Name Link FR POR SWA Affiliation Time Sources More Sources Abamun of Tarnut Ancient Coptic Church 4th century Coptic 1, p.1 Abba Aftse Ancient Orthodox 5th century Shaw 64 Abba Apollo Ancient Coptic Church 4th-5th JECS 7:547-571 (TVivian) Century Abba Aregawi Ancient Orthodox 5th century Shaw 64-65 Name Link FR POR SWA Affiliation Time Sources More Sources Abba Guerima Ancient Orthodox 5th century Shaw 64 Abgar Ancient Coptic Church 1st century Coptic 1, pp.7-8 Abilius Ancient Coptic Church 1st century Coptic 1, p.8 'Abraha ENG Ancient Orthodox 6th century S. Hable-Selassie, DEB 1975 5-6 (fl. 6th century) Name Link FR POR SWA Affiliation Time Sources More Sources Abraham and George Ancient Coptic Church 7th century Coptic 1, pp.12-13 of Scetis Abraham of Farshut Ancient Coptic Church 6th century Coptic 1, pp.11-12 Abraham of Ancient Coptic Church 6th century Coptic 1, p.13 Hermonthis Abraham of Minuf Ancient Coptic Church 4th century Coptic 1, pp.13-14 Name Link FR POR SWA Affiliation Time Sources More Sources Abraham of Phou Ancient Church 6th century OEEC 4 (TOrlandi) (d. 580 A.D.) 'Abreha ENG Ancient Orthodox 4th century B. Michael and A. Irvine, DEB 1975, 7 ? 'Abreham ENG Ancient Orthodox 4th-5th R. Pankhurst, DEB 1975 7 century Abu Jirjah Ancient Coptic Church 7th century Coptic 1, p.20 Name Link FR POR SWA Affiliation Time Sources More Sources Abuna Salama Ancient Orthodox 3rd century Baur 35 Frumentius Acacius Ancient Coptic Church 5th century Coptic 1, pp.48-49 Achillas Ancient Coptic Church 4th century Coptic 1, pp.55-56 (Bishop of Alexandria) Achillas (Saint) Ancient Coptic Church 4th-5th Coptic 1, p.56; ; OEEC 7 (UDionisi) (Arian priest) century Name Link FR POR SWA Affiliation Time Sources More Sources Adeodatus ENG Ancient Church 4th century Clyde Curry Smith, Ph.D.+ (372-390) Aedesius ENG Ancient Orthodox 4th century Baur 35; Shaw 62-63; A. Irvine, DEB (early 4th 1975 13 century) 'Afse ENG Ancient Orthodox 5th-6th A. Irvine and S. Metaferia, DEB 1975 century (fl. 14 late 5th/ early 6th cen.) Agathon (Saint) Ancient Coptic Church 4th-5th Coptic 1, pp.64-65 century Name Link FR POR SWA Affiliation Time Sources More Sources Agathon and his Ancient Coptic Church 4th century Coptic 1, pp.66-67 Brothers Agathon of Alexandria Ancient Coptic Church 7th century Coptic 1, pp.65-66; GEEC 33 (FWNorris) Agrippa Castor ENG Ancient Church 2nd century J 21; PG 5; OEEC 18 (GLadocsi); FOTC 100 41-42 Agrippinus ENG Ancient Church 3rd century OEEC 18 (VSaxer) (b. 220) Name Link FR POR SWA Affiliation Time Sources More Sources Agrippinus of ENG Ancient Church 2nd century GEEC 33 (FWNorris) Alexandria Alef ENG Ancient Orthodox 5th-6th A. Irvine and S. Metaferia, DEB 1975, century 18 ; Shaw 64 (fl.late 5th- early 6th century) Alexander (2) Ancient Church 4th-5th OEEC 842 (VSaxer) Century Alexander I Ancient Coptic Church 4th century Coptic 1, pp.81-85; PG 18; CPG (312-326) 2.2000-2017; Q3.1.2; ODCC 32; NIDCC 23-24 (GTDAngel); ODByz 56 (APapadakis); OEEC 20 (CKannengiesser); GEEC 30 (EFerguson); <P1>; DECL 10 (T Bohm) Name Link FR POR SWA Affiliation Time Sources More Sources Alexander II Ancient Coptic Church 8th Century Coptic 1, pp.85-87; GEEC 33 (705-730) (FWNorris) Alexander of Lycopolis Ancient Coptic Church 4th century Coptic 1, pp.87-88 Alexandra= Ancient Coptic Church 4th century Coptic 1, p.88 Ambrose pupil of Didymus, 4th Century J 126; OEEC 28 (EPrinzivalli); FOTC Ancient Church 100 160 Name Link FR POR SWA Affiliation Time Sources More Sources Ambrosius ENG Ancient Church 2nd century J 56; OEEC 28 (HCrouzel); FOTC 100 83 Ammianus Marcellinus Latin hist., Ancient 4th century ODByz 78 (BBaldwin); OEEC 30-31 Church (330-392) (MLASanfilippo); GEEC 45 (MPMcHugh); OCD 73-74 (JFMatthews) Ammonas Ancient Coptic Church 4th century Coptic 1, p.113; CPG 2.2380-2393; Q3.2.2; ODCC 44; OEEC 31 (JGribomont); GEEC 45-46 (MPMcHugh); DECL 21-22 (CSchmidt) Ammonius (1) ENG Ancient Church 2nd century J 55; Q2.1.5; NIDCC 36 (GTDAngel); FOTC 100 82 Name Link FR POR SWA Affiliation Time Sources More Sources Ammonius (2) Ancient Church 4th-5th ("Tall Brothers"); GEEC 46 Century (FWNorris); cf.ODCC 1320; cf.GEEC 1103-1104 (MPMcHugh); DECL 22 (C Schmidt) Ammonius (3) Ancient Church 5th century PG 85; TLG 2724; GEEC 46 (FWNorris) Ammonius of Tunah Ancient Coptic Church 4th century Coptic 1, p.114 Amoun Monk, Ancient Church 4th century NIDCC 36; cf.GEEC 771 (JEGoehring); (d.348) DECL 21 (C. Schmidt) Name Link FR POR SWA Affiliation Time Sources More Sources Amphilochius of Ancient Coptic Church 4th century Coptic 1, pp.114-116 Iconium Amun (Saint) Ancient Coptic Church 4th century Coptic 1, p.118 Anaeb ENG Ancient Orthodox 6th-7th R. Pankhurst, DEB 1975, 21 century (fl.6th or 7th century) Ananias Ancient Church 1st century GEEC 55-56 (MPMcHugh); Shaw 26 Name Link FR POR SWA Affiliation Time Sources More Sources Anastasia, Saint= Ancient Coptic Church 6th century Coptic 1, p.125 Anastasius Copt.Patr. Alex (607- 7th century PG 90; CPG 3.7725-7729; OEEC 35-36 619); Ancient Church (d.664) (DStiernon); GEEC 49-50 (FWNorris) Anastasius (patriarch) Ancient Coptic Church 6th-7th Coptic 1, pp.125-126 Century Anatolius Bp Laodicea, Syria; 3rd century J 73; PG 10; OEEC 37 (MSimonetti); Ancient Church CPG 1620; FOTC 100 105; DECL 26 (CSchmidt) Name Link FR POR SWA Affiliation Time Sources More Sources Anatolius (saint) Ancient Coptic Church 4th century Coptic 1, p.128; Andronicus Ancient Coptic Church; 6th-7th Coptic 1, pp. 131-132; GEEC 33 Copt.Patr.Alex Century (FWNorris) Anianus Ancient Coptic Church 1st century Coptic 1, pp.133-134 Annianus ENG Ancient Church 1st century GEEC 33 (FWNorris) Name Link FR POR SWA Affiliation Time Sources More Sources Anthony of Egypt (A) ENG FR Ancient Church 2nd-3rd J 88; PG 40; CPG 2.2330-2350; Quinn; Shaw 22, 33- century Q3.2.1; ODCC 65; PDS 49-50; NIDCC 34, 114, 294; Baur 24 (250-356) 51 (DFWright); ODByz 125-126 (JATimbie, AKazhdan); OEEC 44 (TOrlandi);GEEC 59-60 (FWNorris), 771 (JEGoehring); <P1,5>, FOTC 100 xxiv, 121, 122, 131, 159; DECL 34 (MPuzicha); Shaw 22, 33-34 Anthony of Egypt (B) ENG Ancient Church 2nd-3rd J 88; PG 40; CPG 2.2330-2350; Quinn; Shaw 22, 33- century Q3.2.1; ODCC 65; PDS 49-50; NIDCC 34, 114, 294; Baur 24 (250-356) 51 (DFWright); ODByz 125-126 (JATimbie, AKazhdan); OEEC 44 (TOrlandi);GEEC 59-60 (FWNorris), 771 (JEGoehring); <P1,5>, FOTC 100 xxiv, 121, 122, 131, 159; DECL 34 (MPuzicha); Shaw 22, 33-34 Antonius Honoratus Bp Constantine/ 5th Century OEEC 193 (VSaxer); Quinn 27 Numidia; Ancient Church Anub Ancient Coptic Church 3rd century Coptic 1, p.152 Name Link FR POR SWA Affiliation Time Sources More Sources Apa Abrahan Bp Hermonthius/ 6th-7th ODByz 127 (LSBMacCoull) Upper Egypt; Ancient century Church (554-624) Apaiule and Tolemaeus Ancient Coptic Church 3rd century Coptic 1, p.153 Apelles ENG Ancient Church 2nd century Q1.7.2.14; ODCC 66; OEEC 54 (CGianotto); GEEC 71 (DWDeakle); <P1>; DECL 34-35 (CMarkschies) Aphu Ancient Coptic Church 4th-5th Coptic 1, pp.154-155 century Name Link FR POR SWA Affiliation Time Sources More Sources Apoli Ancient Coptic Church 4th century Coptic 1, pp.172-173 Apollinarius Melk.Patr. Alex (541- 6th Century GEEC 33 (FWNorris) 570); Ancient Church Apollonia Martyr Alex; Ancient 3rd century PDS 52 Church (d.249) Apollonius ENG Ancient Church 2nd century J 42; FOTC 100 67; OEEC 59-60 (d.183) (VSaxer) Name Link FR POR SWA Affiliation Time Sources More Sources Apollonius and Ancient Coptic Church 4th century Coptic 1, pp.174-175 Philemon Apollos ENG Ancient Church 1st century ODCC 71 (mid 1st century) Aquilinus+ ENG Ancient Church 2nd century PDS 303-304; ODCC 1230; NIDCC 889 (d.180) (DFWright); OEEC 762 (VSaxer); GEEC 17 (DMScholer). Aragawi Monophysite; Ancient 5th century Bakke 73 Church Name Link FR POR SWA Affiliation Time Sources More Sources Ari Ancient Coptic Church 3rd/4th Coptic 1, pp.229-230 Century Arianus Ancient Coptic Church 4th century Coptic 1, pp.230-231 Ariat ENG Ancient Orthodox 6th century B. Michael, DEB 1975, 24 (fl.early 6th century) Arius Ancient Coptic Church 3rd-4th Coptic 1, pp.231-233; CPG 2.2025- century (c. 2042 (C.C.Smith); Q3.1.1; ODCC 84- 270- 336) 85; ODByz 172 (TEGregory,AKazhdan); OEEC 76-78 (MSimonetti); GEEC 114-115 (CKannengiesser); OCD 170 (JNDKelly); <P1,2,5>; DECL 49 (TBohm) Name Link FR POR SWA Affiliation Time Sources More Sources Arnobius Ancient Church 3rd century J 79; PL 5; CPL 93; Q2.4.4; ODCC 90; (d.304) NIDCC 71-72; OEEC 82 (PSinalesco); GEEC 119-120 (MPMcHugh); OCD 174-175 (WHCFrend, MJEdwards); FOTC 100 110-111; DECL 49-51 (RJakobi) Arnobius Junior African monk; Ancient 5th Century PL 53; CPL 239-243; ODCC 90; NIDCC Church 71 (GTDAngel); OEEC 82 (BStuder); GEEC 120 (MPMcHugh); DECL 51-52 (KDaur) Arsenios the Great Hermit; Ancient 4th-5th PG 66; ODByz 187-188 Church century (AKazhdan,NPSevcenko); OEEC 83 (354-445 (JMSauget); DECL 52 (MSkeb) A.D.) Arsenius Ancient Church 4th Century PDS 52-53; OEEC 83 (EPrinzivalli) Name Link FR POR SWA Affiliation Time Sources More Sources Arsenius of Scetis and Ancient Coptic Church 4th century Coptic 1, pp.240-241 Turah Arthemus Arian Prefect of Egypt; 4th century OEEC 83 (EPrinzivalli) Ancient Church (d.363) Asbeha ENG Ancient Orthodox 4th century A.
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