V Well, Engineers— ®\jt fonktjBL GTtouitte Something Will Be Done Thirty-Fourth Year rsity, Durham, N. C, Tuesday, Dec. 6, 1938 Number Twenty-One Not the Old Ray... Some weeks ago, the A ciated Press, under a 1 Ormandy and the Famous Philadelphia Symphony York date-line, ran the fol "Y" Plans Resolution Reopens ing paragraphs on a Xmas Fund Frosh Relations Plan orld: pugilistic professioi Campaign und a handsome young 300 I'Yi'es Im ion Sign ho threatens Joe Louis As Yet, No Change Petition Provoking Money Will Go • as heavyweight cham In Vacation Plans Paii-Helleiiie Aetion snd Jack Doyle's niclu To Durham's e klui. Needy Families On the force of a petition tions and phone calls that have igoed by approximately 300 reshmen the Pan-Hellenic coun- sile change in the regular il has again opened the fresh- Christmas vacation schedule, lich ' s defeated i Octo- i-& ^fiPf^a^^«i nouncement had been made. This plan, which has provoked In accordance with the pre­ great deal of discussion both n and checks may be madi viously announced plans the 1 to him and dropped in thf vacation will begin December by freshmen and fraternity men, nl boxes distributed over Ihe 20 and end January 3, triple again brought to the floor in ot Hamlet—with tl cuts lo be recorded before and the torn * nfor ided b as a Shakespearean His Mark Isotes Explains Capacity Crowd Expected Reasons Behind kiar shortly alter Clirisimi poses the above is enough o add lo his difficulties. I Organization . for Matt Raymond turns throe children, a girl, 14, ai To Hear Symphony Thursday Non-Sorority Group two boys, 5 and 2. None of tl Inducts Fourteen children are old enough to wo: ,c ...-..'tings to discuss the re­ lie two boys need infan' New Members i play i his 1: Program Includes lationship plan fully with thc can hardly Eases:! lasl lan class and to Und their ally, • Alumnae Three Iron Dukes Cop feelings in the matter. much less Polish. -e starving. The matinee idol gag ia The Student C Varied Numbers The draft of the freshmen-fra­ old one as far as Matulew ternity men normal relations as; concerned; at Duke he u To Hold Tea Berths on Beauty Team i!3 for the famil plan, which was defeated by a known as the Handsome Pc o Page audi- •'- last October, provided and such like. But the Shak. Duke Homestead the Philadel­ ma a, iraicrnity men should not Is Scene of Affair phia Symphony Orchestra, con­ ar of this society. be allowed to enter the freshmen "The independent women of lorniisuries asm- should the fresh­ ducted by Eugene Ormandy. here The entire senior class of the rown House are leading the en be permitted to go into the Ogizfi for having to shift sor Woman's college have been in­ Thursday at 8:15 when from the players from their original raternity sections during the eighteen hundred to two thou- vited by the Alumnae Associa­ posts, for in some cases ti r unaffiliated women of town tion of Duke university to a tea were so many handsome id campus. The movement, sial provision is made for open which originated last spring with which is to be given from 4:00 11 piece organization in its cules playing th£ same posi .muses. Thc only contact between Debaters fasssea saiiy men and freshmen was to 5:30 Thursday afternoon at that we just couldn'l limit choice to two players. conversation on the West "Four Acres," the former B. N. Ormandy has directed concerts - Here is our idea of a [ !, company at meals in the Duke family home at the corner are twice before, both times Compete looking aill-slar team: and participation togeth- of Chapel Hill and Duke streets ilia the Minneapolis Symphony .-chest ra. At present Ormandy he athletic fields, in Durham. Miss Evelyn Barnes Lewis Supervises Dave Warden, Davidson, Iaa „.. other restrictions which will lead an orchestral group ictors of the Philadelphia Or­ BOB SPANGLER, Duke, b now apply to rushing would re- Practice Tourney "••!'•• I' ' • chestra. star Big Five football team. Bul hip would be one of ile; are sasa preju- Horace Palmer, Carolina. .•ilda-.la.ij> th other i The opening rounds of the "Four Acres" was recently L varied progra governed, but much more nat- actice debate tournament held -"--1 to good looks-, we shave de- Ned Iverson, Davidson. deeded to the university by the meed for this second md free, contact on fhe ider the supervision of debate to pick the players for tht faculty, to help develop individ- heirs of Mr. -Duke, and this will the Centennial series, aampus only. coach Leroy Lewis were run of" according to their mascu- FRED YORKE, Duke. personalities by means of be Ihe flrst time that it has been the majesti< yesterday. Each team will debati Dave self-expression and leadership, Despile the fact that great /hat "hea elude t 'arden since each day through Decembei opened for inspection to Duke 1 to advance ideals of loyalty pains were taken to list Matu- J, each team debating four times students. Duke University and ' " lewicz as a Rhodes scholarsip B ALABASTER, Duke. in all. Eight teams of men ar( Wives of university officials Announcer Asks and not a Rhodes scholarship and the heads of the Woman's "It is definitely s a tin college -will bo among those in ing obvious enough) and that Bob Adams, Carolina, For WPA Special the receiving line, which in­ lacks: turned into a sorority, and i cludes Dean Alice M. Baldwin, BOB SPANGLER. Duke. non-binding: that is, a wor Mrs. W. P. Few, Mrs. C. E. Jor­ George Wirtz, Wake Fore may join a sorority at any t year, boxing; junior year, bo«- teams three and four: dan, Mrs. Holland Holton, Miss Paul Lozier, N. C. State. she so desires. The meetings (Continued on page four) Mas kill i fed t of Bout well-Frank Owens, Nora Chaffin, Miss Frances held bi-monthly in Brown House rnd Hal Eees-F. L. Gobble; teams E Ihe s parlor. They are not secret and rip to Pasadena was sug­ t an exhibition. and six: Tom Latimer-Rod- class, and office: oft! • alumnae interested visilors are cordially gested Monday night by Carl Philadelphia Orches Electrical Heads teid, and Del Fuston-Tom Goerch, Carolina radio commen- -ts. teams seven and eight: Mrs. C. E. Jordan, Mrs. H. R. Symposium Speakers ss that as a means of getting Duke Holton-Paul Sarringer, and eeks, Mrs. Williaaa: Sprinkle. Congregate Here Dwight-Dave Hoyle. s-s. Irving Allen, and Mrs. A. H. Iron Dukes to California at min- arland are chairmen of the Offer Various Remedies were admitted November 13, i expense. land twos Betty Pierce-Jean mmittees for the tea. liladelphia that year . and Francis Benson-Idelia 32. The new members are: Vir­ The f tra found immediat. Senator, Columnist, on; teams three and four: Thorning Speaks ginia Sweet, Frances Benson, si I,sail ai. nor Powell-Betty Parten- Educator Heard Mildred Bergen, Lucille Chand­ the train be furnished f Orchestra Plans importation by the W.P.A. felder, and Anne Seawell-Lee Esnt peak. Only threi Tonight in York ler, Geraldine Lytzen, Doris Mc- A widely known English Crecdy, Kathryn Murdock, Mary scholar and thinker, a potcnti " ating judges for the debates Spring Recital Continuing its series of peri Sawyers, Virginia Seymour stations between Durban nent lectures, the Catholic Ch Republican candidate for the a Turner, Phyllis Van Or- as Rose Bowl. "Of c. -. this •„ Leopold Stokowski presidency, a columnist of great for main speech and five Co-eds Prepare will present Dr. Joseph F. Thor , Betty Conrad, Gertrudf ing, Professor of church histoi national reputation, and the so­ tes for rebutllc are Bill Wil- Christinas Service A quarter of a mill™ laallss jen, Amy Harrington, Min- and ethics at St. Mary's Sen: licitor of one of the biggest rail- Rankin, Mary Van Middles- ;. Bill Ault, Elwood Barton, orth of instruments will be approved by the authorities nary, Emmittsburg, in a talk "Preparing for a Christmas •ought here by members of Washington," he Mid. York chapel tonight at 8:00 p.r sented both conflicting and con •ganizalion, some of them Other ideas advanced by the tlie Woman's college glee club, ;d at as much as $35,000. Dr. Thorning, a well-known laginative mind of the WPTF '•Law in Modern Society" as th( by the orchestra alone, has eon- lecturer and writer, has traveled smmentator included various extensively as foreign c prominent speakers at the Duke Local Alumni 24 Freshmen symposium Friday and Saturday. fall's work for the Woman's Col­ spondent for the National 1 sail,!' s- "Or­ olie News Service, and special Professor Harold J. Laski, of Plan Banquet dinarily," said Goerch, " lege Orchestra," recently stated correspondent for Hie Washing­ Earn "B" Average the University of London, noted would be attached half a mile p.m. R. C. Van Sickle o ton Post and Times. He spent Miss Evelyn Barnes, direct political scientist, struck force­ behind the train by a long cable. Women Decrease last summer in Spain studying a> finest Orchestr: fully aeainst a system of courts When they start to sing "Sweet lohn J. Strickland, gener: Failure Grades the organization. that makes decisions subjectively Adeline, however, tlie cable will rather than objectively. The la' Thia Durham County Alum Public Service company, Freshman failure percentages In addition to these pri small ensembles, such as a s yers and judges of today look association will hold its annu ^hris Webster, an engine trie and a quintet, are being too much to a body of laws and dinner tomorrow evening at 7:1 student at Duke, will spe tage increased over the showi formed from the group.
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