4 I V THE DRILY NEXUS GUIDE ID DINING, DRINKING AND DANCING October Eighth, Nineteen Ninety-Three 2 A. Friday, October 8,199T Advertising Siçptemcrt Daily Nexus r F R E E P O O L ! American: Food Just Like Good ALOHA C A L TAC O RTS m W. Q dk 90-3» 7320 llnlliaenr. 60-7122 512 State St, 966-1101 i, Hawaian style. Takn out Tacos, fajitas, aoafood aid Q w trofled - —fr«. fresh seafood, pasta, « A i k O M l l lQJOpm.Sat- bom. Chech ate our ■pccialm. High quality fast large miada. Mon-Thur 11 sm-10 pm, Pri-Sst & ■ 11— V )fm : $2.75-795. food! Mon-Sat 11-4 JO. till 11 jsn. dosed Son. M m range: lunch $4 JO-36.75, dinner $695-31395. CALYPSO 5726 HoBitecc, 03-1202 S14 State St, 966-1» ELEPHANT BAR O m m í lad m Emydang LIVE ENTERTAINMENT 7 NIGHTS A AND RESTAURANT fam-Tpm dliy, WEEK. Open M-San 11 am-2 am. Serving 521 Firestone Rd, Golete 683-1714 fwwl sat m A iijter not the traditional her and festive k m how 4-8 pm dnily; featuring grill ta t serving exceptionally tasty burgers a fabulous buffet $1 all you can cat Late AMNOLDTS CAFE and sandwiches. Choose from our Calypso nigbt drink g o ritli 9-11 pm duly. Pull bw € 00 d m . 962-5194 Rings to oar Homcane Wings or Island Sticks w iil 2 am m A Sat, 12 an weedaye. Wide and Reef Skim. Come in md make yaw ranging mena includes fresh seafood, steaks, selection. TOLL BAR. Covered heated patio. salads, sandwiches and scmmptnw appetis­ Drink y e a h . Price range S13S463S. ers! Open San 10 ant-midnight, serving branchAunch 10am-2pm; Mon-Tbur 11 an- MASER* SQUARE CARROTPS mirkiight; Fri 4 Sat 11 am-2 am. 904 G Ai Reel, «0-2121 RESTAURANT 4 BAR Senring peat Am asan food w iii deli- 500 Jmaea Fowler R d, Gofete 9644682 ESAU* ciani demote. O pe San-Ttar 7am-llpm, Located on to 2nd floor of the S 3 . Ahpart 403 State S t, 9654416 M d d Tm IT m M ea angp: 35-9.75. Terminal. Featuring Sold Bar daily 11 am-9 Special beef bash, bis­ pm. Sat A Sun BicakbS Bar Buffet Pull bar cuits, jam and jetties plus omelettes has RAMCUFF A MAIM with patio dining with a beeetiM view. R ice earned Bass's the reputation for best break­ 1112 SM s Street, 965-5742 range: Sl.5O-Sf.S0l fast in Sants Barbara. Mon-M 6 am-1 pm, Senriag aaAricfen^ mlerii. enchiladas, Sat-San7 am-1 pm. Price range: $2.95-35.75 calm , paafcim. Open Trio-Set 7 J0am-6pm, CARTOON CAFR 9ton5pm. A m d1 Mon. Moo range: 901 Chapala, S 3 , 966-5117 F A R M E R R O Y 3 5 -1 0 From garden burgers to milkshakes. Break­ 3427 State St. 6B7-7011 fast aomed all day; hmchevery day starting at Serving Amerion food, bmakfoat and 32.99; dinner entrees starting from $4.90; es­ lunch . Catering. Open daily 6am-2pm. M m tu a i S t, 966*1966 presso and cappuccino. Senring wine a d range: breakfast $.95-38.99, lunch A i beer. Open 7 days. 3 2 9 5 -3 4 9 5 . such m gritted chcere and turkey aand- ____ I m a SOb n n t f k m . S un-T nun 7 F A T BU RG ER ma-10|m . Pri-Set 7 —s-11 pm. Price range CATTLEMAN* 718 State, S 3 , 962-8955 RESTAURANT Grilled or cfaarfaroflod god 3744 Stete St. 6T7-2828 turkeytargers. Perfect for aftahosia, CD MLC YE LLO W B O U SE Offering steaks, maftiod aid ribs, completo Open 10 am til 3 am every dey. 104 Weapon o ffra m p . ■dad bar, dating et «sonable prices. Doner 9 0 4 1 4 0 5-10 pm nightly, Smday bu nch 10 ten-2pnt GOOD E A R T H BILLIARDS CLUB & RESTAURANT n 'l ^feaakIM tliÉster.primnrib,mg- M ob rangs: 3695-321.95. Pull tac. RESTAURANT L Mon San 7-10 pm. 5955 CaDe Real, 683-6101 THS CHARTHOUSE Natural foods with frill bakery, braekftet 101 B. Cabrillo Btvd, 966-2112 aerved e l dey end ell night Specialty entrees featuring: Bxtoneive a m instir rig steak s seafood indnde fow different kinds of fresh fish. m d prims rib. Pall bar service. Mcn-Ttars Open 6J0 am-11 pm daily. M m range: • World Class Regulation Size Pool Tables and Equipment 5J0-10pm.Fri5JO-llpm.Sst5-lljsn.SBn 3 4 -3 1 0 9 5 . 4 J0-10 pm. M m rangs: 39-318. Reserva- • World Class Fine Dining at Incredibly Law Prices HAMBURGER HABIT • World Class Beer and Wine Selection e in th e h ea rt o f 5735 Hollister A ve, 964-0366 ________■ _______ g at 7 JO am, C N U C rS O F HAW AII The beat in hamburgers, fries, shakes in • World Class Sporting Events r 1130 mn-2pm and domar 5:30-8:30 3883 State St, 687-4417 town md math , much more! Across from B j-----------------on,aalads^andwichos. Voted Best Steak in Santa Barbara. Also Wendy's in downtown Ooleta. Open b ig a t U P pm . Q o sa d ssnring lobster, prawns chicken md hash 10J0un-8pm daily. Prim range: 324. All presented in a world class atmosphere! It’s the quality you have been waiting for and you local seafood, ñ u l bw. Open daily 5-11 pm. M end Sat until 11J0 pm. M ee range: moat HARRY* CAFE deserve. Located in the historic Bank of America building on Embarcadero Del Norte, Isla 38.95-31495. 3313B State St. 687-7910 Cheat food at iraarsirMn prices, the teat Vista, the LV.B.C. offers a uniquely enjoyable ambiance. Stop in any time, and bring your CUFFS* AND CO. drinks in town. 11» walla tell fro Mnv of friends as a good time is guaranteed for all. It is ths place to be — you can bank on it! 1919 Cliff D r, 965-7757 Santa Barbara. MU tar. Open Mon-Tnare “The unique burger operation" Mon-Sat 10wn-midnight. Fri-Sat lOam-lam, Sun tJfented; San SJOaa-lldCpai Mm llm a-lOpn. Prim ranger 33-316 range: 35-10. COLD STRING TAVERN HOLIDAY INN Hours: 11 a.m. - 2 a.m. eveiyday 5005 Stagncoarh Rd.. 967-0066 PELICAN* €396 H olkfei, 96B-2S6S Live music, M -Son nights, aid San after- 5650 Calle R e d , 964-6241 Vkfco, pool, hamburgers, CD jukebox, live tt—w seafood, A gsraa *■*— rVwwrOwiH menu. Daily hmchoou buffet, 935 Embarcadero Del Norte, Isla Vista, CA 93117 (805) 562-1240 laM litol Restaurant open Lunch daily 11:00 m»-3^)0 pm. Dinner Sen- taw , vine m d bw. Dinner served 5-10 pm, I Pub open (3 11pm. Tbu 5-9 pm, Fri-Sat 5-10 pm. Breakfast Sat- and lundi 6 ant-2 pm daily, nice r WITH THIS COUPON : 3 3 9 5 4 .5 0 Sun 8-11 am. M l bar. M ce range: $12-3201 r i gor lunch 34-0. Dinner 35-318. i ilVBC! FREE POOL ^ ESPRESSO ROMA CAFR 888A Btrib. del Norte, 685-5210 728 Stele S t, 9624721 FOR 1/2 HOUR DURING LUNCH Opm 7J0em -ll JOpm daily. Voted (1 2 p.m . — 2 p.m .) SB's "Bete Cafe" by foe Nexus and fade- iowesTprices! LV. location features fresh with your purchase of $5.00 or more from our restaurant baked chtwanralm, acones, fresh Of 4 great ait work! Offer expires 10/17/93 £ U S & C o . Every Thursday Kelsey Walker G yros, F alafels, V egetarian C om bos, n a and m ore... & Dan Zimmerman Fri. Oct. 8 Straight Jacket Jesus w/Green Fingers Sat. Oct. 9 Urban Fire "Reggae n Buy Any ( w/Members of t $3.50 Sandwich and World Anthem & Sapadillaf Get a 2nd Sandwich Every Friday & Saturday for only 9 -1 0 pm (good thru Oct. 15, $1.50 Pints m u st ha ve ad) $6.00 Pitchers Greek Out! For Your Next Party! 968-8077 open 11am - la m 888 Embarcadero Del Norte Daily Nexos Advertising Supplement - - Friday, October », 1993 3 A Old Mom Used to Make For Ya breakfast and lunch dally! Moo-ffri 7am-2pm, Very reasooableprices. Beer and wine. Open HUDSON'S GULL Sat ft Sun 7am-lpm. 3979 Stale St, 907-9701 7am 4pm Sun-Tour, 7am-9pm Fri-Sat Price Located in the Five Points Shopping Cen­ range: 51.23-56 ter, State and La Combse. Casual SOs atmo- M O N T Y 'S 3114 Hollister, 967-9012 SE A C O VE sphese. All-day menu featuring lots of appo- 801 Shoreline Dr. (at Loadbotter Beach) ta ors, gourmet burgers, sandwiches, salads O ffering delicious and refreshing drinks a t all natures. Daily drink specials and com­ 963-2917 and dwirioui house specials. Serving 11 Bolt right onto the sand of Loadbotter «n-12pm daily, fUl bar until 1 wnanFriand plimentary hors d’oevres. Open daily 10un-2pm . Beech, this charming patio restaurant offers SaL Price range $235-5735. fresh, delicious foods throughout the day. ■Wring available on the flaw eirloond deck JASPER'S SALOON NICKY'S SPORTS PUB 217 State S t, 963-6963 or ft the outdoor patio tables.
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