Volume XXII No. 27 Hometown Newspaper for Glen Cove, Sea Cliff, Glen Head, Glenwood, Locust Valley and Brookville Week of 3/7/13 75C North Shore Teacher Hit Outside High School By Carol Griffin Christopher Whalley, a North Shore School Latin teacher, was struck and in- jured by a reckless driver on Glen Cove Avenue as he was crossing the road go- ing from the high school to the middle school on March 1 at about 10:30 a.m. Police believe that the teacher had the right of way and was in the crosswalk when he was struck by a Lexus. The driver, Cruz Correa, 28 years old from Glen Cove, was driving a 1991 Lexus when he hit the teacher. He also hit and seriously injured a couple that was com- ing toward him in the southbound lane in Volkswagen. Law enforcement officials said they believe the Correa’s ability to drive at the time was impaired. Correa was arrested and charged with reckless driving. Police said he will be arraigned after he recovers from his injuries. Speaking with Chief Michael Ric- cardo of Glenwood Fire Company, he said the call on “pedestrian struck” came into his department shortly after it oc- curred. He said Glenwood responded with an ambulance, he requested am- bulances from Sea Cliff a from Nassau County. He also radioed Roslyn Rescue Fire Department for their EMS Unit for assistance. The horrible accident started with the 1991 Lexus (inset- top left) hitting a teacher who was walking on Glen Cove Avenue. It then hit a Volkswagen (insert- top right). continued on page 2 Above: Nassau County Police conduced an investigation throughout most of the afternoon. (photos by Kevin C. Horton) GCHS Honors its All-County Musicians Story page 2 Page 2 Gold Coast Gazette Week of March 7, 2013 Glen Cove St. Patrick’s Day NSDRG delivers letters to Parade March 17, 2013 Governor Cuomo This past Tuesday night, the North the Governor, the strength, unity and de- Patrick's Day in Glen Cove on March 17, 2013 will be even more special Shore District Reform Group hosted at termination of North Shore Community. than usual for two great reasons. The first is that Glen Cove gets a rare chance to community meeting where all five (5) of In support of our community and hold its St. Patrick's Day Parade on St. Patrick's Day itself, since the Manhattan our legislators and nearly 350 communi- the request made by our elected officials, parade is held on Saturday when St. Patrick's Day falls on a Sunday. The second ty members attended for an informative the NSDRG has kicked off its “letters to is that this year's Parade will be the 25th Annual parade since its inception in talk about the closing of the Glenwood the Governor Campaign”. Our goal is 1989. During that time the Parade, always a dazzling event, has grown to be the Power Plant. We would like to thank to get more than 500 letters delivered to premier St. Patrick's Day celebration on the North Shore and the largest annual each of the Legislators for taking time the Governor’s office before March 21, parade in Glen Cove. out of their busy schedules to attend this 2013. We want to ensure, that while he event. is finalizing his budget, it includes some This year's Grand Marshal is renowned Irish activist and Sea Cliff resident Dan- What made this event special, was form of State aid for the imminent loss iel J. Lane. He will be accompanied by Aides Robert and Pamela Panzenbeck, that Senators Marcellino and Martins, of tax revenue due to the closing of the Lisa Forgione and Joseph McDonald. and Assemblymen Montesano, Lavine power plant. and Ra, gave us their perspectives on this Please drop off your letters at Night- The Parade begins to form up at 12 noon in the area of the Finley Middle School crucial matter. They answered all ques- ingale Law, PC at 300 Glen Street, LL2, on Forest Avenue. It steps off at 1pm, following the usual route through down- tions posed by the NSDRG Board and all Glen Cove (in the American Community town Glen Cove to St. Patrick's Church. There is very ample parking in the community members in attendance. The Bank Building). If you prefer, email your municipal garages and at the end of the focus of the discussion was on the rami- letters to [email protected] parade route. fications of the Power Plant closing, and or give your letters to any NSDRG mem- its impact on our taxes, schools, environ- ber so NSDRG can get them presented The backbone of the parade, as always, ment, and community. They suggested directly to the Governor in Albany. will be its exciting mix of marching we can continue making a difference by As a united community, our voices groups, including many bands of Irish writing letters directly to the Governor. will be heard. pipers and other marching bands.. Fur- The number of people at Tuesday’s ther color will be added to the festivi- meeting really made a difference and im- NSDRG ties by vintage cars, costumed perform- pressed our elected officials. Let’s con- ers, face painters, fire and police units tinue this great support and impress upon and much more. The parade is a true community celebration of the coming of Spring with many of our areas ethnic organizations, often in costume, taking North Shore Teacher Hit by part. Come, join the fun! For more information about the parade, Reckless Driver Riccardo said the teacher and the please visit www.glencoveirishparade. out an alert for parents and students seriously injured couple were taken to org or call 516-782-7494. that the teacher was hurt in an accident. North Shore Medical Center in Manhas- “While hurt, he is in stable condition.” set for treatment. Correa was airlifted by said the notice. a Nassau County helicopter to Nassau One student commented that Whal- County Medical Center. ley is the smartest and most fun teacher Nassau County Police Department he ever had. Whalley received a Distin- detectives closed off the area for the bet- guished Teacher Award in 2007 from the ter part of the day to thoroughly inves- Harvard Club of Long Island an annual tigate the crime scene that was created alumni organization that recognizes out- when the pedestrian was struck. standing high school teachers on the Is- North Shore schools officials sent land. City of Glen Cove Police Department Weekly Arrests GCHS Honors its February 24, 2013 - March 2, 2013 On February 26, Det. Glennon arrested a 23 year old male for Criminal Con- All-County Musicians tempt 2nd Degree on South Yew Street. On February 26, PO S. Grella arrested a 33 year old female for DWI and Leaving Glen Cove High School Chorus Diana Delgrosso (Div. IV) the Scene of an Auto Accident on Glen Cove Avenue. teacher Edward Norris (far left) and Band Maria Fakatselis (Div. V) teacher Nicholas Carbuto (far right) con- Elizabeth Grieco (Div. IV) On February 28, PO Ferrante and PO S. Grella arrested two males, ages 20 and gratulate the school’s participants in the Heaven Guanco (Div. IV) 28, for Disorderly Conduct on Glen Cove Avenue. 2013 Nassau Music Educators Associa- Kristin Ingegno (Div. IV) tion’s (NMEA) All-County Music Festi- Claudia Kolanovic (Div. V) On March 1, PO B. Miller arrested a 62 year old male on a Warrant for Open val, held in January. These students have Matthew Kolbert (Div. V) Container of Alcohol. been selected based on their outstanding Rosalita Morante (Div. V) musical achievement as well as distinc- Sean Tan (Div. V) The Gold Coast Gazette tion in performance at the annual NYS- 57 Glen Street, SMA solo music festival. They are: Orchestra (Jueun Yavoski, teacher) Glen Cove, NY 11542 Patricia Abraham (Div. IV) (USPS008886)(ISSN10651748) Chorus (Edward Norris, teacher) Nasreena Ali (Div. V) Band (Nick Carbuto, teacher) Postmaster: Send address changes to The Gold Coast Gazette, 57 Glen Victoria Andreotti (Div. V) Chris Abrego (Div. V) St. Glen Cove, NY 11542. Entered as second class paid postage at the Cristian Arevalo (Div. V) Samantha Smith (Div. IV) Post Office at Sea Cliff N.Y. Michael Banks (Div. V) Overall, 47 student-musicians from Nicole Bedell (Div. IV) throughout the Glen Cove School Dis- Published weekly on Thursday by KCH Publications Inc. 57 Glen St., Ryan Carmody (Div. IV) trict have been selected to perform at the Glen Cove NY 11542. Phone (516) 671-2360. Price per copy is 75 cents. Christina Delgrosso (Div. V) NMEA All-County Music Festival. Week of March 7, 2013 Gold Coast Gazette Page 3 Pack 6 Celebrates Blue & Gold Dinner The Glen Cove Cub Scouts Pack is held in February because that is the 6 celebrated their annual Blue & Gold month the Boy Scouts was first orga- Dinner on Sunday, March 3, 2013, at nized years ago. The event brings fami- St. Rocco’s Madonna Center. The hon- lies together for an evening of fun and orees of the evening were Johnny Blaz- inspiration. Mayor Ralph Suozzi was ich, Joseph Caldwell, Maxwell Kramer, there to congratulate the boys on a job Christopher Paralikas and Richard Thill. well done and to wish them luck and These boys crossed over from Webelos success in achieving their goals as they to now being Boy Scouts. This special move up to being Boy Scouts now. event is the highlight of the year and Page 4 Gold Coast Gazette Week of March 7, 2013 WATER MAIN FLUSHING NOTICE From the Desk of (DFK\HDU1HZ<RUN$PHULFDQ:DWHUÁXVKHVWKHZDWHUPDLQVLQLWVGLVWULEX WLRQV\VWHP7KLVHVVHQWLDOSDUWRIRXUV\VWHPPDLQWHQDQFHSURJUDPKHOSV North Shore Schools XVWRSURYLGH\RXZLWKKLJKTXDOLW\ZDWHUVHUYLFH:KHQFUHZVDUHLQWKHDUHD FXVWRPHUVPD\H[SHULHQFHDGURSLQZDWHUSUHVVXUHRUGLVFRORUHGZDWHU,IWKLV KDSSHQVVLPSO\OHW\RXUZDWHUUXQXQWLOLWLVFOHDU&XVWRPHUVDUHDOVRHQFRXU DJHGWRFKHFNIRUGLVFRORUHGZDWHUEHIRUHGRLQJODXQGU\$Q\FKDQJHVGXHWR Superintendent ZHDWKHUZLOOEHSRVWHGRQRXUZHEVLWHDWQHZ\RUNDPZDWHUFRP RQWKHKRPH SDJHFOLFNRQ$OHUWV1RWLÀFDWLRQVDORQJWKHWRS NOTE: 1RÁXVKLQJZLOOEH Dr.
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