On the Inside ~ The Weather Dodgers Capture Series - Mostly fair today cmd tomorrow. No ... Paqe 2 Vet Tells of Cruel Beatings - decided temperature chcmq.. HlQh to­ . ••Paqe 5 owan day. 90; low 80. HlQh YHterelay. 88; nre fighters Near Vlclory - at . Pags 6 low 58 • Cst. 1868 - AP Leased Wire. AP Wireph::)\O. UP Leased Wire - flve Cenls Iowa City. Iowa. Thursday. Augu:os\ 25. 19(9 - Vol. 83. No. 227 (- Yugoslavia Lashes At Albania For Alleg.ed Border Incidents * * * Do E g... r Beavers Have Legs~ Says Premier t PRACUE f/P)-The Czechoslovak army yest rday outlawed Snubs ovi th lJin-u 0 elrl. 'Il,1' ll:-my d reej that in place of pictures of shapely cuUes wear• •lg 101 1.1Jch of anything the soldier. should put up in their Works Against Doye (ooi s b.lr:lcks ".1"8<1115. llirtuns of shock w':r.{ers and ex mples of our rlKhllll/! lrm'illOn," WASH''lGTON - . till, Se reo A sliocl, w _d ' er is Gn sg r L, ~ver who, e producllon is above Own Country average. tary Dean Acheson yeslt'rday 53 id BELCRADE, YUGOSLAVIA flI'I qU'sio's "saber ra"tling" in the - Marshal THo's governm{nt Balkans exposes Moscow's so­ la8hed oul at the C:Jmmun!st re­ call d peace olf nsi\' as a gi~nt gime at Albania last night, after hoax. Vaughan's Pal Discloses t(lllng Russia to mind Its own business, and said that Yugoslavia Acheson told :I news conference I A ed' 5 P I A Communists everywhl're will have I was "the detendEr ot thp Intp1""~ ~ great diftlculty reconciling the In- e s ercen er cis of the Albanian people," creasingLy viol nt attacks against Premier Enver Hoxha of Al­ Marshal Tito of Yugo~lavia with WASTIr. 'OT • (.AP) - f'nstors heard t("timony Y" bania, who sided with Russlll Moscow's often repeated d sir s t rda) thtH a ain Iinkf'u thp nam . of . 1a.i . Gen. linny \'augh.1II In the Tlto - Kremlin dispute, for peace, tht Pr.. id.'uf' miIiIHI·.'· /licIl' (Ilal .Tohn . fororon. II "worklnl' _pi net h:..s o",n That IB, hI' aid, if ammun­ 'r1w lfstimollY callie f"OILl un old wurtimp budlly of \'8ugh811 's. people," It was charl'ed. Ists anywhere pos es any Int I· The YUioslav government pub- ,1o" I", .\1; J fl I" wit" 1-11 it! lectual honest" which t1ley do lished what It called an explana­ not. Vallf!IWII .·,,,1 him Idsjuh lI'ith ion to Yugoslavs of two recent the wnr ;1'.( ts adminlstl',tion, Pres~dent Inks Pact, Albanian notfs complaining of al­ Of course, said Acheson wryly, MaJor . II ill M' • sgon lI~lwcl him leged frontier violations. Communists will try to pass oft to wl'ite a ut'rsua iv!' leiter to a this saber rattHng as the cooing Its statement said that the Al­ New York firm, asking it tJ do Calls on Memb'ars banian notes were part of the of a dove. business with Ge ~l'~e 0, RJgner "ampalgn of the Communist bu­ But, he added with a smile, It )1 Pitt burgh. seems the dove hns a som whnt To Unite for Peace reau of information (Cominform' sore thront. Marlillon was repres oting flag- seeking to blamp Yugoslavia for Ache on cOmmenLrd the Ullit. ner:lt Ih!' lime, WASHINGTON Ill'! - President "unrest" along the Yugoslav-Al­ ed • til II's Is follow!nr with great Mlljor said Maragon told h1m Truman yesterday proclaimed the banian border. Fire Roars Through Bla ck Hills National FOlest Interest the exchenre of bitter Vaughan would sign thp 1 tter. nurth Atlantic s curlty pact in "Hoxho's group of Cominf"rm­ notes between SovIet RUllsia and Th subcornmittee h 'arin" look­ fOrce, .. nd call d on the 12 na­ ists are worklni against their TIfE BLACI{, HILL.Y natiflllal fore~t ill SC;J tlt J;.Jkotn was tllel 'IlK ollt of control wIlen tIle picture wos Ink .. n. The flames spread Yuroslllvla, one. Ume allies in Lng Into th!' activitieb of five per­ tlOll, thu~ ulhcd against Commu­ own people by l'Jlaminv: Yugoslav­ leem! ye51erdoy or oGe 01 tim! state's worst forest I . res. Tile blaze Into pralr:,. lalltl lind enulllIlll'r d the vlJ/a,.e of Tilford, but a hastl· world communism. centers - m '" who ofter t.) help nist aggression to "rededicate" Ia, which at all international con­ "'liS tlelecteel iale 'luestlay. Tbls crOWD lire (above), Ie Jl pin 8' ly- buJlt sofety strip stopped the flames IIhor~ cf the v illage's bulld- Hp dpcllned 10 commpnt on Ihe Innd go\' rnnwnt contracts in re- them ely s to a common struggle ferences has served as the defend­ throueh tbe tOllS cf flUl:'C ponderas' pines III tlle forest, was burn- ings. See story, pllg(' ~f<oc. general polltlcal slgnffance, how- turn for II per('entagc, r !' Is for world p are and stahility. -r of the interests of the Alban­ ever. slowly rpachfng a I'lilllax. A t the same time, he as ured ian people and always showed a Acheson also defended the ad- Chairl1lan Iydl' 110 y (D-NC) Rus ia that "no IIIlUOn need -lesire tJ be a friend ot the Al­ ministration's White Po pCI' on said he hop s to wind it up this fear" th~ mutual defense treaty banian people," the government's .China as "a fair nnd honesl. re- week, and guve r porters this pro- be a u,e It is aimed at prevent· !!xDlanation said. cord", nnd dismissed (IS false gram: In ~, not cau Inl, war. 'fbat was Western dlDlomats said that AU t h0 r charges thnt it was doctored to Tuduy either MaraKon or his reply to ommunlst charrts Marshal Tilo's "hands oU" note Wort ·As 8-36' to the pact Is an "aeere Ive con· evealed Memo cover mistakes, Hunt will be askcd l!'sUty. '0 RUSSia, warning it not to The secretary's remnrks on th HUnt mny not uppear, however. splrllcy" Ilfllinst the Soviet Un- meddle in Yugoslavia's Internal af· YUlloslav situation referred to In- Ilis lawyer hus suid Hunt is Ill, 1011. [airs, was the best he ever sent. 10 SeU~e e fs ~ Free .Medical, Care creased pr,essure Moscow has put and thnt an appeuranc berol'(' the Mr. Truman s;gned ihe historic In effect, they said, THo ad­ U.S. Help G Suspended W hen on Tlto because be refuses Lo f II committee lAIou.\tJ i n'l..i) his prc>clo.motion at a While House dressed blmse1! fb an' Ctlmrm,/!!l'Kt In line wllh Stalin's pOlici es, heaUh. ceremony lI!tended by Secretary 'lartic s In the world, te)lIng them Strikes Caned Step He Tells Investigators May End in Britain though he seems willing to com~ FI'iduy - Vaughnn. of Stut 0 'an Ach son, Secretary 'hat the basis of his quarrel with promise to avoid Will'. William P_ Rogers, commillf'e ot Det ·nse Louis J ohnson, um ~ussia was whether the Kremlin --------- counsel, Ctolllment cI that during Q WASHII GTO (AP) _-' A '. navy ofl'i(· ill I Slh rnnkillg diplomats of other pact had the right to dictate to any Tovvard Dictatorship '~ :H; If Crisis Continues SAY POLIO TAPER. OFF clos d h oring MIHngon had said (If'ndelf yesterday flft PI' ndm llt mg he wrote an lIIlOllylll(JU~ 1II.'!110 powers. oarty or any government. WA~HINGTON Ill'I - Thr U.S, h n'vel' had talk d With M;Jjor MeanWhile, the senate fOrelm 11to allo put ~he Russians on darkly implying the ail'fol'ce's B-36 sllpel'bombl'l' progrum "'.1 II LONDON (A» - A reliable in­ WASHINGTON (JP)- A former formant said yesterdny Britain's public health service reported yes- about url'anging I)Urrhases trom relll.L1on and armed ervlces Ihe IPot, diplomats laid, b, of­ billion-dollar lemon foistl'd on the taxpayers by II utlserll plIlolls" federal coal mines ndministrator, Labol" government may have to , rday that. one of the most crlli- the government. ommHtees continued closed· ferll1&' to lend home all the So­ .10W a top steel industry execu­ men. cal polio Epidemics in the na-, R plied Major: door deliberatIons 011 Mr. Tru. viet cltlsen. In YUl'oslavla who tive, said YLsterday the practlcE' consider dOing away with Its Cree "I'hl' official is edric R. Worth, formel' movie script writer medical service if next month's lion's history now appears to b "I Just go t through telling you m n's $1,450,000,000 arm!! aid wished t.3 ro. of having government [act find­ Rnd n(,'w, papel'man who be('8me dollar-pound talks In Washington tapering ott. h did, Mr. Rogers." pro&,ram. but araln put oft a Many of these 12,000 former ing boards step into major dis­ ra 1. ----, showdown on proposed culs In Czarist Russians, refugees since putes is a step toward a controlled sprcial u.~sistant to Navy Undel'- Say P · S f miUtllry aid funds for Atla.ntlc the Bolshevik rEvolution of 1917, I ecretary Dan Kimball. This Informant. a. man close economy. nce uppor s pact members. are potential fifth columnists In Le s than four hours after he to the government, said Labor­ The view was given the senat Ite leaders are waUlor until tbe Truman Asks States' Righlers The White House ceremony be­ Yugoslavia.
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