SAE UPDATE PAGE 1 MAY 2005 MAY 2005 VOL. 22, NO. 5 SAE President visits “Tonight Show” set DOD partnership alive and well Over the years, SAE has been called upon, particularly during times of national emergency, to assist the armed services in developing technologies critical to their success. SAE Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Offi cer Raymond A. Mor- ris recently spoke on the SAE-Department of Defense (DOD) partnership at the 2005 Defense Standardization Program Confer- SAE members contributed to the development ence on March 8 in Chantilly, VA. of the Class B Truck during World War I. Perhaps the area that SAE and the DOD this achievement, a medal of recognition have had the most infl uence on each other was placed on all Class B trucks put into is standards. SAE has converted more than service. 1600 DOD standards and specifi cations into SAE standards, and the DOD has adopted The tradition continued over the years more SAE standards than any other stan- and again in World War II, during which dards-developing organization. SAE held aircraft production and defense transportation meetings, and various SAE “SAE continues to work with various mili- committees served in an advisory capacity tary commands to address standardization to the War Department. needs,” said Morris, “and SAE has contrib- uted to the development of approximately Several years ago, one of the events that 1800 ground vehicle standards and 6600 had traditionally been conducted by SAE aerospace standards.” was once again put under the stewardship of SAE. For the past three years, SAE has SAE played an important role in defense worked closely with the Offi ce of the Under as early as World War I. In 1917, representa- Secretary of Defense for Maintenance Policy tives from SAE were involved in a number and Programs and administered the DOD of critical war-related engine and truck de- Maintenance Symposium. This symposium velopments. In just 69 days, SAE members is uniquely focused on DOD weapon system 2005 SAE President J. E. “Ted” Robertson presented SAE member Jay Leno with two gifts helped design and produce a 5-ton (4.5-t) on behalf of SAE—a copy of the new book, The SAE Story: One Hundred Years of Mobility, military truck, known as the Class B Truck, and an SAE leather jacket. Robertson met the “Tonight Show” host March 11, after a taping for the War Department. In recognition of See DOD PARTNERSHIP p. 5 of the show in southern California. Paul Glessner, a member of SAE’s Southern California Section, was responsible for arranging the visit to the NBC talk show. SAE signs Technical Cooperative Agreement with NATO Standardization Agency On March 8, SAE International signed a Morris said. “I look forward to witnessing Technical Cooperative Agreement with the the fruits that are borne of these important NATO Standardization Agency (NSA) to and collaborative efforts.” support the mutual value of cooperating in Under the terms of the agreement, pro- all fi elds of standardization. The American grams of planned work and standardization National Standards Institute (ANSI), of priorities will be shared in both directions which SAE is a member, and the American between NATO partners and civil standards Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) organizations. Also, NATO partners will also signed agreements with the NSA. be welcomed to participate in technical It is believed that the agreement will allow committees to help shape standards that for technical cooperation that will enhance may become the basis for Standardiza- interoperability, lower costs, and improve tion Agreements. Through cooperative effi ciencies. This cooperation benefi ts Amer- coordination agreements, civil standards ican taxpayers, industry, and warfi ghters, organizations will facilitate the adoption of and brings similar benefi ts to the 26 NATO their standards. SAE Executive Vice President and Chief nations and the NATO Alliance. The NSA is an independent NATO agency Operating Offi cer Raymond A. Morris was The agreement was signed on SAE’s be- whose mission is to initiate, coordinate, on hand for the signing of the Technical half by Raymond A. Morris, SAE Executive support, and administer standardization Cooperative Agreement with the NATO Standardization Agency. Vice President and Chief Operating Offi cer, activities conducted under the authority at the Defense Standardization Program of the NATO Committee for Standardiza- and commonality” in the operational, Conference in Chantilly, VA. tion. Standardization is defined within procedural, materiel, technical, and ad- “The agreement promises to ensure com- NATO as the process of developing con- ministrative fi elds. The primary products prehensive standards as they relate to the cepts, doctrines, procedures, and designs of this process have been Standardization mobility industry, military, and otherwise,” to achieve and maintain the most effective Agreements between member nations. levels of “compatibility, interchangeability, Leading Our World In Motion 1905-2005 MMayay UUpdatepdate 33-24.indd-24.indd 1 44/7/05/7/05 11:11:35:11:35 PPMM SAE UPDATE PAGE 2 MAY 2005 EDITORIAL MESSAGE FROM THE PRESIDENT Celebrating a century China and the mobility industry As someone new to SAE, it is exciting to join and view exhibits commemorating this In my last UPdate column, I presented my But another such a well-established and well-respected milestone. The technical session “Signifi cant presidential areas of focus, which revolve impressive com- organization as it celebrates its 100th year. Milestones in 100 Years of Mobility Engi- around the theme of “Tradition, Transi- ponent with re- Upon becoming a part of SAE and learn- neering” on April 12 will explore in depth tion, and Transformation.” Readers may gard to China’s ing of its rich history and infl uence in the SAE’s importance in the evolution of the recall that global growth—especially in the mobility industry mobility industry, I cannot help but feel a automobile. regions of China and India—was one of the revolves around sense of pride to be part of this institution. May will provide two excellent opportu- key components of the transition area. SAE the tremendous To be part of an organization that has ties to nities to celebrate this milestone. A special needs to be recognized as a valuable asset to engineering tal- transportation pioneers such as Henry Ford 100th Anniversary Reception featuring potential members and companies in these ent pool that is and Orville Wright is a distinct honor. keynote speaker astronaut Gene Cernan will countries to ensure excellence in engineer- native to this I continue to be impressed by the breadth be held May 10 at the Smithsonian National ing and consistency in design standards—as country. My role of the organization and its importance in Air and Space Museum in Washington, D.C., well as to enhance their professional growth. at GM allowed the automotive, commercial vehicle, and and the SAE Foundation Banquet at the This is an area that I intend to cultivate me to witness this aerospace sectors. The society’s 84,000-plus Renaissance Center Wintergarden, May 24 to the best of my ability as the 2005 SAE talent fi rsthand; I hired outstanding design members from more than 97 countries and in Detroit, MI, will commemorate the cen- President. engineers from this country, instantly ap- the thousands of SAE technical standards tennial and help raise funds for the society’s In light of that, I will be traveling to preciating their innovative ideas and intel- that are in use today are examples of SAE’s many educational programs. China for several SAE events, including ligent solutions. standing in the transportation industry. The annual Mini Baja West student design the SAE China and SAE International Joint Challenges, of course, exist, both to Through attending several of the events competition has even been modifi ed in rec- Symposium on Automotive Electronics the China-based manufacturers and the held to recognize SAE’s centennial and ognition of the anniversary. This year’s SAE and Advanced Technology for Meeting worldwide industry. And an abundance talking to fellow employees, I have been Mini Baja 100 four-hour endurance event Emission Requirements, which will be held of engineering talent certainly exists in able to achieve a better understanding of has been transformed into a 100-mile race. April 20-22 in Shanghai. I look forward to every corner of the world. But there is no visiting this majestic country, although this question as to the importance of China’s the breadth of this organization. Events cel- Although I was not around for any of will not be my fi rst trip there. In one of my role in the global arena. And those players ebrating SAE’s centennial will continue to be SAE’s fi rst 100 years, I am confi dent the roles at General Motors, I was responsible from across the world who call on China’s held throughout this year, and I encourage all organization and its legacy will continue for trucks produced in China, so I visited tremendous engineering resources and who of you to take time to acknowledge this mile- to grow. As a new class of engineers enters the country many times. are committed to working collaboratively stone and refl ect on past achievements. the workforce, with it is sure to come a with China-based companies are sure to As this issue goes to print, fi nal prepara- new collection of ideas that will help fuel Of course, China is recognized across reap great benefi ts from such efforts. tions are being made for the SAE 2005 World the evolution of safety, fuel economy, and the world for much more than its beauty, Congress.
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