STEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS Volume 3 Dallas, Texas, April, 1947 Number 7 The President's Message______ ___ __ ___ ___ __________ _ 3 47th Post ~ Graduate Conference __ ___ __ __ _____ ____ 5 Effects of Common Curves________ ___ __ ___________ 8 Mongolian Idiocy ----------------------------- ------------- 13 The Truth, But Not Whole Truth _____ ___________ 15 Objectives for District One ________________________ 19 Scope of Osteopathic Therapy _______________ _____ 31 Texas A. ·sociation of Osteopathic Physician.· & ~ur1rron~. Im-. OFFICERS BOARD OF TRUSTEES ' Dr. J. f'r I> l ' r ident, Or Jam J. 'hoa Amarillv Or. Loui II. l..ogan, nr. Jl. r. r ~rainv.cr. l 'r td nt - ~:IKL, 1 ~I• r Ur. H o,.ard R. Ur. K•·• th s. l ,owdl f'ir t Vi~ - fir. J. H. lo and r II ton Pr• id<'flt. Glarf n1ion l!r H Van llr. llnyrl [ I . H"nry Second Vie(- w de <ortft. .\ u bn l'r id nt, CortiU Chri tl Dr J. T llagal'. Long' w IJr J . w. l cl'h~non, S cretnrJ - llr. ~h.l ('Jlh I. l .oa, A tin Tr• U rt!T, llnlla [ lr l'ete on W ~rhit.n JJr. M•ry J..ou T.ov.nn, i taf'tt H. H. Fall St-ert-t.a r), Hall Dr G n: J . r u•bt>l, f'ort W rth COl\11\fiTrEES l'li iii.IC IIE\I.Til C0\1\ll'ITEL \ ETI ll.\.'\':--' Rt:ll Hlll, fl \ 10'\' rli\ • :\ltmbtr I' 0 I \IIT1 t: E Ur. K~£""rett. \\'. \\.i m, Chftirrnan. I>r. J••hn W. llr<w, hauman Dalln S n An'' io H r. (; ur..: • .J Luil. I, l"ort \Vut t h l >r. H . W illard Hro\\ n, Vt~•· - t halrnum llr. Sam F. S1• rk , !lalla U &r lnnd ' 1 r· n. II . l'..t<n;on, W i h i a Fall. I >r. ;\l ark J l ~rahnm. C~hnn Pr. f' hil It J(,, ·I I ~·nrl W ur t h l> r. l .lo) d .' ;\1·.\mdl). fort \l orth l ir J {_~ph L. J o( \'I', tl t HI A• odat to • l t> mhtrf' \ OC.\TIO .\1, (,l' IU \:"I g CO\IMI"JTf.t: llr II. (L G rai ..:l'r, <'h l1rntan, '1 vlt•r U c t" H .• '••I tlli, l'hnir-nut.n. j\ u t1n llr. ltoh r l II. lltY r. l'u t \ rthur P r. I ~· V. l'radn, I iee-t ba>rm n, \rnanll h r .. John U. l )ono\an. .r.::t1'l Dr. II 1 I m II lladto:tr II , t m ltr }j,rlt• H . t ann, Arnnrillo Dr. H.tJfiH' Fm r) Arranl ·o Or t: urg£~ Hall Snuth, lJ uhhn !Jr. A. l{ns• .lcK1nn y Jr Tt orkana llr Ira l'r wood. MrC~~t·•r t. llr. !low rd H t 'n• I r Or 11 M t:n 1, lh t 1n 'I') Ur. Hoh rt. \\" NPr\\ntld , M hu•r I \\ •·ll~ llr. 1\',JI, 1.. I "" . G nul. llr ,\ 1.. t; rrJ on, Hr Carl lt. ~trRt•or:, ('ut•ro Ptorl \ rthur llr Thonas M. llai .. > ( • n>u !'hri ti l> r. l.ill:t' ( Ed,.!trd , • n \ nt •nlo l> r. 1-'dward , I \\'h>tucr • l.ubiK>fk a :. lJIUISIIII' ! 0\1\IJTTEE IJr. 'rf.'d 1 ~. Kr •hn, \\' i~h!tn l'al nk Ur. <: . \'leltuu <:rl 3 r• rmuu, ,\rnnrilh Dr. II, B ..l all:ll' r , t)fi, , l>r. J hn 1'. l>"no\&" \ 1: t1 lJr II , Wall. r. t'ort \~ •r1 h l,r 1ltnu \'. (:uftH), 'r ykr Or. :-,· >el G. 1-:Jit • II otu11 Dr l'nrl H Strntton, Cuero l•r Wtlry II ltountn . ~an ' ">wlu IJr .. W lll)' 0 .Jnn• • H e·~, ton ll r. ~~ n l.ou l.tol: '"· lJ lla I Jr. I' II •n> r W 1l on, II m tun llr. W •'l, m II Vnn rl <:rirt J\ustin I' \HI.I \If.. T \IU \\ llr. I n J l't g , bl ! .,l'IJ>n t' l .ut:n I , Sl A II, I O!liUll '.\TOR llr. J'hil H. Hu II. I' rt Worth I'll) SH' J.\, <; ' l'lt KHH Ill Ill 11: ,\S llllt1SI-: llr Wilham ,', l.rtbbl, Jr. ( h 1rm n 111 111 : 1.1 ' 1: \ n :. lluu tun Ur. JnM 11h I.., I .. u~t· llr JLhn I \\ 1t•, .room llr H• b rt \\ ral \\" II J)r 1\ nn th •• IJr Th •rna J Cl,l IC, 11 0 I'll J. :'\ll -.T \TI TH' I I I liT Jt: l. llr. llallard 'h I m n. Dr ll• Rf. J:lr llr llr lr Dr Dr Beauty and Chivalry :\Irs. Jack W. Cral\"forJ. Pn•sident ,,f the Texas U,;tt·opathir Auxiliary. Pr.. 1. Francis Bn)\\ n. Pre:ident uf the Texa ....-\~sudation nf O~teopathi•• l'tl\· ... i,·inns and 'un•g,>n". :\lr .... Br,l\\11. th. l h.uming Fir-t Ludy. 1 e~d, 0 steo path ic Physicians' j(Ut//,naL The official publication of the Texas Osteopathic Physicians and Surgeons State Office, 1234 Irwin-Keasler Building, Dallas 1, Texas EDITOR-IN -CHIEF DL J. W. McPherson ASSOCIATE EDITORS Dr. H. G. Grainger Dr. Milton V. Gafney Dr. Harold A. Beckwith Mrs. Martha Logan Dr. H. L. Betzner, Business Manager Mrs. Dortha Kelley, Secretary Advertising Rates Upon Request All cuts to be used in advertising must be sent in with copy Volume 3 Dallas, Texas, March 1947 Number 6 J. Francis Brown, D.O. When one takes an office he is always full of ideas that he" thinks are major problems. I think this coming year should be divided into six main objectives. FIRST :-Legislative problems. This first and most important object we shall and must maintain the Texas Medical Practice Act. We have practiced under this act for over forty years now. We are not asking for any change but just want justice. We are at the present time being examined under the basic science subjects and see no reason why a new board should be set up creating additional expense for the tax-payer. Equal representation should be placed on any board that is administering the examinations. We oppose no system of healing but must protect the Medical Practice Act. SECOND :-Public health. We must at all times be interested in the public health of the great state of Texas. Equal representation on all boards should be secured. vVe should, have at least, representation on the Board of Health. We must co­ operate ·with all the boards and public health offices to see that the public health of Texas is held on a high level. 4 Texas OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS' Journal THIRD-Our schools. We must devote more time and help to our schools. Without our schools we will not be able to meet certain qualifications that are specified by the various states. Our schools have met the standards that we have set for them. We have asked for these improvements and they have met them. We are the ones that are responsible for our schools. Let each of us support our schools by sending in our help monthly, quarterly, semi-annually or annually. Pledges are fine but after all our schools cannot operate upon pledges. Be sure and take care of them. FOURTH:-Vocational guidance. We must keep the right kind of students in our schools. Interest students that you know can qualify for the standards that we have set up for them. Interest students that you will be proud to have carry on the osteopathic pro­ fession for you. A program is being set up here in our state. We are proud of the students that we have in our schools but we should have more. FIFTH :-Our central office with an executive secretary. You all expressed by your vote at the general assembly that we are ready for an Executive Secretary. It is remarkable that here in Texas we have come as far as we have. This is all due to one individual. He has ak, done a remarkable job. We have arrived at a time when one individual should devote his full time to this job. Many things can be taken care of such as the better organization of our districts, correlation of our files with the AOA, public health activities, state affairs, etc., increasing of our membership and notificatiorl' to each member as to the activities of our Osteopathic profession here in Texas. Let's locate this office where it will do the most good for all concerned, let no selfishness enter into it. We have started so let's have your comments as to the duties that you wish your organization and Executive Secretary to perform. SIXTH:-Auxiliary to our profession. Each district and city where there are a number of practicing osteopathic physicians should see that a Lady's Auxiliary is formed. Affiliating with the National Auxiliary is essential. Each osteopathic physician encourages the ones in the formation of an auxiliary for your district and city. Your support and cooperation is asked at all times. The Texas Associa­ tion of Osteopathic Physicians and Surgeons is your organization. Devote all of the time you can with your profession. It should come first with each of you. There are o many ways that each osteopath can devote his time to his profession, do it now. Texas OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS' ]ounza/ The 47th Annual Post-Graduate Conference The 47th Annual Post-Graduate Conference of the Texas Association was one of the most successful in the entire history of the Association.
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