New Survey Finds Hospital in City 'Not Justified at This Time' A survey which sug- cago. At a meeting yes- study was undertaken to $1.3 million, still short County Hospital Dis- of the shelled-in physi- health economics, of the which are not really gests that establishment terday, Bethesda Me- determine the future of of the $1.5 million goal. trict ..." cal therapy area and development of. small adequate to care for of a community hospital morial Hospital offi- Bethesda's expansion Plans for the hospital The new district sur- subsequent emphasis on separate units which are complicated, life-en- here would be unecono- cials and a representa- plans and because it had here began to take shape vey states that "loca- psychiatric and chronic uneconomical to operate dangering emergen- mical and not justified tive of Dr. Smith's off- been requested by foun- after a foundation -spon- tion of a hospital in the services was also rec- and relatively more cies." at this time was dis- ice outlined details of dation officials. sored survey by Hill- Boca Raton sector may ommended. costly to construct than Construction of Inter- closed yesterday by the the survey for repre- Although the founda- man-Jones Associates be justified only when "The Hospital Com- additions to existing state Route 95, the re- Southeastern p a 1 m sentatives of the Deb- tion has formally clos- recommended a 100-bed population in the district mission," the report hospitals. port notes, will tend to Beach County Hospital bie-Rand Foundation, ed its fund drive, con- hospital here. However, reaches 80,000 . ." states, "has an obliga- "Even if we could af- make Bethesda more District Commission. sponsor of the commun- tributions are still be- the Hillman-Jones re- Present estimate of the tion to the citizens who ford the luxury of a hos- accessible from . the The 42-page study ity hospital project ing received toward port also recommended district population is are giving support to pital every 12 to 15 edges of the district, was compiled for the here. construction of the com- that "ownership and op- 42,000. the existing hospital miles, many of these Boca Raton is at the commission by its con- Charles Senior, munity hospital here. At eration" of the hospital Expansion of Bethes- program of the district units are destined to be- southern boundary of the sultant, the firm of Dr. chairman of the hospital the end of last week, the be "under the South- da to include additional to make clear the un- come glorified and cost- district and citizens Herman Smith of Chi- commission, said the total stood at more than eastern Palm Beach acute beds, completion soundness, in terms of ly first-aid stations here are taxed for it Largest Circulation Home of Of Any Newspaper Florida Atlantic In Boca Raton Area BOCA RATON NEWS University VOL.9 NO. 2! Boca Raton, Florida, April 16f 1964 26 Pages PRICE TEN CENTS City Consultant Launches Police Department Probe Study Expected to Take Five City Committees Are Abolished Weeks, Is 'Welcomed by AH' ter plumber's license; A large group of city and sanitary sewers on a A survey of the Boca all facilities — human committees, some of portion of Southwest 8th STARTED proceed- ings toward annexing Raton police depart- and physical; and them appointed more street; ment, now underway, is Projection of growth Cemetery administration building takes shape. than two years ago, were PASSED on final another piece of land west of U.S. 1 near Boca being welcomed by all and future plans. formally abolished by reading an ordinance concerned. The survey was or- Mayor Harold V. Maull which will permit the Harbour; SET public hearing Monday morning, un- dered byMcConnellwith Tuesday night. hookups of certain types heralded and unan- the approval of the com- Move to New Quarters Expected of wells and sprinkler Included were every- (Continued on page 14A) nounced, arrived Char- mission after criticism thing from the baseball systems without a mas- les J. Fiss, Jr., police of the department fol- committee to the J.F.K. specialist with the Pub- lowing the rash of "cat memorial committee. Resident Issues Plea lic Administration Ser- To Keep City Employes Hopping It was the longest vice of Chicago, and un- (Continued on page 12A), © meeting since the com- der authority of City This will be a busy is slated for comple- eluded in the base pric- mission reorganized Away Damocles Sword' Manager L.M. McCon- summer for Boca Raton tion about the end of es, and the commission early last month, and nell, started a survey Drainage Aid is city officials and em- June. This building will will have to cough up "Take away the Sword street the state already was climaxed by an off- owns 300 feet of right- into the operation of the ployees. face Palmetto Park several thousand dol- the-cuff oration by H. of Damocles!" With this impassioned of-way all the way to police department. Sought From SRD They'll be moving — road, around the corner lars to equip the build- Busch Hodde, who com- The finished survey, just about 100 per cent from the Community ings. plea, Rev. J.E. Statham the proposed inter- plained — bitterly — state." expected in about five The City Commission of them — during July, Center. about the change of un- requested the Boca Ra- ton City Commission Commissioner Sidney weeks from the na- Tuesday night moved August and September. The Municipal Court- improved property val- tionally-known com- one step closer to solv- Six city buildings are Jail-Police Department Sjostrom Wins Tuesday night to "take Brodhead elaborated- uation assessment "This project has been pany, will cover present ing the Federal High- now under construction, is in the same neighbor- which was recently immediate action" on setting the right-of-way hanging fire since practices and make rec- way-Camino Real inter- with the completion hood, will face on North- Industrial Award raised from 60 to 70 per ommendations in such section drainage prob- dates coming up during west 2nd avenue, and and setbacks on Pal- 1955," he told the pro- cent. testors, "and there isn't areas as: lem — one of many the summer. will cost $134,950. The .Robert J. Sjostrom, Hodde asked the com- metto Park road. president of Sjostrom much we can do about it Personnel —recruit- year's standing. William Prendergast, last of the six contracts missioners to take his City Engineer J.P. City Manager L.M. to be let, it is set for Automations, Inc., 134 at this late date." ment, training, promo- director of public protests under advise- VanSant, called on by tion, discipline, condi- McConnell was instruct- works, tabbed off the finishing about Sept. 1. N.W. 16th St., will be ment, but according to Mayor Harold V. Maull, The Commission did named "Industrialist of tions of service, hours, ed to ask the Board of city's ambitious capital Rising on Federal the statutes, it would ap- detailed reasons for the defer action on an ordi- County Commissioners Highway at Northwest the Year" today at a lun- overtime work and va- improvements pro- pear that he is out of road and its 100-foot nance establishing set- cations; to request the State Road gram, noting that all 11th street is the Cen- cheon in his honor in luck, at least for this width. backs on the road until the Cathedral Room of Records — volume, Department to install construction is on tral Fire Station. Peg- year, since the Board "It'll be a main east- property owners could drainage facilities in a ged at a cost of $109,- the Boca Raton Hotel and use and reasons; schedule, except the of Equalization has ac- west thoroughfare," he be notified. Administrative and 90-acre area with the Community Center, 655, this building should Club. cepted the city tax rolls said, "between AlA and Sjostrom's plant But Rev. Statham will working relationships intersection as the cen- which is about 30 days be completed by August with the new valuations. State Road 9, which will have to eye that thread tral point. 15. manufactures textile between the department ahead of its program. In other action, the also be Interstate 95. on the sword for a few and other city offices, City Engineer J.P. The $175,000 center, The Cemetery Ad- and linen folding ma- From Dixie highway to chinery and was moved commission: more weeks while the and the pattern of re- VanSant placed a in Memorial Park on ministration Building, a HELD a public hear- 15th street it will be a city bargains with prop- sponsibilities, com- small edifice with an here from Lawrence, whopping estimate of Northwest 3rd avenue, ing, then proceeded with medianed four-lane road erty owners for the rest mand and administra- $240,000 as the price figured on present $18,808 price, tag, Mass., in 1954. The with left turn access company employs about ordinances creating of the needed right-of- tion; tag for the work, but said building pace, should be should be ready by May leins on paving a por- lands and landscaped way on Palmetto Park 15, according to Pren- Structural organiza- a partial solution would ready for occupancy in (Continued on page 14A)' tion of Alamanda street center. From 15th road. tion and utilization of cost $123,000. July. dergast, The new city hall, with Furnishings and a base cost of'$209,885, equipment are not in- Skogstid Named to New Post Old Water Plant Was a 'First' for Boca Raton At First Bank and Trust Co.
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