestos items! ) Enquiries for Rocker Racing to:- Neil 9398 6312 September 2018 Early Auto Page 3 The Mystery Run Mundijong Fair Nine vintage cars from Peel Section were at the Mundijong 10 year old Ashton asked “Where are we Fair on Saturday 11 August. Estelle and John took the FJ” going today?” “It’s a mystery,” I replied. after the ”Franklin” disgraced itself by having a flat tyre. The “Huh?” Yes, folks it’s a mystery run. We latter noticed just when they were to leave home. So much were parked at the Servo putting some fuel for all the cleaning and fuelling up to get it ready. All to no in Gertrude cos if you don’t know where you are going or how avail. far, then you need a full tank of petrol. Just in case. Ashton The weather was good, plenty of good stalls and the coffee looked around. “There’s a lady and she’s looking at us.” was also great. It was pleasing that there was much interest Says me, “She’s probably thinking that her uncle had an old in the cars. car like this years ago.” The “railroad” runs through the middle of the town and the “Yeah. Like 70 years ago……” “No….. Gertrude is not that fair was saluted by a toot from every engine that passed old.
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