TECHNICIAN SPORTS BASKETBALL PREVIEW NC State University Men’s & Women’s 1997 Basketball 1998 3 PAGE — Men’s and Women’s I V 1997-98 Season Outlook “3’ I PAGE 8 Coach Sendek fuels 9* Coach Yow BAG: 1 1 Predicted ACC Finishes _, ”971?? 593C Q9”°°k Technician Sports November 10. 19‘)” lECl-lNlClAN \«n?!\( nnlum N m l 1m L‘l'\ll\ is Nulinr \uuximpu >111“ l"_’|l 0 Men’s and women’s season outlook 7.”. 7 [WFabio!)wt I. 7920 0 Chasily Melvin Ethic-1;; 2"» .7 Terry H. Bennett "flfi‘lfirxl’xf {Qiii'ic Nicole Bowman 0 CC Harrison and lshua Beniamin GER-LEA; 380,131" * a Dawn Wotapka K. Gaffney . 1». -_ V - Tim Hunter Hide Terada - , a ‘ 0 Pack Newcomers i f; . ,. Stephanie Bullock Farrah Cooley Alan Hart - " ' 0 Q&A with Coach Sendek 0 Coach Yow 0 1997-98 ACC Basketball preview POSTMASTER \w': :m an @@@§9®®@ Reach Us 0 Clemson and Duke \5. lnternel Services: TOL: Technician Orline gr ,nmu 0 Florida Slate and Georgia Tech Campus Forum: Press Releases: Inlormation. 0 Maryland and UNC-Chapel Hill Phone Numbers Edllorlal Advertlslng Fax 0 Wake Forest and Virginia Address 323 Mm Shun(mm fig 801 8608, NCSL Camp-us 3:; Ralegh. NC 276958608 “fr-98 Basketball l’rn it'u A fighting chance I The l’aels. “ehh \s as the team's third T\lel\ in eoiild pla). it ot‘lered members of the Wolfpack leading storer and ted the team in reassuranee that the eritieism ot women's basketball team have a assists and steals. plasirig rust this sear‘s team should at least he lot to prove this season, but as far about e\er} position tor Yon and put on hold until the .-\(‘(~ sehedi as they are concerned, it doesn’t the \Voll'paek. \Vehh is mm a tile rolls around. student assistant with the team. l'he l‘aek nexteottiers ga\e seem to be a problem. \\hile finishing her degree at strong stiouings. \sith freshman K. Gaffney State in the ot‘tlseason. .‘sloniea Bates and 'l‘}nesha Leo is lat" [110' .\lso missing item the roster are stepping up despite hax tng to guards ,lentiilet llouard and handle the nets es ot Pl;t}lll:_‘ their Ma} basketball In one of the Katie Stnrekarlhitt}. :\ large tirst game in \Milt'paek Red. best eonterenees in the nation. part or the l’aeks tlitee point Summer iirh. a 6'6" iiieh transr \\llll onl) too starters returning arsenal last season. llouard gradv ter trom Purdue shim ed her \eri from a teaiii that wasn't terrihl} uated in Ma} \iith 41) (EPA in satilit}. stepping out on top of the deep to begin \\ ith .’ eomtiiunieation and Slllrehit' ke_\ to sink the Paek's first basket No problem. Duff) transferred to (ieorgetoxx n. of the game. 'lhe Wolt‘pack women’s basket- leading the State return are Kensatta Williams and Kristen ball team has a tough road a head senior ('hasity Melvin and Junior (,iillespie also look to offer You Teenmws Ft: PM,“ in the ACC this season. facing off guard L)Sehale Jones. options at the point. The Wolfpack women will have to prove early that they can against top national competitors Melx‘in Joins ITNC-(‘hapel But aeeording to Yo“. State‘s rebuild after losing three starters from last season. like l'NC—(‘hapel Hill. Virginia. Hill‘s Tracy Reid as the OM) two success will all haxe to stun on and Duke. hut Pack (‘oach Ka) returning members of the confer» defense it the Pack is going to get Yovt‘s team looks read) for the enee‘s first team of W964)? it done this year. challenge. Meh in posted numbers of l6.l “l \tant to haxe a defense that MO. State University Preseason predictions put State pOints and 8.7 rebounds per game can ignite the offense." Yo“ satd in the middle of the :\(‘(‘. some, last season. \\hllc‘ pla_\ing 30+ atter the game "It has to start on Location Raleigh \there that the Wolt‘paek isn‘t minutes e\ M} game. that end." Feunden 1887 tised to heing and doesn‘t intend Jones, \\ ho came into her «Mil -\pparentli. the t'reshitien are to st.i_\. \‘leighing ltt‘ttVll} on the last season alter seeing limited ahead} \\ ell \erse-l in \\ hat it Enrotlment 27.537 hearts and minds ot l’aek tans eourt time her treshiiian )ear. \\ ill take on their part, Nickname Wot‘oaCh .inil etities alike was him to axe-raged NJ points and tour " lilie‘. told me that it I \\.is htis eotors Rea. Whrti? repiaee \\ hat the l’aek had lost rebounds per game. and \.s.is third tling ltoiildn t he wrong " l e\\ ls .iuiA ,,. Pundits tic est-a": .\t the top ot the list ot eoneerns on the team in steals_ pulsing up sittil. "\t‘ l ilet'ltlt'tl ttisl lt‘ l‘itls \\ as current \VNBA pla_\er 45. iiL‘.” l'iiieki \Vehh. “ho JOIHC‘Li the But ’lhursdays game against ll the) the it their \\a_\_ the l’hoems Mereur} after the t‘intsh~ [)enamo. Russia. did more than \koltpaek \soiiien tiiight he hits mg [hc 1990-97 \Cil\l‘n \Hih the sho\\ Paek fans that Jones and tling to the top ot the -\('(‘. The Pack is back ‘ ' l‘leni‘i tl‘e teati rilo . ahesoe it s.” \~t‘:.tek said I State men bring high hopes and grout" * iorl nit-wt~ i-Itt. needs‘ look no hit expectationsmtothe199798- sea- . ()iir Nametigt wt: he ti l‘ttl‘i“ the! that ‘11s ..~ le‘.il\ '.ist seasot‘. SOIL \ii' \i ii: _' ; ‘,t\;'s. *_.‘ s nth Wk?" llentat'iitz s eafeet total is N. -s I» ,it the s. 'lL it net “illell is ninth .1 \Xitt mam R—y—MnK6110 st' e". " u . i Patient .’ x . t . kti ..,‘ ' " ' Iises it; \ 1' stepiipltzsotfertswegtioiliidtwtit".s \l tli H ‘imi‘ the tie Sided I?“‘i' t‘r. uitA \\ n i “AM“. “‘-‘“ \l‘Ul. -ll‘ n,i “ “ s W“. lllllt‘illil\\iiiltt.tits‘ i ' t l.tlt\‘si"i‘\\. l.isli lt'ailtl'l';~ :he iet~ alls ‘Mil ht i-i \xith has iriiiti- .1 :i‘wtt :..it.i'_i' seawtt that a tits!‘ ‘st'at lat .17 am. .1 s. ,'‘ ~' \ . < ‘1 . lsl‘i lw! ti il‘ \singt position settiail ‘i‘l l‘.l\l\L'[i‘ill, . ptasets. that no lll;;(\V“, ( :__‘\7.ll.itt;sotiW..‘ ‘ . “‘h‘mlm i vi“-l‘ “WM" . p ‘* -i I-‘ i ‘ --W. one heltexed tn \soulil g so tar ‘1 i ‘ l D“ k't"ll‘.£'\ ‘U is ‘s‘ ,..,"““ "m“., ‘l‘“l-.1...k“ “Hir‘t..',.,t“ “Us lite WWW)" teatii \\.l\ al‘le to \x ell tinder \etiilek‘s Ht“.'\ sxsteiii tit step no he ii wt 't pe'to'viiatt. e make ‘iltl\l\ e)ed ‘oelze\et's out ot iiall'lst‘i‘. \\.1s named last \e.:i'i\ \tandine .is the tire .lli‘iti" in the those old enough to reiiieiiihet the iiiost itiipt'oxed pla) ei Ill the \t‘t‘. a team is t~ tnot \ :ii.ti .‘omatd l ifke ('ardiae l’aek o1 _\ore and nexs taith title he most eertainls earned. Buttum, Hutttitii had a trttta? role t'ul out ol those kttllltg' enough to Harrison \sent trorii .oetagtng its last season alter ltanioii l'hornton t‘onluse llai id 'l'hompson \\llil points a game his sophomore tear intured his hip Biit'ttmt \\ as able to Drue Thomas. to an impressoe li 7 points a game pro\ Me a stilt detensix e game in the [”16 Pttt'hi\ litlt‘ season ht‘rttles In his tumor _\ear. good enough tor post season and delixet some eru last \ear‘s .-\(‘(‘ tournament stunned si\th iii the contereiiee The .M‘t‘ rial plass. the most notable being all the erities and nassau‘rs. 'lhe Sports Journal named Harrison “the his tuo ke} tree throu s to elint‘h the erouds during the \l'l' tournament league's hest one-on one player.” Manland game during the ,\(‘(‘ in Re}nolds ('oliseum siselled to 'lhe o lt‘l‘lui-IltCh guard should toumament. le\els unseen sinee the da_\s of Jim continue to he an integral part of the Sendek \sill look tor Buft'um to no.‘5 \"al\ ano. ‘lhe Paek \\ as trul} haek. \eteran leadership on the eourt. continue to pla) his role of titan ‘W 'lhis _\ear's team “I“ he hard While Harrison piondes the behind the curtain. prmiding an .5? pressed to eontinue the momentum offense. Beniamin is the main man Important. il' otten unglatiiorous. ‘u' of late last season With a returning on defense position. Y tae‘ifla“ Hg 9.4 ' .‘s‘rout‘ Hi \i\ \eterans and a tore ot' "lshtia has pro\en hinisell to he The State men‘s squad features nine underclassmen. reerutts read) tor aetion. (‘oath one at the hetter tie-tenders, not Uni} Rounding out the i’aek s t\l‘clt including six freshman. llerli Sendek \\lll he strixing to in out eont‘erenee. hut iii the court MEN.‘ b I Senior Chasity Melvin has a new role on this year's Wolfpack Women’s basketball 1996-97 Season Highlights team. 0 Third team All-ACC in 199‘ 0 Kodak and AP All-American Candidate 53%;; o Started all 51 games for the Wolfpack 0 10 double-doubles Tab Eator 0 Basketball Times Honorable Mention O scored 1.000th point in the first game of Chasity Melvin never had to be a leader All-American the season before.
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