Manovich, Lev. "Index." Software Takes Command

Manovich, Lev. "Index." Software Takes Command

Manovich, Lev. "Index." Software Takes Command. New York: Bloomsbury, 2013. 343–357. Bloomsbury Collections. Web. 27 Sep. 2021. <>. Downloaded from Bloomsbury Collections,, 27 September 2021, 12:49 UTC. Copyright © Lev Manovich 2013. You may share this work for non-commercial purposes only, provided you give attribution to the copyright holder and the publisher, and provide a link to the Creative Commons licence. INDEX A to D see analog to digital 282–9, 291, 293, 296, 300, Abel, Robert 288 302, 305, 306, 307, 310, Abyss, The 21, 294 311, 319, 324, 325 ACM Digital Library 38–9 4.0 47 Acrobat 38, 269 After the Great Divide 250 8.0 188 Agre, Phil 12 designers 189 Ajax techniques 218 Acrobat Reader 195, 225 Aldus 283 Acrobat User Interface 188 Aldus Pagemaker 41 ActionScript 16 Alexander, Amy 13–14 Adobe 27, 46, 93, 113, 147, 211, algorithms 114, 128, 136, 137, 283, 302, 333 138–9, 146, 179, 181, 182, website 304 184, 197, 199–204, 215, Adobe Acrobat see Acrobat 216, 219, 220, 222, 270, Adobe Bridge 144 325, 337, 338, 340 Adobe Creative Suite 302 Algorithms Plus Data Structure Adobe Photoshop Touch 26 Equals Programs 207 Adobe Premiere Pro 304 Alias 41, 44, 148, 290, 311, 324 Advanced Research Projects AliasWavefront 148 Agency Network 183–4 Alice in Wonderland 259 aerial imagery 134 Alien 294 aesthetic theory 149, 150 Alsace 185, 187, 191, 196, 197, aesthetics 4, 45, 120, 121–2, 182, 237 236, 244, 252, 258, 259, Amazon 7, 9, 35, 92, 190, 191 277, 297, 303, 311, 318, Amazon Kindle 109 319, 322, 323, 324, 325 amplification 323–7 Baroque 215 analog to digital 153 hybridity 254–67 Anderson, Peter 299, 303 psychedelic 298 Android 7, 24, 26, 29, 182, 228 After Effects 2, 24, 39, 41, 44, 45, animation 29, 129, 145, 170 46, 49, 58, 75, 84, 90, 124, Anime Music Video 46 144, 179, 205, 246, 247, Antonioni, Michelangelo 338 248, 249, 255, 261, 278, Apeloig, Philippe 300, 303 344 INDEX Aperture 24, 124, 144, 225 Beatles 145 API 190, 191, 237 Bell, Alexander Graham 155 App Store 108 Bell, Daniel 100 Apple 6, 7, 39, 47, 57, 84, 85, 93, Bell Laboratories 57, 85 105, 107, 108, 109, 147, Bellona 322 164, 225, 333 Berners-Lee, Tim 21, 161 statistics 108 Bézier, Pierre 313 Apple IIe 20 Bilal, Enki 259 AppleScript 211 Bing Maps 143, 196 apps 9, 17, 24, 25, 31, 47, 50, biological evolution 167–8, 177, 108, 124, 148 233 architecture 41 theories 168 Architecture Machine Group 161 bitmap image 209 Arns, Inke 14 bit-mapped display 99 ARPANET see Advanced Blake, Jeremy 258, 260–1, 307, Research Projects Agency 314, 315, 319, 323 Network Blender 24, 39, 203 art 162 Blogger 2, 24, 27, 47, 206, 334 Art+Com 170, 187, 192 blogs 1 Artstor 228 Blowup 338 artworks 139 Blue Brain Project 236 ASCII text 209 Bogost, Ian 15, 42 Aspen Movie Map 80, 161, 164, Bolter, Jay 15, 58, 59, 61 165, 176, 181 books 78 Asympote 312 bootstrapping 83 Atari 84 Bordwell, David 276 Atkinson, Bill 105 Borges, Jorge 11 authoring 163 brands, global 6 AutoCAD 41, 44, 75, 312 Breathless 81 Autodesk 27, 85, 283, 333 browsers 35, 50, 150, 193 automation 128, 129 Bruges, Jason 164 Avatar 259 Brunelleschi, Filippo 40 Avid 59, 283 Bruner, Jerome 98, 233 theory of multiple mentalities Bach, J. S. 118 98, 100 Balthus 319 Burton, Tim 259 bandwidth 134 Bush, Vannevar 11, 63, 83 Bangalore 32 Memex 73 Barthes, Roland 81 Bass, Saul 40, 46, 279, 288 C++ 238 BBC CAD see Computer Aided Design Your Painting project 227, 228 Cameron, James 21, 58, 259 Beach Boys 145 Cars 280 INDEX 345 Cartesian space 294 computer painting 93 Castells, Manuel 15, 16 computer programming 208, 220, CD-ROMs 166 223, 239 cel animation 145 computer programs 34 CGI 259, 290, 291, 295 computer science 10 chat 2 computer scientists 31, 84, 91, children 98, 102, 104 156 Chiroco, Giorgio de 319 constructivism 121, 122 Chrome 2, 24 contrast 299 Chun, Wendy 15 Convert 257, 268 cinema 170, 236 Cook, Peter 315 cinematography 193, 199, 274 Cox, Geoff 14 CinePaint 206, 247 crafts 2 Cisco Systems 7 Cramer, Florian 14, 15 Civilization 329 creativity 97 CNN Crystal World 319, 322 website 6 Cubism 83 code studies 42 cultural anthropologists 32 Codecademy 17 cultural heritage coding 133 digitization 226 cognition 123 cultural memory 183 cognitive psychology 232 cultural studies 205 Coldplay 257 cursor 128 color reproduction 299 cut and paste 114, 122 Combustion 246 cyberculture 75 Coming of Post-Industrial Society, cyberspace 75 The 100 cyborgs 75 commands 114, 212, 225, 297 Common 257 D to A see digital to analog communication 205 dada sonification 115 communication studies 34, 228 Darwin, Charles 176–7, 239 communication theory 35 On the Origin of Species 176 compositing 277–82 Darwinism Computational Culture 12 literary 33 computational media 91, 93, 94, data manipulation 110–12 96, 97, 100, 135 data structures 197, 207, 201, Computer Aided Design (CAD) 220 93, 230, 283, 312, 313, 333 databases 38–9, 143 computer drawing 93 Datapoint Corporation 85 computer graphics 89, 118 DC Comics 180 Computer History museum 40 De Stijl 82 computer industry 55 aesthetics 121 computer metamedium 45 84 346 INDEX deep remix 45, 270, 318 eBay 7, 9 deep remixability 305, 324, 325 Edison, Thomas 154, 155, 156 Derrida, Jacques 81 editing 163 design Eisenstein, Sergei 40 visual 45 electronic devices 108 design studies 205 electronic literature 42 designers 93 electronics industries 223 desktops 60 email 2 Diesel 164 encoding 154 Digg 84 Engelbart, Douglas 5, 13, 40, 56, digital art 139, 166 60, 63, 71, 72, 73, 75, 78, Digital Art 162 83, 91, 92, 93, 96, 97, 102, digital compositing 144–7 104, 135, 162, 184, 225, digital computers 59, 135 329 digital culture 25 epistemology 337–41 Digital Darkroom 203 EPS 30 Digital Effects250 Epstein, Jean 119 digital imaging 201 Equalize 132 digital libraries 38–9 Ethernet 57 digital media 59, 132, 152, 155, Europeana 227, 228 219 evolution 45, 168 scholars 81 evolutionary biology 237, 239 digital photography 61–2 evolutionary theory 177 digital to analog 153 Excel 30, 220 digital video recorder (DVR) 35 exegesis 78 Director 21, 44 Expanded Cinema 92 Disney 85, 266 export 296–307 DJ Spooky 333 Expressionism 83 DJ/VJ/live cinema performances Expressive Processing 103 65 Extrude 130 Dourish, Paul 12 Dow Jones Industrial Average 6–7 Facebook 1, 2, 6, 9, 24, 27, 30, Dreamweaver 24, 39, 124, 165, 39, 47, 84, 124, 148, 149, 206, 247, 302 331 DSLR 338 fair trade certification37 Duff, Thomas 145, 146 Fall Joint Computer Conference Duncan, Isadora 40 72 DVD players 153 Farm Security Administration 227 DVR see digital video recorder feature films 179 Dynabook 64–91, 109, 231, 333 Ferro, Pablo 46, 254, 279, 298 Fessenden, Reginald 155 Earl King 80 FFmpeg 211 Earth Viewer 192 Field Studies 185 INDEX 347 file formats215 –19 game studies 205 files 135 GarageBand 145 film and TV studies 205 Gardner, Howard 233 Final Cut 2, 24, 32, 39, 75, 118, General Electric 7 124, 144, 179, 206, 247, General Motors 7 283, 325 General Perspective Projection 36 Final Cut Pro 47 Geocommons 38 findability 115, 119, 122, 124, Geographical Information Systems 151 (GIS) 45–6, 338 fine art 2 Gesamtkunstwerk 120, 318 Finlay, Karen 164 Giedion, Sigfried 5 Firefox 2, 24, 47, 92 Gimp 39, 50, 205, 247 Fischinger, Oskar 266, 286–7, GIS see Geographical Information 298, 315 Systems Flame 39, 206, 246, 252, 294 Glass, Philip 118 Flash 31, 84, 179, 206, 246, 300, global culture industry 27 302, 325 global information society 8 Flickr 30, 38, 47, 84, 92, 148, globalization 8, 85 150, 184, 191, 196–7, 227, Gmail 24 334 GMC Denali 257 Flickrvision 3D 189 Go 268, 271, 293 folders 29, 101, 135 Godard, Jean-Luc 279 Ford 7 Goldberg, Adele 64, 70, 97, 99, Foreign Office Architects314 100, 102, 104, 105, 110, Foucault, Michel 81 123, 140, 141, 150, 161, 4G 334 163, 176, 180–81, 329, Foursquare 38 333 Frame Imagery 279 Goodman, Nelson 65 Frantz, Matt 248 Languages of Art 65 Freehand 58 Google 1, 6, 7, 9, 23, 24, 27, 39, Freud, Sigmund 148, 149, 151, 190, 191, Interpretation of Dreams 169 198, 226, 287 Fry, Ben 105 algorithms 71 Fujihata, Masaki 185, 187 SketchUp 203 Fuller, Matthew 11, 14, 15 Google Analytics 30 functionality 221 Google Books 123 functions 137, 220, 221 Google Docs 25, 220 Fusion 247 Google Earth 2, 36, 37, 38, 45, Futurism 82, 83 48, 84, 143, 148, 163, 165, futurists 236 171, 182, 187, 192, 193, 195, 196, 204, 218, 234, Galloway, Alex 15 237, 277 game platforms 42 5.0 192, 195 348 INDEX 6.0 193 Hayles, Katherine 14, 15–16 GitHub 149, 330, 337 HCI Street View 36, 164, 195 designers 100 Google Image Search 114 experts 100 Google Maps 16, 24, 37, 38, 47, HD resolution 154 92, 143, 184, 190, 193 HDTV 302 Google Play 17, 26, 35 Hearfield, John 278 Google Scholar 147 Hewlett-Packard 84 Google Search 47, 331 High-pass 132 Google Trends 50, 118 HIPerSpace 332 Google+ 331 Hiroshima Mon Amour 81 Goriunova, Olga 14 Hitchcock, Alfred 279 GPS 182, 184, 185, 192 Hoch, Hannah 278 graphic design 170 Hockney, David 251 Graphic Design for the 21st hosting websites 28 Century 299 HTML 42, 84, 170, 179, 201, Graphical User Interface (GUI) 209, 218 20, 21, 55, 57, 62, 97, 99, markup 31 100, 101, 102, 108, 148, HTML5 80 188, 189, 211, 212, 221, Hugo 259 222, 233, 237, 283 Human Connectome Project 236 applications 109 human perception 123 graphics card 91 humanists 32 Graz, Kunsthaus 315 Huyssen, Andreas 250 Greenberg, Clement 120, 236 hybrid media 166, 171 Greenberg, Richard 288 hybrid visual language 258 Greenberg, Robert 288 hybridity 161–76, 184–95, 204, Greenpeace data 37 257, 267 Griffith, D.

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