Subtitle B—Regulations of the Department of Agriculture (Continued) 3 VerDate 11<MAY>2000 08:36 Mar 08, 2001 Jkt 194012 PO 00000 Frm 00003 Fmt 8008 Sfmt 8008 Y:\SGML\194012T.XXX pfrm13 PsN: 194012T VerDate 11<MAY>2000 08:36 Mar 08, 2001 Jkt 194012 PO 00000 Frm 00004 Fmt 8008 Sfmt 8008 Y:\SGML\194012T.XXX pfrm13 PsN: 194012T CHAPTER I—AGRICULTURAL MARKETING SERVICE 1 (STANDARDS, INSPECTIONS, MARKETING PRACTICES), DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE (CONTINUED) SUBCHAPTER C—REGULATIONS AND STANDARDS UNDER THE AGRICUL- TURAL MARKETING ACT OF 1946 AND THE EGG PRODUCTS INSPECTION ACT—(CONTINUED) Part Page 53 Livestock (grading, certification, and standards) ... 7 54 Meats, prepared meats, and meat products (grad- ing, certification, and standards) ......................... 13 55 Voluntary inspection of egg products and grading 32 56 Voluntary grading of shell eggs .............................. 48 57 Inspection of eggs (Egg Products Inspection Act) ... 68 58 Grading and inspection, general specifications for approved plants and standards for grades of dairy products ............................................................... 85 59 Livestock mandatory reporting .............................. 161 60 [Reserved] 61 Cottonseed sold or offered for sale for crushing purposes (inspection, sampling and certification) 174 70 Voluntary grading of poultry products and rabbit products ............................................................... 180 75 Regulations for inspection and certification of quality of agricultural and vegetable seeds ......... 200 SUBCHAPTER D—EXPORT AND DOMESTIC CONSUMPTION PROGRAMS 80 Fresh Irish potatoes ................................................ 207 81 [Reserved] SUBCHAPTER E—COMMODITY LABORATORY TESTING PROGRAMS 90 Introduction ............................................................ 211 91 Services and general information ........................... 213 1 Including matters within the responsibilities of the Federal Grain Inspection Service. 5 VerDate 11<MAY>2000 08:36 Mar 08, 2001 Jkt 194012 PO 00000 Frm 00005 Fmt 8008 Sfmt 8008 Y:\SGML\194012T.XXX pfrm13 PsN: 194012T 7 CFR Ch. I (1–1–01 Edition) 92 Tobacco ................................................................... 228 93 Processed fruits and vegetables .............................. 231 94 Poultry and egg products ........................................ 234 95 [Reserved] 96 Cottonseed sold or offered for sale for crushing purposes (chemical analysis and United States official grade certification) .................................. 238 97 Plant variety and protection .................................. 246 98 Meals, Ready-to-Eat (MRE’s), meats, and meat products ............................................................... 265 99–109 [Reserved] 110 Recordkeeping on restricted use pesticides by cer- tified applicators; surveys and reports ................. 268 111–159 [Reserved] SUBCHAPTER F—NAVAL STORES 160 Regulations and standards for naval stores ............ 280 SUBCHAPTERS G–H [RESERVED] SUBCHAPTER K—FEDERAL SEED ACT 201 Federal Seed Act regulations .................................. 298 202 Federal Seed Act rules of practice .......................... 372 203–204 [Reserved] SUBCHAPTER L—REQUIREMENTS RELATING TO PURCHASES [RESERVED] SUBCHAPTER M—ORGANIC FOODS PRODUCTION ACT PROVISIONS 205 NATIONAL ORGANIC PROGRAM .......................... 376 206–209 [Reserved] 6 VerDate 11<MAY>2000 08:36 Mar 08, 2001 Jkt 194012 PO 00000 Frm 00006 Fmt 8008 Sfmt 8008 Y:\SGML\194012T.XXX pfrm13 PsN: 194012T SUBCHAPTER C—REGULATIONS AND STANDARDS UNDER THE AGRICULTURAL MARKETING ACT OF 1946 AND THE EGG PRODUCTS INSPECTION ACT—(Continued) PART 53—LIVESTOCK (GRADING, may demand. For the purposes of such CERTIFICATION, AND STANDARDS) regulations, unless the context other- wise requires, the following terms shall Subpart A—Regulations be construed, respectively, to mean: Acceptance service. The service estab- DEFINITIONS lished and conducted under the regula- Sec. tions for the determination and certifi- 53.1 Meaning of words. cation or other identification of the 53.2 Designation of official certificates, compliance of livestock with specifica- memoranda, marks, other identifica- tions. tions, for purposes of the Agricultural Act. The Agricultural Marketing Act Marketing Act. of 1946 (Title II of the act of Congress ADMINISTRATION approved August 14, 1946, 60 Stat. 1087, as amended by Pub. L. 272, 84th Cong., 53.3 Authority. 69 Stat. 553, 7 U.S.C. 1621–1627). SERVICE Administrator. The Administrator of 53.4 Kind of service. the Agricultural Marketing Service, or 53.5 Availability of service. any officer or employee of the Agricul- 53.8 How to obtain service. tural Marketing Service to whom au- 53.9 Order of furnishing service. thority has heretofore been delegated, 53.10 When request for service deemed or to whom authority may hereafter be made. delegated, to act in his stead. 53.11 Withdrawal of application or request Agricultural Marketing Service. The for service. 53.12 Authority of agent. Agricultural Marketing Service of the 53.13 Denial or withdrawal of service. Department. 53.14 Financial interest of official grader. Applicant. Any person who has ap- 53.15 Accessibility to livestock. plied for service under the regulations. 53.16 Official certificates. Branch. The Livestock Market News 53.17 Advance information concerning serv- Branch of the Division. ice rendered. Chief. The Chief of the Branch, or any CHARGES FOR SERVICE officer or employee of the Branch to whom authority has heretofore been 53.18 Fees and other charges for service. delegated, or to whom authority may 53.19 Payment of fees and other charges. hereafter be delegated, to act in his MISCELLANEOUS stead. 53.20 Identification. Class. A subdivision of livestock 53.21 Errors in service. based on essential physical character- istics that differentiate between major Subpart B [Reserved] groups of the same kind of species. Compliance. Conformity of livestock to the specifications under which the AUTHORITY: 7 U.S.C. 1621–1627. livestock was purchased or sold, with SOURCE: 42 FR 53902, Oct. 4, 1977, unless particular reference to the weight, otherwise noted. quality or other characterics of live- stock. Subpart A—Regulations Cooperative agreement. A cooperative agreement between the Agricultural DEFINITIONS Marketing Service and another Federal agency or a State agency, or other § 53.1 Meaning of words. agency, organization or person as spec- Words used in this subpart in the sin- ified in the Agricultural Marketing Act gular form shall be deemed to import of 1946, as amended, for conducting the the plural, and vice versa, as the case service. 7 VerDate 11<MAY>2000 08:36 Mar 08, 2001 Jkt 194012 PO 00000 Frm 00007 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Y:\SGML\194012T.XXX pfrm13 PsN: 194012T § 53.2 7 CFR Ch. I (1–1–01 Edition) Department. The United States De- States Standards for Grades of: Carcass partment of Agriculture. Beef; Veal and Calf Carcasses; Lamb, Director. The Director of the Division Yearling Mutton, and Mutton Car- or any officer or employee of the Divi- casses; and, Pork Carcasses. sion to whom authority has heretofore Supervisor. An official person des- been delegated, or to whom authority ignated by the Director or Chief to su- may hereafter be delegated, to act in pervise and maintain uniformity and his stead. accuracy of service under the regula- Division. Livestock, Poultry, Grain tions. and Seed Division. Financially interested person. Any per- [42 FR 53902, Oct. 4, 1977, as amended at 63 FR son having a financial interest in the 72101, Dec. 31, 1998] livestock involved, including but not § 53.2 Designation of official certifi- limited to the shipper, receiver, pro- cates, memoranda, marks, other ducer, seller, buyer, or carrier of the identifications, for purposes of the livestock or products. Agricultural Marketing Act. Grade. (1) As a noun, this term means an important commercial subdivision Subsection 203(h) of the Agricultural of livestock based on certain definite Marketing Act of 1946, as amended by and preference determining factors, Pub. L. 272, 84th Congress, provides such as, but not limited to, conforma- criminal penalties for various specified tion, finish, and muscling in livestock. offenses relating to official certifi- (2) As a verb, this term means to de- cates, memoranda, marks or other termine the class, grade, or other qual- identifications, and devices for making ity of livestock according to applicable such marks or identifications, issued or standards for such livestock. authorized under section 203 of said Grading service. The service estab- act, and certain misrepresentations lished and conducted under the regula- concerning the inspection or grading of tions for the determination and certifi- agricultural products under said sec- cation or other identification of the tion. For the purposes of said sub- class, grade, or other quality of live- section and the provisions in this part, stock under standards. the terms listed below shall have the Legal holiday. Those days designated respective meanings specified: as legal public holidays in title 5, (a) Official certificate means any form United States Code, section 6103(a). of certification, either written or print- Livestock. Cattle, sheep, swine, or ed, including that prescribed in § 53.16, goats. used under the regulations to certify Official grader. An employee of the with respect to the inspection, class, Department or other person authorized grade, quality, size, quantity, or condi- by the Department to determine
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