i » i lhw r»t f M l « f ? , V a i \ m f :*->■>* * * • • . ' T^dhu.-*:. S '■ Cents High school guidance teachers mijpht well contact Arthur Behrer. Ridgewood engineer, on t|*e campaign of the Societs cf rofeSSIonal Engineer* to help alleviate the shortage of qualified engineers in the country. Already there vhas hern formed af St. Mary's Hgh School. Rutherford, a unit of JKT,. a ju n io r engineering so viet? . S im ila r -organization* w ill Be e s ­ tablished in hi(h schools that desire them. Members of the m> ciety will aid in the establishments of JET clubs and wipe? • ml THE SOI T il IttK i.l > K IN IIS vise them if necessafs. Mr Behrers address is 45* Van F.m burgh Avenue, Ridgewood. i w h i i i k > i. \ j. HBKi o n _>i. i«r»: CURCIO Governor Visits South Bergen p0|it0 Elected School President, CANCER Shows Off The New first Lady y , p#|iti(a| ^ CHAIRMAN \ppoin'iinent of Fi ler Cur- ci» a> rhairtnan of the Lynd* Im r-t chairm an of lhe- Amer­ School Results, Distri ct By District i c a n ( u n r r r Soriely in Ber­ 0 1 ' I H it I I ;• I f , „ gen < ount\ wa> announced I H.viUt,,! tt: Hit |pi4 tihian l»> Mrr., J. M artin I. a - 10 \ •*!! of H iiilii'rfcrd, »li>tri«‘*t D a n te l A (k r r k i Sl*» 1 1 1 I tm • ••*. I . M ' it» l rliainnait. |.li > 1 . i , i r . 1.1 i c 1 •>: 1 1 , i n H i <1 C ur. w ell k him n South t «• -.11 J i.m.I.iit 221 I.M Ml I ■ 1 Bergen bus iWssmah. has l-'nip I •!. » .1-1 ' IV I .‘.’ I t*. I -M.l' 1 ■ been aptive oi civi:' affairs’ 1 I I t t f r t l t I V|>. t t . r . Elected H4 #s* • ' :*• ;-i . I * V ' t> ' v l i t IS H h r .1 t t ■ k . -•• ,*l i* K. 1'. pl.ti •'■irftii. w . 1 i n :: » i « : m 1 ^ IH It. Ml ’ I , I I I '. .m : -« • < 1" * When Carlstadt Democrat* held their sietor*- p»tt$ last Sunday night at Zimmerman*'* Hall . -.j.Ti-.l OnlWi V.- w ■ ‘.| :« 11 1 ;« 1,1 t.li It*I f. \ • I . M i Governor Robert B. Me»nrr and his bride. the'for.ner Helen Ste>enMtn. were guest* In the aln»%# . ~S<Y l<» ’■ ,Vt ' '.*> ' " .i • - i l l r t * r ' K" T +^ r photo are Ma>or George Hi»llenhe»k. Mrs. ,Me>ner. tlfe governor, jnd rccenlly reelected councilmen. 1 Frank Llnke and Charles Bartlett. Circle Club Installation New Bridge Parking Site For Railroad Is Considered If the parking headavhe *n '|hc - nhiippinK ^ imn;H Stuy \y>di.l aMiiuf T jii Ik ..ured the *tore*t a ted ’ th ere • WUI. h av e a healthy itiiure an "fii.ijg t«.. Mis* Gra. « II.. : I'sviii h dife* t*u-, .,f the Va- < Vdi rk C itu e n a ‘ ;i ■ -jato.N- Clifton p e t e r c i r c k e Mi- Via-1 >> -tated that the P M r n m t H u C lifton A»>o. lotion, w hich was C dtcu) succeeds as (tyairman Iftatned last week by the i.tcal M ; ■ I Iu> S.Airnn o f 154 J a y n \e B«Mid of Commissioner* sn*d> Charges nut*. L y n d h u rs t .w h o w ilt c mv ’the larking 1 oblem on Stuy- tmue as area chairman. vesant avenui Will look into Mrs Cavoll do la te d th at the three phases .»j the problem 15)57 drive o of paramount mi It will, fiikt determine the pottunxe She declared: jmi'kMig p a tte rn m th e area n ot " N i uv ,tb s t .reseat h if, g ettin g m* hoW nvahy *.ar* -pork, h o w ’ < (oser and f tosir to til*- final solu long and why, a.«^>rdtng to Misa tion to tlie disease we must re­ The w« men rnM the vt.»te <« *»r and Mr*., alvo. In the abo>e l la r tts double our effdrts. to keep tho picture, left to right, are Mr» Ilolltnbeck, Mis. Meyner, Guvernor Then it will n»nke retomanen p ressu re go.ng. The few who ar Meyner. Mrs l ink 1.ml Mrs. Bartlett dataons for paikmg relief i*«m d r vM m e «o r>H*cJsa* Maaia Uro»am e 411*u • ’ *uiering b»>lh Curb and oft this - worthwhile work mustiist* be I [parking Mi « Hama t&piUifid lawl ad e. le f| Im rtghl luuli I rupl m onlini see seta r» l hulo t*i ~j«jinMTTJy'TRe rnuny~~ t 1 he possibility "f p ark in g lot* incareltl tieaoutrr ’ tsomiatek Nottr ebaiHNst ' laks na ‘■The easiest w ay to join in th is j Joe Job is aReal Genuine nTT' Tdhg park mg -m —ttrr asMrial M s r a U i) , M»»rrts %etlr> ah ria» in«U liiag b m e T»* .v ital, m ove is fry p a rticip a tin g it •'are* Would fail undo this rate. natelUi *ergeknt at arm* tho campaign for fund-! — as .< j- Marshall, 1957 Slyle, Suh! . sfor> -kh. 1* added coltecttff " aa • doncft In Mr. T h e f\n«l, j.l\av«* M.>* M . 1. C urt wo a re n eitin u a splendi t ' Librarian s Report Ricascla Found 10 An effete Ea'-t.-rtiej -y'ho n J,* ’ ...I., i‘l l, * jo b W hMl he d id •aid would be the pralimoi.tr> worker who is sure to spark tip erthe)es<, is v. mruTi l a ha', n ' t.- ■ t he is noted as one design' and lay out of any '-p Shows Increases Guilty of Booking Lyndhurst < imp#ign ihtq a mo. • wide fame a* ■> -U. S M,t • *).»! • Or t *>• ,‘niost efficient . marshal* ■tr«-*-t fit! ditie* as p a rk in g !. t- eessful effort ’ *Joseph Job, last w eek • .".>ke be­ v. h . t• «.■!• w o rk ed <>ut of the and fe^imniendatu n on wbrrv In I very Depart. Cufcio conduct* a . used truck * fore the Washington • N’t--A I-'. 13;Uitrtji. Mr- Work ha-* they- 'could be kieaied init how . -business jn Rutherford, l+e is al Teacher Assoeiirton n in u. 1 in Washington and m any 1 at* .thej w«Hdd aiitim* k in * ' i so the Vouth B erg en reprisenta Job. wh«i- lives in Huthoi J .sd- h supeiv-o have received num> date •• . ■ tt vr of the Willy'* J e e p j Amvet Auxiliary is P. S- Mnrshal. working out i.f I'rn tr* ' ■ ii'i.en K --n h i ' work- . A' ordutg t ’ he «''««• •' • , Am at hi* te V. ho starred m high ' w ii I ia s i n a f f o Newark Fcdeial Buildin’j research director SluyvesSi.t . In : a :'f epa'i-e ..tt> ■ iUmo-i- .- * -V '.V ... pvhool foot ha-11, he also p lay ed ,1 p. PT \ dec la red There aren’t • hofse. rid ing n t a v en u e hj>:* a gix*d . hoppHiK / > J I'oioiViM •• Plans Card Party F o rd h am U n iv ersity He rs m ar that the ; cinrnerd * hand n laws these days. It there wt-r'e te r w ith fctuTe* h a n d lin g a ll tvi* ' r'icil And live* on U y | ^ t o n a.< Mire and firro but it always fol J<ib w.ould he on a fast n v ’Ui ? o f m erch an d ise Sb* »a»d ” • ... II . - ■ ■ • ■ . n u e w ith, his w ife an d tw< j !< h f?« - --f t>u- law t hasinfe th em doM’n. He's a : te< i'm m endat»ons »houl<l i»h> w ih p«V-; •' • ■ ' , children . " . burl^ gentleman who strikes ! i li otii ' • t. lorr i - v .nn democ the par king problem • an l>« ■ -'V a rii. p lea se d ", ■ Curcfco. wh<»se Wife has taken j vr.detest . into the heai t <d tho - lav le» •«>lvi*d fur h n o rm al {leak da ■ « . part in previous campaigns, said J«>b. : onee l a n : ' 4-. r:- ! - llu l w e di te*» Hi>y*« su* b a* Ft iday w hen m«>*t p ro p lr *i t'-i r nd i • that he plans to devote "tm m u ch • t’am e of ffK>tball fo r’IJi.i' >ta H • Jh ' .* ,-i w '-old destroy .aitr d«» ’ thetr bifi »ho(»p<nf ' t Hit- vep) )'>:.« time as I an ip this drive " law n ’i i * • ! -I t m ■ duty School, now .goes about the eoun .1 It is tm|»ortarnt th»t sbo;ffx ■ • i ■ % Cure in .ii i. th a t I aren I sia/ed away <»<V> th. w.11'1 • • - :.-nifi"ent t try pn-kitig up w • • ■ irt-.' ............... - in h w ho a re W anted f..- t: IHUHH-M U» u'lla.1 * 00 operation that Lyndhurst has ' *aa*-a«i»t»a x in Newark When J >b < peai M otions i>e<auM' they f 1 * * ■ displayed in the past.
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