^ y •••'•'•' v'' '."-'?•IKI _ Advertise And .the world isr &•' with you; Quit and you stand alone. Circulation Hig h est. Rates Lowest. VOL. III. NO 48. KELOWNA. BRITISH COLUMBIA, THURSDAY, OCT. 26, 1911, $1.50 Per Annum. Prize Winners at Tax Commission Rumored Sunday First Official eeting of City Council New Westminster Holds Session Here Boat Service Census Returns The commission appointed un­ A somewhat startling change Request for Lease of City Wharf - Condition of City Nuisance The following ia a list of those der the " Public Enquires Act" to has been rumored in connection Disappointment Over Figures Ground Causes Complaint whose fruit won honors for Kel­ enquire into and report upon the with the boat service on the lake, is General owna at the recent Provincial Ex­ working of the Assessment Act of namely that the s.s. '' Okanagan " hibition :— 1903 and upon taxation within the is to run Sundays just the same as Apples (Plates) province generally, met at Kelowna week days. A train service between Hon. Martin Burrell. minister of A short meeting of the city coun­ I last Saturday. The commission the Landing and Sicamous will agriculture, has given out to the to communicate with "David" at Gravenstein-1, W. C. Black­ ! consisted of A. E. McPhilips K. C. Press the first official statement of cil was held Wednesday morning, once. wood, 2, W. A. Scott, 3, R. Munson, also be run to connect with the President of the Executive Council, the result of the census taking the Mayor and Aldermen Leckie, A resolution was passed "that Maiden's B!ush.-3, Munson. main line. the Hon. Price Ellison, Minister of which is now practically complete. Copeland, Jones and Dalgleish the sum of $250.00 be paid to Mrs. Alexander-3, A. M. Cowan. The innovation, which appears attending. W. C. Cameron as- per agreement Finance ; Mr. C. H. Lugrin of Vic­ to have been introduced by the The figures show a population of Jeffries-1, D. McLean. toria, (editor of the Colonist) and 7,081,869 for Canada, as compared The minutes were read and with the city, for land in connection Blerheim Orange.-2, McDonald. C. P. R. at the instance of the adopted and the following accounts with the opening up of St. Paul St.; Mr. W. H. Malkin of Vancouver, Vernon Board of Trade, seems with5,37l,3IO in 1901, an increase Winter Banana.-1, Scott, 2, B. accompanied by Dr. Gray of Vic­ of 1,710,554. It was estimated referred to the finance committee and also that the expense of survey McDonald. likely to have widely varying for payment:— and registration, be paid by. the toria, and F. M. Ward, steno­ receptions from different sections that the population of Canada Baldwin.-3, Munson. grapher. would be about 8,000,000 so that C. P. R., freight on steam _trap -$ 3 30 city as per same agreement." Ben Davis.-1, Bankhead Orchard of the community. Invitations had been sent out in the figures will cause no little dis­ G. W. Pickering, spec, police duty - 27 00 Mayor Sutherland exhibited Co., 2, R. Sweeny, 3, A. E. Boyer. The Vernon Board, which has advance to al! in the district likely appointment to the people of the K. Smith, 3 days work as linemans some specimen, letters, of which Canada Red.-1, Munson, 2, T. been agitating for a Sunday service to be interested in the matter, and Dominion. helper - - - - - 9 00 he said he had received large num­ Bulman, 3, G. E. ThonTpson. for a considerable time, urges more the meeting had been widely ad­ As compared with the increase Dr. Keller, rent of council chamber 15 00 bers from disappointed tax payers Fameuse.-2, Bulman, 3, Scott. especially the convenience of com­ vertised, but the attendance was of population in the 1891-1901 Paysheet on streets, Oct. 9-21 - 206 00 who having forgolten the date North-Western Greening.-2, T. mercial travellers and other visitors not great. This may have been decade the figures are satisfactory. Northern Electric Mfg. Co., 215 lbs. fixed aa a limit of the time in which Bulman. to the Okanagan who have found partly due to the fact that the In the ten years preceding 1901- a rebate on the taxes could be al­ Pewaukee.-1. W. C. Blackwood, the cessation of transportation of No. 8 wire. - .- - 44 08 printed announcements of the sit­ Canada's population increased by lowed, had been called upon to pay 2, Thompson, 3, MacLean. I facilities on Sunday to work A resolution was passed confirm­ ting were worded in such a way only 538,076. As compared with the full amount. The same thing Roxbury Russett.-l, Scott, 2, J. decidedly to their disadvantage. ing the action of the finance com­ as to give the impression that the this betterment the increase of happened every month ih connec­ Conlin, 3, McDonald. There are others, however, who mittee who had met during the proceedings would commence at 1,710,554 in the past ten years is tion with the payment of light and R. I. Greening.-1, Bulman. are inclined to oppose this new week and accepted tlie-tender of, 10 a. m. whereas all business was large but it is not nearly so satis­ water dues. A good deal of a Red Cheek Pippin-1, S. Cosens. arrangement as an encroachment " the National Finance Co., of Toron­ over by that time, the sitting hav­ factory as was expected. mayor's time seemed to be taken Salome.-1, Bankhead, 2, Conlin, upon the sanctity of the Sabbath to, of $26,486, for the $27,000 of ing commenced at 9. Of the provinces Alberta showed 7 up by people who had some kind 3, McDonald. day. Already the Ministerial Asso­ debentures which had been offered of a kick against the taxes, or by Mr. W. J. Garroway, the Reeve the largest ratio of increase having . for sale. Sutton's Beauty-2, Bankhead. ciation of Penticton, a body com jumped in population from 37,022 fellows who wanted to ride on the Best collection of fall apples.-1, of Peachland, was the first to speak posed of the clergy of different Dr. Boyce waited on the council before the commission. Referring to 372,919 in the decade. Saskat­ sidewalks. Bankhead, 2. McDonald. denominations, has registered a on behalf of the O.K. Lumber Co., to the poll tax he said he was in chewan comes second with an The meeting adjourned to Tues­ Best collection of winter apples.- protest against the service. The with a request, that the council favor of the tax being levied sub­ increase during the ten years of day next, Oct. 31. I, Bankhead. protest was embodied in the form grant them a lease of the city ject to a rebate if other taxes be paid from 91,279 to 453.508. The [ksgsea^v?haff near the power house. The Any other variety.-3, J. Conlin. of a resolution which was forward­ province of Quebec shows an in­ Mr. Roy Sweeney of South Okan­ ed to Mr. H. W. Brodie, the general wharf had - only been partially Pears (Plates) agan said he thought the poll tax crease in population of 351,799. planked and at present was of passenger agent of ihe C.P.R. at while Ontario has increased by Banquet to the Best collection (fall).-l, Bank- should be levied only on young Vancouver. They plead the can se little use to anybody as, teams men who were not owners of prop­ 336,955. British Columbia increas­ could not be turned on it. The head Orchard Co. of the workers on the boat who ed by 184,109 and Manitoba by Hon. Martin Burrell Best collection (winter).-1, T. erty, and consequently contributed will be deprived of their one day company .was willing lo7plank in no ether way to the provincial 149,480. The provinces down by about 70 feet at the end so that it Bulman, 2, Bankhead. of rest, and their only opportunity the sea have all fallen away in Next Thursday Bartlett.-!, Bankhead, 2, A. E. treasury. Every man ought to be of enjoying the benefits of home would-be possible to- turn with a willing to pay at least three dollars population. Nova Scotia shows a load, and to allow the. city tore- Boyer. life and the company of their fami­ decline of 2,273, New Brunswick Fjemish Beauty.-1, Bankhead, 2, for the benefit of police protection lies. They also contend that a serve the right to use.the wharf at Many Prominent Men Expect- alone, not to mention the upkeep of 20,795 and Prince Edward any time. McDonald. great injury will be done to the Island of 10,537. Louise Bonne de Jersey.-1, Bank- of the public schools, etc. churches and Sunday Schools, and "Aid; Jones mentioned-that some to be Present The population by provinces is: ;i •••-.. v'^.«i.-'_" head^ 2, Bulman. *5 J. Mr. M. Hereron said he had a that the tendency wili be toward time ago the suggestion had been . "' 'A' .... |9|| 1901 Howell.-1, Bankhead, 2, Black­ personal complaint to make ih re^- "the secularizing of the Sabbath made by the Board of Trade that Alberta?; .-. - . 372,919 AyiySL, ~ The complimentary banquet'to wood, 3, Bulman. spect to the way in which he was day. The Association has written r m the city wharf should be completed British Columbia - 362,7687 T7£657 - the Hon. Martin Burrill, which had Duchess d' Angouleme, Bosc and taxed.
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