10 Cents RED BANK REGISTER PER COPY VOLUME LXXV, NO. 4. RED BANK, N. J., THURSDAY, JULY 24, 1952 SECTION ONE—PAGES 1 TO 16. Bids on Red Bank School Addition Youths Confess * Celebrates 107th Birthday Complete Plans $79,991 Higher Than Estimated Cost Attack on Young For Fair Haven Masonic Temple The board of education at a spe- ey Beach, $38,091; Boro Plumbing Paul Hintelmann Garden Contest cial session Monday night received and Heating company. South River, Nearing Reality bids for the addition to the high 1117,629 for heating and ventilating; 3 Officers Solve Entries Accepted at school which, when adjusted by sub- Carl Shultz company, Newark, $57,- stituting alternates, totaled $812,- 760 for electrical work, and the Case Within Week; LaBau's Hardware •738, $79,991 over the estimated cost Richardson company bid for plumb- figure of $732,747. ing, which was rejected. Council News Notes Store Until Aug. 2 Club Circulates Financing Incidental costs bring the total Favors Referendum to $882,668, a figure which doesn't John Giblon, chairman of the The borough council Monday PAIR HAVEN-Plans for judging 'Include equipment and furnishings. buildings and grounds' committee night joined Police Chief Frank tho garden competition' sponsored Plan in Three Classes of Bonds The board expressed the opinion stated he favored a referendum on Reuther in congratulating Patrol- by the Garden club of Fair Haven that $17,000 of the authorized $900,- a new $25,000 bond issue to cover men Irving L. Krakowitch, Edward are nearing completion. Judging Brooks and Joseph Funderburke will bo done Aug. 9. Any Fair A brochure of the proposed Ma- 000 bond issue will be necessary for part of the cost of equipment for sonic temple was distributed this contingencies. Of the original es- the addition. Mr. Young, however, for solving last week's "mugging" Haven resident who Is an amateur of 17-year-old Jack Hintelmann gardener is eligible to participate. V.F.W. Post Fair week by The Craftsmen's Club of timate, $28,600 was included for expressed the opinion it would be Red Bank, a new corporation con- contingencies and an additional possible to meet the expense with near his home at 38 Irving pi. Entry registrations will be ac- Co-operative investigation by sisting of members of Mystic $66,000 for furnishings and equip- appropriations of $25,000 in each cepted at LaBau'a hardware store Brotherhood Craftsmen'* club and ment of the school budgets for the next these officers resulted Monday in on River rd., until Aug. 2. A com- Opens Tonight tracking down and obtaining sign- the Fellowcraft Club of Red Bank, To Act Aug. U two years. The district clerk will mittee 6f men and wotnen, well- M1DDLET0WN—fair the second both Masonic bodies. go to Trenton this week to confer ed confessions from three 'teen- known in the Held of landscaping straight year Alfred P. Lench Is Action on1 the bids will be taken agers, two from Rumson and one Tho corporation was formed to with officials of the state depart- and horticulture, will be the judges, general chairman of the local Vet- facilitate the building of the temple at the board's regular meeting Aug. ment of education on possibilities from Shrewsbury. and winners will be notified by erans of Foreign Wars' seventh an- 12 when now bids on plumbing will Police 'said young Hintelmann and a plan of financing. The two- of obtaining the additional money mail, Because the club fools that nual fair, which opens tonight on story structure will be located on be received. The board Monday needed for the project. was beaten about 11 p. m. Mon- any person entering the contest the grounds adjacent to the post night .rejected, the lone bid for day, July 14, on Irving' pi., and Newman Springs rd. at Roosevelt would be interested In comment home on rt. 35. Tho site Is about dr. The property has a frontage ot plumbing submitted . by the Rich- The board awarded a contract to received a painful blow across the and criticisms regarding their four miles north of Red Bank. ardson Engineering company of R. C. Britton of Wanamassa who ear "with a strap" In addition to property, tho opinions of the 127 feet on Newman Springs rd. New Brunswick for $101,420. Paul submitted a bid of $15,571 for al-other minor injuries. Mr". Krako- judges regarding their decisions and 254 feet on Roosevelt dr. Be- Young, district clerk, was author- terations to the Catherine Street witch said he and Mr. Brooks will be made available to those sides the temple, space for parking ized to re-advertise for bids for building owned by the board which worked together with police of wishing to have them. Club mem- 80 cars Is on the property. ( plumbing work. will be put into use In September neighboring municipalities all week bers feel that such advice should The temple will be the result of as a cafeteria for the River Street to catch up with the muggers. prove of value to those with new action by members of Mystic Hembling Low •school. Included in the work on the Brotherhood lodge 21 and Red Track Down Leads gardens, a« well as to property Low bid for the general construc- building will be a new roof and owners with more established Bank lodge 277, F. and A. M., who ' tion work was submitted by Charles heating system, the changing of the Various leads were tracked ground^. have joined In an effort to build B. Hembling and son of Bed Bank location and the flreprooflng of down, including the questioning of There will be a number of prizes the temple. in the amount of $497,838. Other three stairways and' insulating the boys who. knew of the incident The winner of tho prize for the Tho basement floor I.i designed bids for general construction building. The bid of the Britton until one youth was found and best foundation planning will re- for social gatherings and other af- ranged-as high as $702,361 which company does not include new cafe- brought into police headquarters ceive a $10 Rift certificate from fairs. On it are a main hall or audi- •was the bid submitted by Anthony teria equipment. The project, which by Patrolman Funderburke, who Mrs. Anna M. Lewis is pictured Saturday at 164 Cather- Turner Brothers' nursery; the best torium, stage, stage wings and Lewis of Miplewood. Mr. Hembling, is scheduled to start next week, is identified the three 'teen-agers who ine st. as she observed her 107th birthday. Born in Bucking- lawn, flve pounds of top grade .dressing rooms, kitchM. laJie.i' and a. former member of the. board, ro- expected to take approximately 30 admitted beating and kicking Hin- grass seed, and 100 pounds of fer- men's rooma and a cloak check •lgned his position July 8. Reason days. telmann, Mr. Krakowitch said. ham, Va., she has lived here the past 19 months with her niece, tilizer; best perennial bed, six rose room. With such facilities, It Is (or his resignation was given as The youths will be tried in juve- Meeting with the board Monday Mrs. Frank Daniels. A widow, Mrs. Lewis attributes her long- bushes of their own choice from planned that sufficient Income will the press of business. night for the study of bids were nile court this week, it was said the D and D Rose Nurseries; best accrue to help pay off the bonds Other low bids were submitted Efrol Coffin and Victor Ronfeldt, The confession was given to the evity to "being a good Christian." She was choir leader for annual bed, five azaleas from Lov- which arc now being sold. detectives, Mr. Krakowitch said by Park Steel and Iron Co., Brad board architects, 52 years at the First Baptist church of Farmville, Va. Though ctt's nurseries; best vegetable gar- On the second floor will be a adding: "Our effort in thi9 case den, flve azaleas; moat attractive 40x60-fool lodge room, a property typifies the determination of the she.enjoys television at night, she makes it a rule not to watch special feature, such as small pools, room, candidate preparation room, police department of Red Bank it in the daytime. The one exception is Sunday morning when bird baths, sun dials, etc., which men's and ladles' rooms, records' ' Estimate State's Early* Potato Crop under Chief Reuther, that we wil have been added to create a point room, library and reception room not tolerate hoodlum tactics here she "directs" choirs while watching them perform on TV. of interest to the garden, a set of and cloak room. The building Is so We will always make an all-out ef- mosquito candles, a garden tool and designed that the second floor is At 4,348,000 Bushels, 59% Drop fort to keep our residents safe, a rose bush; best woody plants, reached by two short flights of six That's a promise." Guest Preacher such as trees and shrubs, a holly Alfred P. Lench steps, aach step being but six Inches Chief Reuther notified council o: Executive Buys tree or an ornamental woody plant high. TRENTON—New Jersey's com- the solution of the case by letter. of equal value. The fair will bo In operation two The financing plan provides for The council session was vory mercial early potato crop is esti- The grand prize for the best all- weekends. It continues tomorrow three classes of bonds to be Issued. mated at 4,348,000 bushels this year, brief.
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