PEACEMAKER |1 AT GENEVA PARLEY ApwicaB l^ o j AyerU Seri­ TORNADOES KILL Five of Thoa . PirpMitd.in PasHtePiuM^ ous Chsh at Anns Confer- TENINMIDWEST| HoiiiM A cjaliad n i^ d Before Smite eice bf Ifectinf a Com- BlUwiii-Aiepd^S^ l^esHeKs Heavy Property Damage Re­ i ^ - B o p r ’ : ^ by tovm| of Hatter— Says Hn;Pnii May 28 — lAP) ' • - * the prtvata banker Is to take special majbr excerpts from''care that 1^ habiting poaitioo ta re- ported in Fonr States — | QorkPoniiita Hhrs'ars a “ W - hiirdrahslta la at all tlmea ia Half BlUipii Dellaf Cesr '-CMaya, May 28^ ( ^ ) - N o r - the ■tatenlant of J. P. Morgan: ^ iiSta without hsritatIon ' W ,i suffldii^tljr s ti^ g X k X . miw H. Davla, Amarlcan ambaaaa- Scores h ped. cotiSldet the prtvdte bonkw ^ com—No Riecerds Kept d(5i> a t-la ^ ■ueoeeded today In Hartford, Mey 28r ~ C ^ )— ti^ e i asset end not a ngtiohai dan- He miiist be reqdy and wiUlqg at sv«rttBr< a. oarlous claab by effact- Identical petitions were prsssntsd to ail tlpses to give disintereeted ad- it,' - vira'to blf cliepte to tba best of ois of DirectOre Heetiiita, He Inf a cdmproinlaa at a secret par- Garden City, Kaa., May 28.—(AP) the House today a a l ^ rspdal of 1^ oC the^Big Five" of the disar- the liquor control bill and the cnaet- As to the theory that he b^ n xe a b ili^ .' ^rnadoes which whirled through too powerful, it must be Tsmember- oonfMrenca. ^ m ^ of 'the ^dwlh-Ajcbrn blU to Reports. with rbprasenUtivas of dust dariceoed skies left death ai^ sd that ahy power which ; heV bM Anotoer i^'im portant use-of I Qtfxnanyi Great Britain, Franca property damage in widely aliow sale.of.beer.hy town clerk per- comas,-not irons the possigseion of the private :.haBkar' i. to ssrvs Sw a and Italy ba obtained an agree* )d p e ^ of the mid-western wheat mita. All weM referred to the laige .'msiuu,' Cut from ths confi- vbarohy .igiduatry may be war 'country today. , dsnce of psopls in his iebaracter and provided with, oa^tai to meet its I Washington, May 28.— (AP)— meot to'diseuas armed forces, Reports over crippled communica­ judiipiary eommltliee.* ' Long-guarded secrets of tos great' material ai^ security against war erddit XXX'.- nee^ for expan^n and develop­ tion Unea Indicatoa ten persons vrwe ] ,1^ fly^ petltdoha were signed by bouse 'o f Morgan' wsro simultaneously. ' a.total- of apprmdmaMy M napass ment.. Prince was adamant that tim s^ dlled, sinren near Vryon, Nsb., two Tlis private banker Is a member thrust into light through teatlsmhy n Liberal, Kansas, and one near and Anumbsr of more'petitions ws^s of a prftessiOD'whiCb has been prac- cijrity dlF***— should not b« As to the charge that is frequent­ to a Senate commlttea by Its - ^ t - Mlnlater Jo* Garden City* ri^ rtsd to be ready for Istivdue- tloed'siBce the Middle AgM. sldetraOced. Foreign Scores were injured in tbs s U ^ A •KsfiAv search for ^Faxey" Gordon,' N ew York's' "Pub.lie. Vhsmy.. tlon. ly and, as V believer careleeely made spoken master, J. P. MdW“ * smh Paul-Boncour ■aid Franca ■tates and a dozen more were vic­ ' T ^ y 's lot were introduced by C. that banker* fm te' their way into it was praotif^y a bi^ bUUon dol- No. r ^ d rsfardsd tbs «* ^*^*^ We (the Morgan firm)' have never boards of dlTtotors,' 1 can only say was not disposed to agree to rat tims of a BalnvtUs. Mont, torn ^ sod two bedyfusrds wars-captured in a summer «oMkls at Nora E. Hutohitts, R«VUh|lean of H ar^'< baen satisfied with simply ksspteg .lar eoDcern but be was unfiware of bar army and destroy yesterday. Ten bulldingB were dc- Wbito lAks, i<. Y. Gordon is ui^sr indletmratdiasgl^ that, In my efiparience of over 40 al until she was assured that se ton; C. PqxiFqul i within the law. but have conatantte ■'ears, 1 can not ramathber u a part­ S S S d at BalnvUle. frshds^ounU ng to almost 1406,000. »ir # k f?l* rtowa, haad to I W astmgt^i Re- sought so to act that ws might fulfy eurity would be real. The K*"*** twisters struck d u r ^ ^ fses/ln police bsadqtmrtsrs at-New York after bls.cspturs. p i^ ca h of'S b a i^ i Bdwlfi B* X*iatt» observe tbs professional cods, and ner of the houB* taking a dureetor- '-(•I The ToUtlcal commission win y * a sand and dust storm which Mottra RepuhUpah of Bsiyg aad M:icbael J. So the credit and reputa­ shlp except at-the earnest request cuss security adjile the confmence out the sun and forced the use of of the board of-directors of the com- itself tackles tba qtiestira of d ls ^ Conhdr, pemocrat Enfield. tion which baa been- banded down pAny In queition/ artlflcial lights. The pMtfams follows:, toiue from our predeceeeers in- the under the comproii^ra ef* In addition, high winds, rain Md fectad by Davis, , who yesterday **To. obtain fo t Connecticut the firm.' bail pounded farming communities large revenue now being lost Though at tba present time there presented new American views on of Oklahoma; Kansas, Nebraska and CLAIMS 600 Is DO demand for ci^ tal for indus­ the disarmament questioo. Inter- through ^)TSS importation and untex- Since we have no more power of Colorado. ^ ed sdls of bs(^from ontsida>pon' knowmg the future than-any other try, thle ccndltloh wlU pais, and we nreted by Geneva commentatom as Wrecks Business C en ^ . men, 'we have made many mlstakee should not by. any means fores the calling the end of the H. L. Herring. Meade, Kas., oU nactlcut;y- --s;, . ' LOCATED IN THIS '*To asparate ths sals of bssr from (Who hac not during the paat five organization for dlstrlbutioD ot ss* policy of 'Isolatlra and neutrality In T«»n who witnessed the tornado at years?), but our mistakes have been cyrities of business, Isst, when Ubetml, Kansas, said the business tba trafSc in intoxicating liquor the event of war. both in tbs interests of temperance arrbrs of judgment and not of pr.n< tbers Is again a legitlmats demand H(dd Oonference ■ertl4<" there wss badly wrecked, for capital. It be found that the •povls, Rudolf Nadolny, Iff/Vhtg him to the belief the death and of law and order; dple. ' 'To assure the vote of Connecti­ machinery for distribution has dls-1 n soy, Shf John Simon of Britain toU there may mount \ Senator Fit^oald Declares.'UINGIIISCUSSION Another meet important duty of appeared. Barca Pompeo Alei^ I^y. ^ "About 5:80 p. m.," he said, ^ cut in favor Of tba repaal of the p«a-Boacour wrestled ^witb ^ dust in the air became so thick it 18th Amendment which was never thorny problem of procedure the was as dark as midnight Rain and There WiD Re IhoaMids ratified by C oo#itirat; Arthur Henderson, confer* bail bewan fa ll^ . Then the tor- ‘T o prevent m growth of a new chairman, while delegs.tas nado a t r ^ Seen K IftiiiM i Wage state prohibit^ condition which JURIST milFIES CRISIS IS PASSED ths samSsr coimtries represen t coming beiiause eg thi dust it would be.morO ihMsrabls than Ifa? ^ on the stseimg commlttae were im- five mhuitee. I had to'Steer tlonal prohibition; patSeot hecsnse of a two-hour iralL my car in and out betwuim house Legidition is NetRnattcd. jD itoleil in Senate, a T o save tha.'istate the m m ;ot *Tnhs Little Eotente—Csecbo-Slo- 10^ and debris in tbs streets to get 11254)00 or sacli Md' IWESENATORS valda. Juao-Slavla and Ramanl^ ■ iout of town." ' aries and of tM^ Uqhor d#cd4Bd to . otwBrtrt i A repmt received at Omaha, Nra., pjj^iNsseilhiHeasehy commisaloo; t t T a t e B e a g a ^ .Premier M i ^ i ^ y t ^ y said seven p e a a u w ^e HafitfoM, May 28— ( ^ ) — The Oopnaeti-. Senate rujmited MnfaiwpyWs npfirts 'AodTHB^ to resteep •flUara- ^^^S^poW _____ er paaea pact, hi>8 IbUed by a tornado whld» ;Cttt,r tSMi it will vi^huatly mgldb asiy toddy on tmo labor •hqhfiag rt|M ' tlriaSa this.Coveoaat®£*5.®i2lE!S . - ^ ’ * • , .V , thenairpe _________ iJWUfc i!»W oo iTiS ^ I wih?^£r&tiea. v « 5 e o $ e ? u 5 3 ^dldt»kaqdoy** ^ H artford, M ay, 28— T h d "Wa raspaetfuUy patltlen tba im- "Do you knqw yonr.fim E / It walfclearned eigfetboursofwmtkaddy. m nOh -driiatiid > b i^ contnd 'M |l anJ sumatery repeal ot Pdqr d Gann. return (ih oom e.tas) tor to t tw o 4 i y ^1^ noiUkfi cornmlsslcm decided L engthy-dlseasaiana daring w hich nrblcb Oras^* d efeated in th e Cbimter 140 ot tfap FUhUc Acts of period betw een Jaanaiy 1 * i | d -to tncorpmrate '/atfilngton]a co^ w arnings w r«e voiced against the after p a a b ^ the H onsc. w aa again 1988 and tbs snamment of tbs Al* # ^MmSMW tribiitioBt to the organization of invasloD of C onnecticut by sw eat* eom-Bsldwin MB tor ths sals of I tba su bjoA of a lonrdiscM saion in odm e p u e d . peace, as set forth by Davis yes­ ■hopa preceded'U M T rejection o f th e the H O neeioday bafore itw a a Anal­ beer by town daefe permita.'' .
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