Summer Halachos & Minhagim Practical Guide for a Safe and Chassidish Summer Including Halochos and Minhagei Chabad relevant to traveling, trips, and in the Country From the Badatz of Crown Heights Summer 5773 (2013) – FREE TRANSLATION – Erev Shabbos Parshas Pinchas, Tamuz 20, 5773 By popular demand, as in past years, we are pleased to release a revised and significantly expanded synopsis of laws and customs that are especially relevant to the summer months. We take this opportunity to repeat the Badatz’s call of previous years regarding tzni’us. The issue becomes particularly acute during the vacation period. Our intent is to remind and encourage everyone to pay extra attention to this critical matter. In addition to observing personal tzni’us, everyone is urged to encourage others in a pleasant and peaceful manner to restore and strengthen the observance of tzni’us. Many naturally shy away from broaching the topic with others for lack of courage, but this is a time of crisis in our community. The Rebbe taught us that during times of urgency, and especially when a person feels that something matters deeply to him, he is capable of bringing to the fore strengths and skills he never imagined he possessed, and he can achieve wonders. In the merit of observing the laws of tzni’us b’hiddur, bringing respect and sanctity to our community, may we merit the fulfillment of the blessings associated with this mitzvah: “Hashem your G-d goes in the midst of your camp to save you and to subdue your enemies before you, but your camp must remain sanctified,” “His offspring will be mighty in the land,” along with the blessings of healthy, upright, blessed children, personal salvations, and the salvation of our entire people with the true and complete Redemption—may it occur immediately! [Signed]: Rabbi Aharon Yaakov Schwei Rabbi Yosef Yeshaya Braun Member of Badatz Member of Badatz 2 Laws for the Summer Months Yosef Yeshaya Braun The following points were distilled from a series of public shiurim that were delivered by Horav shlita, member of the Badatz of Crown Heights.* For a more complete compendium, additional information, and extensive references, please see the Hebrew version. It is important for those who spend the summer in first pray if the time for Shacharis has arrived. This the country to learn the laws that are especially law appears unique to Shacharis, not to Minchah or relevant to their situation. It is also important to to Ma’ariv. There seems to be justification for leaving contact a Rav should any queries arise. The Badatz before praying if the alternative would entail sitting in can be reached on 718.604.8000, extensions 2 and 3. heavy traffic, provided one has already recited birchos hashachar. Travelling to the Country If there is no minyan at one’s present location but there will be a minyan at his destination, he should delay When to Travel praying if he is certain to arrive in time for Shacharis. Many laws come into play when going to the country, If one has already set out on his trip and will arrive at from the moment one embarks on his journey. Some his destination before the time for Shacharis expires, of these considerations are presented below: it is preferable that he delay praying until he arrives 1. Chazal teach us that “one should always set out on rather than praying while seated in a vehicle. a trip at a good hour,” meaning that he should invest One should not plan to spend his vacation in a considerable effort into leaving during daylight hours. location where no minyan exists, unless it is required Although there may be justification for leniency in for health reasons or similar significant concerns. this matter in modern society, the darkened country roads and added difficulty in reading signs make this 3. When setting out on a Friday one must leave particularly relevant for those traveling to the plenty of time to arrive well in advance of Shabbos, country. bearing in mind the possibility of considerable traffic delays. This is the case only if his Shabbos 2. One who plans to set off early in the morning must requirements will be prepared for him by others at his destination. If, however, he will have to make his own *) This is in addition to THE SUMMER BUTTERFLY: It’s In Our Hands 5771 and from The Desk of Badatz Vol. 3, Summer preparations upon arrival, he must leave with plenty 5772. of time to arrive and to prepare. 3 How to Travel While Travelling 1. Out of ahavas yisrael and as an act of kindness, 1. When travelling beyond city limits, one must recite one should inform others of his travel plans to and tefillas ha-derech. If easily achievable he should stand from the country so that others can join him if they to recite the blessing. The obligation to stand share the same destination. (He is not obligated to do depends on circumstance, as illustrated by the fact so if it will cause him financial loss.) that when the Rebbe Rashab would travel in a horse drawn carriage he would pray while seated. In such a 2. In consideration of the Torah obligation to protect setting, the obligation is to stop moving rather than oneself from harm, he should take all standard to actually stand. While traveling by train, however, precautionary measures. For example, the vehicle the Rebbe Rashab would pray while standing. should be fit for travel and contain sufficient gas for the trip. Both driver and passengers should wear Tefillas ha-derech should be recited during the actual their seatbelts. A map or GPS should be brought journey, but not before exiting the city limits. People along for trips through unfamiliar territory. say that on the Rebbe’s trip to Camp Gan Israel he recited the blessing after exiting the Tappan Zee A driver has an obligation to drive safely and to Bridge, which crosses the Hudson River. According ensure that he remains alert on long trips. The Rebbe to some authorities, when headed upstate one should advised stopping once an hour on long trips to recite the blessing after exiting the George refresh oneself and remain alert. The Rebbe Washington Bridge. repeatedly advised placing seforim such as a chitas in the car, as well as a tzedakah box, for added 2. If for some reason one is forced to stop and pray protection. (Shacharis, Minchah, or Ma’ariv) along the roadside he should preferably avoid praying in the open. 3. One must avoid potential situations of yichud Rather, he should pray among trees, next to a wall, while travelling. This is especially important while beside his vehicle, and the like. He should also make travelling at night or alongside country roads that do certain that the location in which he prays is suitable not have pedestrian traffic. from a standpoint of tzni’us. He should dress General laws of yichud: It is forbidden for a woman appropriately for prayer, wearing a hat and jacket or girl over the age of bas mitzvah to remain alone in and a gartel, and so on, as required by halachah. a state of yichud with a man or boy over the age of 3. If one encounters a fellow Jew whose car is stuck nine. Similarly, it is forbidden for a man or teenager or broken down it is an important mitzvah to stop over the age of bar mitzvah to remain in a state of and do everything possible to assist him, and not to yichud with a girl over the age of three. Yichud leave him alone on the roadside. applies even there is one man and two or more women. The reverse, when there are two or more Vacation Destinations men and one woman is not necessarily yichud, depending on circumstances. The laws of yichud are 1. One must plan a vacation in a location that is in extensive, and one is advised to consult a Rav keeping with the spirit of Judaism and Chassidus. regarding any situation that may involve yichud. Rather than finding a place that is suitable for his body, he must find a place that is also (and more In Sefer Ha-Sichos 5751, the Rebbe advised: “A importantly) suitable for his soul. This includes Jewish woman or girl must be careful about traveling determining in advance the identities of those with in a car or taxi driven by a male where the issue of whom he will be vacationing. As the Rambam writes, yichud may apply. There is much halachic debate on “By man’s very nature his outlook and actions will be this topic and in cases such as these one should influenced by his friends and acquaintances.” clarify the relevant details with a Rav.” 4 In the Country There is also some debate over whether this applies to travel by foot or by vehicle. Some say that there is Matters of Timing no limit at all if the minyan is in his city.) 1. There is usually a difference in the halachic times 3. When one is traveling and has his tallis and tefillin between New York City and Upstate New York. One in the car he should keep them out of direct sunlight must be careful to rely on a calendar or device that is so that they are not damaged by the heat. accurate for his current location. It is important to know the precise times of sunrise, sunset, nightfall, Torah Study etc., for the sake of Shabbos and many other laws.
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