12486 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE May 14, 1987 *Major General Ronald L. Watts, U.S. nel (list begins with John H. Bubar) (Ref. and second time by unanimous con- Army to be lieutenant general (Ref. 239) 291) sent, and referred as indicated: *In the Navy there are 24 promotions to **In the Marine Corps there are 193 ap- By Mr. DECONCINI (for himself, Mr. pointments to the grade of lieutenant colo- the grade rear admiral (lower half) (list HATCH, and Mr. LAUTENBERO): begins with Robert Heber Ailes) (Ref. 240) nel (list begins with Paul R. Ahrens) (Ref. S. 1200. A bill to amend title 35, United *In the Navy there are four promotions to 292) States Code, with respect to patented proc- the grade rear admiral (lower half) (list *General Earl T. O'Loughlin, U.S. Air esses, patent misuse and licensee challenges begins with Lewis Mantel) (Ref. 241) Force, to be placed on the retired list in the the .Benjamin Franklin Montoya, U.S. Navy, grade of general (Ref. 311) to patent validity; to the Committee on to be rear admiral (lower half) (Ref. 242) *Lieutenant General Alfred G. Hansen, Judiciary. **In the Naval Reserve there are 43 ap- U.S. Air Force, to be general (Ref. 312) By Mr. PROXMIRE: pointments to the grade of lieutenant (list "Robert A. Stroud, U.S. Army, to be lieu- S. 1201. A bill to prevent consumer abuses begins with Gregory A. Barber) (Ref. 243) tenant colonel (Ref. 313) by credit repair organizations; to the Com- *In the Marine Corps there are 93 ap- **In the Army there are 60 appointments mittee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Af- pointments to the grade of colonel (list to the grade lieutenant colonel and below fairs. begins with Eileen M. Albertson) (Ref. 244) (list begins with Dennis L. May) (Ref. 314) By Mr. HELMS: *General James J. Lindsay, U.S. Army to **In the Army there are 359 appointments S. 1202. A bill to extend the temporary be reassigned (Ref. 255) to the grade colonel and below (list begins duty suspension for m-toluic acid; to the -Vice Admiral Lewis H. Seaton, U.S. Navy, with David L. Bunner) (Ref. 315) Committee on Finance. to be placed on the retired list in the grade *Lieutenant General Peter G. Burbules, By Mr. GRASSLEY (for himself, Mr. of vice admiral (Ref. 256) U.S. Army, be placed on retired list in the LAUTENBERG, Mr. DOLE, Mr. METZ- -Vice Admiral James H. Webber, U.S. grade of lieutenant general (Ref. 320) ENBAUM, Mr. BOSCHWITZ, MS. MIKUL- Navy, to be placed on the retired list in the *Major General John T. Myers, U.S. Army, SKI, Mr. SYMMs, Mr. MCCAIN, Mr. grade of vice admiral (Ref. 257) to be lieutenant general (Ref. 321) D'AMATO, Mr. MURHOWSKI, Mr. .. In the Army there are 243 promotions to *Major General John S. Crosby, U.S. KARNES, Mr. PACKWOOD, Mr. SPEC- the grade of lieutenant colonel (list begins Army, to be lieutenant general (Ref. 322) TER, Mr. HECHT, Mr. DECONCINI, Mr. with Angelo A. Armondo) (Ref. 258) *Major General Edward Honor, U.S. HEIMS. Mr. SIMON, Mr. CHILES, Mr. .*In the Army there are 34 promotions to Army, to be lieutenant general (Ref. 323) DIXON, Mr. LEvIN, Mr. TRIBLE, Mr. the grade of lieutenant colonel (list begins **In the Navy there are 767 promotions to GRAHAM, Mr. GRAMM, and Mr. KEN- with William V. Adams) (Ref. 259) the grade of commander (list begins with NEDY): **In the Army there are two promotions Austin Gray Abercrombie) (Ref. 324) S. 1203. A bill to amend title 22, United to the grade of colonel and below (list *Major General George R. Stotser, U.S. States Code, to make unlawful the estab- begins with Maynard C. Sandberg) (Ref. Army, to be lieutenant general (Ref. 335) lishment or maintenance within the United 260) *Brigadier General Donald Burdick, U.S. States of an office of the Palestine Libera- **In the Navy there are three promotions Army, to be major general (Ref. 336) tion Organization, and for other purposes, to the grade of lieutenant commander (list *Brigadier General Charles J. Wing, U.S. to the Committee on Foreign Relations. begins with Ernesto Alberto Diaz-Ordaz) Army, to be major general (Ref. 337) By Mr. HATCH (for himself and Mr. (Ref. 261) **In the Air Force Reserve there are 6 GARN): .. In the Navy there are 197 promotions to promotions to the grade lieutenant colonel S. 1204. A bill to amend section 339(a) of the grade of captain (list begins with James (list begins with Ian R. Anderson) (Ref. 338) the Public Health Service Act to provide for William Allen) (Ref. 262) "In the Air National Guard there are 19 demonstration grants relating to home *General Lawrence A. Skantze, U.S. Air promotions to the grade of lieutenant colo- health services; to the Committee on Labor be placed on retired list in the Force to nel (list begins with David H. Adams) (Ref. and Human Resources. grade of general (Ref. 264) 339) By Mr. HATCH (for himself and Mr. *Lieutentant General Bernard P. Ran- **In the Navy Reserve there are 47 ap- GARN): dolph, U.S. Air Force, to be general (Ref. pointments to the grade of commander and S. 1205. A bill to amend section 339 of the 265) below (list begins with Gregory A. Fowler) Public Health Service Act to extend support *Lieutenant General Winston D. Powers, (Ref. 340) for training programs for individuals who U.S. Air Force, to be placed on the retired "In the Army there are 16 appointments provide home health services: to the Com- list in the grade of lieutenant general (Ref. to the grade lieutenant colonel and below mittee on Labor and Human Resources. 266) By Mr. HATCH (for himself, Mr. *Lieutenant General Spence M. Arm- (list begins with Gregory L. Cook) (Ref. 343) **In the Army there are 238 promotions to GARN, and Mr. BRADLEY): strong, U.S. Air Force, to be reassigned (Ref. 267) the grade major and below (list begins with S. 1206. A bill to amend the Public Health *Major General Michael P.C. Cams, U.S. Kay E. Bratz) (Ref. 344) Service Act to establish a program for the Air Force, to be lieutenant general (Ref. **In the Army there are 250 appointments provision of health care services in the 268) to the grade major and below (list begins home for individuals who are suffering from *Major General Buford D. Lary, U.S. Air with Tommy M. Adams) (Ref. 345) a catastrophic or chronic illness; to the Force, to be lieutenant general (Ref. 269) **In the Army there are 1,060 promotions Committee on Labor and Human Resources. *Lieutenant General George L. Monahan, to the grade lieutenant colonel and below By Mr. DURENBERGER (for himself, Jr., U.S. Air Force, to be reassigned (Ref. (list begins with Charles M. Randall) (Ref. Mr. DOLE, Mr. MITCHELL, Mr. LUGAR, 270) 346) Mr. PRYOR, Mr. RIEGLE, Mr. DAN- *Lieutenant General Robert D. Springer, "In the Navy there are 360 promotions to FORTH, Mr. HEINZ, Mr. KASTEN, Mrs. U.S. Air Force, to be reassigned (Ref. 271) the grade of captain (list begins with Rich- KASSEBAUM, and Mr. HATCH): *General Maxwell R. Thurman, U.S. ard Lorman Affeld) (Ref. 347) S. 1207. A bill to amend title XVIII of the Army, to be reassigned (Ref. 272) **In the Navy there are 1,034 appoint- Social Security Act of establish a program *Lieutenant General Arthur E. Brown, Jr., ments from the Naval Academy to the grade of grants, funded from the Federal Hospital U.S. Army, to be Vice Chief of Staff and of ensign (list begins with Paul Christian Insurance Trust Fund, to assist small rural Major General Claude M. Kicklighter, U.S. Aanonsen) (Ref. 348) hospitals in modifying their service mixes to Army, to be lieutenant general (Ref. 273) *Lieutenant General John H. Moellering, meet new community needs and in provid- *General John A. Wickham, Jr., U.S. Army U.S. Army, to be placed on the retired list in ing more appropriate and cost-effective to be placed on the retired list in the grade the grade of lieutenant general (Ref. 352) health care services to Medicare benefici- of general (Ref. 287-1) *Lieutenant General Dale A. Vesser, U.S. aries; to the Committee on Finance. *Lieutenant General H. Norman Schwarz- Army, to be placed on retired list in the By Mr. HEINZ: kopf, U.S. Army, to be senior Army member grade of lieutenant general (Ref. 353) S. 1208. A bill to provide for the tempo- of the military staff committee (Ref. 288) *Major General Jimmy D. Ross, U.S. rary suspension of the duty on triethylene- "Colonel Erlind G. Royer, U.S. Air Force, Army, to be lieutenant general (Ref. 354) glycol dichloride; to the Committee on Fi- to be Dean of Faculty, U.S. Air Force Acade- Total: 10,191. nance. my (Ref. 289) By Mr. BYRD (for Mr. LEAHY) (for .*In the Air Force there are 15 appoint- himself, Mr. LUGAR, Mr. ARMSTRONG, ments to the grade of colonel and below (list INTRODUCTION OF BILLS AND Mr. BAUCUS, Mr. BENTSEN, Mr. BOND, Mr. BOREN, Mr. BOSCHWITZ, Mr. begins with Upendrakumar Kharod) (Ref. JOINT RESOLUTIONS 290) BREAUX, Mr. BUMPERS, Mr. BURDICK, .. In the Air National Guard there are 31 The following bills and joint resolu- Mr. CHILES, Mr. COCHRAN, Mr. promotions to the grade of lieutenant colo- tions were introduced, read the first CONRAD, Mr. CRANSTON, Mr..
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